<br />gl.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 MORTGAGE
<br />THi9 [ND6N71fR6. rtoada the -1St . _. dry of _... ..,µia.}f ....... .. .. .... 19.~.._. by atsd becweatt
<br />B,ty~rttst__S.~~he~f_ .and ..Kas'en A.NtaXhew,_hu~ban~_ aad__wife~~___....
<br />of ..r_ Ha 1 L _ County. !Yebraska. as naxipiaa S.__._-___--. and Home Ftdera! Savizzss and Loan Aasociatton ur t3tand Idattd, a corPOt.lion
<br />ataanired and odaiiaq# order the laws ar the Utzzeed Ststra or Amrnea n,th ns arinupal ofnce and ai^~r tst busitwas at Ctrattd Island, #Vebraaln, u
<br />G~e~e:
<br />WI7fff=SSFT'H: T#uz sad nxoct~a{tx S--_ _ ____.. for amt sn cunxxtera!iart of+hr •um ot-__~_.__~
<br />~iceDS.x.-f-i~ce..Thnus~nfi_d~].tors_an~DQL.10Il_--------_-~-_-_~dn##.t+a~?~.tloo_oo ~.
<br />Ay the
<br />t#tr reretpr M whufi b I,errbY rcfcaawiataed, da _- -_. -. -- - - _ presents rntxtgape and warratn loan s~d!~+et64ee. &s wtxvwa ami ara#pts,
<br />forever, ab the fdlrr,rary darr%tad rv! mate. xxruated m thr (oun,y of . _bdll _. _.,_.... __-
<br />me5turofw~trass..,t`-wtt Center One-Third (1/31 of Lot One -(l~ of Windolph's Subdivision of a
<br />Part of the Nest Haif of the Northeast Quarter (NI,NE;} and a Part of the Edat Half of the
<br />Northwest Quarter (E~;NNrs) a€ Section Fourteen {14}, Township Eleven {il) North, Range Nin
<br />(3),-Nest of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Piebraska, more particularly described as foilo
<br />Coamencing at the Northeast (NE1 corner of said Lot One (1), running thence Nest of the
<br />North line of said Lot One 1}, a distance of Eighty-Three and Seventy-One Hundredths
<br />{$3.?l} feet to the actual point of beginning; thence running South parallel with the Ea
<br />Tine of said Lot One {1}, a distance of Nine Hundred Seven and five-Tenths (907.5) feet,
<br />running thence hest parallel with the North line of said lot One {i), a distance of
<br />Eighty-Three and Seventy-One hundredths (83.71} feet, more or Tess, (said distance being
<br />the Center One-Third (1J3} of said Lat at this pain ); thence running North parallel with
<br />the idest Tine of said Lot One (1}, a distance of Nine Hundred Seven and Five-Tenths (90?.
<br />feet to the North line of said Lot One (t), being Eighty-Three and Seventy-One Hundredths
<br />;83.71) feet East of tale Northwest (Hid) corner of ,aid Lot One (t}; running East on the
<br />North line of said Lot One (1), a distance of Eighty-Three and Seventy-One Hundredths
<br />(83.?l) feet Lo the point of hegirning. Subject Lo rear estate ##~rtgatTe in favor of
<br />Flower-Evans Gtx€Ipany 'fad grantee as3uf!res and agrees to ay.
