82-- ijtt~394 MC-RT~AGE
<br />This mortgage made and entered into this 6tb day of ~Y • 1982
<br />19 - by arm trtxwten Mutual Sign Co.
<br />(herrsnafter ret'erred to ~ mortgagor) and Commercial National Bank attd Trost Company
<br />(here referretlto
<br />mortgagee), who maiimains an office and place of business at 424 ~~ Third street iv L'ira8tt fad- '='
<br />t
<br />---
<br />Hall Coumy, Nebraska :_
<br />Wrt'lTH, that for the coetsiderarion hereinafter stated, retxipt of whidt is hereby acknowled~d. the --...
<br />does hereby mortgage, sdl, grant. assign, artd convey tuteo the- mortgagee, its srsotxssots astd ate, afE of t~ID Yd-
<br />soaring described property- situated and being in the County of Hall
<br />5tatr of Nebraska
<br />part of T,ot Six ($1, Voss 32rhdivisinn, Hall County, Grand Leland, Nebraska.
<br />together with all the tmemrnts and appurtenances rherno IxlanSinB, ail the renf~, issues arni profits thrreaf, and all
<br />~semestts, rights, royalties, mirtmral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and including
<br />alt heating, plumbing, rcfrigrrauon, tighnng, equipment and ai} ftxtures Qf every description belonging to the
<br />mortgagor now or hereafter attacheei tte-veto ar used ~n eonneetion with the premises herein described and in addition
<br />thereto the faltowing described properties whtc~+ are and shat! br deemed to be fixtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />arc a portion of the security for the its€iebtedrress herein stated. of Wane, state "none")
<br />To have and to hoM rhr sarrae unto [tx Mangagtx, as hereon pro++idrd:
<br />- mortgagor ig }, seiz€d and possessed of seer has the right to adl attd convey said progeny; [hat the
<br />same is free from all rttcumbrances rxeept as herrinabove recited; and that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />defetxl the title aforesaid iberrto and every part thereof against the claims of all persons whamscever.
<br />This ittstruttsrstt is given to sectttt the payment of a pramissary Wore dated ~Y 6, 1981
<br />in the principal sttRt oft 134,tZCIO. ltl _..~,_ ___ ___. signed by _ Ralpft WatY.on ~ -
<br />in behalf of ?4tatttai Sign Ca. - ... __.~_._~..-_____ _.___.~-~-..~--
<br />also,; as strch [tote en erases may €rortt time to time be trmdifi~, renewed a extetukd in writing.
<br />fn [Ere evau t~ risk to said ra! estate is transferred. or contraated to be tratrsfetred, from the undersigned far anv
<br />t+ of by any ntethttd whatsoever, the entire prrfocipal sttm and accrued interest shall at once Ixcomc dtte and
<br />patyuble at the rfedtioa of the hohkr hereof. Failure to eaereise this option beeattse of trnmfer of tarts as abosr stated
<br />itr care insisnre.s >tm t-wnstitntc a waiver of the right to eztreise the sesame in the evert[ of any subsequrnt [rartsfrr.
<br />t. ;i'he ~ caveeanp and agars as follows;
<br />a; Ttr=prc>~tiy pay €he h~ e~riderxxd by ~ pso€etissmry note at the tirtres and in the mttnnrr
<br />h: Ta psy a# [arses, atrretrts, water rates, and atittx gtrerntnrntal rK misn~ipa} cttargea, tir€es.. :rr
<br />for vrhClt-pra~risiorr has rttn best made ttereinbefore, acrd will promptly deliver the uffi: sat recetpss
<br />tfrgefor to the said ttsortgttgae.
<br />c, To pay strch ~ anti face as may be ixk.rtrred F» the protrctrmt and mutnrrnathr ,~t +.aist tss:spertE,
<br />rttr test[ of any' s~ttrrrrrey emgloyaJ ttY rite mortgagor €m the coiie+:tic*n x+t any c>r all sjf ;ht ;trdebtcdness
<br />hrt*ab3- ~sttrat, sac foresirswrc by enort"~: srels.~r ceK.ri ttr~ucctliuaa..~r in ans ,.[lire iit~~ast;m =,r ^r;~rrcdiutt
<br />affk~#tht +stid prot,erry
<br />