<br />S I-- () 0 ~' 42~ INq)RTGA-GE
<br />r;t~s ~xv~~zr~za. tt.a. ijda _-_ _i_s.>K.__-_-__ _ a., of ____ R'?~#;_ __-- _ -.._ is _ 83 . by .~ between
<br />Jervw i:. i~~hew, .a_ srngi_e p~rsan_ _.. . __. __._ _ _ _._ _. _. - __ .. ~.-------____._._:
<br />~ Fid i l __ c,itmt).'rsbrssta, as ntort~ _-------.--. ttw }{ame F,dertt Sa tiap aad t.nan .------=- of Csintd i,Faod, a aaeparatloa-
<br />oryussed-+md a?tisfli~ undo-thc la,wt of the LitritW States of America ith it, sxrnripd office aM R4ata of bta€ttpt u crtattd 1>Aaad, Pk6rtndta. u
<br />~'*t~i
<br />WT71V5F.7t3: TT,at ~ tttwtaynr _-._..____....__... Tor aad to catcideraz,on of r!n tvm rx _ _._~._,_.-,_._
<br />~evenLY five .thousand dol i ars and bOL ~ __- ---_- _.._--'.;V~na ~5+~~ f.
<br />. , .~s.,g .~.~
<br />tAera~aipt of vdrxh tz hereOY a-kaorhdged. do ~`'_..._ ._-_._En~rluce ixc3entx nic,rtpaaa and,ras~t~e~laasgd:}lae•itallroCa~ots aad~,
<br />,.,~
<br />ftsersr, aFF the follo.iei~ dercnbesi rrai ettau, sesuated in the t-onniy of .. _ Ha 1 1 ~ - - ~ - -
<br />aad $rare of !vebra,F:0. tu.wn_
<br />Lot Five c5}, Vass Subdivision of all that Hart of the East Half of the Southwest
<br />Quarter (E~S~j and the West Half of the Southeast Quarter ;Wti;SE;; of Section
<br />Eleven (11~, ?orrnship Eleven (llj Hprth, Range Nine {9j, West of the 6th P.M:, lying
<br />South of Lincoln High,lfay, except that part conveyed to Nick R. Schnell and Ai ice D.
<br />Schnell by Warranty :deed :aced October 8, ?952, and retarded in Book 103 at ?age l31
<br />in the office of the Register of Seeds of Hal? County, Nebraska• and Warranty Deed
<br />defied Sane B, 1955, recorded in Took 114, Rage 251, in the Office of the Register of
<br />weds of Hall County, 'Nebraska.
<br />Subject Lo mortgage encumbrances, easements and reservations of reC~rd which grantee
<br />agrees to asssxae, including mortgages in favor of t?wne Federal Savings acid Loan
<br />Ctssociation of Grand Eland, Nebraska.
<br />i'neattrs with ail heauit$. asr ruarfuanant€. agAinyt. ane Ptpmr:uVr e•i sian,m% . ..:xta=a•....a~€,ut uy[ •a +,•+~< ar-n.tytz. ,corm xrpdow« zrui
<br />,"sorer. eras wtradtnr aAetlra, tlr 3lrattt.:;,eei n+t as cn ._~,.nr ~C..n rq,t »ase! yn.prrtc ,. ivt hr, tr;i +w.~ nn er.,w ~M aced „n anti Prnyerty t,e herae€ter
<br />~s~f i}f„K2
<br />1?t-)fAi'E Arta -FL3 fff FLU 7iF~ ~A~fE.:n~nt#wr ciks zii and nertituuiu the u'Zettarxst,. r..e+.i,samnrxt. xe 1 aptwrcenarre: ctmra+tntu t
<br />rutttirut. rx w aay,rcaa appzetaa~tr~. kaY er, ata# warr,utt ?1se :=t tc e, ek+ aansse -ax: mca~aar!a ,,.,rcdrs :n.-eraaat ~ eitA tiawt
<br />BaiF*a that ~- S ~ at xne .trtre=+>~ ~.cr+x,F- ;~ t,wts,t ,,,.m» .:€ t:uF prvmtbrr atna.~e rower ad a+xF *le!acrilwf.
<br />aad - -1~ - ~ c! z ria,r3 ante! :rr.Y4a bl<-e+a.cr~ .,; ~bna.a.z€..-z z.zx,etr,- ircr »:w cscu ..1 ne± erKVrnlsran+.rn- u 1 that hr .-.alit
<br />tr~era+tx tad Salted the ta3f i.c., b3taF««m ..ga,.tse »ze . tzairs a:a-t .;ap;a..rat~ .-` zti :~ns-+..aa. =nt3rr.~•xtca-n.
<br />•~, m<.:
<br />F'~f)VI{3$CS Ai.14`AY5_ aa~ t.hsa ,aaea+tm n: ~ zaeevu~e anC r~»-~wv., F- se ~:rs sns prrp r;>,tss ~a e!~ ~., _ _ ..
