<br />81®t}{.12424 l6AORTGAGE
<br />Tests INDElVTOItE, lards this.-. _-.---S1:h-- .. ..._ dry of __.- . i•Idy _- - 19 .81..-, by and between
<br />R~h~rd !., Brand_t_and.._Evel~n__Bra~dt,_husband and wifig_.______-_,._._._.
<br />of f~a 1 i Couan, ":ebraska, as rnangayor --.5..____._._. attd kttmx Federal Savings std Lora Association of crattd Islartd. a t»raoration
<br />orttreiittd and tafsting utdet the taws of the Grtited States of Amtrira with its pritxipal offsce and place of business u Grand lslaad, Nebraska, as
<br />~gVQ:
<br />Vtr1TNFSS`E,TH~ That sad asortgagor ~-_.-.,-. (at and in cnnsidnation of the sum of _ __._.~..
<br />five Thousand Six ~;undred Seventy-Three dollars and 66/lfly~ 5.,673.66 k
<br />the receipt of srMiclt+t htYe#ey ackttowriedged. tfQ._----_ -_-.___by these presrnts ntortgagr std wttrnat oats sad mo~gee. its aal~nR and asaigta,
<br />forever, all tfx fo++owtng dncrtbed rent estate, ntu:td in the County of ____ _.-- ya 11----`-`-'. --
<br />and Star o[ febraska, tss-=it:
<br />A r~art of Lot Six (6) in Block Seventy-Three {73) in tdheeler & Bennett's Third Additio
<br />to the City of brand Island, ?all Caurty, Nebraska, more particularly described as
<br />failows: Commencing at a paint on the South boundary line of said Lot 6; A distance
<br />of 44.8 feet East of flee Southwest corner of said Lat 6; Thence running North parallel
<br />with the klesi boundary line of said Lot 6, a distance of 58 feet; Thence running East
<br />parallel with the South boundary line of said Lat 6, a distance of 8 feet; Thence roan
<br />;forth parallel with the ~fest boundary lire of said Lut 6, a distance of 18.5 feet;
<br />Thence running hest parallel with the South boundary line of said Lot 6; a distance of
<br />5Z.8 feet; Thence running South alcng and upon *he west boundary line of said Lot 6,
<br />a distance of 7fi.5 feet to the Southwest career of said Lot b; Thence running fast alo
<br />and open the South boundary Tine of said tot 6, a distance of 44.8 feet to the point
<br />of beginning.
<br />rhstcthar ssah au !+rastu>it. xu c-ucalit.x,anrX, iy(ntntit. arw' ptumt:tnX r,,u:grnen: nor, f-xtyra•.. ,m-ivem¢ r.-txns. awnm}t+_. sLarm vm,iaws am!
<br />daora. sad wxn€"saw ahue4es yr tduxls, ;.±~ un m to csnna°Lx=c ;.r fs Taxi ;;r,=;,ert x W t -thee t h.~ -afro am n:..s 4~evu+d err. eyed fxoptatp :sr hare>wher
<br />pika,a ttsersxxi.
<br />TU F1A'•F Alit±TtJ k«LU 'i'kit 4AMk:. ;<rXatixv +nih ati and taey:d;ar tfx t..~nsx,«ats. hcasdrtesrnents and apperrteaertcs tkse:atinto tsr
<br />scraKas&. ,x to rarri,e rppertrmttsg. fttmv«r. am+ +unant t.x ertlr .-, ?hs yrm- vwi ^xxXaRnrS tsasphy :warrant _..-with said
<br />tttttntartotw that ~sr y are at :h« ,s«+w«rz~ wrest. eta ia,.~r.:; -w±rer S <y s s (:n~rne~ abrr,:a eilnv€red aad tkeseritiea,
<br />amt ...are stxaed at • ar'«f aM :mteteaas44r «atet« ,:. ;:,lam tan, _ st _mn. tr ar~i- clear rd aE' rrxxuannranta:-. and !hat. t. hg}(--_ will
<br />„retest and deland the tstfs thsrexn t.^+re..v xtta wi tnc , ka_ms nna rE~essars-3a ul nit pew. mw ,sh.sm,erxsrrr
<br />f'ttUk`lt7t:U At.N'AY~ un3 thn xn. truavm-=~xn-u:,ar4 arse sruo- 3tc:~.ae=arc :nr t,.3vmex of :^~r xum :,t - - .. ..__..___.._.__. ____-
<br />riYa Ih~usakid Six ttuadred ~•rventy-Three dollars afkd6bllQ~karxt}: 5.67366.-. _. - _ . _. 1.
