Tt+at•Ut-~'s.ill~~ the im€d~adtteKa.aa=€tetvinbeGm~provie~ad; .. _ -... , ;...
<br />TFut the 1` 1e. eha•.dwmer of said Property in fee a£iaPle and has good right and law€ul authority to soli and.
<br />rbtivey the ttame.tnd tiW-the-wins iaixeatsd clai!r oC'.asylieicor ettcvmbcrutoe: aad•that~littitlgagor wilt warranb'rnd:detead='ol'io' " ~~'•
<br />title to staid Pta+Ftroea ae+tiast tbt elaiaos of aN €+, wt+iwr.
<br />- To pttlri~aedGatrly svlseadne-sad ptayahlc'sN ~eri1'tatttca, specta€"latter; npeetal~ aasrasmenta, water charges; tte+wsr~serit: -
<br />ttsi~ atitKer rasa a+xt rxrrgna a~aitist Said ptapet2ys arsif ~€- taxer levied tai-the de3at sacnred hereby, aad to €araish-'the
<br />#`~ ` with ttte_uo t or d e reeeipti therefor. The Mortgagor agrees that-there s1ia1l-lie adt~dd -tit -.
<br />1ltorlipt~lre, i7}toa.+:'9tim• Sm~ uPlicat
<br />each maattfd7 payment rcquired_hereund¢r +x under the evitlener o€ dept a+ecured hereby an amount estimatted fiiy t£tw IlRartgagew
<br />to he etsitbk+ tlis ~- to pay, as they become +iue, alt-!antes. aasaretetents. and similar chargea.~upori~tbe:pxm• -.
<br />Asa si#~iact tt+erefn; arty t€e6cieircy liecaitse i>{ -the insu€fiuiexicf• of such sdditiaaat payastents s14ai1 }ie forthwith°dwpos€Wd by [he
<br />ifs'-_-. with the-Mwtgstgwe upon-detrtaxrd by the Murigaget AnY-+letau£t under this paragraph shalt be derrtwi a de€ault in
<br />paytheat trf-- term, sreaitteatv,' xir similes charges requited hereunder. - -
<br />The Mortgagor agrees t}iat-there shall also hw added to oath roonshly payment of princ£pnl and intwtest required here-.
<br />under an amount rstimated by the Mortgagees to he s+dfi+nent to rnahlr the ilnrtgaRee to pay, as it becomes due, the insurance
<br />ptein£s:°t rwr tiny irauratur policy dehvered to the Mortgagee. Any deficiency because .+f the insufficiency of s+tch, sdditioaal pay-
<br />itwRLi slisl!_ hi forthwith-le7waitcd by the Mortgagor with the MRrtttag+ae utwR dwviand by the Mortgagee: Any de€atiit under.-this
<br />paragraph rrtiatl he r£r'nrried a iwfsuit in the flay most of iassurgnce premiums I€ the pn£icy or pulicira deposited-are such-as Mime---
<br />t+wrnen or all risk policars, ane£ the deposits err irveu6ic£ent ir+ pey the rntirr premium. the MortgaR+'-e may apply the dep€reit to
<br />pay pr+em£ums +m visits required In bs insured sty itsis mortRaRe. - - -
<br />PavmenYx +nadr t+Y tfie ~-lrrr[gagor :.s ncirr thr• shoa•+^ {:era Kr;+phs may. n[ Ih+• «.punn r?f the Mortgagee, lm he£d~by it- and
<br />commtegieti wtt£i other such fumis r;r itc cxwn funds for thr ;payment «.f such item=- :end until so applied, such payments ate hereby
<br />pledRarf as ae+-unty for the :+n;+aid hstancx• :rt the m+.rigagr trdet+trdnevs
<br />Ta pr+.x-urr, deitver t;,- .utd ma+ntiin f+rr thr• t.rnefit •~f ;hr '+f~rtga4er r!u ring th+• iafr eF this mortgage anginal 7>niicies and
<br />ranewa£s thtrn?f. drli•.wm! at irasi trn dens !K+Fom rho exprra taus .«t ;env <acn ,x~iicr~. :nsunng against fire and of her msurahlP-
<br />hazsrrfa, caa+taltitr, acid rontinge~iea as the !tfinrtgagee mar rrqusre, :n an a+mount equal fo the iiidebtcdneae secured by this
<br />MortgaRw, and sn mm;same=s .irtwiitaiiir t:, the 4ir.rigaee.-. u-itts 1.,s,~ i>a.-ahEr c•iauw ;n fat..r *,f and to farm acceptable [u Ehe Mnrtga-
<br />gee. in the went env i~>l,a ~: r~ ;: r n.wr.t r r tu,f .a} - . r -t rzp+raur,r., the tiurtgagcr may prcacure insurance ixn the
<br />+mprovettien[a. ;lay thr pram+urn thrr.•v+r- :+nJ .•rm ~.h.i+} }~.z--me :nrnrdsat+av ~fue and ;ravatiie utth interest of [he ratr sel
<br />!atilt rn seal rata anal Faatd wnd +haii i,+- .av-u r+-1 irv th++ rn<rrtgaRr F'ai7u:r ur. the *,rart r,f tflr 17artg+igor ter furnish such renrwals
<br />as err hrrrrn r+,rturrwl , r fadurr t,> t.av ar.?~ _.+. .- ..+s+~an.:.•d 4u-r=-:,ndrr .h:cii. a; fh.- «.;rorinn .,f the `Snrtga+:ee, r~onstrtstr a rletault
<br />under thw lrrrna ,+( thta m+srtf•agr "!'7~r is.lt4-«r. and "r.r ^ c=••l;r:.- vh;tli ,.~ +n„ • =r n, .. .!.•taulr. r.nst;t,etr nn n.Girznmrnt ,*f thr un~
<br />yarned prrmirim.
