<br />~ , , 81 ~--00253.3
<br />SI1t7 RE74L Y~STATE - ME?ATC•AGSi
<br />KiLLTAi!_le4. BxGGS and NANCY 3. FsIGGS, husband and wife, each in his and
<br />her names and right and as spouse of each other, Mortgagors, in:onsidera-
<br />tian crf ~i3RTY-EI~'~ THOUSAND OOI,I+RRS ($48,000.00) received from Mortgagee,
<br />•rartgage to GARY O. WIECR, tiartgagee, the following described real estate
<br />a;tooted in Sall County, Nebraska:
<br />Lat Bighty-three (833 in Hmgges' Subdivision of a Bart of the
<br />Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE>i Nii{t) and apart of
<br />the Nortisetest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW~f NEIL) in Section
<br />Trgenty-Bight (28), Tar+nship Eleven till North, Range Nine (9} i~st
<br />of the 6th B.M., Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and
<br />recarde8.
<br />This Secarn9 Real Estate Mo=tgage is q~,ven to secure the payceent of the
<br />principal sum of Forty-Eight Thousand Dollars fS48,000.00} in the following
<br />manner:
<br />2. Oaring the period Nay 15, 1981, to May 14, 1982, Mortgagors promise tG
<br />pay interest on the sum of $48,000.00 at the rate of twelve (12) percent in
<br />monthly installmesnts, each installment of interest being payable on the first
<br />dey of each month, commencing June 1,_1981: wi*-h a final payment due on P4ay
<br />i5, i982, for the fifteen (isl days o€ t9ay, 1982.
<br />2. Zf Martg~ors do ^~t pay the indebtedness of 548,000.00. to the t9ortgac~ee,
<br />Lazy B. Ni~c. key Nay 25, 1982, €iortgagers promise to pay to Gary D. Wieck,
<br />t~brtgagee, ingest on the sum of $48,000.00 at the rate of fourteen and
<br />masse-half (14~) percent commancinu ltay i6, i982, payable monthly on the first
<br />day of eac~s mantles, casamencing June 1, 1982, tv May 15, 1984, at which time
<br />tle~ entire in~ted~ss becomes due accasrding to the terse: of a Promissory
<br />e Mated tray 25, 198.2., executed anti deli~red by Mortgagors tv Mortgagee,
<br />feslu~i~ the principal indebtedness of 548,040.00 plus interest.
<br />'l: 2+t~risfwrzZr Nate provides that time- iffi of the essence of the Promi.s-
<br />D2?srte, asad it default is mad® ire the .payment of atty monthly instal lment
<br />of ~it0.it' for a peric~ of more.tk-an sixty t60) days, the holder of the
<br />~~ i!kst4a mtsclr, withsrut notice +ar d~ttnei, declare the entire principal
<br />