<br />ANb - 4ontinued
<br />'i°urprttwr .rtfS f3i h.r#.t[t;. aft csat#starnu,a. t.phxm4. rmi pt+sznbe:.IZ raryxtmc,ar,t anxi fsasvr,R. tzxt:atsna 9crev,rsa, awn,r~s, Ktun, s,ndc,rn arut
<br />dews and vtratosr ,i,adea w t,itzda. ua.at sex za c rrr.,r _:~x,en w+t is soul gm#»~sz.t a:hrtlxrr a #x- Eirx• asr ro•,.-'rcrataf nn »nizi pr„I.erty or Fwreaftrr
<br />I . _...- , tbrrsen
<br />7'k7 f1Ak4: Anil 7[t ##~ai_I} ~ Hf, .-w•1.N"r- castftfra ssaF. a#t ami s:ry7xzsar ene t,m,nneeea «n,dnax,mnt=_ araxt ap#,urtFruzaxa tt%eraunU, hr
<br />lztzgtntt. :xr ua nary srurt rpGrrt-v,uy#. i<fv+:ar. oral x-irrant tHr rata •.~ .,,-x -amt zap, nuauav,r: 5 ?sae.»p c~rc nom with soot
<br />en~rta~.aor tA.t ter y are ~ ..~ ,tg::,.,r-, r~r~„ .tom ~r. ~, „~~ ~ ,.r r:~r ,f, ~.~r. a#>,r.x unxrY~r# a,>rt a.~rrt~.t.
<br />- and a rC rsuad d f ~ ,d atzd sarys+,~x<2oSr tax :z• :a'-,i=Yxausv s±wrnsm .. sz,ai +_ ,.t ail .•ra~urrttsrnncr-• a:v7 that t. he ,Y._ +.tli
<br />wrx~attt fart etfi€trn# thr Ulm t3+ssetx> fsvcwar ng>,rst :,y rkisrca szxt cw~ma:.xcs ,:. s i €x .crr.= x~x :m...,rvrr
<br />Pitt t5`i GEt} ALM'Ak S, asxi ehas srzaeruzrx+,. n-u,.«d anxt de;;+~,s G, .«.~xx:,• th. tua.re,.s c•t c!>F~ sum •.( .. -
<br />Seventy. Fivg Thousand ¢oTldrs ar}d a0iT00 ______.,--------- trt.itar,~.i 75,000,00 t
<br />srNh iut,aaat einevua. ' wzck smeh chartE s aai i.3%~arms as nu. - ~ 4s~ as,r+. Fwrx-a#sk ?x:...i.3 +rn,rttta~er „nder tM .,=rtn, +nd a•on,fitum.
<br />ui It1Ryy z,r~ d avsu ar(e t,e%~=vitR s. ri serum: twretxy r•sexv:aw) `;. - -.ear°,.e{agnr 5 .•, +s,d xxuxtr,tKer. #zayah6LL a. rwpn.v,4.rx1
<br />in asi4 aess. gad W awcYta tlae pnrfarttfw er. trf sdi tA„ zmtz„r. az,A a v3rtun, xrmtazn.ni that,.+r. Phe lar,r.+ nl gad n.xv an #r.rN,y inrnryuuatNtt
<br />ltaea±0 6y Lttf e,lNsmtre
<br />It p Lbf {saarMaaet gad rasf~.+tt F,Q t.Af ~ylSaxra llar,rti: ;.Asa tt%x3 rz ~k~laiti :Tm;# atao .iaaa:ure am !uture idva nre!•. znrde tv haul rxurtt~a~+or ~_.
<br />$;! Yid asnrt;•a~+e, ev.,d asy fnd a42 z,sttrM.e<ixsa,i ~ a+#d:?wm •,:, (na. ac~x+uax sS+rva stazsy~ .xhr~L sa,d rraKe~a}oxrt..x any n! tfmm.:nav ,me io
<br />e[td tnsn~yp.e, Aawrver xr'raiannd- rtstahc± t;y !,f,.tK. txxsit act=asst =,r >,tA,Yrw Er. ; hte r:a,xtgitte shai} rarr,am m tuH tarn azxt rffnrt tvctw,cn
<br />lira I,artkw hfnsta and tta,~ berry ;rarauafi rY+fssMamtttzo~ry ysre:•,y,,r>r.- arax; i cyFS_ :,nid nil atwursts .erure,t itereuzuier. ¢~iudrttg fnwrv
<br />-ad~ratw. aR yx+d n Irit; srYh mtmwt.
