81--~:~ t~ 2 3 5 4 MORTGAGE
<br />rwls Irm>s~rrva>s. rttaAa ti#.__. -SSh_ _ _ d.Y ar_.-_. _ _.__ _ __ _____ is ~ _, by red 6actreea
<br />_feneva_W. Bonsack: ~-.single ~*~rs9n_'------__._...___...-----------~.---------~_._._.__.._...__._.~
<br />of Hal 1 _ Covaty, Nt~brssha, ss aeort;asur __~__._, aaa Fltrene Pelletal Sarityts attd t.oaa ws:ociatiatt of Gssad Idaed, a tatpttratWn
<br />txpw.raa attd existzns under the taws of the Utut~ Statci of America with in Prfncitxaf ofnce and Pirtle of busitttes at ruand Iahtad, Nsbeaata,-ss
<br />VfitTNFS3ETH: Yhu said auxtiytu __.~,_,...~... far awl in a;ot}sitkratioa of ttx sum of__..~
<br />Six Thfsusand Fiv~Hundred F~nht~ Two dollars and EO/lQ0 =- ue,~~tac?,~60 ~,
<br />,. ,
<br />,:.. _::
<br />the r at wbitb is hereby actawstedatd, rte -~S_.._ -_ . _.-_,. __ by tfaese ¢rurrtts mtutaate and wattuttyataitl~JbElptxsgms awd drApfpt
<br />toRPer, sk the folbwitttt deacriMA teat state, sit rued m the c ~uaxv of _....__ -_-_ ~a.l_l____~ ~. ~. _,
<br />gad State of Nebraska. to-wit: -
<br />The North Eighty Five Feet (85`j of the Narth One Hundred Forty (140) feet of the
<br />I~st Half (w~j of Block Fourteen !IQ) in Pleasant Horse Addition to the City of
<br />urand island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />TotpN.}ax wah au Ixatsetl, au carmt:ta>nxna. t'Fthtxnzt, sxui Ptmm~ense a•atu cprxene anti itstti:rr.. na;nrYtnk ~ resYZS. swmtraa. storm wtm#aw•: and
<br />dtxue, and wtadm shaa6as or bhnrla ;:red +,n Ken ronata'~tarn v<nh seat ;rrnpertv whether t ne .ame am n.nw i~xatai rsn seat PruPavty nr henxtft°
<br />6>daCad tMrsac.
<br />T'ft F7Ai'F; AtiIl T13 !#t7t-i3 ?"ttt•; ``AM!-. c.rge,twr wnh all nxxt .=wtvtar stW t.•r3er~rnts, r,ernvtsrnrnts and ap}arrtrmncra ttxerrxxnt.. tx-~
<br />';~°,s j. _.. ;s aC'3"m~a =~s7^:r.... i.xr--E:. a;n} ~a~n: :!x :::+x r... ..,, a,... `~s.:: ...,..: w-~ '.-ci`~tr~ ~.,:zr nt 5 xYh .exl
<br />rt»M that Shr t S a.. zter d.dxver-_~ t.er,.rt :M iawiul ,~w nrr •:1 thr F,rcmueea et~rar r.mv.r.,d arul rkwrrrlx~l.
<br />gad _.__y'~_ reuad a! s aa'~ awl ttrfe{srrhzr »xate ,># ,rhrrrtsr#r t+>nnam. #>xe roci c.. ..f a.'i ¢rzcurnbram-ea. anal the[ 4. he - w-;li
<br />wariest artd detweN thr title thrrsm taeessr attaanrt ;:te ~'saura amt dRrruaais :,! sSl ixr-xaera rtxxner,ev-rr
<br />tTRt]~I-$ii ALtO AS`S, gad thxs oral aaasx ,. rtaruu.r arrti c4i;senei tc, ~-ur.~ ! tm {wy rurn+. i,t star ,um of
<br />S ix_ IHt~sasad F i lit:. Hundrefl- E #-ghty TixN ;ytl I 1 ars area 5C3/ 1 af3 - ~ k>tia~ ++ ~, 582, E,LI - s
<br />will xtl6aeaa4 thanaw. tatiatttar srzih such chs+sha and ad.~antrs as ms+ t.e .fur and psvahie t.: a.ti na,rt}ta~s^' uxa}er the terms anti arndit;nnn
<br />M iffis ,, sole :~+as-axx :L:t€+-~ws~:: gsd sx;cors. 1-:.-~r. -a+>-vtad ' ,ate ~.~ai>K+w ,. sate ,-nrnx;-atty. ;.ate bte as ..aPrta>ard
<br />at sat6 Bate, std fq sarata ttpr pla6xfetmee tJ si! list terms and :+»totWOae a-antazasd tta*mm ;Ta• ~+>ae of aaxd note err hereby it~aatxrratrat
<br />hsitsia by tAia rataeaana.
