<br />MORTGAGB LOAN ~. r_• 2 e9a.7
<br />I~NALLMf$iMf'(71BSBPRIi41iNTs:3~t Charles F. Lange arld Colleen E. Iange. each in his- and
<br />her oats right and- as spouse of each other, ~, whatiwr atu err mare, ist of tiw w of
<br />__._ Dd1:LAR8
<br />loaned tild fafs*~Y The P~ttttabie and tort Aaociftin of Grand Nand: r'sbtaaka, MortyBee-.won- A00 ~a aEitoctt of
<br />~ ABBOCFA'fifM+t, Certificate No. L 23 r 937 , do hereby giaat, ttmeey ~[d ttsestpse unto-the ~d AS~IiK'[tt3N rite ftsBberktB
<br />dsaertbed ttad esitlte, siiwted in HaB county. xebrulat
<br />L{YP TF~E {3) i BT~O(SC (R~II' FfiA+tL1RE3~ 11t7tJRTl~ld C114) ,
<br />At~ITIQtt S6 'I'EiE CIT7f 0~' C~tA2~ Imo,
<br />FlA1d.- ~, NI~F2ASI{A:
<br />itt~ather with aH rbe tuts, hercditamenta sad JpinutaAUtces t~reoato beiontu[g. iacfttdias attzcttad tlooi cosaic=s.aU v!ittdpw s6zeam,
<br />saadas, blioda. dafrrt windows. avimtt~s. tmttat[, sa caaditiaaittE, sad ptaa[bir~ sad water equiptaept and aciw thaseta, Pampa, stoves,
<br />sd'iiBaramra.atd otlsp fisttues sad equipment nmv err hereafter xttJdtad to or veed in tutusxttan with sad real estate.
<br />And whasas the ~ arertpBas tm aBr[xd sad does hereby aKet flu[ she :xraregagot strait sad wait pay aN rases and asJasJmepu levied or
<br />ssscssed upon said premises seal upon this tamtpsa and the bond secured tttarthy tx€ore :hc same tt[t}I kw~wmie daiatgnant: [o furaistt approved
<br />instwttoae wan the 6uitditya on ~ pcenmp sauatJd is [be sum cri S dQ i ¢Q(i, pp peyabk to said ~,SOCiATtt1N and to daiitm tr .said
<br />ASSf7ClATSQJpt rice paf&aes far said iAanraAOe: sad trot ;a mtmrW or permit any waste as rx shout sod premmas:
<br />is was of de#sasit sn the Paiforaiaaoc of any of the tcisaa end eaadititms of the mrxtp®r <.r the b+xed secured hereby. the avert shall,
<br />op desmrid. 6e mttiskd w irrm>edlate puaaesaan »€ the murtpped t~ srd the mnsryttt:sr t[areby sstgtas, [ramkn tad seas over to the
<br />atortpyaa ski the teats, ravstttses ara3 intxrtae to tss deti+~ frtlm the axartgrBed piamnea 3wstsk each titae u ttx nwtlBye iAdebtadaex ahaU rettw,iA
<br />a~-> a+nt fret tiWtip~a~e wait hates tfa pevst tci appuiet icy apcni or apeats .::~}- d fss t6c putpoaa of topats#rtg sssd ptensiGt sad rratitsp,
<br />rise same sad ~Bacrittt the events, ravatttsesand teoarae, araf it may pay nw of srd sttWtne s>i eapeASa of rcPa7ritfB teed peemi0aa #rtd neceatay
<br />and tnauited iA reAtag and sari the same neat at urihrctttrp rat[tale ttresafr~t: the balutce remaittitre, if say, to be
<br />tawud [he dtschuge crf said taat~s radebse8tresa: thar t~hts-ai [tee mwiptyme reuy b! esetc£sa3 at JAY tape dwiP6 ttta e>kiatertee of a[tch:
<br />~. irrsepen[iva.of any te#!1}la[atY watsm of the saris--
<br />Tha+e Preaeats, however, are u}xxs tits C'ondaioa,?'tat if tlra sad Esatsys~r shad repay said Hzra txr a>r 6afata the trtatutity of said dares by
<br />gaytrsant: pay atuAthly w said ASSQC1A770Ni of tae wm spagd'tad in [ha Bend spareit hereby as enterer sad priaec2al on sod teat, on or be€ore
