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<br />~1~~.t')(i243b <br />MOR'R:AGE <br />IiIORTGACE LOAN No. r• 23, 934 <br />I~fO~p ALL llEN BY 7 rtESE rRFSE.NIS: That Wilford L. Stucton aril Mauzeen L. t3uxtAn, each in his <br />and her a+n right acid as spcxise of each other, <br />~nrtP6or, vrhedser owe or mote, fa wmideratlow ref the si>~ of <br />seventy-sire ?4~aru3 and No1100 D~-~ <br />hitmed to mid mortgtlpter by The Equitable Bttsltiiw6 std Lose Aaoefation of C.rmd island, Nebraeb, MastppDt, upon , 7fi0 limas d aeorlt of <br />aid s4SSOl:iATSr1N, Certifrrsse hlo. L 23 , 934 . do hereby ®raru, ce>avey and ttwto the raid AY3UCSA7TON the roro.i.s <br />dsssried id esaaee, ~tTmted in Hall County. Nebraska: <br />LQT 1WESITY~ItTE {25) ANt) THE S+O[T3.'fiF'sil+Y TFN {lo) FEET OF IOT RF1F3fI'Y~`OLIl2 {24} FiAVZNG A L}fi~ <br />E'1~N1' ECX7PAC~ OF CtdE tAfiIIYtii) 'THIRTEEN (113) E~ SI2[3ATE~ ON TFSE WEST SIDE OF THE WEST PART <br />~ KUESTER LAKE APII3 BEING E1 FART OF THE fYtST HALF C7F THE ~T SX7P,1;7.432 (F~'f~#t) IN <br />3E)CTICN RHI4~I'f~^Si (13), 'I'~tddSF1IP ELtVfSJ {11) 1tAi>« N1;3E {9} W~P OF THE 6TH P.I~i., 1iALS. <br />Q7[RJi'Yr N~HASICA <br />to0ether wath a0 the tenerrrats, trcrufetattarnrs and appeutenanrzs ihareunto F,ckrnprTR, ueelrrdireR attached floor cuwtntp. >U wisrdow , <br />wesdrsw slsada, tdinds, storm wenduws, avmerTRa, tcatrset5, as cxendnrr,neng, and p#umMtea and watu cytupmeot and acctaories thereto, prmgte,stotd, <br />tefraerat[xs,and othrr fixirun and eyuTparnt rxrw or hereafter attached to:n used m cannectx,n wrth sand real estate. <br />Aad whertas iEle end rarsrtggtTU has ageed ad ,foes htrciry aitree that thr ntrrztgxryar shall and will pay all taxes and aaeasments levied rx <br />assessed nPm+ sad getaisex sad npan the rrr.*rtRagr and ilee !-.ned xcured [Mreby Sefr,se the exec afeall berostre delinquent: to Catai$ approved <br />iasuastcr r~xe the beeildtrTita <,n sad prermscs nreeaTed nr the sum of S 76,(100.00 ~yabk to sad A.15f3('iATlON sad to dtlivra to ~ .' ? <br />ASSO{:'IAT7tRrt the preiioes Eta sad rttYVaacx: and not tv u.mtmt ur pestnn any waste an or abrs+rt sad premises: <br />in caste td' defradt m rite ppraratance of say .,E the tezms aced eandnwnx of thrs mart)~ge cx the tweed secured hereby, tfm >t> sln0, <br />rw rlemeed, b< entitled to i[macdatr paaacsaioa r>! the rrxrrtpaed Mem•,,.* end nc~ ttnxiRgar[ ttereiry aaugas. Ira[TSf'ess and veQS aver to the <br />ratMt~ee aiF the rt»IS, revenues std enamre en tee dereved tram else :raxtystEcd prearaes dureryt streh titrx as the rrwrt~ge iodelrted~a sha0 reemwt <br />anpsid; and rhs mixtpaiete sha0 hart the power to sppsaat aaY ayrrrr ar a}tcrsu i# may dcYae Ear stn purpose of repaeiee sad praoues std reatirsa <br />tie saawe and rxs0ctt~ the rcrts, revenues and irsrnmc, and rt may pay cwt u: tad nrcorex afl cxpetues of rr;paftirta sad premises sad teerxss0ry <br />urxstnsi>arotw sad e:pomn rnr~rrcd in reotatlt and rmoa~rru itc vac anTE :*f a~fkciurg rentab tberefram; the balaaoc reraainfet~, if any. to be <br />a~d tawud the diarharEe .e read mwttaRC rrdtb[sdnea:these r~trts .et the mart>py,er amy be cxtrased r[ soy time dnrirte the ef[ilteoa of trait <br />defa#. irrtapttKtsc of say ttmQansy waiver of the vas. <br />Ttves f'reacata, fpwever, ue upon tree CwdrtTaet, that #€ the sad Mtutp#r,r attars repay ssrrt ban en ar berate the r>a[utity of aiP stares by <br />psyasetu: pay mrxrthly to sod .