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<br />Form 808 B <br />[.eaderb written agrcemant or applicable law. Borcower shell pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under puagraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amoutNS disbursed by i,eafder pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Borcower sxu[ed by this Mortgage. Cinins Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shad be payable upon mice from i-ender to Borrower requesting payment !hereof, and shall bear inttrtst from the <br />date of disbursement at the talc payable from time to time on outstanding principal erodes the Note unless payment of <br />it:tt~7La2 at suclf rate would tse ec+ntrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall brat interest at tlfe highest tatE <br />pta~mim'bk im~r applicable law. Nothing etxftained in this paragraph 7 stfnlt regeirc Lander to incur any ezpetfae or take <br />arty action herenntier. <br />iL Caroler may make or cause to tx made reasonabtt entries upon and inspections of the-Property, provided <br />that Lendsr shah giw> Borrower,totice prior to any sash inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />inrtxea*. ir. tfte 1roperty. <br />9. Coaiepsepdap. The proceeds of any award or claim fns damattes, direct or rnnsequential, in connection with any <br />condtannatian or txher taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shah be paid to Lerxkr. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Prtrpcrty, the proceeds shall tre applied io the sums secured by this N.ortgaga <br />with the areas, if any, paid to Borrower. in the event of a partial taking of the Property, Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, them shall t+e applied to the sums secured by ibis Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is aqua! to Shat ompnrtion which the amount of the sumo secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears io the fair market vatic of the Property immediately prim to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borroxer. <br />if the Property is atfandoneti by Bnrrrswer, er if, after notice by isnder to Borrower that the conderntwr offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond m Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed. Lender is at.:htsrired to co}Irxt and apply the proceeds, at [.cnder's option. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the sums secturd by this Mortgage. <br />Unless Linder and Borrower otherwise agree in wrtting_ env such application .-.f proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due dare of the monthly instatkmentx referred to in paragraphs ? and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />ii. een'awer ?tW Released. Extension of the time for payment ar mndfffcation of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage grantrd by Ixnder to am successor to interest of Borrower !hail not operate to release, in any manner, <br />the ?iabrlity of the origins? Burrower and Borrower's successors m !merest. (ender shall not tx requited to commence <br />pmcadings agairtsi such st,..cessnr :,r refuse rn exicnd rime for payment ur otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured ify this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by [fie original ILorrnwer and Borrower's successor in interest. <br />11. Forbs>vaee lr,I Letsier Not a Waiter. :1ny fnttxararce by Lrnder in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise afforded try applirahk !aw_ chap not ix a waiver ut ~r preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The procurement of irrsuraner or the payment of razes nr ;?tficr liens nr charges by [.ender shah not be a waiver of L.ender's <br />right ro arrelrrate the maturity of the ~ndehtcdness treated t?y this 'vtnrt¢aRc. <br />IZ Rerredks CrfeaabtUre. sell remedies nrnv~ded sn this Mort¢ate ::re distinct and cumuiatfv-e to any other right or <br />rtfnedy under this'`fortgagc ur afforded by law ,rr equity. sod mar he cxeressed .uncurrtntly. ~nsiependentty nr successively. <br />1~. 9pecesstas sad Arigm Houfx'; faint sad tievertd (.iaMBty: Caption. -[he covenants and agreements hercis <br />contained shall hind. and the rights hereunder shalt inure to, the respechc°e sutcc'swrs and assigns of Lender a„d Borrower, <br />subject to t#fe provisitms of paragraph ?? hereof. ttl Covenants and agreements of Borrower shall tx }nin[ and several. <br />the c;aptiani sod headings •sf the puagraphs of !his ti1i>rtgagc are fur conven?once onh• and are not to fx used to <br />interpret or define Sht provisions trcreof. <br />19. 'iiatlce. Ex.