<br />the Twaatiath dry a€ eae8t and every atastth, wait seat toss A laity peed; pay sat taaEa asd a3sea®taenis lav~daBJtast said proraiass and as thi:'~tatigag -
<br />a~ [he Bond serxuad Utereby, bsftxa detiacttsen~3: es.:nsdt appto~!ed iasuissce .rprr~ the ~ theruoa in skin suet of S al{} a UpF), QO Psyabk
<br />lee tewt ASSUCSATtt~; repay to said ASSOCIATft7pi upset demsad art mosey by rt pad for sudt teens, amastpaAU-and iitaWaaCe~with tnurest at
<br />the tinaisauAS ieBd rase thetaftt team dun of payment a3! of w sdartpr~.rt Ixrebyahrass to pay; pert ao waueon said pramises;kesP andasnpaiy
<br />aB the aBteetaenis and wadiUwts o€ the Bid €os S QO QQQ, (pp [his day ~tven by thw said , to said AS~Cff1il[t31+1, and. cntaply
<br />xmh aB the raputomtats of the f;twsti[utioa sad By-Lawai>{ssid AS50cfetl't(lid: ehm [Aare prssenugh~decAma wit and void. othmwisa they
<br />>h!B Weenie ~ fudl faros aAd mxy be foreJaaed at the aPtwa of the sand 4SSCIS7ATitiM afro faitma £ot tbta tnaaths to ttgke nary of said
<br />ut >a thra saoaetp ~ ureass is ttwititts acid moat r-~. tgs[ettts. +u to k asd a3mpty wi€h fha a~W sad copdi€ants of acid Bond;
<br />liast~pr ahem[ w haw a rsarxver appoatted furtttw~ih m web fosadasuee ptoteedpya.
<br />tE than b say t in uwaeiship of flit icai estate tasrt'a®ed haeia, by sale ut otherwiaa, rhea the ettun tam[ipia; istdehtadtMSS hereby
<br />rem sMvA, at the optiart of Tice ~w}tshia Bwmipg and Lom Asodatien of Graod Idwd,Nebiaska.,bsootps immediauiy dtae ~adpayahie witbaat
<br />funlser aaeiaae, sad the satattai rat~ittip` doe tmda said hood, amt :ay other bard for nay addkioail adatuea made theemtada, s'bali, frem the
<br />~- a{ eaaciae of said 6eas iataeat at the ntaaieattm irga/ rate, ~d thh mixi fyt racy ibeA ba fosscksad to satisfy the atpoapl dtre oa said
<br />bastd.+tad aaY atha Car s~ddrotwal.advancis, t skier with JU Mast pad by said Ilse igtutat[ie BaiWinp sad Loan Aaaociatimr of Craod-IsLtnil,
<br />i~iritsti[a {ut l$wt~e, ranee sad aresameats, sad alMZrac#iai sxiant+aa cbatpes, ssirh vttai+Ht t~s~, frtMtt data of payatant at the rst~dsutttti
<br />Aa ppro4idgd is the Egad scx-utcd haieGy, while tttit mosthatpt reiaaips m et7'cet [be ami;aBee msy haaafta advance ~riitioasl mtraa to xhe
<br />mritcra of aid Send. than asa~s as urxe~rs is itsterast, w3sth zutm saaB br within the saurity of `? is ttsottpps the soma as the ftroda oriy
<br />Y, ilte toLt anrtnmt of psusrapsl debt atri so saead at soy tune the aripstal asoouat of thin atoryap.
<br />ttMl _ ~ ' !) day of ~y A. n., 19 ii 1
<br />/J
<br />Cd lt'i; ~. ~ ~
<br />5 fA"~ GF ~A, ss. Os thin 15th tray of P4ay l 9 &l . bafbnr ma,
<br />NAI.t,
<br />the twdentpsed s fiataay is sad tut seat Cts~y; crma
<br />Etzl;~t F, Lam aril colleen E. Langee each in his and- fret cx;q[t~t~}tt atxl a~ ~e~`'~of-`
<br />~* who a~ pata~altylt+stwnta
<br />tws ar •e doe its petswt s svhoae tmpe 6 are affiaed to skit ~ ir~rustteitt as,tsam'tytSar S aA0 ~X tavatst$
<br />--i ~ rid iaet;aopeat to be tkh~.i= vaMmsary art sad 8atd,
<br />htaadepd Sri seat the flare a;oraand. -,
<br />~.:._i~.
<br />t~ahita at - ,__ .. ..._.___...
<br />t
<br />- _ -.: _
<br />~... _.. _....c
<br />