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<br />._ . 8 T~--rt~) ti X 3 3 5 <br />{6) 1'o tsse the loan evidenced 6y [.._ note solely for purpwes authorized by the t. arnment. <br />{7} To pay when dot all taxes, funs, judgments, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching to [rr assessed <br />against the property, including au c6acgos and assessments in connection with water, water rights, and wear stock <br />pattaitdng t° or reasonably necessary m dre use of the real property described abtxve, artd all taxes and assessments levied <br />upon this mortgage or the note or any indebtedness hereby secured °r against any legal holder hetteos tx of [he nos of of <br />raid indebtedness under the laws of Nebcaska, and promptly deliver to the Govetnetunt without demand receipts evidencing <br />suck paytnettts. <br />&~ 'l`otEe+ep the Qroperty insured as t'agairs:d by and under in€urancs policies approved by tha Government and; at its' <br />trgasat, to deliver such paltctel to the Governtrient, <br />$} 'Fo maintain impprovemenxs in gorxl recppair and make repairs required by the Gnvernmrnr; operate dte ptopetty in a . <br />}~ and htrsbandmatilike manner; comply lvt'ril such farm conservation ppractices and farm and-home managrlnsantplins at. <br />the (;oyernmeist from time t° rims may prascrihe; and not to abandon xhe propeay, or cause or permit waste, ksxning ot. <br />irtipafr3ttesF of the securityy t:ovtxed here y, or, wallout the written consent of. the Governmenenty cut remove, or lease any <br />t6as~ gtgcl. oil. gas; raaf, lets other minerals sxupt as may be necessary far ordinary dnmeatic proposes. . <br />r 10) TTr crimply with all laws, ordinances. and regulations affecting the p_~operty. <br />l l7 'i`o paq or reimburse the C~vernmenx for sxpenses reasonably necessary of intidantal to tlae protection of-the lien <br />and priority hereof anti to the rnforcarnene of or the compliance will: cue provisions Lereof and of the note and any sttppie- <br />mtntary agreement [,whether before or after defavist, including but not limited to costs of evidence of title to and survey of <br />the property, costs °f recording this and other instruments, attorneys" fees. Irustrca' fees, court costs, and expenses of <br />agvetpsirtg, sei4istg, and cnntreying the property. ed, sold, teansftrred, or <br />{I?; Neither the prnperty nor ant portion thereof or interest therein shall be leased, assign <br />enttunbertxl, voluntarily or utheTwtse, without the written cortstnt of the Government. 7ht Government shall have the sole <br />anu tu~ltrsive :ighu as mnrtpat'lee '::srrun:icr, inclu.}ing Taut not lims[ttl to the powar to gnarl consents, partial releases, <br />stsErm$inations, sad satitfxtion, and nu insuzed holder €Isall have any rittilr, tide °t interest in ear to the lien or any benefits <br />hereof. <br />rl3i .At all reasnnab}e times the CCuvernment and its agents may Inspect tht property to ascernin-whether the tovrnants <br />and ayreemenxs r,°ntaintd tlerrm .:ar :r. ars alxppitmen[arv aRtremr:tt- are t=eme rertormed. <br />}y? The t;.m'rnmtnt may ~a3 tx tend m deter tllc tnaturt[v t•i, ;.rid xrntw anzi rtaclledttle the pavments on, the debt <br />evidenced by the nett ;ar aril indcredne:s ro the r,osernmerlt ,ecurtd :~i thls instrumtrx. '6% rc(eax ant party who is <br />iiatlle undea cite itcnt •sr for ir:t .ittrt tzoztt ilabilitl~ to t?Ir t..uverrzmrnt. rrlr:st }•orrons at khe proptrh" and subordInatt <br />its lien. and ~ valve am~ =-kite: ;-,° :rs YiY;ists =.sndrr +tlts :n;ttunlfn:- a+!:a sa.i ..Vi thle :-an anti l.~il ?ae :iont wlth°ut affecting <br />the iier..v •ti t%r:c:rty ~•t 'his ±nstnantr.: ;.r :9arrnwer's :.r anv :=rt~et :=u r.''t i,abriit+,- ra the C;r>vernmcnr hx papmcnt of the <br />cots or debt ;meenred Irv hts nstst me _ urlgs>s ale :;::rr nett -- -. ~ scl>e -~: wntt:r-. +. if)ti'E~~CR any r_zbeaxante b}` <br />the t;ovcrnment- whttllrr _rntir r,z nlten -an rset,:sln;; .u , r,:,nt -,r mt..s ..tae.