<br />Yt is tie iatsatiua and of the Parties tenrst,x xhat t6ts rtssxttzadrs shat; mats setyrs any tntu+e advatx~ra' mate to sari xnurt(;agtx -.
<br />~' eettt t4ortgathe. and sn,y awl all ~x s addztare t:a tra• aasavnt aE=~+~e ,6ninci wtt~et, ,ard rwrtgalturs. or anY o1 chem. rtmr ,!wee to
<br />slid ~. hn s~.rr s~sa}tscud~. wEratkra hp rwtc :r :k e:,-nrunx ..r <,t#,«rs.ar "hn t .ryta~ Khali rcrrsert xn fo{f ft>rt~, arwi Effect t>cixeen
<br />tlca patistaa luis7o snd ihsar iatin, parawsa# rsyte+saxtutvse:. ~osrzea,rr= and axryr:s- untaf atf aaa,unta awarrtd tterruadar. ~rx-iudlnit #w.urr
<br />advaawa, eta trod in ivi waL rnwrsst.
<br />the - har'abY sas:tts3 . 5 to ~# mat~;ayue ai, sr~nt* e;zti tact art,ayt ax an}- wry ail C:rsuas from .wul ¢rot rty and
<br />itraW' autasarise Sark4- ntart$at;sr ~ as at}oetx, at :ta xrptxux, upon datsuti, t,. isitxr ::rage art :.aNl P^X~tY and rnltert a"si rmis arai itx:antr
<br />Slfaadtaas art! aypay the aaatc to thr t»yaa,w :d rnterrat. prutrtPai, tnxvrance yretnatara. taiga, aaaraamamta, rrpazre av rmpr+n~ear:nts
<br />aNaMMit" teiiaBsaN1 tieolwrc3! w Saaaetshsa t~tin~a. rte tt, othw eY~sytrn ar txaptnaa a Ar+rs'rritai tsv )cereal ur to the rwx.c hezdag secused. i bra
<br />zeta. aaaigamssn ai~tlf ^,..,..e±a.~_. nt farce,rntd the ;:nyrtd aaiantaxof start rax.e e{ f;;itz~ Pnai. Tate :ehin}i :al tataarasarn herwadrr shai3 ~n na mxnnrr
<br />trttn'aa# tat rtwartf acid twstidi~tw vi the aruiw: z.ew w aatd auk 3?p i~racfoaxve +ar .a.i~nuat.
<br />~a tBLReat t8a tsattia~9r to 'asut am al tta r4giiYa met at brxr tStree .Bali ircK he crmtatrratai 9~ a wata'ar at iGs riitttt Car assert thr
<br />sae+a at aaY later t+tas, and ua maart uPoa gad enfortx a;net . -.sn: jyititnet~ +v~uh aU tb.: ~rrms and pro.-..*sozs of seal muz a~i nt this rrx,rtKnKr
<br />if real rstat^iisr%tr sha}i raaase is do t+at m grit} tnortRattta, thr enter anwuru etue ai nrraundeY. axe] xtett}ar tlne trrme arai Pevaiaxurs
<br />of sett! apse hataby asserted., uacktAjs~ Suture adswtxa, and any ratenawnx su reaews~' tharsnrt ut att rrtiantr with the ttMm+ anti provxsa,ra_~
<br />natant, gad-k said ~ .._ vastt tamtrty wqb ail tba tmsv}at~a of aaaY noire gad of tktta mattttagr, tt-as. xiteaa prriienta atoll #sn -vaxi,
<br />sidrt^,pita to taataia l$fleeae att$sKaet, sari tnid tttntitype shale rte aei~.kai en tree ta. ~aaawa vt alt of saaQ FrofeettY. amt tneY. as it9 +;Kern.
<br />b-~a»-tie aepofu sA-said na6a and alt haaw eeprateatid tAteshY :,., bs tmoxedWriy date and psvattk. red lrrsp {tmr ieiwa thn rrtan~aar
<br />at te#ASr a~o3` ttii~ta ltYtri aCtista to psatet# isa n~it_ ~ waxvaal.
<br />'!'Ma ~ tArati ha Rti,adyatt txtafa gad a6e7f axanra u; the bamrlk aI the ht#ea, ><se&vxsxa. sxttnlntattatCKS. a+xtxssors acid. se~rta of thr
<br />>~ Datt+te isrtattn.. -
<br />[di ttit'rli:lt~'fil K'[.ItE+Jt, laud tNeuE[gtsttaa !~ 5. ttetastnte set her.. +~,. hpattsi - .- tie da/y a+td >,an feat aixr.r
<br />vt>saee ~+7 ell~'fFif
<br />ue6lLiYa 31. Bonsack
<br />