<br />81---~}~Iw35~
<br />tIpR7Y;ACE tpMi NO. L23933
<br />Subject to L 18,711
<br />[WONA[1.YENBY7NPSEPIRFSENrs:7ttet Rr~tiger L, William and Geralyrt J, 4~illia~s, Leh in his
<br />arld her own right and as spouse of each other, Morggor, vrtrther ooa or hare, la mmidnaaoo at tM ae® d
<br />Elevt~t Thousand and No1100
<br />!Dined to ~ tnortgagca by ~ Equitable Building wed Ivaz Asoetatism zrf Grwd is6nd, Rlebrasila, tdottpttgae, upon ,110 idrra aP agodt of
<br />tad ASSOClA7TUN, Certifkste No. L 23433 . do hereby grant, wrrvay and aartgge tmto the add A83t7CIA7701Y ttie fo®otvie~
<br />rs'~ibed rat eyhNe, dttatod is ttaU County, Nabrasta:
<br />Lac FIICdiP (a) , rN fl1rOClC TIiRF~ (3) , IN "t70tII1IRi fyt7s
<br />NCItYi'n"Stlr"S~T S`)[IARTr~ (~tAV'a) C}F SE~t:TYt3D1 RW~7PY-ETt;t•1P
<br />(2a?, IIV T~iSHIP II.T;~TF77 (11? N(~2RH, RANGE NIAtE (4?
<br />WEST OF THE SI}CI'ft P.M.
<br />together ?ettr: aU the tenements, herr:diiatrnats srul spptrneruntts thercuntu ;xeisrngtng, uxiutiitig sttat:fud floor ars~riny, aU window scteetn,
<br />wpadaar shades, blinds, alarm srsadows, awnugq. hcafatrg. su ,.t~ndzttvmng, and pfumhzng and warn equtpirrent std atceswxies thereto, pampa, stave,
<br />rafrsyrraton, and atlu~r futurrs and aqutpmrnt rmw .>r hmcafter attactred to nt used m t>nneCtron wrth satd ;cal estitt.
<br />Aad whereas the anal afnrtgsgesr has agreed a^6 dsxsfxrebv ogres that thr cnuriltagt>r shat! and writ pay all fain and asfe~teats kried of
<br />afaasaed upon stsd premtaes arxd utran :hts martgstie and ?he bond secured ;hcrch~- --~tSore tree same strati bei:ome de}apneat: to tarnish approved
<br />maurattu upon the htztldictga :sa satd pseertises srttutcd in the sum c.f 311, 000. v0 papabk to nd ASSOCIA77t)r.+l and to deliver to 9
<br />ASS(7('IAT10Ai tlar pr>ticxs tar sad tmwaats; and curt w cvmmrt rK pertrat any waste nn ur xbc>ut sand premaea:
<br />in ::uc .>f detautt an •,!ffi prrfurrzsancr of any at rht terms and :smdx umx :.1 this rrwrtpr)tc :rr the F>txrtd recursd hereby, the rrtattgagse shall,
<br />an demarxd- tae cnrst xd zn :mrrteduzr txuresman ~tf ehe trx,rzitsttr~ prcmxsts and thr tru,ngaaor hcrciry amtgrs, rntuftrs and sets over to the
<br />s3x>rigagZe xit tree renis, xe,unves x54 ,ncsxrrre to i±r dcnxd from rite rtraridaged preauses darupt stub trine as the rttortgage iadebtedmaahe#I rettYitt
<br />uepwd: and the muctgagoc stall have nc~ pwvu to appnmr am s~wt cu sweats ;r ntay :ksuc fat the propose of repairing said prcmiaos wad rrntiag
<br />ttg same and w4kcarrrg thr rents. revetiucr anal rtatt.rrsa, arut tt :tuY pay net of reed rrscaase aU expenses of repaving sad peeauses and netxmry
<br />wmtGtvauns ftd ex tiacutse4 :n rrnittyl and 5raaafrn8 tM same and of eatkcll[ra rrntals thue#rom; ih! ba{a9Oe rt:auinitsg, if soy. to I!C
<br />ap~ towazd thr r~.'hssige of card awrtgaac indebtedness, there tpjtts u[ ttx nxtusga€cr may txe cxcrusd s[ env there darltrg flee existtntx of ttttch
<br />de ixdt, urtspet'arre cal anY umysxrsrY wan'er n! tts sense.