<br />'iY,R rsorti}trWry---- Astskx,g asa~n f<: cin' zxvt ,der ati zvxste inu :rx~mr ar,s,ng at any am3 nil !Imr-•. #rr,rn =an3 pr.,partr Nezti
<br />1Mert,;-ailLaaYf xad tnalt~w lif 4'a nitent it iL+ ~x'.3eN1. r:j7ttR Vietailil. ii- tafxe rt,L~~'r !x# ?,akt rKx,rxertF next ~UttaC[ all R•et!_< an,t f!Y[`tx!%f
<br />tlwrr[ruwt nut ny¢#y tr.,e rater t.t t.Aa gayrnara ~r roe gee! prtr,r,pas. mss:usz,c,+ prensxws- tilrYl. aa!wmnrxxts. tePa:r, or un{rmx~rsrent..
<br />ttaaasa!uy Ls [w9 a1M i/I: ua sanaatabtr w.tdstrx,. a of ~ eharYea ~ PnytY.art.n pmvu4d feu hrertrn w in ttsa ta%br tfrxetiy wcurad~ Thee
<br />taint teaags~eset s#sa!# m f:arxsr uatd thr uty,ad #sseaskx.? wet roN.e m t,;.ity pad ~rt.r ta#Unq , ~+, prrser~ ,ar. hesswnder +Aa}3 in rn.. nrnnr...r
<br />lererrfat m ratntd flid t m the c<flrrtenrz ct ;~ roc b t,:rfr, zc!.tiErn tar ,x!.Arrwea,-
<br />- - iastpe?tf tAa ~ sa afwft lay rx# iae nitttf haeeuzxriar as any lariat tsbftt ruN tvr ennrtrw,l ra a wait=er sf as riR#zt to avert ihr
<br />gam, K. foxy #ataT t+»_ and x,€ stLiert f€fxesn sad ~ztsrzcp ~ra~t eranalm rr,s~ iCt tLv terms imt prt,~ ryyuin!s f,[ seal ruHa and n( tht~ n'urts;aK+'
<br />Ir fnd taala{~s~Rr 5 .tfis cause l .:,e pod U, r.,sxt ~' tr++ entira rzao+int dtm rt t<vrvrs,bsr. artti under thr tartn+ anxt pr<,vxryu,n-*
<br />of fad Wept irsl@) ffnuad. ardpdierg futsur advanren. rM gay cY,trnn,nns .3r raeansrk> tbrrerxf to urruxtanre +ssth thx terzr,+ and pmvs.,on.x
<br />tlataai, a#d ~ a,rid ~_. - i#,at# r:aslp4iy xreh a!i tAu prova.zanx =t! srui ne,~ arsd of thxa own~e. tyea these pre.eat.s zw## be x+xui..
<br />stirewias m eteatia bt ~ Ietw sad alfeel, sad aa3 ~eLgatgs shalt k,e atairt#md to tAo ianxeaanxrr ai aU ,xf stt.d ptvAtvt7. aru# n%iY. ft tta .,ta,nn,
<br />tMisMas td,r sAa/f ff anYt watrr sstd aibt f re@erfescsnd tharahv t+. `of imrrfedratNy due std aay-fbie. and- nwr tnrrcfine tlrAx nx,nuet:a
<br />xr tattrs'stg ea3as iapt ~e{ier se palest ttr rydt Appraraemratt veaeveat
<br />`f`pi+raaes;ads +LsY Le b(a~ed fad ,hell enara ue ttm hrradti r$ ttm haaa, e:, vtnre. admaniatratna+s- .w.'ea::+nr,e sort snnzstne et zhr
<br />n,aMsret#rr y,YRis Nsfeers.
<br />IK RI'[?'i~~x3 4F }trsRt<,CIF', twk 44Mgt6stRa $ Aa Ye Aasxuntrr oat - th@.I.f haxat i,. thr da? snJ yw fv5t at.,. ,~
<br />