<br />51.-- o~tr25D1
<br />THT9 iNBSNTt71EE; orde tEae__~. 14~:_~.,.__daY of_ M.~_._.._~._;~., 19 8i' kY tad ti.tween
<br />Darrel H. nrg reed Dxr~~R~Sa~f_T~~hzsaband and rife. rash in his +~d her a~
<br />t ~ as a'xe c+f tba athBS a.
<br />T
<br />ttf kTgll CmtstY,Nahraika,aattuxtga;err a .mWFtomeFeaierdSarip6aadt.wnAtwautimtof~sa~fd~;trcwpOnrlt~a
<br />sad txiping ua~ the hw erf the united- Smies of Arueriea with its priatipaf affix and puce of bw®m a f3rsad load,-Nabrseb, ad- . - -
<br />Wfi':7~SSETH: 77ut said timrtga{ar 6 ,far and is cmaklaatiat of fhe awn of _ -.- -.-- -_..
<br />T`*Ffws Thousand 'Pwiva Bad Nn/l0ottta** tt<ata fs 4~DY2.00 i
<br />the radpt of stfdeL ulxreby ark, do ~____ _. hY these praserets ttrart/ige and warrant unto said trout
<br />ptyee. itsatftxasroraandari~--
<br />ftaevv, aff the fetibwin; efeac[ihed rest state. tituatM in the t'oua[Y of .--- Ha 1 i
<br />ataf 5tme of iYe'brsai;s. to-wfc _. - -
<br />~t~ltR~'-1464kdt #1fAllBtf>
<br />Lnt Tea f 1A} Wtstarzi AaiKttta Third Sttbdiniaitat Haii Cntmtye't~i~.'~'~~'~`" -
<br />Tgtrthar with aft fsasttnK. sir n>nda wnutg. '•idthivag. and Plunwty[ n4u,Prtmnt atx: i:xtu.-rs.:nciudmx v:'renns, awnings. <_tarrrt windows and
<br />tfama, and wuidsir ahadts or tehttttfa. used tm or m rwnnaci wn with sax! property. w!a!tfrer ttu same are now tacated nn staid profierty or hereofter
<br />pkcea t.firaartrri
<br />TCl NAPE A,"i Y3 2Y) HOLfJ Tff E' tiA~E. F.oaet.her a-xh ail era: Singitur cr:e t:m«mrnts ~.,~..utarrx•ncy and npptutrnancrs thrreuau, ise..
<br />R. or in aaywae agyar€axntng. [rtn,ver. ant! warrant the title in the .ame. ta.d mra€ragar 8- hvr!>y ._.~venant ..... - with asst
<br />that C.. he Jt-... BIa: at the ~ialtvery €wrxnf. the law€ui c,w rtn a ~,f the premises aixtve conveyed and tiaxcritreel.
<br />esd._._ars_. alamei of a {taaitJ and usdelessihie +-atate :_€ :nturttance tMrevs, Yree and :itvr :rf ai: erteumtirnntt^., end that _C.__ he__.,X will
<br />+wrraat erad dafwod tke title tlietrts sxever tigamsi ;.be ciatms ana uemataia.of ali persona whtrmsnever.
<br />isft4}V1tyE13 AE.1tiAY5. aitd ttua tnatxumant:vz;ecsr:R+tf sesic.ei,veresi tz; 3s+curezr~;rsytnent of the um of - _..__.___...__.__._._
<br />--*~flFatitr_ Tilnussad...~sa2~ra sod.. 3Ta(14Dttu-*?* t~,uan ~s 4,Q12.S14_ _
<br />with usEareet tea, taEUldiet with asath <narges aaef rdi antes., as .nay be dtm axaf twyetriv w aate3 nxm,Ragea. v:ttier she, terrtta and randitinns
<br />tf the PAY riots of oven date iwiewttt; a~wf -. = urn t.srei_iy- rxensie i hs t e~i :agta 8. - c,> gard = xu:gayer, t~yabte as rxprc~sua
<br />m and tarts. er>~ W aecti[e the parSotmaaoc of aff the taazxa a.-sd <:xxfitiexaa :°cuttanwd t5eretn The tati•rns of uad hate are hereby irxrrpnre4~d
<br />bweex kY tkie wia~face.
