TKE MOR'f"GA/30R -FL7RTHEP. t:OVENANTB AND A6RL:E9: O / 0~~~ ~ /
<br />That.~the wild pay the indahtrditaas ad hereinhefore prtnided.
<br />That the Mortgagor is--.the-burner of said property in frr simple and hea gored right and lawful authority io sell and
<br />convey the same and thatshiy-ttartteia-fear and clear of any lien ur encumbrance; and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the
<br />title to said pre!rrt~ against ~lhe~-daitna~ of fU paraatu whotnaoaver- '
<br />To pay isatirtdiataky when dtte'mui 'p~yakrtr akk tranatak taxes:. sfreeial~:tases, special attseasmenta, water charges, sewer sere
<br />ice chasgea, and-other-tas~aeand charges agrtinsi said property,-and all taxes levied kirk the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upon rtgiteet, with the ririgknai ter duplieate- receipts therefor. The Mtrtgagor agrees that theta shall he addetl to
<br />rash monthly payment required hereunder nr under the -evidence of -debt-secured hereby an amount estimated try the Mortgagee
<br />to 6r suffiaea$ ko-=~rtsthke t)u:.~lirtgsg4e=to pay. as tttry become dues-ail taiga: asrttissm@nts, and similar rhargex upon-the`pram•_
<br />ilea tnibjeM theroto; itnv dePieieney hecatitie of the insuitiritncY of such additional -payments shall Fie forthwith depoaiteA by the-
<br />Mortgagor with the Mortgagee u{xrrn. demand by the Mortgagee Any tleiault under this paragraph shall lee deemed a default in
<br />payment ref-taxes, assrearttentt, nr similar charges required hereunder.
<br />Thr- Mortgagor agrees that them shall slew tie adried fn each monthly payment of principal and interest .required here-
<br />under an amount e+rFimat.•d by ihr Martgagee to he sttflicient tc enable the 'Mortgagee to pay, as it tsectrmes due, the insurance
<br />premium rm any insurance policy driiverad fo the biartgager. Any deficiency hecaust of the insu~ciency of such additional pay-
<br />ments attail he forthtwth deprssitaxl by !hr Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this
<br />txarsgraph shalt ter rkrm!-wi a .irfauit ;n the payment nC insurance premmms. If tfie pohrv nr pofirirs debaslfrd are such as fnrme-
<br />nwnera <+r alt risk pr.tiru~s, and the dtlxtiasty an• rnaulfictent to pay ihr• roll n• (-r«mmm, the ~Snrt gages may apply the deposit to
<br />f~Y Ptrtrxtuma on asks requtrre! to tx• ,eau raga by this mnngaXr.
<br />Payments tnada• by th«• Mr,r:gagor :nmirr the alxwe paragraphs :nay, at t}re :;piiun rif the Mortgagee, fx hetdby it and
<br />cnmmrngird wrth uihrr sorb funria . r eta ,.wn fv eels for [hr ;ra}-mtrtr ref such item=- and until sn applied, such payments are hereby
<br />pltrigerl as s«runiy far the untratd haianrv .,( rho q;.:rtkattr :nrh•httdne~s
<br />7,: Prnrurr. .iehier t.. an:3 mamzan r. f,rr si:r• ~-.. ,3r-tic . , ;hr >i r:ra Fags.- •htrr:nX the her r,f fiefs murUfage urigtnal Ixriicies and
