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<br />81--i)ti~~0~ <br />Uxtiwdtas €3ovstretra. Borrower and Lender wvenaat and agree as faUowa: <br />L Agasaet a~E [~dgNSl aM Lllaearr. Borrower shall promptfY pay when due ehc principal Of'and intettst on the <br />indabtet~ea:evtdanad by the Kota, ptepaytdaat and late chargas as provitfrd in thr Note, and the-pttacipal of a~ iniet+e~ <br />an atgr:PYt~e Adrincea satwttd.trt this - <br />Z fioris6o Tatty tai ~eatweoat. Subject to applicable kw or m a carillon waiver by Lertde;, Bortnvpeq -shop pay <br />to R.easkr oa the day matlthiy iprta{raoenta at-principal sad. itltereat ue peyab4e tinder the Noter until-tbe Nate is-ptrid in.ftill;- <br />a .mat."Ft agwt to-ora~ttatl€t#i ts€ ttre yttarly taxra attd a which tsaY atttdt pritxfty mar tics <br />sad itaadd:ratp oa the Property, if airy, plus olte•twclfth of yearly pNKmittm iaswHtnenq far-haiatd insurance, <br />pdta oae+itr~ftL of yearly pt+tsttit®t installmmta for rttart~ insurattce, if soy, aB as raaonaMy estitnahd it_titiaNy sad f[onr <br />tii~te to fume by Lander ~ the basis of psseomeottc old bilk and rt~otlabk earimates tht;rcof. <br />'[lie=FtfatbabaTE6a>beW in as ituffttniatt the-deposits ar actounb of tvhitfi arc ituustd or guaratttaed by a Pelletal! ar <br />sts6a ageacy'(including,Lender if Lender-is such an institti[ionl. Letrder shall apply thr Fmda to pay said taxes, asaeara~ts,- <br />it~agnoe pr~nnM attest ground rzrus. Lender msy [tot charge for so holding and applying the Fua~, attatyrinB said iteco[toy <br />or v~ifyitt;.ara# rontpiling said a~essmdtta sad ttilh, unless Colder pays 8otrowrr interest on the Ft»ds atad ttpplkabla law <br />gttnttats Lettdar to rtrake weir a charge. Burrower atM Lctlder may agree in writiag at the time of exarntiotl of this <br />Mort;a8e that tttiatat on the Fttteds shall he paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is mad0 or appligbt law <br />ragtpres ~ intmst to bepaid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest oreatninga yin Elrlr Fundy. Lender <br />shell gene G1 Borrower, withtwi charge, ao annual atcan/rtting of the Funds showing crdfits and debits to the Ftrrds std the <br />parpaae foi which tech debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are plt+lgt:d as additional security [or the sutrts xcured <br />by this Afottglyc• <br />[f the amalnx of the Futtd- thud by Lender, togtthtr with the future monthly instalirnenta of Funds payable -prior to <br />[be doe doom of esxes< aaaeastnents, itsurance premiums and ground clots, shat! exceed the amatnt required to pay said taxes, <br />asa~oents, inwrantt prrmiwna attd ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on tttaathfy ins[allmtnts of Funds, If the amoutlt of the Funds <br />hdd by Lt:ttda staall nest be str~cieat to gay taxes, aastssments, insurance premiums and ground roots as they fall due, <br />Botrosrtr shall pray to Lender any at[tarni necessary to make up the dttinencs within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Linder to Borrower requesting paymutt thertot. <br />Upon payment in fttQ of all sums secured by this Mortgagt. l.ettder shat) promptly refund- to Borrower any Fonda <br />hdd by Lender. Ff under paragraph i$ hereof tht Property is said or the Property rs otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />t~ apply, rw later than