i. 7s aareawata ari arts. of (~at~as i7 l `-- ~} ~} ~ 3
<br />s. Ir.~ 1 ltt7 d» ;.dalteati.aaa eadt{taetd hl t~ ~ ttiai at the t13...a la m.
<br />witrrs tsia »~
<br />~ ~- l~ ~ t atattrtsptt~ .rter nt«r aui aoMar rr+.emela ar saieipat dna~tt- liro., K
<br />" ter tt~ pewfii+tt lifar.at 6etr,aadrt hasae. asd wi#! pttarpelli deN+ter llif d~tikl '.
<br />to t~aaia .
<br />c. !~ will pay .urh rxpenawf alai tf`t'ii r may be iauurred is the ptnteefiaa acrd taaiateaaaee of said
<br />proprrky, iaeladiag the tars of any steoraey emplayed 6q the maet6agee tw the colbtetiatt ci any or all of
<br />the iaeaa hQeebq secured, ar for ta~reelowre bq stor+tgtt~ae'a ale. or twstt praaxdiopa, iar is any ol)ur
<br />litiptiew oc proaealis~ ar'setiott said preatitaa. Attaraegs' tees rraawia6ly int:arred tut .ty other way
<br />@aid hl' the asortra~ar.
<br />l Fer -atter oeeariMt oI she iadel~edpeaa herrbp eeeueed, apace tlie' od tha arartr~a.3la.nta.-
<br />eaasereea' asri~sa. ha shalt agia~ote aasd deiia:tr a supplettarxLOl sexl~ge ar -emYartag~~
<br />iatprasessenta, er itrttsrwsrnr male to the propertp hereatahoer dsseribad : ltd al! t»'aPeK7 + ~,
<br />it atts>f the date lteeaeef tali to forts ratidactarp to twart}tattee). Funherwtate, siteald aaart}tadar tail-W errs,
<br />rtp defask ie the pteprarst .d a prtar ar inferior escaesthraaee on the prrpertp deaeri6eYd by drat iatlnttmir~r
<br />raryt:•par hereby aRtetr t® permit tttorlcaaee to cure suclt defanib but rerortRa}tee is ttet obliRsted to da ao;
<br />and aurit adraarn ahai! breorsie part of the iadebtrdnrss srrnred hq this itutrvetteut, sttbjeet to the caste
<br />terms sad eoaditiota.
<br />r. 71u rittltts rreatrd bt thts ronvrvagre shall remain in full force end rBcct duriuR any postptiaeraett4
<br />or rstenaian of tf.r timer .,E lrarmrnt of the ins{rbtrdnraa rridenecd by said premisaorv note or amp part thereof
<br />rxurrd brrebv.
<br />/. ile .+FSl1 ruatsnu.,isct, esaintaia haaard trsauraticr, act such type or trpn and in such amoaeta s the
<br />mar'ytattre mac turns tsmr to simr rrsfusrr <,n tftr Smpravrmrnts ntrv. a,r hrreaitrr nn .and property, sad
<br />sill paq pteaptip rlsea dwt sap pretrritrsss therefor. All tttirrarx shall be carried is c>Aparvra saeapeahla
<br />to atars~}ae sad the poticiar sad reacarah thutsai skirl be held by taort}}a~oe sad l:aA attached rBsatrr
<br />leas payable dat+sir is b.w ~ sad io form acceptable to the martfts~ee- la nmt a$ bas, eert~a~w will ~*a
<br />iauardiate oatice in writiaR to ~• sad ~rtfiatme map make proof of bar it sot taade ptvstptly by
<br />ataetpyMa; acid Dock iawra:sea cartpaap vx~eened is harebp asttaariaed sad direetsd to taste paptateat for a~
<br />br diraetiq to iaatusa of ~ aturettasdor cad menrt~ee piatlp, sad the iaaatroaa ptrsoasda, ar ..y
<br />part thereat, cog ice atipfied by arsat~a}gea u its option either Qe the raduetioa of tha isddte6ar hsrebq
<br />saeziad ar to tha ar r of the prspsrtp dams~ed ss deaErr}wd. Is a~ of tonarbswte of this
<br />ttaretpt®a, or a trearfsx of titla to raid prerpertr in ratia6uiahatent of tlae iadabtedaar seemed 6oeairq. all
<br />titb, sad iaterer of the mart~agar eR sad to sat saNtraa[! pedieira them is fwce shat! par to the
<br />ptttehaser ~ marrt}gtt+rs or, at the optiae of the mnrtre roar hr wrremlcred for a rrfuad.