<br />rerewaL•s etiercvf, dehver.Ki al 1.•aat leer •ia+a twf:,r-e tl:+• .c;r,rasac.n •, .r-. +,uh ;.rnc~~x:<..n+urmK agatnxt flee and .rifler m+u rahle
<br />hazards, raatsaitirs, end :ttntingent•ux ax the MnrtgaKrt seas require, sn an amount egos! to the itsdelrtedne~ secured by thin
<br />Mortgage.. esui rn rampam.•.:r,:r,•[,ut-.Ir• +:::!,.~ 1!„rtr;a K+-,~.:..., .. vahlr• e~tau~• ,n fa,~r:r ::t and rn f.:rm acctnlahlt to the \lnrtga-
<br />gtr. fn the e=vent any Ir,in:r :+ :nd n .r+i .,. ,=r`*:. .. .,,,. - .,, .~>t ptrai r:n ?hr• 31:,rtgaRr•r= rrray Pnxurr rn.u ranee nn the
<br />rmprcwrmtentx, tarty the Premnrrn s-,<rrF~rr er t ~rrk .,::;t r~-m!I i:•-. .t r- -axrn,vltar,rir due- , ud pavabh- ~..-tth snlrrre; at the rate se=t
<br />tsrih m aattl twfe only paui anri -hall t. .n ,.-.•.i ! , !h:mir.:.rtraFr~ F-:u+ur,~ ...r the past ~if ihr Vartgag„r r:- .umtsh such n- .ovals
<br />as are herein n'cqutrrd or ?arhtrr .par- ~ . -a:ro ,rdtanr.-ri a. -,-;: nrirr •eall .r: .,r- „tau;r, r:f the li:3rryager~ .!.n=trtutr a rirfauh
<br />arch-r the tarot, of this nv:rtgngrt :'Ir<- i.-S.1• r. s .,. .. ..--d:r.. T -i;ali .t rnr ,-,. r.. .~i arfa ult .. nctsnntr art a.wgnm«nt a{ ehr un-
<br />eamrd trmn:um
<br />Any' same rer:en.-d „ ..,.- =l ortudfir* . anor, .i .a>. a._ ..uurr•:i acacna seep .,r .:•ta:..rvl hr the ~1crtKSgee
<br />an*.' aptxlx,•d [award if ar, r>e-euf -¢.+- .-: t_=r*. t~. ~:ur,•.r ,, ... . t-.r. •.t •rt ~.!„[
<br />a. K t,:aK r .urr: --trus r-:the rr+hr=!iv .u m
<br />Part may !x- paid ,. t. .- M. Fakru ?_ - ,,se.t i±acr *,.,. -ra.,€tn~ r r €=u-i•inr.. soft+t.t-r_. s. !)„-tr t,tec~- .. .,.r any
<br />„thee :eur~n~e r-r nb)n•t cata~~h-r,- ., hr- tat,,,ar,.~. .,[t.,.:,t ~ ~-~,_ _s< - , r, .. [hr r::r[a;,te ~ r=rr -h: t.t,. t. n-a.rne ..on d ht rr
<br />h4 t„•t.rce +ur-!. Irayment et-,•r trxrk ;.ta.•r
<br />-!':~ prUtxePity- r(.,-err . -„r. r<rixxrtrf .: r.. .xa 6lrnga ~ .n•.pr-:,, ....::i> :-. w ..r r,,,(n r n !hr ,.. _..
<br />rang •tamaK++i , .}a...r r..y ...t , . .. --.. - ,. .. _ ,,., .- .,. a .:. .... „. . .- .., ~., , r.. ,
<br />c{asm .d Irrn fart rxtrrr.-'} aur>irrdrnatnd t.- tae In n h»r J_ ~r,t v, .;tf!-r :, z w:la., t•xl ,r..- ,€ ;, an ~ r rn Pane - too rots! nn
<br />surd prgrrrty era t~ ;..rnrnU --vasty .ar +e:a} t : ,,, w ..r,. . , t., xny =ether ..,,•r«•rhv prr,p«rtc irr-rwiS r.,t vet r.3 _ ira14 ttt-. umr
<br />.e,.r, aluatd«. n,.r t+• sd;mr:p.ld, --r ;n:lr-rrt :r'r -.!*r :•.na .si - ..-m. a :, .-, ._ . , , ••n:t'Ir +.:... „t: , s rr-meet.. ,::f law Wreh rttipert
<br />t9 the rin.rtgageti prom;sw. arui i!W uF« thrm.i'
<br />i"hat stum;d th,. Prrmr,t, = e rr. .art +r-.-r.-c,l t.- =,-:k.-:x =-. .~,tn+~gc•i he ~ .,,.n ..t ..- ,ahir+ ,m P'++,-r-mrul .,r rsndernnatinn
<br />rte,..-r•rrirr*g.:n .~n:.:=t 'iw- ~Rst ,. -s rrc ~-.. n .r ,~n= =.ttw natr:.Nr - ~.S r,;,r:nkr•• -.ra.r .,, • nfttrrr] to ~.1i rirmpeuxat.r,na.