itrtmrtdiatefy Ptity to the .sale of the Property or its acquisiiian by Lender, any Fonda hdd by <br />t.atrdt[ at the trine of application as a credit against Eke sums sectued 6y this hfortgage. <br />3. A(yPtlcadiw d Puy eats. finltsx app(reabte law pravtstes nthsnvist, all payments received by Linder uader the <br />Note and paragraphs 1 std ?hereof shalt be appJted by l.tnder hest rn paytnent of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />trader paragraph 2 hereof, rhea to intcrtst payable ao the date, then to [ht peincipai of the Nate. and rhea to inttrtat and <br />pnncipel otl any F[nure Advseoes. <br />4. Malta. Bortosver shall gay all tarts. assessments and either charges. floes and impositions attributable to <br />for Property Which may attain a priority over this Mortgage, and leasehold payments or grouted rents, if any, in the ittenner <br />provrded folder paragraph 2 hueof or, if not Paid in such manner, by tforrawer making paymeat, when dur, directly to the <br />payee tbeteof_ Borrower abat! promptly fur*Iralt [o t.ertder a!# notices of amourm dtte under this paragraph, std in the event <br />Batrawsr shall make payment directly, Barrawer .hall promptly furnish to lender rcetipts evidenE.ting such payments. <br />Bormvaer shalt gmmptfy ducltarge say 4iea which has pnonty over this Mortgagt, prevrdtd, that Borrower shat! not be <br />regaimi to dia~targe any such lien w totrg as Borrawtr shaft agrtt in wrurng [a Eht payttunt at the obligation secured by <br />sit-h-tiew in-a re.ars~r acsptatt& :a l.trt~t. ar ahai} in goad faith t:s:mest ;nett lien isy, or defend eafaretttttnt of such lien in. <br />tetgH groecrdiaga vrhich operate to prrveat the tnfateemtm of the I;eu ,rr iarfeuurr of the Property or any pan thereof. <br />S. Efaaasti insrmae. Borrower shall flop ttte improvements now rtisetng or hcrtatter erected oft the Proprriy moored <br />agaioat-lzns by fires, harxds italu~ w-tthtn the term `~xrendtd c~3verag.:", and such other hazards as Lender ma_y require' <br />atad in such amoutrta and for aEaLIE periods as Ltttdrr may require; Provided, that tender shall not reyuire that the amount of <br />arutf cotrtrage tEtceed that amount of cuvtragc rtgnrrtd to Pav Else toms stcttr~ed fiy then Mortgage. - <br />Tba isattrance entity pravidirtg the iosaraoce shall fx chosen by 13arrower subject to approval by Lender, provided, <br />that nick approval snap not bt uorcastxtably withhed. :iii prrmntms <xt insurartcc policies shall be paid in the manner <br />provided under paragraph 2 htreaf or. tf oat paid is such manger, by Borrower making paymrni= caber, dsu, directly w the <br />irtsttrancc ¢arrirs. <br />AN insurance polttim cud «Itawafa ttee,rat shah ix m form acceptable to Lem]er and shalt rnctude a standard mortgage <br />claerae in favor of acrd in form atteptabk to l.ttnlrr. Letttftr shat} hale the right to bold the palecita and renewals thereof, <br />and Borttrwrr shalt ptorfgfdy futarh to Leader aft retstwat »o[rccs and all receipts of paid pretniurns. In the event of loss, <br />8otsovr~ shall gives prompt ttotltt to ihr rastuarxe c`atrtcr ar>41 lender. Ltndtr may make proof of lass tf not made promptly <br />by Barsc. <br />Utz Lt»tder and Borrower Otberwrst agree rn caching, insurattct pracceris shall be applied to restoration or repair of <br />tlta Proptr,,y damaged, provitled stu;h reatorattua yr repair es caenatmcalty feasible and the security of this Mortgage is <br />t~ [1rerOby impaired. If such restotauan or repair is not reatwmuaily ieasible ar tf the security of this Mortgagt would <br />toes itppairad. elm ittauratstx ptt>c~ shat! ix applied to the strrtts soured by this Mortgage, wnh the extxss, if any, paid <br />W.