<br />;, Ifr wil) keep a!! httw>dinasp sad other smpravetMnes :es, said proprnq in }food repair sad ooadition;
<br />ril! perniS rettastit, Hr a+sfbr ttA watt, intpatersteaal, detrrinratioa of said property or sae part tbereot:
<br />sa the rvrni ad failuro of the ttaot<lia~or to keep the buildin¢s ran .ass! prrmisrs and those rimed on said
<br />prrrneri, or itaptvsrtaHats thrtetn, is }ttso.! repair, the mnnas~rr mar make Bach rrpain as in iii d`euretien it
<br />stay deem ruremry cur flu praprr ptrarrrstion thrrrad, and the toll amount of rrch and rvrrv saeh payment
<br />shall br i~mrdiafelr doe arul papabl* and .hall be srrnrrd hp fir tied of thu asurtAafs.
<br />h. Fla 4tii riot ralealA»!e create :,r permit to be created aRaimt the propene anbjrrt to this man6aRe
<br />an: lira sec ite6a inferior or auperwr to t!u l3r~it .tif'title r+sanRafit' rtthrat tfM written rattaent of the saeri-
<br />Raaer: std farther, br will kxp and' maiettasr the qme freer from !hr etaim of all peraetts wpplyita}t Tabor or
<br />matsriais far reraatria[tMM et aa: sad a!! Mtildin~ or rasprovrmrata mar bring greeted or to be everted oft
<br />said ptetttwa.
<br />a. fle rill not rivet ur aortas anv pars of the rent of raid mnnRafrd propene or drtaotfalt, or remove.
<br />ar swhstaatislty attrr ins lraiildiag rFithoiri the rrsttra comrnt of the moriftat[ee.
<br />j. All awsrib of datntatrs in raanrttion rich say rondrmnatimi for public use of or injrrp to amp of the
<br />prope~tp aah~eet is this mart}tatRr are hrtrbr asarztted sad shall be paid to martlergtjee, wka aitiw sir the
<br />saMa--ta ps+rtpeat ai the irrralltaaats let dtte raider fail ante, and Iteaart}ta}er is heeebp aw#toriaair fa the
<br />name of the matt~a}}pr, to rarrnte and deliver . rlid acgnttuucrs tharrof atu! to appeal {rautt amp wr$ award.
<br />k. '[ha ~ slam base the right Ea iatpeet the aeartttai}tsd ftswtatea at as>F stile titp~
<br />$. tlt!tarTt'ftti aarr sf the e~weaaaut ar reredlteraas ~ Ehia iaatrttment or et Else nWr or loan srcrremeat seesred
<br />h ahttr#slaaawaat~tt®tr'wrptktas },cwr+srian~, ,srr, acrd enjovtaewt r.f ehr f.roprrty, at tha option of rho
<br />lttlrir~e otr his arras iii lseina attneed ibat the mnnrtgor ahalf i[aa-e suck nFht anti! drtautt7- llptra amp such
<br />~ the maet~aftne shall beromr the arwrarr e>t act of the teats and prnfets acrruin}[ after defaalt ,v securitq
<br />teir Ater ~ serrrsd herrbp, e.hh Mhe n}tht to e~itr`apoa said propene for the pirrproer %•f tolle+ett`»}t such
<br />ttisatar~ prohit. 't`It3s iWriraeal tltaU ~ aiF ~4` ~ ad ~?' rrutala am said prspertp to that catrtei.
<br />