<br />rnxh :et+fr'ert Lhnswm.: ~etitar srxth ,urh <tsariew and xis-an~-e,+ a.. ray .w 4in+ one p+avente t..> ,ard nx,rgatte• utttfcT lice terms ate/ ermditions
<br />d ttte ,"~aa+F aa4e of wtm ,iris twr+aax r. asr; ww~ssreai isrrt><sy. esxr-t;xd rx <asd : '*sitaR x 5 .n aatd ~atXaK+'x'. yryrbta as axpn:aaad
<br />is arkt3 mac. sod t:s xetwv tae txrtxmrat:s's r>+ au ;ls« tartrr_+ a•td : ruv{.ctx,es t-.,nxe_aeti titeseta. '.-`he tPrar-: ~f satd rsnte aF eterrby itu:orp[~teci
<br />Try by thtr rtrtrreace
<br />t is Me aaaiMioo sad ettparma# nl else Drruaa Issaata: flat tats trx-•rtttrfte xhrii alsri ,saute say future rdvsatwa made to said trton.gr{8or .S._
<br />fry aria tasnrtRr~rc, and slay ssad asi ~.4etstntnaa. nr nda,tam +..- the amwrn ab.,« ;aca_t -+-hx'f. vid axart(ta+inra, r>r nay of them. asap ~e to
<br />wid aaoet. tsosrevm sv,6t„raed. txMttar lay txrte•- ;+xak ats,Nnt .:r ..tJrrw~ ;'fur amnttaete stall remasn ;n ftdt fon~ amt effect batws~n
<br />the prntau hereto std then fawn, psawtxaal teotesstuua~n ~sstrc~+~+~r~ amt a,arXtta. =antd alt nrsstwrsts +-wtvr<d fttra+indm. tarludiaK Nature
<br />adveaute. era fwd m tai: ,«ah nst,trert
<br />The [mrtAafar S twety assstpt .+* s.aat mtxttLagsr ai3 rents and t}x-unsr arsamX as any awf nG r;mu,<, (ram ,ant prt party u»d
<br />hiesii) tnscirneers meal ma+taatl+A' w its a~ at. s...s :,{stuxs. ssprsa :irisut..:•- ,air rhar(te .,{ .x:a ~ o{{s«2y arsd evilon a~}I rams sad iru~ame
<br />theme cad appir' the xame to fki (syacnt .:a asaerast tmrxtpai, :n,urarax promattns. !axes,. a tr. repairs or tmpnn emsents
<br />aseraar_* wYragaaid poprst}r sa ia6®arttie aradttroa, nr to nthar ciarlRa <sr peymamts ptwtefed f:K Retain or m the testa harebY aecurad.'t'his
<br />Brat aaLLasL ahrf! crinrtatra us hasve uatd ttw ure{ad t»3erwa u! ~saxl twtx 4 intfx pax: t'!:e t~tainrt =:} ptr.,~awr, henwmkv shalt in nn manner
<br />pr.>?+na err e,aard rid ffi the raiicnson of aa>d setters by frXif NaitPo to EKhari:taa.
<br />Tye failtats esf fix mwtpitee to a,sett eez rd xta rrghts t~ruu.. ~a at am tense dal! not fsa e~na~atnud sa a warm of iLa rgfM to aswerS the
<br />,rasa u tsar later [u,ar, sod to twat utum arsd rahxx etrtcL tvxnpisaett;r +.un elk the rectos.. xnd emr~~awns :,i ,end n+ate sort ni this nmrtitaKe
<br />f f ss~ S sArh truce tv br }aed as sae! nntrtgngee :t: ent;rr amcsum ;iua st he± ostler- salt utd.r the t.Km+ and pn.rraa,r,.
<br />rti rod ttom Issnisy aespterd. inradma tueutr rdvrtst .. - asd any xx eneoswna err rvnewrl, e!saraot is acresnfrace s«aR the tesrna sad paw tstcros
<br />stprarol, sled is trkd S -- chalk cwapiy Rah aH the µrwctasaaa of ud note and «l Thee etx>tittrRe. thaw ttsr se ps~saaca ahail !se r~ntci.
<br />saliae+caseta ertaw a FaY Iaete tad , aatd send mesrt~e fisa{i he eastnled !o-ties poresawsnsn of rti of sad presfsany, rttd aat4. rt +ix tgxtws.
<br />der}me the ~ ed aatd. sate erd r0 radetsetedsase ~ thereby t=~ tea, st~edraLeir dos sad pavchka-. sad n+ap faraeloea this mnryrnXa
<br />v e,rge fay ttkkw LRrt ressoa to > t4t rsdat- .apprreautaent -c~rtr,rd,
<br />Thtr austtpRtt ekaii be irmtfirR vFOO rod slut! tenure to iM tseacfit 3t tbs hsars, sxrrntnrx. aetmmrairtanty, ,u,wrsssus and aarixn, of the
<br />tssyec-t'vo Rrtt+ao hasa'vi.
<br />f": Wt'i'iCFC~ NrNlaiYrip'. cud -hin[Ygadtrx s- 8. ve_ tm~„uus s+ee .their hand S. tfre aat~ amt g.wr !stet a!x„e
<br />estates. N,
<br />- ~ ,,q > .,
<br />_. _ g .. _. __~ .,.__ ,.-__. _..__. _____._._________
<br />Evelyn vrandt
<br />