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_. <br />81- ~E~24~9 81-r-i)Ci~~l~(l~ <br />ilein+aasrt:tsvett,ttrra. Berrtowet' and Lender covenant and ogee as follows: <br />3. 1ta711ta~N d ~ ttd bEaseat. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of a[d intertwt oa the <br />iadtass eridmoed by the Note.. psepayateos aid tare charges as provided in the Note, atti the principal of and ineetest <br />as aagt;~Mtafe Adva[toea secured by this Mortta~e. <br />Z, Ft~i ~ 1`attsa ~ titttat+aeee. Subject to applicable taw or to a written waivee by Lender. Borrower ahaH Pay <br />as Y:+a~s' six zba ~ ~ sue.-it~aasG o€ fpal anti ir~sat nns •~ayaltk nitder the Kopf, ugtit the Note is paid in full, <br />a tttrm _n `Ftiotira'9 ~- to ~ of the yearly -taxes and ~ which- tray attain priority over this <br />• arid;rgttad-rgafii on the Property, if any, pltia ono-twelfth of yearly prt~orum inualiments#tx hazard, irtattrance, <br />pros apa,trPelfth cif' ymu}y.pratnitgn ipstallments for tttortgsse imurance, if any, all as reafooehlY extimated iirtitfaHy and frawm~ <br />tp tftae by Leader on-the b~ia of a~rtettq-and bilk and reasonable atiarated thereof. <br />..'Fite. Porten shall be held in an it~itution the depexits or aocounts t:f whidt are ittsue+ed or gutiragteed by a >SStt tx <br />apse aBrncy (loeittdiag Leaba it Ls~er is such an irttaitution). Leader shall apply the Fnerds to pap said°taxes, q~arlxnts, <br />iasta'aaoe psraniwtta and ground rents. tettber inay riot charge for so hawing and applying the Fonds, attalyzio#ttd aixount, <br />or verifpioy.tad compiifns said asaessinenes and hills, ualrss lender pays Borrower interest on the Fitztds aced appGcabie taw <br />permda Letrder to make stick a charge. Horrower sad Lendkr .may agree in writing az the zirne 6t etteeatiEMt of this <br />aft~fp: shat Imetrat on the Fonda shell be paid to Borrower, and crnless retch agreement is made or apptigble law <br />fo 6e paid, Lauber shalt slat be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on tlx Ftwda. Lender <br />shag grvc m Harrower, without charge, an annum accounting of the Patois showing credits and debits zh the Funds ietd the <br />purpose for whid+ each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the suttm securext <br />by this fa<. <br />tf the sittawu of the Foods held by Lender, together' wtith the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due etaus of taxes, assessrrrettts, insurance premiums aird ground rents, shat! exceed the arttount required to pay said taxes, <br />awanameats, iastaance prer[»tuns and ground rents as they fall due. such excess shall be, at Harrowcr's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Harrower an monthly tnstalltnents of Funds. If the atettunt of the Patois <br />held by [,antler shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, asacssments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, <br />Htsrrosser shall pay to Lender any amount nec~ssar} ro make up the d€fn iettcy within 30 da;s from the date notice is mailed <br />by Leader to Bexravaer rapiating paynxnt thereof. <br />Upon pagmeat in fteH of slf sums secured by this Mattgsge. i.ender shat! promptly refund to Harrower any Funds <br />hdd by lsoder. If udder paraEraph f R hereof the Property is v?d ar ttx Propeny +s otherwise acquired by Lender. Lender <br />shall apply, no later than immebiatety prior to the sale of the Property or its acquivtion by Lender, any Funds held by <br />tender tl the urne of application as a credit against the sums secured by this Mongage. <br />', A~Yasp~sa a( ttgteeah. Lrnless applicable taw provides eth€rw;fse. all payments received by Lender under the <br />Note and parasraphs I and 2 hereof shad be applied 6y Ixnder first m payment of amounu payable to Leri~r by Borrower <br />under patapaph 2 tre[•eof, then to interest payable an the Nac, then to the principal of the Note, and then to interest and <br />principal oa any Futtirc Advances. <br />:. Cisrt~ I.dsas. 8orrowrr snail pay ati taxes. assessments and other charges, fines and impositions attributahk to <br />the 1MOptrty which may attain a priority over this Mortgage, and leasehold payments ar ground rears. if any, in the manner <br />ptvvided tinder parap•aph 2 hereto or, if not paid in such manner. by Borrower making payment, when due, directly to the <br />payee tbereoi. Borrower atW! ptemtpely furnish to Letuier all nouc€s of aritouna due under this paragraph, and in the event <br />8orrosrer ahati make payment directly, Wyrfowcr shat! pra+rtptly furnrsh t=. Lender receipts evidencing such payments. <br />Btirtsrts~ Mali promptly discharge any Irn .which leas priority over this Mortgage: provided. t!ta[ Harrower steal! not- b: <br />tsgtrited to discltargt: nay such ilen so iorig as Borrower shall agree in wrung to the payment of the obligation secured by <br />ssrh lice in a manner at€eptabk to Lender, or shad in goad taith utmest strC#t tree by, or defend enforcemait of such lien ir.