<br />8~-~- t)[-~4.09
<br />(i) month prior to its due date rice annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide sua$f holder
<br />witlt'fttnds to pay such premium to the Secretary of ifattaing sod Urban Devetoptnent pursuant to the
<br />Nattttnst Hotes)ng 1ket, as atttestded: and applir:abte Regulations thereunder: or
<br />(I#} if and-so )ratg as said note of even data and this .instrument are held by tha Secretary of Housing and
<br />Lirban ikveiaptttent, a trwnthiy dtarga (tn tint .rja ?~rtgrtge iruvtmrtce premium/ which steal! be ro an-
<br />atsautrt equal to one-twelfth (1/i2) raf doe-troll (fj2) per rtnutm of the average outstanding bahuice
<br />due on the note computed avithatt takine into accautu delinquencses or prepayments;
<br />(h} A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that w91 next became due and payable on
<br />potictes of fire and other hazard insurance covering rite tnortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due_
<br />stn tine rrrorcgaged property (all os estirnated by the Mvrrgagee/ !e<s all sums aheady paid therefor divided by the
<br />ruunber of months t<> efapst before one month prior to the dare when such gcound rents, pretniwns. taxis and
<br />auessrttants will becaatrte delinquent, such sums to be held ray Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre-
<br />mittuts, races and sptgial assasrtaettts; and
<br />(r) Alt payrraeats rnentioned in the two pmcrding subsections of this paragraph and a4' payments to be made antler
<br />the Hate secured hereby shall iae added together, and the aggregate amount thereof shaIl be paid by the Mortgagor
<br />each march in a single payment to he applied by the Mort#ragee tea the following items in the order set forKfr:
<br />(i) prerrdtmr t~rarges under the crmtract of insuanre with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development,
<br />ar monody charge (in lieu ref rm+rrgrttte inszrmna~e lvemium J, as the case Wray be:
<br />(lt l gtirund rents- taxes, z sessrrttnts, fire and other hazard insurance premiums;
<br />ilti) interest on rite note secured hereby: and
<br />(!v) amortization of the principal of-said Hair.
<br />An}• deficiency is the amount of any such aggregate mantftiy payment shall, unless made good by the fa4ort•
<br />gagor prior to the due date o7 the next such payntent. constitute an event of default under this mortgage. The
<br />Mortgagce may roiled a "late charge^ oat ro exceed fr,ur cents [4¢7 for each dollar (~ t } cf each payment more
<br />than tifieett {E 5) days in areas ro cover the extra rxpen?~ involved in handling delinquent paymtnts-
<br />:i. That if the tarsi of the pagnti,ttta made by dto liort~agor under t?=t enf paragraph ~ pmcr=ding 4halt exceed
<br />the amount at payaeatte aciuafty made bs the 'tinrq;agee fur ground rent.,, taxes and a~~vsstnenG or insurance ptt±-
<br />ta+utrnt. >L rite carne msy br, web excess, if the loan is rvrrrnr, ar the caption of the Mortgagor. shall be credited by
<br />the Hortgahree nn ~ub~.tiurnt payments to lac made by ihn ltnttkagtrr, err re[unded to the lirarigagoc Tf, however, the
<br />monthly pacmenGS tirade by the Mrartgagar tinder t t.i of paragraph _' preceding shall nut ht sufficient to pay ground
<br />tart, taiev and as<~e~..tnc•rtL: rte inwtranee premium4. a:. the r:m•~ may he when tha> -ame shall become due and pay-
<br />able. #hen the #inrtga)trx .1ta11 pxiy to the tiongaf;ee any amrwnt nice--an to male up the deficiency, un or before
<br />the dale wisrn p~•ment etf_w;h around rerrt~. Ea>or, x: su:-~ments or m~uranra^ pmmium~ =hull be due_ if at any
<br />tune the MCrnRat~ar -dtati tender 1n the ltnrrRa)tt:f~, in areoc+dance with the ptnvi~lon:~ of the note -erurtd hembv.