<br />AnY +ums mwi.-: e; s-e 'ui.,etzazc-*' i'+ 3_w:i <,F i - ~ r rsamaR+' :n=.ure+t against mat' i>E> :. ,,+: n,>.i by thr tl ortgagee
<br />a+id appF++d -. art :.`. p a- m.r.t d fi -t t t - r-E ,~ r s --r t t .t,ttrxn ,.f .h+~ S1.~rt¢ag r u+-h , r•itirer ++h,xliv' r,r in
<br />perk may tae ;ra+d «rvrr ..; , •r ~°li i ~ae - -•wri t• Ra r - + h -- f r .+~ t- 4«urui sees had hng to t4 err plac+ Fnr env
<br />r,ihet purt5ee+t *rr .d~yw}t•+n + .rt tirv 4t •rt+;agrr• +ith<•.ri ati ct..._ ri.....:+n ~n ttta- mn:t+;agr i+,r She :uII amnu+:t . ~- rrrl hrrr.
<br />by F+r€+ire tr++cti ;ian•mrnt +wer tr..w u{a<~s
<br />Tu >xnwnptlY r;mt - s=xtotr - •rnur i - r i rz •. t;-- --i-rr- ->a r rit-r .n Fh.> f -m: ..-htcr nav ar-
<br />rorrr lzunugr".i +N dr~inv sf r + et - 3 ;>rmar- - + .: i njr n a'AZ ais+ t-1 ( tr~ m +nv mert+antc-. r n :r cih-r ire _r
<br />maim e+F lint raH eztirrt+sl7 +uhn; denata+i t•r :hr L+-..... riK-F t .-, t d- .r _---erm,t Inv -+u+ e sr - .,* ::n• r,v.sarce ex srf ..n
<br />~ti pn~{nrrty nor to rxrmtt w~ie x rani ;rrcmta•gt. n. ;in n r t a.: -r ?twr! ~ -mtrv convevert sha£i become
<br />lwttr valua~r., nor to eiitatntsti ar :mt~tr •;s valor i*y any a. t ,r •mr., e<.a .- ~,+7 -_ , - n,~£F ~-rib :s4£ . Ytuirrrnrntx ..f law wsth r.•spect
<br />to ttxe mvttgagerl t+rerir+s»'" and the usr risrrwxi
<br />-!'hat .Mrukt !hr prr+*ut•r+ •,r west rwrt ti+r+rarr dr :ricr+. ~~r _eamagav t.y .-xix.+x. •.f a+ . t,uirita .mpruvrmtnt •se c-uruiem n++uon
<br />pra+,`trdina. +rr under rtes right •-~(- men •nx ri gnat ~=r . wny other rcart•:rr, rte ;ir.:rtRagr.w ++:haii t_ +•nttllrri to all r'nmpeneat+opa,
<br />awards. amt any :+thrr (:aymeot «.r rri+ 7 +-':?+r.-{.. r. xr,sl halt F,r rnt tfra *t ;t ;rtic++. t umme•na ap;+r++r ir, anri prnepcutr sn ifs
<br />gwri :caste aAY atitVi+ s'r ;+r<xxK+iiiig, =.r t.+ rnni+r .~+i .camprx;*~uer •>r =eti£etne++t en ...r., rct+:.n .. tth ,urh taA:ng +.r •IamnRe- ,~li ..uch
<br />corapaaaat9oti. awards, +tamegas+, riaiit of ae#ian anal pruceccla axe }ietoby aastgnetS to 'ti+e Mortgagee. wt+o may-, after d++ctucisnR
<br />ttrrrs€ttau all ib rapaaws. relt+Ye m+y tttoar.YS sn rte+wed hg Et <u a€t€+lY t+4e [same vn any tr+tiehtrAdt+tsa sacvrFet hereby. Tt~-Mott-~ _-.