~ept far any ttviitc rtq;tired +trei€r ppiicabk !aw to r,t gran rn aaothtr manner. tai any notice to <br />Borrower provided far in this blortgagt shall be given by marling ;uch nonce by ccrhfitd marl addressed to Borrower at <br />the Property Address c?r at such other address ar Bc?m,wrr rosy designate by notice to :.ender as provided herein, and <br />fb) any noucr to Lender shat( 6e ,ivtn by ccrn@td ma,i. •ctvrn rczc,Ct -rquesred. !o t_cnders address stated herein or to <br />sa,ctf ether addn~s as I.tmder may ctesignatc by nonce to as pn»-rda1 harem. -lny t,ntice provided for in this <br />Mortgage st:ail tx deemed to have been given to Aormwer ar !.ender when given in the manner designated ficrcin. <br />15. Uadform NartRagtt Csarerpfpg Law; tiererabNNy. T't,,. tnrm ,ii mortgage combines uniform covenants for national <br />use and non-unifonn covenants with limited variauans by ,,ctran to cunsututc a unform security instrument covering <br />real property. This MaMgage shall ht g~•vrrncd by nc~ ':au ,+f !hc .r?rrsdt!r,m ~n which the PmpertV is located. in the <br />event that any provrsiun or :.laust of !bra Mortgatrc ;•* the Vutc .tmilicrs with applicable law, such conflict shall not affect <br />other pruvtsiuns of thss Mortgage +>r the tore whs.h .an fx ~rvcn ,°Htct without ttrt conflicting provision, and ro this <br />end life provisions of the atortgage and the 'vote arc ,lac?aced to !+c ~cverabic. <br />1i. aorfrower's Copy. Borrower shah isc furn,.hcd a ._r+ntnrmcd ;npy of !fro VMe and of this Mortgage at the time <br />of exttu[icm ur after rxtordatian hereof. <br />2T. 'S'rasnftr t! ebt laapYSy: Ada. tf al? .=r au.' pert of the Fmptrty or an interest tttetein is sold or transferred <br />by Burr.3wcr without I.etider'c prior wr[tttn r:nnsent, etriuding tai the :reatinn of a lien or encumbrance subordinate to <br />thrs Mortgage, ibf the creauou of a purchase money ses:urity .ntrrcsr Ins houseffuld appliances, tcJ a transfer by devise, <br />dtrsemt or by npenuon of )aw upon the death of a )c?,ru tenant ,rr tdr afro grant of any 7eaaehnld interest of three years ar (ass <br />not wntaining an option to punlf-ase, !stores may, :,t I.rnder'~ :sptron, declare all rho sums secured ny this Mortgage to bt <br />rmmediately deer and payable. Lendtr shah feast ~arvtd such option to acrclerate if. prior to the sale nr transfer. Lxndu <br />and the parrot to whom the Property is «, be sold or transftrred reach agrecrfxtnt in writing that the credit of such person <br />is satis€xtory to Lender and that the intuest payable on the sums secured by !hrs Mortgage shah tx at such rate as Lender <br />shall ttgtteR. If Lender has waived the .>pt!nn to accelerate f±rovidcd to [his Nrragraph 17, a,fd tt Borrower's successor in <br />in:crast,[tas exta:uted a wtitttA assumption agtatment accepted in wriung 6y Caroler. Linder shall release Borrower from ail <br />oMi~i~s under [iris Mottgaga and tix Nutt. <br />if Leader exercises such opton to aa:ekrate, Ixn.ter halt ma,l Borrower notice of acceferabon m accordance with <br />gatagraph t4 ?tettof. Such nouec shat! prov,dc a period crf =!ot [ens than 3t) days from the date the stories is marled '*-!thin <br />whicfi Borrower may pay tt~ sums declared :Sue. it Borrower 'sits to pay such suns error to the expiration of such penott. <br />Cttfdcr may, wt[hswt further notice or densand en ik+rrvwer. invoke any remedies permuted by paragraph ?tt ieereof. <br />a3ort•LJttao+xr.s Covar:,ar;TS. Borrower arxi L.endcr rosette, covenant seal agree as follows: <br />li, ~l Fate~t w provided in paragraph 1? hereof, opts t3wroner's Areaci of spy corepapt or <br />M >i~twpes is ibis Mks. if-clpd~ the currteapis to pay wtrep dtse say ruass stcated 6y this 1NastBatNr. <br />iwtwtMt' ~ to aetaderatlaw sitY rraR natter to liiorresrer as proviitd to parsBrapk ld barest spaci-yfas: Il- tie braaiclu <br />t~} N#a a~ r to cars arse! iceat:ht f31 a dam, nai less tiaw ~ days [roar tic dale tie aotite let twaiinl to llerro+rer, <br />iqr w+JY6~r writ btraai:li taut for carsdi atf~ fdl that failrrc is crre sacs breat:i ua ur 6efsre the dale s*sciRed h tie sWce <br />ttatay assail it aCCditaltlas of tie swiK sscwed iX rile i-lorttEalle, farecMsars b7 l~k~ l~'~[ atsd !tie d Nu thsptxry. <br />~ psdrrr sbaM [w/iar il[ailrp Aprssissr sf tic tight to rcipwrs alter aceebtrat a : Cis rigist to ars»t is tie ferstlaassra <br />~~ tie ws~stslads•cs of a d~daailt w ~' tgiitr ,irftess .+l tiwraarw to tieeelrstitisai aril fotsa#ewre. ti' tit brass! <br />is tsat+ctgtxi as ar 6atue tie dpts ft}stl@sd in tie. [write, Lssdar d t-etsdn's uptios rosy dative aB ei Na rrr~s secrirel by <br />tbi- t~iatasllp is pa htsrastHa/sf~ risit apt! psryalMs wttbatq frstYier detsawd atsd ttsay [wreslras by jsdicid praseslY~. i,epdar <br />sbitB w all9Msr3 is t'sSss# hs stack pswrti~lrrp a4 eapsaswi al farerfsw% iaclsrtlbftl, bw art tl~ited to. casts of dotissxMary <br />~. abstrasA set! tws relprra. <br />1~!. Mallmeas'! b RaltsNlta. ti#witbstated,ag t ctukr`s aCCeieratum of rho ;uma eccurosl by [firs Mortgage, <br />Bitisrctsnar stsJt ifs*xa _tha refit to hive ;toy prtx~usrslrttgs begun Py Lttrdes to entrxce this lvtnttgakte discununi,td at any ttmo <br />