<br />Setfenty-,five ?housand dallarrt and iG'f100 ------------ :>:,iiar„¢ '5,OOO.GO
<br />arii3t ;at+eeRl thatawn, twdaaAaf wik% zeta c harensa ane4 zd. axe. c, n+a.r t„ +f,:e east i•>as au~~ u: »xni rsxxt~appc uratar ihn tncxna and :~nnditxms
<br />t$!hl€ aoiz i.f a,.u date $E~wLLa zrai ,zs-.xrzei Arrak: ,xecLtrtt t..~ nznf rraxtKZt^,n ,•a aa,d trrsrtgaKer` pavat.in as csprevwA
<br />lit 1y1j6 crate, ttad 16 ,nc,tlR iha (rpetnaRnanOe caf au, the :,cram anti nxaduasxa Yssn:aaA,a: Stw.rMtr: l'he term ni ,sd Rate aw ite3tkir 1n'prt]~AratWi
<br />ttprtc fi7 [Na teiaisan.
<br />!t n t'aa acrd a d thz;s,rt+zo Aerate tint. th.z .r, sr-±e'zpte sn+tlt a:en ,eaeuree a»y fvtttr,~ s4v€ttrc~a, trade te, witl mart~agnr _ .
<br />by saaA aasrtta{aa, aa,f tap saG ali uakAte,}aerfa tc isidn3tn t.i cite ahil,,.artt atxa.e xiacad witwi: ,iMi nHxikagtx~,, in anY .•€ [isr-m. nil1Y ewze t„
<br />said . hpwwvar rrtdaaawl. w €rr eu»te. ;.,,sas w-evnf.t .,r :>ebze,et,e. ""Fn, c,urtttatce .hsl! n'pta3n m Furl trrcx atxF effect ra::twxan
<br />cite pattaea Axato aad thnr bast,, ikrx,na.t +xprasrmtat.,rra. ,sa~w..ccx and a+,tga,, .lnkd zii amacnta -txureu ltcretirtde3. ,rtctucftnR futun-
<br />s8-aepes, ace piaWl m fns wsUi tit.atwsa
<br />'2~Atl reagtipittr i~r assean ry :.> *3:ta. ~ s'_! resa.: seal :nerme arutag at azsq sad siF t> Irv m sztd pxa;.arty amt
<br />. ~,
<br />heer€e; zatAacme +aa1 tnttetiftt`itr ,W rt, zpserat. a, .s .>gtum. upexa ,taFauit. :s, rate s1wKe al sari fxriaszty etid rnif.,.~t ali ros+t-~ amt tmernc
<br />t~ttb~t~R atd y1~8j` the zataa in tirt. itaY[xamt e:t ,nte[we3, gytincttasi_ .firtV.tar,rE t•rearaiam,. ta,ca. ,+r,Mga,erltn, rytair, M tmfx,rvenavtt,
<br />a!'te 4'ttaP adti C~7 m :+s cemWtttsn. w sw aahsr r9ssttas ue patm~t, pro,-ulkti Fear Detern eu m ki+e ante Aere!~} x cueeaf. 'f'hta
<br />teat ttatpttawrwt tatdi tawtea+wa w Farce oats the uppaaei twiartae +~€ zzab rY>ir v, fuU, peal. T~ tat.ana .,€ ixxzresazw,n hwzitnda .he 11 en aeo n.an:nrr
<br />pawvztrl e: t,aaud aatd murtgad/r m tdw ,wtMetaaa zd ,axl euarz bt f:"rr~,xurr ,x aahurwuta.
<br />'!!'tes 4a~e al~tlr tsertti~+w to a,stei sap b.+ zta rikt#1ta isatwvRdee si a.-r tvate ,xfi rx:e 4u ctxaaeswxF era 3tsa n[ itsrridM to assert tltr
<br />afazzr ai ear ttetw reel, ttad tt, snorer uprm ars! eaivt'er, urtrt t~mt;.~..e r~th a!i the terrar a.•sti fwe.iami~ e{ said ante and ut thts pmrtµatte
<br />[f acid ,Aell eaiw,e W tae pa,d to , id nnrtgtys tAc enUea aarvuat dst« xt tie. nrd ureter tM [srua>w an.F pnr.~u. ma.
<br />datyd tao6a eatttbp atatuad. int$ldott IW:ti'e advant~, aix€ app azwfxsaaa ax tetro„al, :.xrerd in acsta,imcu with the terrrw aeM Fu,arerwnE
<br />slteAaf, sad if ettd rtaaifytdttr - zhtBiF noepp}~ rich aFl i}rw ps+r'taa,em of ,std imae and n€ thss ~, Ehea tMaa t+~~ shall fan cnwi:
<br />if~~at'aie! C0 tlgeertal i4i~iY f®e tYd sue". ~. sat$ metetgatp,e aluli be srttaX3ad ur tAe pvzraaawn isf aFi of east ptt,paaiy: sad nqy, at its /?(lEMti.
<br />deeFl~rrRitr wltlltr sf-eeei Gaut turd sH raQaaseatad t3mtaAr tc he laantdiatily due axal patrsb7s, aad maq hx,ckwe-thn. er><>rtRZy^r
<br />it tii[e#gy art tt~i aetttw w Paat+it iii • Afrpraws~x t,aivaet.
<br />- T'$Ae ~ thaal be Gtad~! ipoa end alrli ays+ec ~a tbz FaraePit o3 tAe hadea, esar,ect»n. admaraetrawrs. -sataaauur end aaei€stta w ena>
<br />^s#NCtiwt patizoa .
<br />135t ~i'T' ~)tE,Rk~xP'. ,aud - Wi .
<br />3dbRCIMFSat ~ - hzaittrav stet ... ~4'j-~. ----- E°satt- --. zFa• day stet ratat~iu.a 3ewavf
<br />+z~lttia..
<br />_ y
<br />,3e y ~. r
<br />