- tnls instrnmcn[. .r . merv+ix afforded by <br />apphta#tk law. shai} not I,r a walvtr of nr the ,'xt[~ car -:i aY:s ,::[h rivht =.r remedy. <br />'I5 ~ it at any ,tent .: shall app a :o the ,rmxn nt .tlat ri r.:clrt -:uxy the .,isle -c :i>txrn a l,saal 'rrcam a producti°n <br />czedii assocsat:on. a Federal lanJ lxante '~[ :;the rtstr~:•nat#.l '~°aprrativt r.r private cxedit a carte, at reasonaby rates and trims <br />for loans (>Jr 3uniSu }+cfposss .rid }*rri[ws ,i •tme. li.xsrxer t i. p n h t: ro r-.tnt 1 qa s±, appivtiar and accept such <br />}41t1 iii Stltflittnt ani:rnnt t 3 paY •kit ':fjtC and aF31 .'le.P. [Et1.x:S .._i ~ ~:Y C-- lu +t ,.a4 .. x:14' i. )ck iiCCCSSarV t0 bt <br />puzchascd in a cx>nreratt itn lens. atslati n e : ns<r:•ur r - :i, %-ar . <br />' Sf;? I;r tautt l2cittir..jt4 sh al: Dt .~tt is tav55 '..r Sea 'th -tai ='siatr, ='C tlndtL -,JI V' })CtlOnal ~ Foptrtr tax UtllC'r, <br />1tEtt3ititY 1nStrUtneni re£i1..1; 1nTLLrC -f `%t :s t'.'n'F:C`:t -1tti-_ L -:! 3F±4mtlS ~-'?' i3.arr°wrr. anti 1r1:111i211ttdCrany $IICh <br />i>tl,<f SCLItr1[1' lnbCrlVrtent ntY UI , =~llit4[CS`2 ~te Pa - -t ~ fi. <br />?T`- S}4~L':_Z) 1?£FRL1 T .r: .IS , 'itr trf Cr-:-.: . r a-1- r i. _ t urn -r tc cared by this <br />-..trumtnt, --_r c6..u'ld 'hr r"r Ctta rz v1 as 3` It er a -=r : i t.ltit. tr t r - ,tu nti - llt palates <br />natxsad as 1~4T[[rwtT Ile krtCraf £.1 a lranx lllpt, .# err 1,.545 tnt .[ ntyhC a4.{y,41n1C1,S .hC -rnC llk J [rdite:f- _hCC[ortrll- <br />mint, at itT 'lptlim- .With '~.r wyt r. •i It '•.~ 'niY a. -iC -riff '. r[2 - 'Y v-3 1 I vaicl unafr [IiC nL rt afld do 1' lniiclJ[etlnr5a <br />err the fi:wttnmenr t1erM+~ +c. zt[rz4 r~tm c*.iarr+l -i .a :nsl , t4'itrit, -:'t u. :..:nc cri }lratxstwtr rnrtc:- attli pay rtasanabit <br />exprnsts tut tp iT -°, ~avtCrattr_ -~_i -. d eaiYr x*rxx>~-'<si> .,per- re -nt - e ptaprr 1 ~ ; : npx~n appitc;set n T,y it and <br />production or ,ills .es[rtuncnt, ,t ne rt;i. n.r a.rsf wxi+.u „re t n•axing ai =aid applilatlon, 'lays a •tctive- <br />appc.inted ttrt- th£ .TVptxty. wlvh trir ~~cauai } nstts -•t zr'erv ea ;n -'kr ~ scs, t. -srrziosc this Insttuentnt as rrvvuicri htxein <br />x y law. anst r-~ .nts>rtt ant and .c4 „thrt ti,rt .t aau ke Itc its per. li rn ttrtln -=y l*trsc nt +,s taco t law. <br />' itil "1`it£ pprrtscttd. .t fortti<»ux£ stir .hall t.e aFriali£[i to list to;lt>vtiug ? der to the xsfnet*.It k a cods and expenses <br />iturdeat to Prs(~oreing or .snxplstnyt, - It'll tilt ptovtsi°n: stresi, 'G- at1Y }'telex ;cnx rtqutrtd by 4aw .n a ~omptunt court-t[t <br />lie so paid, ~.c} cite :tsht rvidtnctri ^y [ht note and all indtbtttintss to the :>uwrrnmtnt ucurtd ltersby, ids inirrior liens <br />ea( rerura xevlvtired by law :x a ,.tanptttnr casrt to itt to pans. -c .+[ tl+e t.,.zvt[nment'< ~:pucn. a.ty ,!rhea mdelrtcdncss et' <br />&xrrtrwar ccwintt to °r insured by sirs i,avretlmeac, sacs -- nv Flaiazs< _r .flu ~ttrwrr..At 1 rtcit,suxe , tntx salt -,t all or any <br />part of the nroptstp, tb- l;wernTlunt attd its agtnu ctTay vui attd;purclixst ~ a rttangtr sad may pay rue C:overnment's share <br />of a.he pure~ttue prttc try trc..idtyl such arnotant orl arty .ttbts ,•r= florr<iws: owl n}C tv yr 1_tsurrd v} the t.:overnmttl[.:n rile <br />ender psrst:rtbad sheers. <br />14} Scstrs+vtr tgtreea [hat the C:ovtrnsucnT wed out 1s ~'~wtd ~y atrv pteserst x f:[ttxe State law, :, a; providing fur <br />vaitaatisart, tppc:ivi, hwnesttxd cx oxemf*tro+ ~f the lzruptrxy, :''_ ptuixtiatticlg maznttnasus ~r ;.n action for a deficiency <br />Ittdgtasat in timtttng tilt aulow[t thsreo! or its sorts wi[ltin visit#r welt cation mtut bt :oesg}It, ;c ~rrserrbing any other <br />sc+tute °d limstaziuns, ids r33c~vtug as}' si~tt °f ttdtraption tx p`ssaessirm tollowing sny iarestosure saxt, °r e3 limiting the <br />c°nditioas cvisicis the Govarruuent may fey rtguiati ;n imp<zse, i;x:luding tlri< :merest rats Tt tnay cllarge, as a condition of <br />appr[rvtrlg a transfer of tbt psesperty to : new 8txrowtT, t5orrowet £xprestiy valves [itt btntfit c%} an} such fixate laws. <br />Borxovver.hsttiry [eltaquisists, trvvss, tad ~,-tveys ai; rltthts, ncisoau ar a,asumttlate, of dtxcerit, dower, end iurtesy. <br />ifl~E:3' 'ty a gage ist favor o€ Fa.~ateacs f~sne ~dnirii.stration. <br />1__.. <br /> <br />