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<br />81--I1Cr24.1~ <br />(1) month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay wch premitmt co the Serresar,• of Housing and Urban Development purwant to the <br />Natlanal Hotr~ttg Act, as amended, and appligble Regulations thereunder, or <br />(EI) IE and ~ laetg as said note of even date and this instmrrter:t are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Cfrban Dtve}srpment; a monthly charge 1fn lieu of a mortder6e ftrazrmree prcmiumj which shall (x in an <br />anrouret equal to onctwetfth (Ifl2) n! me-half (1(2) per centum 9f the average qutstanding balance <br />due on the note computed without takinginto account delinquencies or prepayments; <br />~i A equal tv rlte ground tarts, if any, next due, plus the premiums that wilt next become due and payable on <br />pt>bcaea of fire and other hazard nsurma .courting the martgaged property, plus taxes and assessmehts next due <br />ore the mortgaged property (atP as esrimattvi h~. the Mortgggeej less all sutras already paid therefor divided by -the <br />ntanber of tnontftx to efap~ before one month prior to the date when such ground rents. premiums, taxes and <br />atraeiitmenu wilt rase{71€pt delinquent, such sums to be held by Mirrtgagee in crust to pay said ground rents, pre- <br />miuma. -taxes arm sperm asesameats: and <br />(c) All payments ttxtitiotted in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph acrd alJ payments to be made under <br />the note secured hereby shall t>e added together, end the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month in a single payment to be applied by the Mortgagor to the following items in the order set forth: <br />(E) prrmtttm chuges snider zFse contract of insurance with thr Secretary of }lousing and Urban Development, <br />or monthly charge lfrr liraz rat murtrtrxe insurance premiturt/. as the case may he; <br />fII) grtwnd rrnts. taxes, assessments, tge aitd odter hazard tnsurance premiums; <br />fJtf) interest on the note sa aced hereby; and <br />t!V) artsanizattoss of the principal of'said note. <br />?4oy-d3M3ariertcy irr the amount of any such aggrrgate monthly payment stroll, unrest [Wade good by the Mort- <br />gagor Pr"ar tv the aloe deer of the next such payment.::=;ustitute an even of default under this mortgage. The <br />. rimy evltect a "late dtarge" not to exceed taco cents (.4i1) fix each rloliar tS1) ui each payment more <br />than fifteen (ES) days in areas to cover the extra ; xnrttst~ mvolvesf in handlin¢ deiirtquent payments. <br />5. That if the total 9t the paymmtis made by the ilnrts'agirr under ; t: i of paragraph 2 preredin¢ .hall exceed <br />th>e atanunt of gtsyseeasts actually made by the'4iurigagee for tmwnd tort[-, tact=+ and a~ae..ment~ or insurvnce pte- <br />taituatx, at; the tsars may be. ~t~ caress, if [he lcwtn is current, .tt the option of the Nortgagtx. shall be eredi[ed by <br />the Mott~agrc am rtub_Sequeat payment.