@errtaarr. ff the F7ttprrty is aftartdorwd by Bortcwer, or it Borrower faits to respattd to Leader within 30 days from the <br />data t[eaicr is tttttiled by Leadtt to Btxrtiwar that the ittwrar~e carrier offtt~ to settle a ciatm fox »tauratlct line@ts; Lender <br />~ atNbmlmd ra collect std apply tier rnsurancr proceeds ai Lender`s aptton tither to restoration or repair of the Property <br />ar ter she scans aaeut+sd by ttttt Mortgage. <br />Ut$HS Laarder sad Horroavar otherW~ agree rn wrnfng. anv such application of prorxeds to principal chat! nIX extend <br />ae paupvne tttr ,defy-dale od thr tncxttMy iastalltnents referred to in Paragraphs I and 2 ::utof +ar chartgt the amount of <br />suet iaaKafitttran If irk pttrag[apb l g htneot the-Property is acquired lt} Lender, all right, true and interest of Borrower <br />is atad ~ soy itsrtsraace polar acrd is and to the proceeds thtsttrsf rstdting froth damage to the Property prior to the sale <br />ar n atntl3 paw 4a Laidar to thr exte»t of iht sums stcuttd by this Mortgage immedtatrty Prior to such sale ar <br />~• <br />tlr< -lllaarltrNa>E Pali-AieiMaamte of Prepnty; Leerltoliec fo PPaaes/ Uatt Devde/seab. Borrawtr <br />trbrs@ -t#rr ~ ut plead repair std abd! sot ct+mmie wastes or permix irrtpairmetit or deterionuon of tit Property <br />Md:lhi~ t-, W1Zh ih6 ~ovidaoa of any !rase if this htartgagt is oa a ttaschaid. ]f this" Mortgagt is an a unit m a <br />or a pi:~rd ~ devel€u, Baerawd" shall ptrf+xm ;€U ul Batrawtr's c+}rtigauons urtdrr the dt+elarauan <br />or +xrswnttsh it>« ta• govera~ flee t:r>rdotttittium or planned cart deve#apttrrnt, the by-taws amt regulations of Eke <br />or piemaed uqu devEdopiatat, :end corEatituetlt doeurntou. if a ecmdumitttum ar planned u»it develop-moot <br />titfrr• t€ by Botastwes and rsasardee! tugethtr wnh this Mortgage, the covettanta and agrtentents at such risky <br />tiiul{:~itttaerlparatted into acrd-shag amend and auppkane»t flee s;vvtnanta aad agrtaxaenta of this Mortgagt as ii Eht ridgy <br />smart a p hrtreoil: <br />T. /rMneirs a{-l~uies€a !: tf Barrosver fails to pmftrrEn the tt><vettanes-std agreements contEiieted in Chia <br />ar ~ +W' acttoa ax prooaaiing is :~ - Wbic6 ma[artaUy affects t..trtder`s must in the Pmptrty, <br />bpl atiBt ltelilrad. fo: ta6)a0ra 8antaia, iiiradvettty, iude vntarcttattn[. or artaaegements t+r pttxetdings rnvo#ving a <br />or~diRtrdatt. ~ Lstsitx-as L.a~7Mlrr`s option, ttgon rri•Ertite to Borrravu, [clay nukes stab appattratuea. diattttrst stw:h <br />~~..;Cilfad as it y rp prcrEaet l~edrr`s rruera,~. a~luditeg. hen rut !Ituited tc. iiizburs€mt[u <+l <br />ttigY6sia~a>'a feali sad aetrY ugs?xt tier Ptegtrrty to makes regain. tf t.roder rettuired rEStxrRaEv itra+srarnk ax a <br />~ of. ttasltiag the" lrrltt saisttrsst:try this Atartglype; Bata¢swer aha!# poly the premttmts rtquiratl tx> matntatn curb <br />IiiMrr#dipk- ut et~d -tarts! [alai! tYllr at €tte tsrlEritttalint, far taadt- ina/artttise txitattnases m as`fitxdantx witA Barrewer i and <br />