<br />$1--~1~)~4~~
<br />Ctxtratst CavBKerrrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. ?ayaeeat M ire lttterest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />endebtedntae evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />oa any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2,: ~ :ss'3'~ a~ Etx. Subject to applicabk-taw or to a written waiver 6y Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to I.eadieron the day monthly installments of principal and interest-arc payable-under the Note, utNil•the Note lapsed-in-full,
<br />a Siva (herein "fitmdt") equal to cite-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which ttiay attain priority- aver this
<br />Mortgage, and ground-rents on the Property, if any. plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments-far hazard ertsumrtce,
<br />phis otio-twelfth a#yearty preatittm instaftinenix for mortgage insurance. if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from.
<br />time to tetnr-by Liuiidei• on the basis of assessmetus and bills and reasonable estimates- thereof.
<br />77K Fusels shall be hek! in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are enwrod or guaranteed by a-Federal or
<br />-stateagericy (inetuding I..etider if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Furtds to pay said taxes; assessments,
<br />etisuraace pretneiutis and ground yenta. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing sul account,
<br />ar verifying amf competing said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interat on the Funds and-applicable law
<br />pe.-mitt fender to make-such a charge. Borrower and Lender may ogre in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mertgtigt-chat irnereat on the Ftmds shall be peed to Borrower, and unless such agreetttem rs made or applicable law
<br />regttittx snob interest to be paid, Lender shaft not ire required to pay Borrawtr any interest or earaings on the Futiils. Linder
<br />shall geve to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose far which each debit to the Funds was malt. Ilse Funds are pledgee as additional security'for the sums secured
<br />by this M6rtgagr.
<br />ff the amount of the Ftmrh held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Ftmds payable prior to
<br />Hre due dates of taxes, assessments, itrattrance premiums slid ground rtmts, shalt exceed the amoum required to pay said taxes,
<br />atxapaettis,tnsuzance prttrdutns and ground rents as they salt due. such excess shall Ix, a[ Borrowers option, either
<br />prauptly rt:paid to Borrower or credited to borrower an monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the- Funds
<br />htdei by f_enskr shat! riot ba sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance pttmiums artd ground rents as they fall due,
<br />Borroter-shalt pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the cfe8oenc} within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by under to Borrower regtresaing payment thereat.
<br />Upon paytaem to full of all sutras secured by this Mortgage, fender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />tiotd by Lender. 1f uttdor paragraph f R hereof tht Property ,s sold er the Properly is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />sliaB apply, na later than etnmedisieh~ prior to the salt of the Property or its acgwsrteon by (.ender, any Funds field by
<br />feeler az the ntiie of appticateoa as a credit against the sums secured 6}' this Mortgage.
<br />3. A~iieadea d Prry~eels.. Unless applicabte law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under the
<br />Mott amt paragraphs t a~ 2 hereof shah Fx applied by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />uet3tr paragraph 2 hereof, tt't~ to inttrat payable on the Note, then to the principal at the Note. and then to interest and
<br />principal on arty Futtrte Advances.
<br />4. t-~t [.leas. Borrower shat! pay aB taxis. assessments and other charges. fines and impositions annbutable to
<br />rho property which try attain a priority over this Mortgage. and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any, in the manner
<br />pttrvedtx! tinder paragra$li 2 hereof or. if not paid in stxh manner, by Borrower making payment, when due, dirtxdy to the
<br />payer thetmf. Borrower shall promptly fum~sh to Lender all ra:ucrs of amounts due under rhea puag[aph, and in the event
<br />Borrower shall [Hake payt~nt directty, Borrower vhaf( promptly furnish to !.ender reeeipis evident:mg such payments.
<br />Borrower shalt pioanpdy discharge any ften-whuh has priority over this ~fartgage: provided, that Borrower shall not be
<br />required to dischargo ally such lien acs long as Borrower shaft agree in urntng to the payatent at the obligation secured by
<br />Stich ItCn to a trianiier aCCeptabk tU l.rader, Pr shall in goad Earth c:antest such iren ,,y, ar Defend enforcemrnt of such lien in,
<br />legal proceedings whkh operate [o prevent the rnfarcrtncnt of the iten ar forfe[wre of the Property or one part ihtreof.
<br />S. )mud leroeftit:e. Borrower shall keep the ,mprovemenis Haw esisttng ar hereafrer ereeteti en the Property insured
<br />agairut loss bY' fire. hazards included within eras term "extended covtrage'~. and wch other hazards as Lender may require
<br />sad m snot amounts and far such pcnads as t.cntkr may require: pravtded, that Lender shalt Hat require that the amounE of
<br />such coverage exceed [hat amount of coverage required to pay the. sums cecurcd f.y this Mortgage. -
<br />'t7te insttraitce carver providing the insurance shall be cttosca try Borravrer subject to approval by Lender: provided,
<br />that such approval shelf (tat bt unrctisanably withheld. .41E premiums on insurance policies shalt be paid in the manner
<br />provided tinder partgraph 2 txreaf ar, rt (tat paid in sorb anantttr, by borrower msktng payment, when due, dircctfy to the
<br />enstiraoce carrier.