<br />full paytacmt of eke entlm indebtedtrc:~= n~pre:.i•ttted thi±mhv, the ShtrtQageP ~haii. in computing the amount of much
<br />indtbtsdrtess, credit ro the ;r:t-rant ad the MonRagor aU pastttems made ander the f-ovtsicmv u(i rr/ of paragraph
<br />heveaf tshis-h the 4lerigaget #ta~- nos bc~rame nb}iRated to pa} to the ~errctsn nt llou=ire}; and i:rban taevelrapment
<br />and aa} haiancC remaining in the fund- ar•nrmu}atrd um)rr thr• pnni~iun-- of ?"; of uxrsr;raplt `1 hererrf. It there
<br />-than be a default under an} of the pro~r-ion- of this mrrrtt:age re~uitint; in a public male ar! dte premise.:, coverrKl
<br />beet n~, ar if title ybrtkager• urgeire±= the propr~nv <rihrrWi-e after da•fault, the i)urtgttxLec ~nll apply, at the tame of
<br />the cammetrcrment of xuch pnriredine•~. or .tt the time the pntperty i~ nthertai-r acquired, the halanca• then remaim
<br />loft in the funds accumulated under r of paragraph .a prc•r r•dint;. ,r- a cn•tlit again-t thr~ amount of principal then
<br />ri!eaaining unpaid utader ~tiid ntru~. acrd Jral4 prrrprrlr .adfu~t :utt lea}menu r.ltirh shall haxr been made under r,,,'
<br />of paratrrtiph '_'.
<br />~. "C)txi !ht Nc,rtgapnr a<att t•ay wraund -colt, tsse. .i,st»r rots t.ater -,tr~..end .ether :rn•entmental ,at munierptl
<br />charges, frnt> ur tmpasdnm>. tr•r wtir<tr taro. ~ .n `u,'--z her !xs>:Jt. h-ttini*ri - - :+nd to c.rf-suit thereat the \tortgagre may
<br />ITeY rite .mitt, aml that the Sta,rtg;aga>r wet! [rromprdv drharr the +•i7icitl recript~ therrfur to the .N„ngtgc€-
<br />`_ She 4iartgugar ~aif! vas :di tuxr. u$r.h stay he lecard u{>+n the ~)urigagrr's interest In ,aid tenf e,r.tte and irnprovt-
<br />ment>, sad which mat M leered utxsr+ the, r-t.xtgaµe :rr the drh=. ,reared hereby lbut only to the tatrnr that arch n not prohihih
<br />ed hr law' and <miy to the client thze ,u.h r:ul not malt the. kaau a>renuusl f+a: evciudmg em~ income tax. Stott nr Federal.
<br />impoxed on 4ltxtg;;grr. and u il! rile the ,•dECr d rcapt >b w nt tuch pac utent with the StartgaKer. l°pan vioia[iorz of thi> under-
<br />talaittg. ur if the Etaxlgaig.=r ts, r,ttsivtrat t+} 3oa ,sw n:,.;...r herr;tfier exrtmg fnarn re} ing the w)tolt ar an} pr,rtiran of the afore-
<br />said taxes, are u)wn the renderntg al an) court +)ta tee prr:nthuine the dal rntrst hr the Mortgagor or ent sthh rates. or if such lac
<br />rx 4ecrce pruaides that any . mr--ant „+ pa,u ha the tffrtg.apor ,hall be .reditrd un the ntaengagt debt. the *iungrgrt steal! hoar
<br />the right to give rutty da}•' wntttn rr<aicr to the owner ,a( liar ,t;crrtgagtd prcmi>a+. rtyuiring the payment ,rf the mortgage
<br />debt. If such txNa;t ire ;riven, fix said dri^i Thai, tees-acne due txu} nbtrand cullecnhk at the rspita[ion :;f +.rta ninety Jays.
<br />6. Tisit shauW ht fail ter pay :rny >um or keep an}°c<,vm:ant provided for .n thi.> Maxtgagt. then the Mortgagtr..at its up-
<br />tiun, may pay ur perform the samr.::trd ail rxprndtturrw .a~ made :hail tae ddrd to the prmcrpal sum cawing ,,n the ;trrwe note,
<br />simlt bt: tts~ittrxd F~rrtay. attd shalt bear interest :rt tttt nett vei forth to the said Harr, anti! paid.
<br />'- That ht hcathe as>igns. transfer+.!nef ,et. +*aer ty the 1laxty;.agrr..o Pe appied sward the paarntnt a.I the note and atS
<br />aatms se>:utrd hereby ue iasr ai a detauit rn tier prrfornrartr at ;a.ny +:f the term- and iranditians art ibis sturtyaµe oar the :std
<br />tto#e. sit liar rtn#r, revenues oral intcatrr to rc dtrtvtd from the mortgaged premrst> Jvrtng >uctt ante :s, the rnungagc indthtrd-
<br />treas scud) rttnain unpaid: oriel the Mortgagee aha#1 have power tr, appoint any agent or agehts tt mat devrtr fear the purprye rrt
<br />rxpaisttt~said premiss oral oaf ren#ittg the sarnr oral iullt ring the ent.. reaenues acrd tncortre. end it mat pe} say of nairl m-
<br />camts tiU ex)tetrt;wes ._,# repairing, acid;arentista atad rststssary comets >scm, and expense+ in. arced to cooing and martagtng the
<br />same said af.ridkctittg re#ttais ttttrtlti>4re: the tsalattct remaimrtg, rf airy , ta• ix :ippiie.i toward tht dr.charge of ,„.aid nrartttagr
<br />indei>!Fedttt±s.
