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r t~f <br />MORTGAGE <br />TIii3 iifD, PPRtiRE, m~da tltia ___. _ 14th __-__._~... day ~ _ ~~___....__.._------ ______ . i3 ~~ by red {xtreen <br />--L~vX As Gvdasaat. _~l ~iiigla oaK~4A,__ ; <br />of Hall Ctmmq, ivebrata, as ntortgsQOr . a~ Hmoe Ftdacai S trod Lora Aror~iYiaaatt3i~.iti~l,.amrpa/aora <br />taYndmd and e~mtio~ under the tarn of rite United States of America reith in pefMiptl nt!(ee sad pierce of Awies at ('3eagd iilasdr:aie6oeka, as <br />- .. -._ <br />wi'£T1E£SE'/'H: That sod titontiagor. .for and in cnnsiderNion of the sum of ~ - - - - <br />the receipt of which h hereby actaowicd~ed, dn48. _ by thasc otxaenta tarxtgade and ~raYaet i~tstfif ~awiplr; . <br />forever, aN she tttib.irtit described real eatate, situated in the Cauniq of __~~ Ha 1-~- ....._ •.... - <br />and Stare of riebraska, ttrwn: <br />A tract of load toeated in the South half of the 5outkeast quarter {S-1J2 SE=1/4) of <br />seetioa foustetm (14), Tovnahip Eleven (il) worth, Range Tea (20) West of the 6th Y.Has <br />in Hall Cotmtps NebrasEus tsore particularly dascribad u €olloast <br />Starting at a point on the South section line 14 rods Eaat of the Southwat coritar of <br />the South half of the Stsuthagst quarter of said section 14, thence 3iorth on the Eaat <br />property tine of school district #38 a distance of 13 zodas thence East and parallel to <br />South asetion line of said section a distance az 14,54 rods thence South to the saetiaa <br />lice a diataace of 13 rods to the South section tine aforesaid, thence stoat on said Son <br />sactioa liaa of section 14, a distance of 24.54 rods to point of beginnings said tract <br />containistg 1.18 arras more or less. <br />TagaKher with di froslttyt, ace conditianmy,. Irhtutg. and Plumbtrtq eWuapmmi and fixiutra. ancludrnK xrrerss, awntitgs, storm windoxs anti <br />doers, and wtndaw +hadss .rc bliitda, uaa3 on ur sn nmxtertam w tth aatd pmnrrt y, +rteetTre the serene are rx w rti un satd Property nr hen~lter <br />placed thereon. <br />Ti) HA 4'E A.kD TU Hi?LD'1"Mis 5? ~1F:. roastyter wtth alt and „asiieusr the tenrmentx.,faanwnts and appurtenances thrrrunu: br. <br />- 1i4aRdsK, or w aayviae apparsatnutrt. H.rcrer. asm wartsnt tiw tettr tc, the wmr tiau3 mtmt, t6^ar hereby cuvenens 8._- .with said <br />asortgaaee that .. ha _. ~# . at the dairrimy hert,n#. the isxhi# mwrwr of the premieres eiwve conveyed end deacribad, <br />snd . ~e iaued of a goad and iKStut+- x,F inhrrttarx~r ttantrn. tree star rkar ,~f atf encumhrancaa. arai that _. be .. _. wilt <br />warrant sad dr&asd [he trite tisereto forever at[atltDi the c4suux a7 nrmanda ai aft parscros wtuamanrvtr <br />t>Ft(?YI f?€U ALSYA S'S, and t,~ a-,atrumezti :s rzeruiaai srn. dal:v-r~: w --+~cv; r the 1~-nix. of th sum ai .. -. _ .... _.... _ _ <br />Seven Thowand Eight Pluadred :aTtnetp and `io/100tha t>Ei{far,rr<7,840.04.,. __. __. {, <br />with intarast tttseasa, tugethei vetch stash chargny arm edvaru:rs as mere br due arm payahis to soot tnvrtytagee under the terms and ninditiuns <br />of trier pnntnissmy note rsl even date iieevareth and x+rured fierriiy, exeeutsd t>y ,riud nv?rtRagar .