<br />AB itasurattce paltctes and renewals thrri~t shalt ter m form accrptabk to Lemler and shall +nchxie a standard mortgage
<br />clttue in favor of artd rn farm aeceptabte to lr_ttder, l~ndrr shaft have the right to bald the policies and renewals thereof,
<br />oaf Borrower shall ptoteptly furttxh to Lanier elf renewal rtauces and sit receipts of paid prcmiurtts. fn rho event of Pass,
<br />Btt:rawrr shall give prompt tatttce to the tttstirattcr +antrr attic Ixadcr. Lender may make proof of Pass if not made promptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Uttloaw Leader and Borrawu <it}tets+rse agrce in wrung, tnsuranct proceeds shat! be applied to restoration or repair of
<br />the Prispesty danta~d, provtdtd such restoration or repair is teonamtcally feasible and the security of this Mortgage is
<br />trot thtuaby imgatred. It such restarattaut or repair is not rcarwmtealty feas:bk or tf the security of this Mongage would
<br />be iuspeired, the insurance ptotxafs shall be applr..d to the slims secured by this Mortgage. with the excess. if any, paid
<br />to Bort»wer. If the Proper(} is abaridotted key Borrower, or tf :;orrawer faits to respaod to Lender within 3U days from the
<br />date twtitt is r»tkd by Leittkr is harrower that the tmurance carrier offers to settle a claim for insurance bcneftts, Lertdcr
<br />is atrihtiritxd to colka and apply the insurattcr proceeds at Lender's spleen caber to restoration or repair of the Property
<br />a W this stints stxurcd by tips Mortgage.
<br />Uulas !.ruder aed Bonawer otherwise agcy m writing, any such application of proceeds to prericepai shall not exttttd
<br />a postpone fbe disc date of the titot:ihty installments referred to in paragraphs !and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such itWaflinirnA. !f tinder paagrapht t R hereof the Praprny es acquired sty Lender, alt right, ode and interest of Borrower
<br />is aaA Lis any ittiiiuaocr policies aai in astd to the proceeds theteoi resutimg from damage to the Property prior to the sale
<br />as action shag t~ to L.erxkr to the axttnt of the sutra secured b} this Mortgage immediately prior to such sale ar
<br />ttAgtN;stttrit.
<br />f: 11!lAeert'eflea eel tNaieteeaeoe of Progeny: tereeiia/~: C~iotidiagttgs; PLoaed Uai1 De~retugiweisw Borrowee
<br />aftalt ttsoP the Property lit good repair atuf sbaU not cttmtni[ waste or perinea impairment or deterioration of the PropenY
<br />aASI shall tomp-y with the pravisiotsa of an} tease tf this Aiartgage is on a leasetto{d, tf this Mongage is on a trait in a
<br />~ZUm or a planned unit de+,elogment, Borrower shat! perform all af, tla['tower's eMtgations under the declaration
<br />ar .~vimaafs creatis~ srr gaverttittg the cattdarrtintum ar piarrntd uttx development. the by-laws and regulations of the
<br />¢agdpaiiqutun at pfaranaaf unit ¢rwwelgptnent, sad cattsxittiertt documents. If a condominium or planned unit tfevelapeT[tnt
<br />rider is ritacittal 6y Borrower aai resanfod togethu with this Mortgage, the covenants and agtetmcnts of allele rider
<br />r~bdl he,iaaur~satad ttato slid shag around aisd suppfimxtn the rovenanu anti agrtxmcnts of this Mortgage as it the rides
<br />wtEt^at s)>w#r ttKeot.
<br />?. # •l LaMq's 4'• If Barrazvor fails to perform tlio covatants and agreements contairrod in this
<br />cat: ii attar tN:tioet or pradiag is cotttptottcad which materiality alia:ts l.eator`s interest in the Prctptrty,
<br />ii4~rd~itl,5g, but..itot tiroited ta, Cms3lent domiia, ittaetlveney, cods cn#arcemen[, ar arrangemonts rye proceedings envolvittg a
<br />IrytstsyiFl cu dot, rhea LtRdot at L~ailec's aptirm, upon ttoticc to Batrawet, may rflakC ttticlt appCit'aruY,S, dJabtttse such
<br />aed trs~ stwE#a ate as is iasc~suY to prt~ut f.rnder's enteral, incfudttig, taut raft Limited ta, dtsbursomatt of
<br />rlipettat ~s._fotpt,ai+d-entry upon rho- Property to make repwn. If f.ertder requited rnattrttte insitranee as a
<br />- of-~ the- fitars aecisred by this Mvrsgage, Harrower shall pay the preen+ums rq}utr~ to trtahtiain sit~fi
<br />~rlwlataa is eta. tert~ snob Baas as t)rr rrgtriraraeat tar such tnsiuaitce iefminatra en accardttrwe with Borrowsr's and
<br />~~
<br />w
<br />