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~, <br />(6j To ustr the lose evidenced by the note solely Eor purpous authorized by the Gwerm:: •nt. <br />{7) To pay wFtan due aU taxes, liens, judgments, encumbrances, and usesamenfs (awfully attaching to or sasesaed <br />agaiirst the property, including all charges and asussmmts in conntcNon with water, water rights, and watts stock <br />xiestaining to ar ressonab}y necessary to the utr of the real property desttibed about, and all taxes and assesstnenu leviCd <br />upon- this mortgags or the note ar any indebtedness hereby sexared or against any legal haldef hereof or of the noise or of <br />said indebredtresa under the Iaws of Nebraska. and promptly deliver. to the Govertrtnent without demand reccipta avideneirtg- <br />eaT:it paymeras. - _ <br />($) Ta ktxp f#te property insured as required by and under ituurance poticies approved by the Government aml, at its <br />request, ter dclfvter such policies fa the Government. <br />r4 Tatnairttain itnprxmtmtnts itr good repels and make rt~jrairs reynired by the Covernmtne; operate the proptsty in a <br />sad htrsbaadtnarrlike meaner; comply with Bach farm conservation practires and farm and home mattagemertcphtsrae - <br />the Government from time to time may escribt; and not to abandon the propettp, nr cause or pmnit wasu, ~assening or _ <br />uspiaimtent of- _ -: --. without the written consent of the Government, cut remove, at lease any - <br />teabn, garrl. ~~~ as may be necessary far ardinstq domestic purposes. <br />!lOj To _ spe~FfM regulations affecring the properta. <br />;.1) Top , a ttru t c ovtrrtmmt for eapensrs reaatrnab}y ne~~,saty oz incidents} co the ptotectioa of the lirn <br />and priority hereof and to the rnforeemenc of or the comptisnce with ~fhe provisions lire-nf and of the note artd any sugple- <br />rrxntary agtetment :whether before or afrt: default), including but not limixed to costs of evidence of title to and survey of <br />the property, costs of recording this and oxhttr instrumenxs, attorneys' fens, trusters' fees, coon costs, and eapenses of <br />advertesetsgr selling, and convevtng the. property. <br />(12j Neither the pmperey nor airy portion thereof or inttresc therein shall be leartd, assigned, sold. transferred; or <br />tactttnbieted, vuittntacily or otltrrwise, vrithoat the written constant of the Government. The Gavettunmt shall have the ¢alt <br />oral exclusive rigltu- as mortgagee irercun:ice, ;ncudipg 'out not limited to the power to grant cansenta, partial releaxs,- <br />sabordittntions, and satiaf'urian; ans. no insured holder dia31 have any ricr~tt. title or interest !rt or to the Iim or any benefiis <br />hereof. <br />`F ~j At all ressonablr times the Government sad its egrets may inspect tits moprrty to ascettant whether rile cavenanxs <br />:end atretarirms contained bettor cu m «tty sunpinnentary aurerarent :ue betng prrformcci. <br />X141 Tier Government may ?ai rattrnd rr defer she maturity af. and renew and rtuhedule the payments an, the debt <br />rvidracstl ay the hoer ur any indrbredncas to the C;uvrrnmrnt .escort: ltv this instrument, 'h: release any party who is <br />iiah~ under the watt ur for the debt frt»n liabi}itr to rite (=r,vrrntnrrtt. c; release narttions at'thr propeery and subordinate <br />its lien. and 'd ~ waive env oti:er ::r? its :tlt?tts ::rider ~.`.ts :nstrumrnt. any and all this can and .will hr door without effecting <br />rht Litt; or th€ priarin• ,~f this ir.srrnmenr ,n tt<.rrr>wer`; ::> acv ':riser r arrT•`s (ia?xilita~ n: rhr f;ovrrnment fez payment <,f the <br />start or debt secured by this instrumenx ,zrlesx ;he r;orrrnn:tr:t ;ati~; ..;i:rxw-tse :r. +rrtrnq. &i()WT:VFit. any farbtarance by <br />rite C;overnmrnt-whethu ones .x cs>ien-:n exercrsireg any rtFl;t :;r >rmrdv •atrdsr tlsis cnstrumrna, or otherwise affnrdtd by <br />.pplicable law. shall not ;.Y = waiv¢t •~t ar n:rciuds the rsrrcisc +,{ eras rnch : tttht ,r. remedy. <br />1151 [f at env time :t shall appear to the