<br />g+yot attract io eaetatta noels. furttirr aaragnax~--+rs s3 asp craaprnnata,n. awards, rfamegrs. acrd nghts .,f ackiarn and prrx`rrris as the .`Y
<br />Mert~[ee i+satr i+aqutee
<br />That in east, ii€ €xiutt to prr2 =rir: any »t the aY3vrnanta borer r., €hr llnrtKaK~ mar r£o ,n the tiortgngor'~ hrhalt ra-rn-t}ring
<br />xn covt~raotad: that the Mortgagee may also. do aeiY ++ci it inay deem r+c+-,canary tka pr+rtect thr iirn therrvt. that thc• INoQ t~gt nth '-
<br />rtpt!6' span t#aet~td -attl' tawieya t nr disbursed by the >korttsttee fnr arty t+f the above intr{weer. and such meirrys t
<br />istateat tliareon-its the rat< tuva:a€dl in said note shal€ bre+str+e ra+ muds additional irtdwhtedrtrss hereby xeeured -and may tit iR-
<br />thmtiett in aoY ~+t"r f+xecltiaiitg this irsuNgaae axd tx pttd <wi of the rent=-. or proceeds ++f sale o€ said premises if not otherwise
<br />paid; that it shall rml be +at++sY utxxn the Mortgagee iii rxutuarc mw thr validity id any hen. .-ncumbrance+. nr claim +n ad-
<br />a aamaeXa as alwtrsautiwroraaf.. but atKhtag-haraia_a•,srttataatt " tasatrsisd tbi. t•~trtng:the-'M+r€tgagds to adearor any
<br />~ t~ sra5st-payptpa liar ire der arty atx iteeewder~ and that ;rift siudf tint ii~ur: env peissa+all£ah£iitY because ui aay-
<br />t~:,A aasd+ da ar Doak m- ila heteteader.,
<br />la the wrest nd tbs.deCasd7E by Mo+rtgt+ior is-chi paymtat of any iRSSallmwn4 as rettuit?rd _hy the f+l+ifr secured hereby. c.r
<br />in the patt€otrmant'e +~€ thetibliaatiaa in ftris :rie+rtgmgw or m the note secured thereby: ttse ;kit+ttXagee stiall#rw enbtted~tti dee.lare the
<br />tfafiR atsearattl heta~ty date sad ~+tYable rst}iaut tsrrtu r, sad #Sir rroSortgKe~w~iaN t+wentit~a#-ifsapt~~w£tltout nntius•'eit~tarliY itxlf
<br />>lSt' a• reHeivet to tit app+i+nted by teat t`+xtK thrse.if. end without iraard to the s<iegiiacY o€-any secut£tY frt~ thw i~ ae-
<br />eaead ltmeh~!. to etcter._up4n aid larks i~ d tine iitertt€tigerl premises. and-to eolieckard'rireivr thereMs• £saaes sad platers
<br />cltieYad; sad grpilr tbo aetatz.,.:leto cuaFS'd apesatimi and t'RlllCtlxiR. iipsat tfee-sedrisfw°aeeeted fiY this r+iortgaaas nerd rcnb.
<br />iwtttts rieti#tsetlllrttiaitt[ lis,tab!' aytdgtmd tc. the ltfttt#ttrtgwa ar fttrtlter smrtrrit9r Car tlte- €+~xrtsstot a1F iodrbtwdners e+evtrtl hereby.
<br />Tftr Alattpytap sl~dl bases the power to appwat any agent s+r agents it may des£nt far the pnrpeae ai rxMsrixlQ etaul ptern-
<br />iaeee .ewtin¢ the:wwa-mN-t,Ds seeR-. r4~t?smewa and iRCUtne. attd it-liigy 3aY out ni said iRC~iw efl espkrsstsittairted _in rtM-
<br />atE.aad waaiia#. the rasa and ai co€Jec!stt{ the rer+tats ihere[tt+m. The balatisce remai£ing, if stty, than rtes applied trrrsatd the
<br />~, d E6ie e'.~ This.antitantrat is to tet-minatc-and tieeotise soli std ct+id-uponretriat_o€-ttfiitltKit-Esgt-
<br />- ',
<br />
<br />