<br />Thew Irresertts. hrevrvrr, are upon :ire CnndsLOn, fhxt tt thr +arS Ncxtga~rr ,(rail repay sans Eoan nn tx !satwe i!ti matwtly Uf sa• i stern by
<br />pay;eent: pep marthtp tr> ;a .ASS{1['} A7ItiN c.t tt~ wrr xpn-stx:`.i ; . ttze §ans; x.urcd hert6y xs enitrcat znd prtacrpaf oa rod Inert, ua or Frafnre
<br />the Tvctztecrh day t>f cac~h xnd cvrrs r;xuath.:rrted ~-ai roan ;s f uUy toad, pay ell taxes xnd ss~ssrrxnrs -Eevred agarna[ said premtses aad.tn the Mortgage
<br />and tM Bondiecured rherrby . tsefsxrr dcFzayvcrx;3 . ' ixr5xsh apprured :rrswxner r.pcm the buddtngs ttuesvn to the rum of S 11, 000.00 payable
<br />to sad ASSC)ItATIC)ti, +rpay to and AS.S(F[:1ATtt34 upcxs dc5vad all nrtitxy "t*s :t yard *.ur such axes. asseurtrents. wad urswanc , wrth interest at
<br />the rnaaaatuisl legal rate rttercc.n ; rrsrn chic ..f pay men? ail ..t wt±xzh Noriga~>r rsereby agrees to pay. pettmt na waste o5 sod premises: keep and wraply
<br />wtth nit tba agscetteenrs sand usndrtrsns u# thr I3orrcl tut S 11 ~ ii00. UO ttm .uy given by the rod Mortgagor [a crud ASSQCIATI4N, and wraply
<br />with iU the requsreteeats of true ~anuriutxsn and Hyi~awa ut aasd ASSfJC'IATIt7N. Cher: ibeac pts7entc strap becrnna null xnd wd, aNerwve they
<br />rttsnaat x. fta.y force xnd e:~y Ise ftstec#oeed st ttx optnx:..f t~ sasd A.S!:t)CIA71f?Id afar failare fa Steel asosrttur to make arty of sad
<br />peyeacats trr be three nr4rettu to srrcats m making satd tmntthiy paYmerxts, ue to kcrq and wmply wttfi the agtee^reots wad waditions of sad Bond:
<br />wed Idoripyx agaes zo have x recur a}atrnatac7 forthrzt5 m suJr farecksstue proeaedvgs.
<br />if there u nay m rrwnarahrp sd the rrsi elute rraaftjigeft Ixreur, by tale +sr otlecrwve, then the entire reenaintrtg isrdehtederesa hereby
<br />ser:urad sbiB, at the ssptitxtux s>f Thr F.gwtabk Basldsog wad L,>an Asas,:tatnxo .,i f;raad idurd. Neb~aska.beoome unasediatefy due wad peyabk witiwut
<br />tutlisat noitee, ud the amuaas tersautrrtg Sae tinder anal band, and sap other bond for any additainal adrartsxs ttrade [hereunder, stall, farm the
<br />date of exerc#ae nE xnd optron, lxssr interest at the muunura icgltl tau, sad rho rrrwigagc may itsn be tmeclosad to saitd'y sire artro+mt due orr said
<br />boeui.asd ~Y atDn born! far addittsma{ advances. rogrthes a.Yth all aorta pad try said The Pquitabie Budding wad Ivan Astasciation of Gratsd iskad,
<br />Nebraska Fttt instateae, taus wad aaaernxata, xnd aburactrrtg rxtcrzaaxt chargh. wish :aterest thereon, from date of payremat at tlx ntaxiaftrm
<br />MpI rate.
<br />As gtavtdad to ibe Bond stewed isetebp, wltr{e taus mortgage remains to cfku ?he rr, artgagee taay herufur adtnnee atMritortal sums to the
<br />saeken sxd stud Band. rhea awgns ar succestwa is urteresr, witss:h sums shall tx wstttat the seewrty of thts arxtgge ttre scare as flee [attSs origiwttY
<br />rttresued tkaaatvy, the torn! amount k+t ptactpsl debt rrat so csrxW at any t rttg the sxregtrrai aawurst of tttit rswrt;~.
<br />tytia!`~ day of - `'1c3~ A. D., t9 231
<br />r
<br />cal J. W 1larts
<br />Stt4Tfi NBA` r ss. Qn this 'th dap nl Play : $ 8I . beftsre me,
<br />fratlarrr r~ iIALL.
<br />the tine v t:~tx~ public in wad feu wad Caunry, perainatly tarns
<br />:r L, 4Villialt~ attci Geralytt J. Esil liart~, c3aC:iz~rtr tus~ ~t[r3 tlez' c~ttn tirlht anti aB s
<br />~ f9gt;'~t ot2ser, wbn ~, perrxr ~ ktrann to
<br />- star to ba t~ar,tit~tai peetpn S wlrtrae Hama 8 affixed to the above vaurttnsers! a mwtpgrx S wad tl,tpy r.verauy
<br />aaftttewiedged ttr tnk9 ieurawur to tra tt~ir v+dtmtary sus and deaf.
<br />nsY haaC and Na€txist 9eaa the data aforeaad., _
<br />/~.,
<br />,. bt~sat a41st!'t' 3 3tat°xtta !~j -_...._ ._ ,~ ~' ~..:<_..._.a~'~,.,,., .~~~`- ` - <
<br />•tei! let .. 3 - x~Ioty~~,~j
<br />