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<br />8I-t~Q25~
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<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23 ~ 938
<br />tALLt~N~'-`7"NESEPitESENT3:'nut Charles F. Lange and Colleen E. Lange, each in his and
<br />her oktfi right and ae Of each others Mttrtyrsor, wftethx see or more, in oos~demiiate of the otm of
<br />2taent~r-five '~fttusamd and ~j ~~°-'- DULLAR3
<br />laaead tsv-said mttrtp/a' by The Egritabk BttiMiua std Lwa Ameiation of Gntd falattd, Nebra~a.!{:,. ~3a~ea, upon 25Q.. shares of stock of
<br />~d ASBUCliRT1LMf, CertiCrate No. L 23 t 938 . ~ ~+ebY gtrttt, convey xtd trtortsage term the said A a fATION the folkmrit~
<br />dtt real estate; e3ettatad ut slap County. Nebtaska~
<br />LCST f17[1R f 43 , BLACK ONE fit$t ~ (119} ,
<br />RAIL.~k~d AflDZTIfPi 'IC) ~ CI'i'Y OF tND ISL.r•if~,
<br />fiAI1, CO[&VRY, Ate.
<br />ta~ttYer vnti all [be ttatrments, het:dnwtesttt ud appurttntanars thrtrtmty lteto_ trtattu#ttaR ariadxd floor tpvers<gs, all wudoq teem,
<br />taitdaw ilndas, tc#~ds, lxotm witsdors, swamp, fwttda, to cundnicststti, atd pfttatbmg sod water ttetuiptmnt and aaxsswlet ttteteto, ptttttps, Hems,
<br />Plfr~TaaO[a. attd asset fattltea std tgalplrieai ttetw Or txrttftQ aftsdted 10 t>t teed in c~}atur-t with saz! rest rstaie.
<br />Aad t the and atattppt ttts speed attd ' ~s 1tatYftY >RtaF ttttl tht IaFHt~v[ SFIYtf iild. wilt pi}` iQ CiIl1 tNd lYIi~CAtl faafGd Of
<br />uewesd uyera mwd gettarss sad u}xxi thn mwtppe and the bid aeuteef tfxecby brfv.. sec suns salt tucovte de8mqutnC to furnish approved
<br />i upaa tie f>vddptp as std prsaases sMUttrd ~ the sum of i t5 t QflQ, QQ pryttafe tv said ASSOCfATiON and to deliver to ssd
<br />ASSOf'IATft.Ntt the fa sssd 4rmutwtc: strd tsar t„ esnsmrt ut petmrt say waste ca et abaw staf pss:nises;
<br />!a a:fte of dQfai{}t :n tfsa pexfttrmettcr of astY cf tree tasam atW ctzraktsvos ve thtc tntrtgt~ vt tfn band tes;ared hsreby, tfts tttort~tgsm ehaU.
<br />an dtrtrod. 6e ratttfed to antaedtau txtueasism cd €fsa x:n:rtpOprd ptztttiars steel sty atwtgagor iurahy sss~p[tt. trsttsfm sad sets aver to the
<br />mottityst aH the teats, :evaat~s sad tasxxtte to br drttsrd t'tvta €hr mattgttied Rraatzves dwtcgt tech rme at tlffi nturtsa~e utdebtedaesa shall rcttxio
<br />a~ the srstt=area sft~ favs tfte ptwer tsz aypenrtt ssy sett w setts tt ntsy drarc far the psuptsae stf repattiad, acid presggas toy raufittg
<br />tba amre sttd ~ tie casts. ta+caaea tad trteonte, sad it trsatr pay test ef" end iacaate a!t expat#aea of tepptftK said ptemtxs attd neoetYry
<br />stoat and a ttxuttsd at reaE~ adut touavgbK the tsme tad t,f ec~ifesYitta tantxlt tttatrftam: the i>aHate tsataiaiag, 5 any, to be
<br />tstwmd thtx~ of sort raartygsa ~. tM,fsa rq~ttt rsf ttta ta,ute stay fu rmraitad as any sites durfni the extueteee t5f such
<br />~_ trtsrgwcina .tf say tat~arary wtts+tt of tlsa suds,
<br />Tftatt ttesuttt, ftov.exr, ate uptm flu Candittem, {"bat t,' the saaef Maxt~vt 1ttt3 rspay tttd 4oae tta o< ttatam tfm tttuuriey of said siataa.by
<br />psyateat: gay ettaati#y to stud 4SS(JC'fATtfN.'l of the ~ tptauFied ~ t,§e A.-atd secwed tterabY as attarwtt and