+> seed ntnrtp~it/jar. teaYai>ie as in<PrtSand <br />~ aatid data, and to serum the prrfaemaote of aft the terms afld eutxLteuna rinialriad tttetam. The tarnw o! acid note are heieby incorporated <br />hata~ia by this refsmcro. <br />. It is tdsa iataation sad spsaanras. of the ponces hereto tMt tltia enurigaae ahait ciao saciim any Eutum advaacas made w said mortttagor _ _.._. <br />hY said asatftP~-, end say and alt cavktstetina+a m addttaxi u? tfx amount ata,rr statexf whtei, acid murttaiCUerf, yr any of them. fmy Dave to <br />saki'. ltoNwva evtdtti[+al, whether to nt:tr, buoy atzrwnt w „ttt+xwtsr. 7'tus smengage shaft rrmn+n m full four and effect tietwern <br />tba Aaaaao and iMu }terra, parsowsi retirevaaitatrves. Kuctesears ansf a5s;gris, anal a!t emounta atcured hemuniler, encfudiieg future <br />advsaaer, ue paid m full wuh maere~. <br />The _. _ heM;y aseer{tri S .. to aak3 enortttagee ail rears and uxntrir areatiyt at any and all times from scut proixrty and <br />-aabp totthttnae asst mortgyiea tx +ts scent, at its upta~m. upon dcfautt, to take charge of ..aid prctEieny arm a>}tant a!i rents error income <br />thatatram sad apgty LM sate te> the [~lmemt n/ enterent. Prncipai. insstr:nc grwmau::a. taws. aaeesamenta, repairs or im¢rovements <br />aareaaaary w lraapaaidysatpwty en tsiaaalahia maditsoa, w w aJier charaea ur paytrcerita prvvded for herein ur ist the Dote hrmity aecuieti, This <br />e!va asae-voot ahafi tunitaw in !doer until tna unpad 1asLnce of sam notu is #uils paid. The taktiitR of pos_wmainn herruadrr vitaii in no manner <br />peetraat a retard sifitt ~ ist lie txiiiectrvn at said auins by #wreiusure ur uiharwise. <br />77Yt fw'ltes d the saarta~a. so sasaat aav of its rianta h8ft~indrr nt any time shall nd hr construed as a waiver o/ its rtgM [o aaeeri~ the <br />a`anve at any iaiar dine, aryl. W mist uptia and €nfta+x strict trmspliattr .:tie aif the termer arat prxn~+swna of .mrd ieole oral cr# this mortgegr. <br />if said aatxtettertr ahaji careers to he paid tea said ns4etgegsr the ant-err amrwm due tt Inraumter, and under the terms :oat pttwtsi.ui <br />of said oohs hraahy lartYad. incksdiag fatura advantea, and am az#en. urixs x renrwa3a thertarf in accurdam.~e waft Ehe umns and pmvi~iuna <br />thamaf. and $ satd oaritsygtymr .. .. ahttA hanp3Y sit the ptoviaiotu of ~ eraser aiaF of this mortga+tr, t.0ea t[~r preaenta shah be raid: <br />aahvoiar La tttasatsin is ka foes: tiadatfaat, sad said own,pcgsa ahali be entitled w the puaaesesua a! ail of asst proµ+rt.y, and may, at its optinn. <br />tisdasa the srtaia rf:a~Yi mir and a~ ~n r+rpreeantad-thaestsy to fis imrnad;atriy duo acrd pnyab~, asiii asax farreitaap-.ihki mungagr <br />tx taksr aaty athw Yaa1 atxba to protect. its right. Appsaweatesent raivad. <br />Th+a iaassaap shah fsa «lasm tmd ahati-etmre u~ the hr-ar£it of thn hairs, aa..ritture. ashmntatratcvs, a+ntei aura anti aasagna of tha> <br />eaap+itive poraiea hretba. - <br />1'_+i Wf°l'kE,.JkF 1ttNTilfd':CYt'. sw! Mwssaattes .. hs ; ta+rsante ~,e~t ~yja- - 2atuf t}>r day and .•m~ #s»t xFxwa~ <br />sraNLSa. <br />~~ ? <br />Lsttp der t:pdalltn <br /> <br />