[ to be made by the lkrrt_aprrr. or refunded ut rite 5tortgagor. t`•, however, the <br />mwetfily pay4aent•s rrradc by the Nor4gaRsx under t t of paragraph ' prrcedinq shall nut hr sufficit:nt rv pay griwnd <br />rout, tattoo tta~ aasae=='*.wneresa 9r inNUtanre premium-, a5 6he ea-r mac itr whtHr the -amc hall Fierame due and pae• <br />afsl+a, then she tbrtgtrgtu t+hall pay to rite lfortyttgee ens :uwunt Were--acv ru make up the deficienrp, nn or befom <br />flee dsttc wha!n payioant of :+uch sMOUnd mnt~. to>e<, a~sr-±mertt= nr inroranrt• pn•mium~ :hall be due- if at arty <br />time the Muftg~nr r~al1 tender to thF ~4ortgagee, in anrordane-e with the ern?.i?itm~ r+f the note secured hembv. <br />foti payment of the erttim indebtedne-~r: rnpreKr>ntod thwe6y. ihr• lfor[gagee -=hall. in computing the amount of ~urh <br />indtbtrtiirss, credit ro flee acctxsnt of the Mortgagor :alt prYmenis made under die proetsions of i:rj u( paragraph _' <br />hereof whfth thsr ilortgnge4; has tart tsc+cnate obligated tar pay u+ the ~cretarv of (touainft and l:rbsn [)evotopmen[ <br />and env balance masaining in the ftu4d~ acrumutated under the prusi.~ton- of ' ;rat para>;rapfi rr herixtf. If khere <br />arlsaH ere a default [order eras of the pruvrtiiutt-~ rrf ihi~ mnrtgave r.~=ullrnz :n :s pu#:lir Ogle of tht~ premi-see c°owered <br />hcxe~, ~ ff the Nmtgager ar~irt~ the priaptrttr utherwivi* abet de#auk, the 1lorcgaget• ~haN a~tv, at the time of <br />the rotnroeeca=tnesst of -~urh ptor€'@din$rx. or at the time the prvpert} iR crtherw tae ucquirnd, the Lafance then remain- <br />ing{ in the fund4 arcuatulated under t?.1 0( paragraph o prrrerfinf;, a~ .t r~rc~dit against the amount of principal then <br />remaining unpaid under ';aid rwte, and ..haft pmper{e~tl;r-t :m} pavmerrt~ which shalt ha.e hcti•n made under ial <br />of paragraph 2, <br />6_ That ttrr Mrrrtpast+~t will Pat gnaurtd rent- roars. ~s.e?sments. µatrr rain. rand t+ttrrr err municipal <br />charges, Anew, rtil'rmptxrtxrns. fur which nrnvrsxan has nut hero trade ftereinheforr, and in default thereof the ~forsgagee mas <br />paY rite sonic, grad [!tat the Mt=rig; mar skttt Pr€trtsp;fy deii•,-tr tf~ t-rdiera-! tree is thrrefur to the 1forkgagre. <br />s. -fhe'.Ifuflgagc>; wilt p:ra :dt [.toes whKh may tar leti-xd upon the lfnrtgagre~+ inters-st in xaid real rxtate and impruve- <br />trxnte-sad w'hfch may f+e touted upon this mcwigagr .K the debt .rcurrd hereby that unty io the e?tent that +uch i~ not prohibit- <br />ed tw law oral orals to etre rxtrnt that xa.•h wilt not ;Hake rats t+;an ussrrv*uxi, t+ut a?s:[udmg an:~ snu>me t,rx..titute or Federal. <br />im}x>sed can Mmip~rer, and cavil Ale [hz oft'iciai receipt ehawrrrg .uch Payment esnh the 3furtFagrc. tlpcrn violarien of this under <br />takrng. cu if the Nangaaor r. nrxahtititrd by ens taw now err hrrr.eftrr r?i.ung from pa} crag the whnir or €ra} ponion of the afore- <br />said taxes, in' up9nt#sr rendering of any court tirctre pn+hitriti4tF t ~ pa.ment by tier tiftxigagor or any such t;rxes. or if such Iaw <br />er dertrt ptrrvidrs iftat art} amuant w peed by the ifixtgtegtx shul# hr .~redittd ore the mnrtprr~r 3ebt, the ~tor[gagee shall have <br />the right to town ninety days` written ncHtce ns the owner cal the nscrigu{^ex3 premiers. retiuiring the payment r+i the murtgag<` <br />dtl+t. tf such [antler he given, t[x said drht shelf beciamr due. payable and cnJlectibk at the expiration t;f said ninety daps- <br />h. 'iTtat shouhi he fat) Eo-gay am ct[m or krtp any cravenant Prottdrd fur m this MrxtC,igr. Shen the ht<utgager. at its up- <br />[ion, [nay l+av tx perform the same, and all e.xpentfiturex so made shelf err added to the principal sum uw+ng can the attove note. <br />shall ere sectrrrd Gme6y. and shit freer imzresr at the raft set f9rth.m the said note. untit.paid. <br />+. 