<br />tie T^wswueti stay of eta~k+ asd every tnuotft, uatd stud w f tt~y pavd, pay ~ taxes sad tatawttrnu levied p`~tpal od sad ktan, an vr'xfare
<br />apas>iK sratf ptsroisa std em t6~e MarEgt~a
<br />~ the i mad thereby. t*tt~a s°utquency. imtt~ ,~ ~.stu'atss+e ets:sa tiu auddiap thrrsan its the suet of 3 ZS t (yam Q fst,Yabia
<br />m std ASfitX:tAitEttt: trpty ttt sttd a!t5ix;tATtCt'.ri ttpatt 3esntrtd to ttaattry by ,t pros tr,, suit tar+u, asstmtttents and insttratex with fatarsst at
<br />tie mrsttsurm kpi rata thttean from due ai pry mntt sL' eti r,fti:~ fittxt~pw ttetrtsy epees to pay: petaut rw wtsta va seed meatiset:ktttp attd extmpfy
<br />vnti ak tiss a~nrntaau attd ctaaixturta of the ftttnd t.as 5 z tfm day grass by tbt said M ^~• to raid ASSt7C1AT10Tf, std- compiY
<br />starts all rtes retpssaar~ars of tis Cnastuutiwt sad Bp~7_aa+s •rT~tidtid'A3t~OC7.A11t3"1: tftrn thmr ptetwnts :tLft baaoaaa dtdf ttnd void, attxtwist ttrsy
<br />dMAi artaain m fad forest std mrtT br fxuaclaasaf tx firs aptiva of ttte said ASSt7~lATl(ki tftrt faiiue for flute tnasttis to melts arty of sad
<br />ptryataoa w tea than mssu#At m utpat a! tdskit~ stud maathfy ~Y>?teat€. ~» w iEarp ~f urmply with the adtettatats tnd cxtndifislas oI twist &4td:
<br />arcs llaet~airr arreaa w hest t tra€eaer appsrtatad fmtfttstik to wc~t farecx' tttaa pastcbedtap.
<br />ff efw n,aY sdoadtt m arnrdugp of tfte tart krsstr ttttutpt~t berate, bl' tak at atie:wae, tltaa the ratite rem iadebNdons lttta+s4y
<br />reeved titrB, u tit aptsatt of tUe f:°gwtapfa f Wiidred sad Lwtn Attest of Gaad strand, *Jtberkt.6etaatne immediately due sad gyattk tvitiwtt
<br />ftsrtiat aatiae, sod tht uraset ratpliwa~ dirt :mda std iwod, sad tmY vtitet bond fa say i adseaaas ttYde t#taatttidm, afnii, fmm the
<br />data erf eaastate of and syAon, ttttat seisms is tfr ataxiaaum t~td rus, sad Chit ~p~ trey than ba ftttedmtd ut atitEy the atooeat ettae as and
<br />taraC,ttri >~ +>doe bevel #~ tdtikiusaf adrtaaaa, tairtlmr witfa t8 traptt fwd bS' Tits }~,ytrtahk Bttd6ied tm~d t aaa Asaae~ssda of Crtmtt ffintd.
<br />fiattaaalru faa Mawreaae. tma and ttmprmrata, sad aburntut{ rstetasFOa ciwyta., wN6 ittistrst tftaaoo, from date of ptymtni st ttm manimttm
<br />~~•
<br />Aa pttsttsdad • tie tawtd tttcwe4 lta~y, wttik t.!as ttstxtpie tttttoins m ettaat t+,te tdeui;gee may t~taafttr advwoa edditiortsl tame to ttx
<br />atttipsta of seed l,.attd, Heir +~ w to se®txs m tattetast, whtdt. , sfnil ba withia the to.-tuf#f of shit tttartgye the Hoar as the ftttuls artgttallY
<br />-. tits sand ateaaat a( ptw~„epti dtM stet en rxseaf a any t:rte_tta; rayitssat sensual of ttt8s tsuxipje.
<br />tYk ttt - ~ ~ !Hay A. p_, f9 $1
<br />.doa~c~„~,~ _____.
<br />t9~LiMdal B,
<br />~^ ~ ~ cfa t~ 15th 3sy of bray 14 d i , Dafma ota,
<br />Ott i6Aiit
<br />(i'HiY [!sE - F. aEtfl2 Ct311t~t E. eie a Nattaty Publia ~ a~ fat satd t=mmty. pte~y asst
<br />R Lancer eercti ltt h4s~iter oast ,right au s
<br />err to fie tit 1AtNaical f+!~ ~ *dtasa ttatdt s aS+~ ttffiud to th~.bmta imtramtat n martit~Ctt +,~ add they *a~+lb
<br />t ~ ~ stdtelwatsttat to is tir~is' vuitotsrY sat sad 6ea6_
<br />ergs httad and hktstttatlllt~al till d~ ate,
<br />i~c~~ea~ana :'.r' °53~ w r..L~......~;:.~,~ ~ _d~.°l~~' ~.
<br />t,~wa~ ~ .
<br />