8I-- 00239
<br />6. In the event said property is sold at a judicial foreclosure sale or pursuant to the pourer of a sale hereittabove
<br />graate~d, and the procexds are not sufficient to pay the total indebtedness secured by this instrumrnt attd evidenc-
<br />ed by said promissory note, the mortgagee will be entitled to a deficiency judgcmem for the amount of the
<br />a#,/~rncy witkaur regard ro appmisenbrnt.
<br />7. In the event the mortgagor fails to pay any federal, state, or local tax assesmrnt, i[uome tax ~ others tax Nett,
<br />charge, fee or ocher exprnse charged against the property the mortgagor is hereby authorized ac its option to pay
<br />the same. Any sutrts so paid by the mortgage{ Sher!! be added to attd b~©me a pert of the principal artrount.of the
<br />it[dehte~ttess evidenced by said note, subject to the same terms and conditions. [f the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />discharge the ittdebtexlttess rvidenced by said promissory note, and shall pay such sums and shag discharge ap--'
<br />razes attd Beats and the costs, fees, and expenses of making, enforcing, at[d executing this mortgage, thrn this
<br />tttortgage shag be pnorltt:d and surrendered.
<br />&. The covenants herein rnntained shall bind atui the bet>etfits and advantages shall inure to the rexpect[ve succexaors
<br />a[td assigns of the panics hereto. Whrnever treed, the singular mamber shall include the plural, the plural the
<br />sittgutar, attd the use of any gender shat! include a!I get[ders.
<br />4, No waiver of any covenant herein or of the o6ligadon secured hereby shall at any time thereafter bt held to be a
<br />waiver of [he [erms hereof err of the note secured hereby.
<br />10. A judicial dexree, order, or judgement holding-any provision or portion of this instrumrnt invalid or uttenfentx-
<br />ab-e shall not in any way impair or preclude the enforcement of the remaining provisions or portions of this
<br />instrument.
<br />11. Any written notice to be issued to the mottgagor pursuant [o the provisions of this instrument shall bt addressed
<br />to the mortgagor at _ 2809 East xigtttrav 30, Grand 2sland, Nebraska
<br />_ and any wriitan notice to be issued to the mor'.gagex shall
<br />be addressed to the mongagtt at. P•O. Hex 2006, Grand Island, Nebraska 68802
<br />lx WtT1VE!i5 WHEa£rst:, the mortgagor has executed this instrument and the mortgagee has acreptt~ delivery of
<br />this insteurnrnt as of the day and year aforsaid.
<br />. ~tutua l . ;+~~. c.,q ......... .
<br />i
<br />~~ ~ .~
<br />Ra{Ipt[ tdatton,
<br />Exa~st[ed and delivered in the presence of the lolfowing witnesses:
<br />tAdd Appropriate Acknowiedgem[rntj
<br />STATE OF NEtittASkA } Before me, a gtta#iited Notary Pubhc, personalty appeared _
<br />t ss.
<br />z~QUIVTY OF _
<br />ktrtsam to me to be identical person oc persons who signed the foregoing instrument attd acknowledged the exectt[ion
<br />thereat to be .,.,_ vohuttary act and deed.
<br />Witness my ham! ash Notarial Staff on _ , -9
<br />{SEAL)
<br />Notary Public
<br />!-ty Comtstiaston Expires rT_______ . 19 _____.
<br />S'T`ATE OF NEBRASisA ~ Beiare [r[e a quatifie:d Notary Public. persottaliy appeared _ __ __._--
<br />' ss. _ Ralph tiattc~n
<br />.~_.__•____....._._M__~_._,,~~,~..___.a,__ _.,
<br />~`f?!.,`!!+fTY 4F .~,11.._..__..~. ~ Presidrnt o€ __ t!u*~,~t SL4a-~=,-_~._~__._.__._._~__.___.
<br />a carDtxa#€on, krtvwn to me to be the Prssidea# and. identia! person who sigtted the foregoing instrumcrtt, and
<br />€he t~t[tion thereof to be his volutttary act attd deed ax st[ch officer and the volumary act and drrd of
<br />stu@ cetrporattttn #usd that its ctrrporate seal was affixed [hcrau by i[s,a#tthority.
<br />Vtti[tx~ my hand attd Notaxiat Scat on i ~' ~
<br />---~ ~ .._._~______,,~~... l9.-r13.t......-
<br />~« ,:
<br />f- t[#reatetaf[[a*-s:a[s#araw
<br />_ _..
<br />€-~t9sna ist Ak-!~ ~ - ~ Ncnary Public
<br />,t _
<br />