1`Nat he bereC±y assigns. transfers and xet5 or~r to tree :44orsgrt4er. w t?e applied toward [rte payrrtent vt the note and :ell <br />yams sererrfsi htrr-hp in cast of a default in the prx'farmanae of sny cat ttir trans ~tnd cortditie+tt5 of this 4furtgage car ttir said <br />noire, a# tits rents, rrvrnuex and iasEVrrrr to br drrivtd from the mortgaged premixes during sut:h time a, the ntnrtgage imkhted- <br />naas-t-enwisrut~aid, and tttr Mttirtgagre shaft have power to appoint any agent or agents it man drstre fur the purpusr of <br />rt'pairigg solid prem%ras and of ~en€ the came and tuilertmg the toms. resrnursand income. anti it map pay out uf' said in- <br />txttaea al! tttiterrsrts of repairing attid fxemises ~ neccssaxy cvmmissivns and rxtxnses incurred in renting atr!E'managting the <br />'u:aae and c~ coikr.`t renta#s tt~ref€nm: its halsaies remainisstt. if any. to br applied tv..aro the dicchsrgr of said mortgage <br />~. <br />d, •fhyt f€o ~ ktrkp the imttnrrvEpteriis rrttw eaistirgt9r hrreaftrr erected nn the rrtr:rtgttged property, insured as may t+r <br />rr~nerd fraatt rime 49 [tent fw tftt bfttrigngre a~insr toss by tier and other hazard+. tasualtses and .:untingeneirs in such <br />aoot~s snrd fttr stta$r peritsds as inay t±e tattooed fey fete Mor€tta a al will pay promptly, xvhrn due, any premiums on such <br />goaatiian ftir paga€eett rrf ve'ttucclt has trot been-made hetefabeftrrr.:~tl insurance shalt fx curried in emnpante. ap- <br />~ hfi ~ ~'t~e and tltc pnfic a~ venesraLs sbercaf sftatf be lard hp the ktungsgceo grid have attached thereto lees <br />ptnpable'ckusea in Pavor 9f acrd in furrtn rrcceptabte in the MvrtgaRrr. In runt of krss Mwtgatzvr wilt gi~:r immediate txxtce by <br />rt~f~ t6s ire: w+fMO +EUrY [Wake gtr~ 9f kiss if trot made pnrmptiS' C+y ~f9rtgagur.:tmd rash insurarkr i ompan} cun- <br />irats~sd fefitottby atelhorizad sasddit~tatt to make paptnent for such toss directly to the >~ itistessd t:# to the lfrtregagttr <br />r~ ~ jointly. andthe tmtsrartce-p[rrteads, ar eery part thereof. [nay hr applied C+y the k4ft-xtauitec. at ils+.ption either <br />eert#ie t~a~( €4te ~s hsr+tg+}r saetirsd 9r M the rtstoratitae xN repair crf- [fie property dxmattrd. In went of furrrhr <br />iuoe~rptptet ettlaitt• ittgsderal: ripe w tlbe mtrrtgsgtd fsrotxrty its rxtirgtuit;hment r>f the itstkC•irtfnrxn xrcurrd herrhv- <br />alf r tie atstf inteerest ~ Utp M,art~tor m and io afry it€surarxe Mtilrescs then m f °rre r shirt pas. to st:r purchaser or gtramer. <br />'R "fit ~ ~ and tmgrsteral ucfuity fstr €t€e psrmttst of tfte nc+st dt3tzit+td. and 311 ss3ms a+ berrxrmr due udder this <br />tip tfta frttare~Cyy ttxass to flee ~-aN prohts, rEVe~rttes, royalties, ri~t:rv attd f+ettrfttl :tic-rrran}t ti? tf-x <br />dCSrt; aatd~,rnv a~ tdt rstl adtt ltat fsarrea .tin ~yd' prst~tius. xith thee tigh€ to rr~esve attd rceript feu the ,attec xtaf ;sfrpfr <br />them to t±u¢-f»rdrM~ss >n > ~64sst ~ after ~ ~-tIN! Cx7itdHN7ns t+f tC~ rrrrxtgags. and the 3tcnt mae~ dr;nand, 4ue <br />for ~ ~ tt~ wre# ~t wtstir} due lhty~le, btN sl3taf! not he trquared ,tar ita i'#tert asxtF-nmrrrt rs eta rc-rmst±ste <br />mid t~ sgiRattd ~ cry p rrGektsat of tAtir tnrr <br />bttlr,4~3ta3Rf ty-?At <br />