<br />!t is ike mte~rris tad eaeeausat of the partxeat hdasa that tltn rnwettyta she]} afar secure any future advances itsade to sate! martRtyWr _..8
<br />by said tat>ttgapes, and atiY alai aft iritldttxdnnsa iii addii.iua to the aeTxwxat. aixevr stated w-feict. -aatd nairLRrtgura. to any n{ them. maY owe to
<br />acid tttoryplEae. basrevar evidsncati, whetigr try taxe_ 4:tyit atxwnt sr -rthervrts._ '?'hta tnnrt.gaAr =raid remain to full force- and eHtst -F>ctrve~n
<br />the parties kmetn atsd tftear hens. persrrsai rtgresenuttvaxs, sutcrssoaa sad asat,~rnc. until ail atnwnen ~teitrsd hertvtafet, irxiuditgt future
<br />advasise: are pstd m SitiS with utieraat.
<br />'ISa'-.df..-. !aneby aaat{Fxt *_c. aatd naurtgagee aft rc~tia anJ :namie armttrg at env and dt ttmm from wid property and
<br />haPat y autkltsrae card tmxtgagaa m to ag+atti. ac eCS w,n,wn, 3ptgt dtfauit. to tape ctwRr .:rf !~atd pnopesty end coifed elf roots alai utcrrtne
<br />thaRakraim and sp~ply tkr aams to the payment of iatetwa. priatipsi, uistuance Premiums. taat>p, aaae.ement*. tepaua or tmpivwena!nte
<br />Paaynaae) Le4ar4 ea1r1 pESps4Y ut trawtetds txudHaoa, err ui etUfmr cfrau~t err pnymasts provided for harms err fn the ,tote
<br />feereisy aariirad. 'I'bis.
<br />twtt !•sai~p/ atesFl csatiatee is foete tffittii tJaa unpaid Pq~ rd said carte w fully fwd. The taftutg of ptmss»ann heaeutafer shall in oo manner
<br />pnverri su retard said nm:tgttgea k the redfertiam c,i fwd lama by irxerkrsure or txherw rows.
<br />- "f'ba d`th4e-tm~aetpQfe sv ascent aety of tta tights h~v~ar at am sorts aita{i rwt ta..waatruad as a.wsiv~ of its right to sneers the
<br />same at asy krer.tuaq and to insist. upon amei erriarre strait evraspfsartev with ai: Lire ~.erms and inuvtaxrae of wd tarts and of thin merry Rage.
<br />ft acid "-; shdteaflae ra be Past ra said murtgagce tP.e sofas atnsu~ due rt hemsndirr, and rttldFl ~fre Leona and provsstnns
<br />rrf.twid ante Leaf§Y eel itrcktdeag fafdrre advsnrre. and any rsiaasY.ran err ratawafs thereof ifl accordaaee.wNJt the terms and praviaa•ns
<br />tharad, ruts ii wd lstElpasr:..i._.. skaif tsxap~r wale aft the Pravn+atcs ert aatd taste em of this mtxeptge, thr%t tiscse presents steal! tea vast:
<br />n~iMieatiasiata~ettFjt-itt47~totataad e~aea. ndaswt umtt~~aba13 t+e ~+tftfed *.u iris poawaace of ail of end pruPU3Y. asd meY. at its aptton.
<br />~didare tfr-adloiatd twirl »slr sad ad f repreatenrad. thesei3y to Ise iasuetiiv~Y due sad paYakk, sad amp itaucioee this r»ortilagc
<br />cis ititsafp afyne ftaii~ atQiaa b peathcR ire tyfAi. Appr~mseat waissd,
<br />7leia tatetlfdsr- aYveN. ba Limffa8 trNao sad .kdi tmare w tlxe t:asefit ai the htaro, aserutora. ;adraatptretoea. ata>LSUeore slid autgtts ai the
<br />nrapalttve paetiu kraals.
<br />/'~"..
<br />lAf tvTYN6'1ia ViiM€~RP.41P: tuud klersfptgur 5. - ha YE, sat t~._. "i.,~ the day araf year.fint airm<v
<br />wet ,' r~~ _ ~ f~ ~; # y~if -yam
<br />