<br />awrrds. and any '-rtt+er•enr . * :n4 tix,.~rt~.r hn.( +hail fse «, ~t its : ;rtnrrt ~t,r c:+uun«ra.•r app.•ar i , and pr+?aea:rrtr in its
<br />err ,. r
<br />>wn rtatnr seer ac-t tea= -~. ,. «,.ernK. ~.r t.• prat,.. i ,.,tnPn.v:rtn,- :..r getttem.•nr rx :..nir+•ct:.rn ,rah ~ucir taktnK ur dainakr. Alt such
<br />nveytsertoagn, awardt,. <trrnaa«s. ngM rd artnat arui lrnrcc-eeit r6rm :,rre4ry s~,;fnrd :o the- hlortKagr«_ v,~hn may. after deducting
<br />titr/drom akl tv rap+"+ar,es. xriaase any mwicy r«.,'F.vnt env +t .,r aPC:ty the rarrur ca: any lode=Mrrinrs>4 sr,curr,i h«ntby 1'he Mort-
<br />RttEar aama u> raeaLta wrh tunrirr a-vrannt«nis =,t sap .i,mire-n+:tir.ra. awerrd+• :lamaxra, .rr,ri r:Kht.,x .,i ne~tt,.u end pn.N.~eerls a> the
<br />A{oryEnase tnay raatttlre
<br />'t'hat to .-ass ,xd failure w ;:a-rfunn any +*f the crrvrx~nla txr rrtn. ihr ~!<rrtgager artay do .,n the llnr[gaKOr's trehalf per rvthing
<br />ao awweanted: that the Mortgagee may giro do iuty set rt may rietm tacrnmrary ro f;rotert fist hen thtrrwf. that ihr_ Mortgagor wi{I
<br />ryrey uPrtt riatttaroi any moneys pain rr disbursed by the Mortgagee feu any Fd the also-e portxxs~c. and .urh mcatrys together v.-ith
<br />il~ertaxt tMretrn et the rate pnwirhvi ~n sane! nolt shall 4+ea-rrrnr an much a<idittotxal iruirkterdnw t ix.•rtby a.reucrd and may Fw in-
<br />ctttttrd in any tkcrevw+ foraekxaxrig this nwrtgage and t~ Patct rwst ,=f ttx« reef.,. .rr praxr.:ds r>I .gale rte =aid Premtata it met vtherwtst
<br />pgad; tltttt. it shalt aot hr aMtgaeaty uiton the Morttagoe iv :tiqunrr seta the :~aluixty crt any Itrn. r~neumbrancra, ur t:latm rn ad-
<br />vaztesag motttaira ~ abr atatttoriaatt. twit nothing t+rrr:tn coxitatmd shalt br cunatrutrt ss requtr:ng the Mtmtgagacs tv advaner any
<br />twattsys fear say attR:h fturwae nor Eo do any act l+rrcurxter, sad Yhat Mo:tgztg*~ shall fx,t mrur any ptrswnal hahdify ivrausr of any-
<br />ihag itrrtay do nr trmit to du hrrratadrr.
<br />kn ttw event et t}n. default M \i*artsggar to tlx• payrrtent o{ any instalttnent, as rcquin:d txy the date xeeurrd }tareby. ar
<br />fn the Grrrfotmataw of ihr ubtiYauutn in lhix, mortgage or fn the note sr>ettred the*ebY• khe Mortgagor shall !xr refilled to declare the
<br />datllf trr~p!rrit haz`4kry-dt~ a[,~tr wifiout rwtxce, arsd thg ',tar tgagre shall be eiftftled at ale: uptioas_ witkurut n..uct- saiitar by nt~'s
<br />ixr Iry a rta7e!iver to tw _ptAStt!ited by ihr wort tkteren{, and without rrganf to the adequaty of any security ter fhe indebtetfni+sa ae•
<br />eYtett hssg~§y, to a&t~Ri-. titltin and faits pttsbisilian of fhe rn+>rixaga.d prerniiretr_ artd m cailrrt aru# rereim the rt>tttn. S»stxrs and pnrftttt
<br />tltrtpaf, aatd aypty Phe >mrtte. irw crrttt a{ aperataitrn seek rxiilrstian, upon ihr indrtttednt>$ seeute!d icy Chia rnortgrgr, said Yentg,
<br />is~rag aaak P-r'a~kta i:?latt litrahy Est to ihr Martgoger as further aeiAerity im ihr payment ~v alt ixalebd tihxess tcr•umxt tttisriay.
<br />"lthe h[wtgttger snail ltavr ihr power to apparurt arty agamt rte agent., ;t rosy desire for the tntrpose of rrpatrirtg said prem•
<br />tsar: etrzttrag thtt assets: cexktrCtitfg ihr rants, rrvanurs sad inc:rmxe, and tt mgy pry nut of rood trscumr afi expenses ittetfrred in rent-
<br />iaa0 sad ~ the; srfrac god ed culirctirta lire rentals thtrefmm. The balancx remafnxag, of any. stnatL Ue appkiesd wward lire
<br />dtadrrye of tkte tnprigMpr imtlakretninreax- 'l7tia sasigntntnt i. to tptmrnatt and trecrxnr null arui vixid upon rtlesar ref thitr martgaf«.
<br />
<br />