t>uvettanent cha[ ~o€rc~wrt they br able to obcatn . lean tram a production <br />credit assaeiuion, a 1 edtral lane? isanlc, err rnlrrr :rsaonstblr ccraperative or private credit sours-, at rrasonatrle rates end terms <br />far Iaana i~rx similar puapctsrs and periods <.;s runt. {iarza:ver witl.::pan -h, c;~-rfirnmrnr'i ;ryucst. ;pp:y iar and actepr such <br />loan is sutIrcimt amount trs ppas 'h¢ hoer and any ~-tu3zbe?dotes se,: used berths anti tc+. pat :,,. ,.nv =rock necessary to be <br />purchased in a raoperatix kndin~ a~trnr. in can.,rrriuu wit?: each €::a::. <br />' 16; L}efault htrrurtdn =hall zcnsetcutr ~,is'.auit ;;ode: nv atfxrr real ~.:rider .uiy l:rrssrna! properc;+ nr o[her. <br />scrota€v i,-ratrtstncnr ht•id or :nsrued iw =its t;,,vtrnmsnt «nd c:xccutcd -:r ass;xrsirzi br ;iarrr+wer, ~nci .?efaulx under am• se:eh <br />ocher serurtxY insuumrnt sirsll c+snst.=uts cicfsu#t hrrrurctx. <br />:17' J"IiOlil.l~ I}F:I=.4LtLT Uccut in :kt ltcrtc:r-;u,ic .r .isai:«:~`r <,« .:z~ c,bluun tr: tar$ :a;txumrnc .;r s€cur¢d by thss <br />urstrunaenr, ~r should rite tat rtes -amr~i as !3i>•r,*wr .. , - -t ...... _.,°,st ~ ;t:e.,t' - •:nz ..f :ht rarriza <br />rtatnttl ~ 5~sowtt !tv dexlaresl a irarrltrupt, ns an trzuaivtnt +rr :uJsr an asss¢~mrnt ~tur the i,snstif „f :. redixars, :h¢ Guvern- <br />inettt, at its upet<;,n, wtfit <xr u,tir tru :ror:t r.:':av-.- +7 -icclar:. eht ?ntvc amt~nt c:npxed e,nd€r the haste and env indebtedness <br />to rhr C=overntnrnr hcrz*sv sc+:atrrri :ramstiiat is+ ur ar.~s itayaitir, ' ..*ar t?tr -.u:.t ~;t 13atrvwat :rtcu: a:td pay reasonable <br />sxptnaars t`or repair err mxuttrnantr t a3 raise pr~sssas 'n .;t, ~=~sratr .ar .r.» ~i.r.frap }. ~:; -~pcn applieatton by tt and <br />prtsdacrinn ref *his znstrutnrnt. »t n - t --t r .ardrns,e -- d •.vatn~'t,t ~.-*te€ t --3cannp t .aid xppliutic>a, ;s.vt a reccivn <br />appointed 1oz tltt prtxprrty , :t::tr. hs ~suat p wets ni zr,e=errs sr, .:kr tax;, d- fcxrslosc role ittstrusnrnt as provtdtd 6ertin <br />:x by Iaw, and ~:c `enforce env and .:l! :after rigbxs and remedies previds `:°rY-i,n v* by r^-resent cr unre law. <br />tT$; "I'lir reds .~f forecloauav eels shat br appiters in rite t~dowing E;rtirr to rite payment f. _a) costs: aud-rxp€nsta <br />intidrat ra eni~ srq! ur cuntppryitr$.kit6 rise pr=mi~onx n re i, L. any ,a:o: liters rtgairrd ov !aw t a eompprunt custn to <br />6e so paid, :'l the debt rvidrnc¢d by the note atu3 ail ndtbtcdnras to tsx (eevernmeat secured harrby, :`d! inferior liens <br />of rrcwd zrquhtd Iry lsw ~n a s:xmrpretnt cosri to Err sa paid. °; at rot t;-mznmenT's option, anp ~>xhrr ittdslsxtdnrss ot` <br />&tmrwer R xa ar insured by thefiovrtt~ttnt, earl 'f`°. env ?ra~ocr t.:. lsvrrrwu. A: tarrci<;sure .:t ntitsr >:uc rf ai! ur any <br />pits of the th+t Ca'uvtrnramt acrd its ageets thou }ltd end ,p_ eu€itase as a atrarsges and, msy pay cha Goverttmtnt's abort <br />tort putt~xstn by xte.4tity; sutaa aa~axtttt r~ arsy ;acs ? R,zrc4wrr -~in~ to <-rr insured ;.y r?tx C:ovstnmrnt. in tl:s <br />rides-psrscrt~ad above. <br />,T9) lnsra+s=er agfers-.that the i:uwerruntrtt will trot bs attend by env present ur future .Mats law,?a ptovtdirsg for <br />ttalnation. ~pprataal, iswattstead su rsrtnlrtton ref the property. tbj proiiibrtinit mautt¢nurct of as avtinn iris a deCeeienev <br />rsdgment w 3tlnitipg the atnl}tSAT thereat rx the time ;rittiin wltiee sucft uercn must be 6rtrught, icj preseti}rirrg. any other <br />stxinta of litttitations, d. allowitul env r.~st cif rttismpsraa ,,:r pcsassasian ;allowing any forscluaura sale, ;rr <s; Iimitittg tltt <br />cottditiatss vrkdtlz rite C;.r ernmrnx mgy Es} teguia€iwt impcrx. aaclauu:g the sairrtst rue it nrsfi etrargs. a, a c<indixic+n of <br />aPPro"~if a tzamir, of tits +.+rvpttty to a new Srrr.wtr. i5artttwrr esprrssly waives rite ixrrtrtat oi. any such Sate laws. <br />Sorrtawst htxeby relin:{ttisFles, waves, anei . :: r-rya ail ri;~isu, wK.t•.uats ar :anvusrtnatt.:sf descent, .;r~rsr. and zurtesy. <br /> <br />>~ <br /> <br />