~ti.SOC'1AT10N rf flee srrrrr ape.,tfied ai tFec Etrrnd accwerl tmeby az rntereu and principal on sad kwt, on or before <br />Usr Twesttieth day d cede sad every mmih,untd e,d ioaa ra ru0y pates: pay sit taxes aml asaeavnre[rts levied against sad prciaaes and tm [hie Moztgye <br />sad the 8oad emasd thereby, fTeiors detsrrquereey; fvirmte approved nesuraoce espan the tweldittigs ther«ro m the som rd' S 7fi, 000.00 payable <br />to acid A.4SOCIATtON. repay to sat! ASS{SCiATf{}u tefl~m darsrd art rrar[eey hY n pad Eru sereb [axes, amesawrents sad •^~ ~ with iatarest at <br />the rsrafseMae Mend tau ttrerearn Tram dart ,d prymcat all cd whsrh Mw tlapr tcrchy agrees :o pry: permrt reo waste on sad ptemiaea; lcttp std comply <br />rods aY rite aRseetxMS sad casadnroas re[ the &,sd Eor S 76,000.00 rim :#av grver ~ the sad Mortgsrr to sxid A.4SOCUlTION, and rxtatply <br />seitti a>: the regeucavrnrs at tf.t t'trTrstRrrtraa asf >ti'-Laws rd' sad i4S50('t~'n{'k^[: .'tie rite: prexeea eltall l:etotrre nrt0 std wid, atitetwix flay <br />ds:0 ream m tide EorTS sad rtwy 6c tsnnkee+d at the optaxr of the teal .~15{lf'tATt{Xi after Failure fix three montrw to mdtt arty of said <br />pgnwesus ar let rinse ttroaTtlw w arrears en ttsakrgt ear! r»aatbly prytoeots_ ar to keep std wmpiy with the agtetments sad txxditions of aid bond: <br />aed Olorl9psRirr » to ieevr a reamer app.a,estcd farthsrth m aadt Eoteclrtsare proeeexfm0s. <br />tr ties n say eltspe w ,rwrrentap ai the tea[ estate rmrtygd hetrm, br ale of utixswtae, thew the estae rtswa®mg iadebtedaes hereby <br />ta>catsad tdoi, a tis epees of The hqurtabie EimiAsalt sad t.oae Aaocatsan rrf C,'tmd isimd. Nabsaska.ltetome ewsedistety due sad payable vritbout <br />firethar srotse, sad t!e aawttl rati>aaaaa dm rrrTier Tea t+TSOrI, asrt grey ether band fa any additiotsal advssroa made theseuodes, dn0. from the <br />dale d rxa+uac ar still opaw. bur eserest ai the rtssxsfaTmr te~i tau, sad Urn trsertpBc rmy then be faecloaed to sandy the amount due oa aid <br />tswad,rasd my otlssr bawd far adlsrsmi adsason, totpetha ugh a0 fauna pat! M' sad The Eganitdde BtsiidestR awd #saacisefoo ~ Greed !thread, <br />Mlatsteita far isaswars, taus awd awea#mawa. tad ,bstracaapi cxtensaa chuyes, with mtnest thereon. troar date of payment ae the eiwrimssm <br />~~ <br />k m the Rand stewed htirby, aatTde ttm mrTrtpige rertuioa ire efrm the taxtgagee may issrpfter adrattce arklitiowst ems to the <br />essita~ 01 trd Hwwd. thrs ara(tlee ar swe~aarxs ar uTSCresr . wMch sT>~ srat~ Fre wither tree aecwity of dm iwortpCpo the »me as the fttaaa atipas0y <br />ascsurd ,tie tcea! ateoemt cr# ptrwa~ipwi ~ais~erx to chtoced at any tune tfr orginai :rnwn[ of this mort;ade. <br />:: ~~ <br />s <br />sri-tre {~ l'tl1$lU-. ~ w. the tltix 12th mY ~ May t9 g j , btefon me, <br />f;'##t>.rti'd'Y flf+ tsar F <br />~_ [he wsderwgted, x vrrrasy 1ltbhc w sari rot acid County, paswtsatlr tames <br />ldiilEolE+d L. EAttcLan aitrd Mauz~zcs L. 1~Atxtt'~t't, each in his and fret c.>wtt ri~it and as s~eas~ of~ <br />QiC}t ©~'a c3r~ per' <br />s w rMe ~s iriaatixsd Draaaw6 wiwas aarese0 drX. affirm to tie above utatraawsTt n mrrt~rsr ti and ~~r setawsA}r <br />the- to hs txteir rahassaty aq sod deed. <br />{~ ~ trras4 sad lVrrsa[>ad 5aisi thr dart aroreaaid. <br />{ <br />~ ,~ <br />l.]y{=aassarsWirsaapasec_ f.~ ?:_~i~ .. ` .• ~~ . <br />~. r~ . <br />~,r~. , __ <br />to <br />