--, <br />whidr operate to prevent iht enfance[[~nt of the lien ar forlei[ure of the Property ar any part thereof. <br />S. Ihaati-LYSaat<e. Horrosvar shall keep the imp;crv€tntnts now cxtsung ar heraftcr erected on-the Property insured <br />--atfainat loss by fHe, bayards included within the Caen "extended Carerage". and such ether hazards as lender may requre <br />stsd is such aatotiuts and far such periods as Lender may require: provided. that }.endu ;hall net require that the amount of <br />such twveraie exceed that atmrmt of Coverage regmred to pay tfte ct,ncs s€cur€d by this Mortgage. <br />'the isarrraaete carrier pmvfdfng the uisiiramx shad he chorea by Harrower subject to approval by Lender. provided, <br />that sudt approval shall tip be unreasonably withheld. Ali premiums ; ti insurance paticies shat! be paid in the manner <br />ptnvidisd under parapaph 2 heremf or. if trot paid in such manner. by Harrower making payment, when due, direct}y to the <br />insurance carrier. <br />AH itiwrana potitus and reaewab ther€af ;draft 6e in farm acceptable to Linder acid shall inchide a standard mortgage <br />elatise in favor at and in form aaxptalskc =v t.endt€. Letedet snail have the rig#tt to how the paticies and rerbew~ais thereof. <br />a[d Borrower shall promptly turitish to Lender art renewal tiatices arui all receipts of paid premiums. In the event of lass, <br />Borrerisv shaft pve prompt notice to the itustranex axtier and Lemkr. Leader may make proof of loss if trot made Promptly <br />by 8artwwes. <br />Udas Leader and Borrower otherwise agree to writing, insurance proceeds shall be applies to restoration or repair of <br />the PtapeRy damaged, provided such restoration or repairts ecorrearically feasible and the security of this Mortgage is <br />and thpeby iso{ueieed. If such testarat+rni or repair is not €cotromicakty t€asihk or if the sectertty of this Mortgage would <br />be the inau»ace proceeds shah t+e applied to its` sirens stxurs=t !=y rites Mortgage. with the excess. if any, paid <br />to Botrosrtrr. if the Property is abaniianed by Hartxrwer, ar tt Borrower fasts to respond [a Lander within 3D days from the <br />dare aoras is ttsailed by Lender to Borrower that the itnwaerce carrier of[en to settle a claim for insurance betsefits, Lender <br />is aathexiaed m txillect anti apply tl[c imurtenee proceeds at Lender's uptioa either to restoration or repair of etx Property <br />ar m the tt~ saeura! by din Mottle. <br />Unless Lander aid Bortsisver otherwise agree en wriiittg. any such application ref proceeds to pnrxipal shalt not extend <br />ix eroseaisee the doe ~ of the ntaatttfy insta#fwexr[s r€fcrred [o in paraerapha 3 and 2 htrtof ar change the amount of <br />each iaenva ll tintkr para=raph €g hereof eke Property +s aequuexi by t cmfer. ail ngitt. utfe attd tnt€rest of Borrawar <br />is and to tt•t!r imutaoce poiaam aid in and to the protxects thereof resrrbing from damage to the Property. prior to the sale <br />err asxpssitioa ahafl psaa to Larder to the extort of the sums secur€d by Chit MarlQagt imtnidiaidy prior to such sale or <br />~• <br />i laaMVaMw attic Mialrtlatarce d fhaptesgr, isassiadia Coeiad~ fL~ Urdt De+dapaieab. Hortower <br />stall 1Wely tba Ptopalty in lbootl repair and shall not comma waste or parait sr[epairment or deuviaration of the Property <br />yy- wt~ the provisiems of any kax it then Motx~ge +s on a lersehold. If the Mottgage is on a emit in a <br /># a p{atuad uteH de+winpeaeat, Berttoxvtt shaft perfssrm all of Horroaer s vbli=atioro urider the declarauon <br />~ tam e ~ govart3~ the _t:adotetinitam ar piantted unit ~v€4+pnesnt. the by-laws attd regulalionx bf the <br />` , or piaaaed urria ~= std carutuirem dwum€ncs. It a Condominium ar planned unit devclaptnent <br />rid~i is by fiorroessr an!d reesxtlad tosttha with this Maregagc, the covenants acrd agtcementa of seieft Wrier <br />ba ~ iaM and shah atmeai amt suppiemem the covenants and agrcemertts of this Mnttgage as if the rider <br />4rteta a,p~r't~- - <br />~~- },at lwrrseea BaaseMp. If 8orros+esr feriis to peefottn the covenants rind agreements containedsn rttis <br />~, ar ~ arrFr aiaiats or paonsdiy n cntnnseuead wltleh materially a~bt Ltrird€s'x urtexear i4 the Property. <br />~, brit not iiespilsi to, atpiirant tloaaaw: iasairency, cerdc enforcement, ur arrannh ar ptxrs~eexiings +nvaiving a <br />;F ~tsrt'dipppds~, thM- lattder at i..eader`s opeiaa, upon notice to Harrower, may make stick appearartm. diatn+rse such <br />xsseAa tend tykg . ati.~ua ~ is 'y w pirgcct Leader's :ntcr€se. iac)teding, true stet limited ta, disbursement of <br />.tom aiticanei{! Etas awd retry upetst the Pt=apgrtp tt~ make -repairs. if l.etrd€r rr+gtriret rtitrrtgag€ insutancc as a <br />t of the feset fatau'ed tilt this Maripgt> Horrowcr shelf pry the preatiunss r€quired to maintasn such <br />iaaaraa~3a le !ftlacr tarty tieait ~ ebe regetiretnartt 4or such isauratr€c fetmtnatcs en accordattre with Barmwer"s and <br />