<br />~. 13..tatp~se e.....a.a..a ir~...a.. raa.tnt S 1--f) 0 2 3 7
<br />e °.1e w~ i~ ~ t~ ir: eaidss~ !~ esd p_~seesj ~ as the tis:esa stall ~ the
<br />atasarr dheeai. Fsraai
<br />fk He win paj all t.aa...a.eaatoaau, water rtes, sad other ~ovetsasmtat or ewtteiaiw! a&ne~nt. 6u-+e
<br />~e which prsviriias bar sot )feet side hettisbe[ore, and win prttaaptlj deliver the side! aeeeipY
<br />thasteter ee the acid tteartga~+a.
<br />c. Se wiA pay each expenses and Seen u mal be incurred ur the proteetian sad maintenance of acid
<br />property, incleding the fete of any° sttoroey employed by the mortgagee for the ewtteetion of any or a11. o[
<br />the isdt6tetlneae hereby secured, or for forerlrsare by mori{{sq+ee's sale, or cone proeeedtnp, or is any otltm
<br />Litigation or prots~eding ai[eMing said pnemisea. Attorneys' feca ttasoaably incnrrcd in any other way shat[ be
<br />paid bl the mortgagor.
<br />ei. For better assn»ty of the iedebtcdneaa hereby scented, upon the request of the mortgagee. its sea
<br />censors err arsigrrs, he shat! exeea[e and deliver s snpplementai mortgage or trtortgaga rnvering soy additions,
<br />imprnvemrsta, or beitermenb made to the property hereinabove desc»bed- : nd al( ProPertT ~~ bT
<br />it niter the date hereof +. ail in form sstiafactary to mertaa¢ee 1. Farthermoze, ehoaM mortgagor [ail- to care
<br />aey delanit in the garment of a prior or inferior eneumbrsnce an the property described hl t6~-itrttvmeet,
<br />mortgagor Kerrby afters to permit mortga~x to curt Ruch default, bnt mart~ca~ee is not obliRattd io do ao:
<br />tad such sdvances sh:il 6rcome part of the. indebtrdneros sccurcd 6y thin inrtrtameni, subject to the acme
<br />terms and condiiioru.
<br />r. Tbr »ghia orated by Shia eanverance shalt crenate in full force and egect du»ng any pwtpoaemmt
<br />w esteasion d the rime of paymrat of the indrbtednev+ rvidencrd by said promissory note or any part [hereof
<br />seeonxl hcrrbv.
<br />J. He wilt caniinuously maintain haaanl insurzacr, of .ueh type or rvpre and in such amonn4 as the
<br />mattgatter roar imm rimy is time r~-gyirr ,yn the improvrmrnta now or hereafter on said property, and
<br />~~ Pay prompt!! when doe any peemiuats therefor. AI! imarsnex shall be carried in oaapaaies aeeepUhle
<br />to sortgafpee std the policies and rmewsla thereo! rbail be held bl ntorynsee and have attached thereto
<br />lass Pslahk elapses is [nor of sad in form s«eptabla to the mortgagee. fn event of lose, trill gam,
<br />sattiee is rsritiag to mortgagee, std teal make ptaof of less i[ oat ata~ ptataptij bj
<br />mertp~sr, sell each inneranee osmpany eoaeertted i r hereby authorised sell directed to sake payment for each
<br />tai- dirsculy to snstsad ~ to ntortgagCS sad nuat~,ee jetntll, sett the irtenranee proeeeda, or asj
<br />pat !bees[. auj bs applied by mortgagee at iL option either a the rederetiam of the iadebtedoes hatrebj
<br />snared es tq the testarmian err regtair of the property das.ged or destroyed. !n event o[ foreeiewm ~ Shia
<br />atataa8a, er ether eraasier of title: to said preperty is a:tin~nialsaant of the indcbtednar aeeared 6arebj, an
<br />title, sad utertstt d the sortgsgar is and to sal eaesraaee poIeeties than in face shall pas to the
<br />perchaser or mortgagee or, at the aptx.Yr of the mortttat:ee, sear he surrendered for a reftmd.
<br />g. He wilt keep ail bnildin,,z and other imprmetrtenta an said property in good repair sad eonditioo:
<br />wits permit, comtait. err rider rw waste, impairment, deterioration of acid propertr or any part thereof:
<br />in the ere of faitnee of the tttertgsgor to keep the bniMin~ aw said prtmrirea anti [boas erected on said
<br />prcmias, or imprtsvenrenta t$erean, to good nspair, the mortgagee may make tech eepain ra is ire dneretion it
<br />stay de+rm rueeaasry for the proper presrnstion thereat: and tha3u~atao~ol each anderr~! wrebpsyment
<br />shill be hnmerdiately des sad psyabie sad .halt he sercueed by the lien of chin martgapes.
<br />A. He will not veluota»il create or permit to be created a>EaunK the property subject to this mortgage
<br />+ntl Lisa or Liens iafe»or or superior fa the lies of Shia mortRafe- without the written consent at the mori-
<br />gttgee; sad tnrtirer, he will keep sell maintain she same free [tom the claim of all pentons supplying isbar or
<br />eaiteriaL for caaratraciioa of any and art :.niidittgs or improvements now being erected or to ix ereMed m
<br />r~ F
<br />i. tic will as rent or neap[ env part of the teat at said mortgaged property or demolish, or remove,
<br />or snhumtially abet aav buitdiag without the written rotrseat of the mortgagee.
<br />}. Art awards of der®agn in caenectioa with env rondemnatioe for pnblie use of or injury to any of the
<br />property arhject to Skis mortgage are hereby assigned and chat! he paid uu martiun•_-, wba may apple the
<br />antes to psystatt of tLre inAallaiesrid last due ender said note, sod mortgagee is hereby authorised, itr the
<br />nasere of the mortgagor, to exeente and delirer valid acquittances therewf and to appeal from any such award.
<br />fr. The mortgagee shall have the right to inspect the mortgaged premiss at say reasaaabie time.
<br />2. llyd ~ aa7r ei cite rsvrarants of eorditiar~ of thin iasttvmsne M of eke trots or lose agrre~aet asetsred
<br />' spilt errrrrtioafa the sartgstpar's right io posrewiaA, use, and ea joymettt of the property, at the aptian o[ the
<br />toesgptgee w bin asri~rts lit being agreed that tits ttrortggtoor rhall have nosh rittlre uatif defaoh). tlp~ any such
<br />datswdt. rite sw4ttagee shat! i~t=eose the otraer of elf of the rtasta and protrb accruing •ftew defauh ss araurt!r
<br />tar the ~ saarered hereby. with the right to esMr upon said property far the purpose. of celhtee~g welt
<br />tnpte sasl prtt4ts. This aWtrnenant strati opesayt as as a~igmwatt of nay rasruis an said property ti that esteat.
<br />