MORTGAGE ,~, ~cr~~ss
<br />~i .
<br />This tnaTtaBge-mach and entered-into this 13th day of Isav '
<br />14~=r by a~ betwcttt CfiC lnvestmanti)
<br />(hereinafter referred to as tttertgagor; and Gotncneseial Natiorfai Bartle and 3'rust ~nphay .
<br />(hereinaftu t~€crred tdas
<br />mortgiigee), who rnaitnaitts an office and. plea of Imsineas at _ 424 l~ Third St: street to C~_ end Uiaad.
<br />riall Gwtn[y; Nebraska.
<br />WErisT, tltsit far the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of wlticii is hereby ~,.-the mortgagor
<br />M_~ex hereby tnort;age, sdi, grant, assign. and convey unto the mts~tgagee, its snccasors and _ ,-ail of thie foi-
<br />owing described-property situattd-and lseing in the County of lfall ,
<br />Sate of Nebraska.
<br />Lot (kte (1) in J. S. C. Subdivision in the City of
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />together with all the tenetnents and appurtenances thercta btlot~ing, aA the rents, issues and profiu thereof, and alt
<br />ease#ttents, rights, roya}tits, tniaeral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and including
<br />aH hearing, plumbing, refriguation, lighting, equipment and all fixtures of every description belonging to the
<br />mortgagor [tow or hereafter attached thereto or used in connection with the premises herein described and in add;[ion
<br />thereto the fdllawirtg described propertiGC which are and shall be deemed to be fixtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />are a portion of the security for cite indebtedness herein stand. (IF Wont, stale "none") [.tone
<br />To have sr~ to hold the saint unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided:
<br />'['tit ttttxtgaga i; lawfully sdztd said possessed of and has the right to sett and convey said property; that cite
<br />same is Free from tdl entvrtbrances except as hereittabove exited; and that Mortgagor. covenants to warrant and
<br />defend lice dtk aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against the claims of sit persons whomsoever.
<br />This instrrtmtttt is given to setvte the payment of a promissory Wort dated Mav 13, 1481
<br />in the principal sttta of ~ 4fl.tHTfl.t)D > std by Wi.liiam x. Campbell, gob Wheeler,
<br />in behalf of -. Ctie Invest~rilis and James S,. Cannon
<br />apia, as [etch noEe or notes may#rom tune to time bt tttttdified, renewed or eztendcd in writing
<br />in the eta tits Title to said r~l estate is transferred, or contracted to be transferred, from the undersigned for any
<br />raaicn ar by tiny tttethod wtnttsoever, the entire pritttapai stem arKt accrued interest shag at once became due sad
<br />ptlynhk at thrtiation of the balder hetrof, Failure to exercise this option 6¢causc of transfer of tick as above stated
<br />itt-doe ittt shat! tttx canstitvte a waiver of the: right to exercise tht same in the event of any subsequent transfer.
<br />4 The morTor ta3s~tatt€ and sprat ai follows:
<br />t><Y tits ~ evidenced by ss3d ptotNissacy Wort at the times and in the manner
<br />il. To ppy iii[- Uutts, saltssrt-tnts. warm rates, and ot~' governntental or municipal :barges. fines, or
<br />titttss, fat wltidt pro~~t has nqt Iteon mad[ herehtbtfdre, and will promptly deliver the official receipts
<br />ttt~afor to tilt said tt.
<br />c, To pay srtth t~ and Errs as tnyy be incurretd in the pt'Yttt#ztian aced maimenatue ol" said petrtftrts.
<br />the tsss +~' tiny attotwey ttnplayed by the tt~rtgagee fat the ca#leCtion of any or ail of the indebtedness
<br />it+nt~#ry s~ttrtd, ~ ft~tosure bs rtseW#gagtt's salt, eye eonrt prtrsltn~gs, or in any' s?{her tittpaUOn c>t pn~ire<f~nu
<br />afftctina Laid t~opcrty.
<br />