<br />81=-UC~~3s~
<br />3, The ter eaveasnta and agt+an tote if be shall -fail to pay acid indebtedner or say part thereof when
<br />dq# or +4aD fail to perform say cotenant or agree[aertt oCtbk iaatrumeat or rhea promissory note secured hereby, the
<br />etiY~c in[bbtedneaa hereby secured sfiall imrttedutely beeatta doe, Payable, and rallectible without notice, at the
<br />aNtlan-sf the mortgagee or-assigns, regardless of maturity, and the mortgagee or his assigm may before tes• after etatr~
<br />ae~'ssid property wirbbat-ap~niacment itbe mangagor having waived sail assigned to the mortgagee aN-rids
<br />Wit): -
<br />f I 1 at judicial salt pursuant to [fie provitaiona of 21t U.S,C 2([011 a) ; or
<br />(u l at tbs option of the ma~rt~, tither by asat:tiae or by aofaeitation of sealed bide,Yatt thtt met ctrl
<br />beat bid cotoplyins witb the termr of ads soil matmer o[ payment specified in the pttblishad aatieaof taaMr$1"utt
<br />giving fear weeks' notice of the time, terms. and place of attcfi sale, by advertisement ttaR leas th+a awes
<br />daring Lath of said foar weeks in m newspaper published or diatribated is the coanty in which atid.psaparty
<br />r aimed. all orbs unties beia6 lttteby waited by the tsoetga6o: !sad acid mortaa~ee, ~ arty patnw tea
<br />betksN of said mortaases. may bid witFt the mtpaid indebtedness evidateed by acid note). Said-ads airl[ be
<br />hshf at or oe ehc property to be sold ar at the Federal, counts, or city courtleouae for the cmmq io whiel:`t6e
<br />property 'v betted. Tot mortR+IVi~ to hereby authorised to execate for and on behaU of elm tnortga~ sail to
<br />denser to the purchaser at such ask a suP~cient tnnveyaaee of acid property, which coavganee shall eaNat•
<br />recitals a. ro the happening of the defaaf[ upon which the execution of the power of tab herein getMad
<br />depaetds: sad the acid mortgagor hereby conatitntaa and appoiad the mortgagee or any asmt or attorney aE~6e
<br />ssefdagee, the sheet sad attorney in fact of acid mortgagor to make ouch rseiuls sad tai tsewte uid
<br />eonvgance tad hereby eovetaad and agrees that the reeita4 so made ahaU 6c e[setual to bar aD equity ax
<br />right of redemption, hoa[eaMad. dower, and all other rxemptione of the mortgagor, all of which-arc hereby
<br />ezprtssiy waived sail conveyed to the mortgagee: or
<br />fi ut1 take ear ether appropriate action pursuant [o state or Federal etttute eitbcr in state or Federal
<br />court of otherwise far [he disposition d flu proprrty-
<br />la the event of a sale as hcreinabove provided, the mortgagor or say person in possession under ffie mortgagor shill
<br />then bec~te and be teased holding over end shall forthwith deriver posscasion [o the purchaser at each axle or be
<br />atemmarily diapoaarsaed, in :ecordaare with- the provisions of law applicable to teaand holding over. The power
<br />sail agency hereby leraoted arc catepkd with -,a intered and art irrevocable-by-death or other rue; sail ar_e Brasted
<br />a eumabeivc to the remniirs for coilaetian of stir! icradebtedncss provided by Iaw.
<br />~ The pwaoeeds of any ask of raid property is aeeordaaar with the preeediag, pnragrapbt sball appbed first
<br />to pay the caste sail eapawsea d said ask, the eaperraa inenmd br [fie mortg:gee [or-flee ptirpesae of pen or taa~
<br />tamiutg raid property, sad ressonablc sttorrtevs' free: seeoadly, to pay the ittdebtedttess secured hereby: and thirdly
<br />to par awy surgia or extras u the person ar pcrsosu {egalh entitled thereto.
<br />5. la tbs event acid property w add of a judicial fereebaure sob or pacauant to the power of wb hessisabrss
<br />granted, sad the psoeeeds are not etd~citaat to pay the told indrbtedne.a aeeared by thin instraaseat aed evidenced by
<br />said pteairary note, tot mortgagee will be emitkd to + de&cienty jt[d~sem for the atstennt of the deFcieaey tatltasnt
<br />~~-
<br />fa, in the event the atortgagar fella to pay any Federal, start, ar local ta: asaatement. income tat w other tax lien.
<br />charge, fes, w other rx}rt~mie eltargud araiaat the plOplrtse the mang:gee is 6trtby suthorim[I st his option to pay
<br />the asses, Any lama ao paw ley the mortgagee shall be added to sad bceoate a part of the prinaipai amount of tot
<br />indebrtdaas evedeneed by acid note, subject to the ,tame recurs and cooditioaa. Cf the taortg:gor shall pay sail
<br />dwobst~e the iadebtedaeas rvideneed by said promissory trove, amt shill pry sorb sums and shall discharge all taxes
<br />sad tiaras tad flee toga, fees, sad expenses of tasking, enteteiag, and a:scoring this mortgage, rhea Chia teortgagc
<br />sbdf fill sawodtad sled ~raadered.
<br />?. Tito: eotaesumte eaatstaiated aball bind sad the benefits sail advaotaltes abdf inure to the rspeattre sno-
<br />eeweaattd aaaS~uaof rite pertiaa besets ~Pbenever need, file aiagubt camber shall iaehde the pbtrel, the phnri ~
<br />afyaisr. sail ebs seta of oay'aaiar shall facrirde aq gaaiua
<br />1"fb wailer of any eaateaut hansirt or of the obliaatiaut seesued heresy ~tI1 at .say time-tbeteafter'6e' behf
<br />to be a truver of ~a faafae baeeof ar of the ante aaeared hereby.
<br />Itt Boat wide aaatiaa 101.1 f d } of the Ralea sad Regulauirarr of eb~ Basalt 8nr`nsaa Ai~iatesttiart [ u
<br />C,#;$.11>f:-lfi- ). foie itttltrettwt it ter M aerwatsd and eadsaexd iw-taeeraedaate witb spplkebie Fedonl law.
<br />~. A 3tsdktlai deta+rb crawler, ar jadpaut fio{iGslt say proriaion or paasdoa oC this i[aptuettat invalid or tna
<br />sttioMesoifo Jt+f1°ae~ ~ trey wny - ax prteitsde sbe ~ at fire rarer prosiaiena m paatioaa of
<br />xr :.,
<br />