<br />us~~-=~t~~A Forts 81--()[~24~4
<br />F'a{an FtattA,;27.1 i!1$
<br />£Rea, 5=15-79; REAL fiSTA'FE i-f(?RTGAGE.F#}Tt N>GBRASKA
<br />11~$ MGSR'PGlKGE is ttude and'cateted into by ~~~~ _Js~ .HAi)ENFELDT_AND -M~..S~`_~,_...~ ~ ,
<br />-~Y g dy gg rrt*; _ h ,st - g.._d ~.~a - t~[;__.,_.~$.-;,._a~a" t?yRU'AiT'e _~~ - -- - - - ° - ---_ - - _-_
<br />AAI3F.1~B1dY€e htiaband and wife-
<br />in .._.._--..H&~:1.__.-.:__~__....-._.._ .,.._._.:-.a.._.._..___ Gounq, Nabtaaka. witosr post office sue` fs
<br />- ,:
<br />.Routs 1~_~~, ~~iro :.~.~...:.__---_°-__._._....---:_._.__._.._:~..-----. t~atm~ta ,_...-,
<br />heraus called "fit;" ttmi
<br />-Bocrtsaves is tadabted to the United . Stataa of Atrxriea, actit~ chtough the Farcnem Home Administtaaon,
<br />t3ttluad Briefs 73apa*tmaet of Agiticulttue, berme called the "Gavemmant," as esidertced by one or moee protttiswry note(t}
<br />oG a~ a~aanxac{s}, herein. called "hate; which ha: been rseeuted by $orrowec, is payable to the order of e
<br />Cntwatametst~ attthartrsa accelecacioa of the entire indabtcdnau at the opdan of,thc Government upon aey defatttt. bp-
<br />Birtcawet, and is described as fvltutvs: .inreaal Ttsre thee. Date of FiiwL
<br />Ibra of trtstrsrrrer~t P:i~grett Am~tu o Lntarest Lnstat6ttem
<br />Msy 22, 1981 $34rA00.©0 58 Jan. 1,-24$9-
<br />May 12r 1981 $lOrO€?©.04 12.258 San. l; 7:989
<br />(tf the isKrasrrue is }ere rem ...._._ .--_..;~t for Farm avrntrship or operxziny, lom~'s:t secured by this instrttmenc, then the
<br />race max lee t:hatt~Cd as provided in the nett.;
<br />And the note tvidsnees a man to Borrawer, nerd the Governrncnt, at arv timc, may assign the note and ittsttrr the pay-
<br />ment thereof pvcrtsant a? the {;onw}idatsd Fsrm sod Rura} L)evtlapmtrt Act, of Ti*_Ie t` of the Housing Act ;if 1444 ar any
<br />other statnzs sdminsstersd by thr Fatntsrs Horne Atlminutration:
<br />Attu it h the purpose and intent of this tnstt.,rttent t?txt, among ether things. xt al} tim~3 wheu tht note is held by dte
<br />C.krvcrnment, of in the rsenr tht fssvcrttmcnr ~hauid xssipn this inert zrntrt srtt4out xnsursnet of the rote, this- insvumznt
<br />shall racure gaymsstt ssf the note; i>ut when tier ~atr ~ hckl by an insurty }ia}dzt, this inatrunsrnt sitai} not ct titre payment
<br />of thr note to attach tv titt drht erid.ncesi thtrcty, but as to zhr n;;te xn~ ~- '' ~la6t =_hxll constitute an indtmn;ty mortgage
<br />to secure the Government againrt loss under its :nsurante contract }rp rrasan =~ any dcfsu}t by ~,snowrr:
<br />x--d the ea:s,:tnent also €tturea the rrcapanc df env inttrest :edit ,=r stsi~sidy vrhich may t*r ~antzd to the Sarrrrwtr by
<br />t}tcC,overnntant purxuaat so 42 L~.S.C;. nEa~x.
<br />p~Sy- THEitEFi~RE, in ennsidcrstTun <,f the tuinls and : al nt .,:,' tames a~her: the ucte is held i~; zht t>ssvernment, ux in
<br />the ,vent the tiovzrexttent.:hvula# .ussn thts tnsvunttrtt witkatevt :exs::utecr <,± the pagrnctst ui the sroet. to sttutr prompt
<br />Ytttcttt of thr Bete attd trig rencwxis ""~i taxrasians then _ t anrj :. tr ernxr tzs cantatned tircrene, indudink soy provision
<br />tsar tltt paYrocrtt c+f an. itrsutatue +,x ::thtx chuge :bj a ~.i tunes wne,..hc ao.c is ieeid f;y an insured hnidez, to secure pex~
<br />fatmarter of $s#rrta?tr`s sRrerrneat hsrrue t;s irtdeznniS'v and savt harmless t?tr Gwermnenz agsit:st 'osa under its "insurance
<br />casttrxt by raasan a{ any defatsit uy fiotros`+er, and a in arty tvenr arwl at xil tisara to srcurt the prompt payment of alt
<br />advaeter and eteprnditurct ttESUr :gyp tlse t*f,vcrnntcz:t. vruii intrtrst_ xs :te;t+na?trs 1rx:i'ur~€, arai *.>~r perormarect ui every
<br />eatvsnant znd a~eertttnt of Sorrosrier sranufntd urrrin or to anq supgPrntrntare a~tcrr.nem, Fartcrwrr daze hrrrhy grant,
<br />6=rgaas, tsE, convey and xyaigts, with tterterz[ ~arrsr t?. <;ntc t?x Gse~rrttncnt chr laT{ie+xing grvpettr~ situated in the State of
<br />!+iaF,rasita. Coantyfiea of . _.._._. lall..___._-__.__._. _ _ .-._..... _.. ..__ _---_-._..._..__...._._.,.------_._......----_-..:
<br />Ttie btazthvtest quarter (I~it}, of
<br />Tfie Pkzrt3l Iia1.f £l~is} of Sectas~n ~leve~•i £11} in Township Twelve £12}
<br />NOx'thr ;uncle Twelve (12) west tsf the 6th F. M.
<br />FmHA 42? t N$ {Rev. 5.15-?91
<br />
<br />
<br />