<br />fi: ~iWt tM >brii .,uc;< t~ Gnrilr£i~ei#teti#S ncrw Cxtcttng (tt #Krea#ttT ttrczrd Jn the maNlCd praptrty. rnsitted a5 may he
<br />roRUged frc+m bate to titer b}" i)re 44ortgagre ag;tinst (o.a h} tint art:1 ether hatrrd+..aaualt#r.:tnd ...;nttrtgenrre. m .route
<br />tttsiiysaq~s:and fw sixth pcri+ada as may ire requktd by the MtatYgsgcr and will pay promptly, warn due_ ny prrmaums ou ,art:
<br />#1sa#Hanpn prseviyicyn. €ur era-nient c±}. whieh~Futs mH hero mays hrrrrnhef..rr- .all ineuranar +hat! he aarrted m :amprnir, ap.
<br />#~'~ lsyshe hdattgagea and the poiicits and rtnrwals tlrertuf shay! t,e held h} the Mrxtgxgtt and ha+r vrtachtd thereto leas,
<br />1?ay~atQt'1`auars in fav,,xi at Sail in fgmt aeceptabie to the Mttttgatttr Irs i:vent of loss Martgttior wail give tmmediatr Hauer by
<br />P-aN ~tAe-htartyr~gte, ether rt#a;~ make prtaaaf of los+, if tart made prom;atis by Mortgagor, Brad c;tott rrrsutanax a~+wupany cr!rt-
<br />>ticrnvA is )IBrCb} ::ut~arrxtd a€it) dinrcted to maize payment fur arch krras dirCrtiy to the Mwtgayrr m.teari ,+f to the Aiortpagar
<br />said rite Mia tyr,,tp,e irrintiy, :wui #hc itisurauer ptucettis, itt arty part thrrraaf. may tat ,applied tt} fiat \trortt#agc+::u u, arpitaan trthtr
<br />it, the rro'aitw~n aai tf+s~®drrtateifaess herein} xCeteed air to the restaxatiian ctt rcnatr of the prat"erty dant_stttd in rcent of faxicc{v-
<br />?ure cd the., tuuatpapr ~ ,atiktr tratitcft#rcaf title en the suittt i
<br />liuiteQ Wt ayarly- rr. e,tUtypershmrrrt _ t rite ntd;httdnrsv .reared herebo.
<br />aiirt~at, trek and inurrcat t>f the tlurtg#gtar an,uut kr tany initrxniric prrticrrs oxen in fnr.e 'ha i va :, the purrttaset ur grantee
<br />~~ i'iiat .csadd"~rrtni .end cafi3trr~t =ca,drity far the t>dynaent €rf the rsistr .irx-r;ht,-t, :area ai; caaAr; t., he:rrme dot +tmler the.
<br />~_ '-h6utirdsr#t<i ~''-~i a`rsigtta tt t#re Gttxtgat{at a)) prrttitti, tea:Cntu.. r,rvattica. ta)ghts anti htneht+ .t". " .: ng try ttte
<br />fir' ~dct arts ') .tom ga= )coxes can a;.uf prrmiat+. wath the right to rrs:r,vr. a#ad rKC;r4 for aht *a*tir and ;rpp#a
<br />t[resra ria ?aid ~d#g#pcJrtr~a ata arefi d#'a sir after atefaart# in Yt~ s:cmditirsn.i a.f flits a:nrt
<br />tar ~ariii trua "er see ~, a „<tt , vmtnta w ~. atrrf ttw `itarrpagCt mono cisenam). <ur
<br />tees" `rte nn,! pay:shit: Kitt stnri) mx ire etwaarrrl ,ar rc. rfaa -Thus assa#rnrecnt r+ tr, termtit;itr
<br />Hid)' ntid,,and yard upatn reit;txr of thiq mraSt>
<br />•+aatsiana~tu to-tat
<br />