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<br />vsaa=Ft~~A Po s $1-1} C12 3 3 5 <br />Pntat FctEl011Z7-i NB <br />(qtr. 5.15.79) REAL ESTATE MC?I{TGAGE FOR NEBRASiiA <br />'1#lIS tA(Nt1'Ci)4C.S is rt[adt and mtard into by _j~Y_M.:....I_Ii...~.s... <br />. ~._ 33f_2 ~d ti~^ Leta ~i~t _artd ate- ~ Of tt~ Otk~`r <br />in ~.~.~_._: ~~ _.._:_~.._.._...._.:._.:.~:_......~..:_£ovazy, Nebraska, witoa¢ ptxt offica' addre~a is <br />.....~ ~ ..._.._..____________._....__..-.•--~._._......-.__.__....____. . _. _... _~.._._.._ , Nebraska ... &~~~.r , <br />hex'ht ta3fied-••~txrawer,•• aad: '-- - .° . <br />Wt'FSiI~AS Bmsatesr is indebtai to [he Liaised States of Ametin, acting tiuaugh the Farmers Noma Atiministrariont <br />liaieed.$tun Thputr'ent of Adticulture, herein caged the ^~4vt;rament," u evsdenced lay vne tsr mo[c ptom[ssory nOL!(a) <br />at att~atptiort agrcetaenr(aj, hettin caikd "aa[e," which has bean rxecuted b, Borrower, is payable xo the order of the <br />Csswewmen[> autkorirea xcekration of tht ¢ntire }adebtcdaess at the ngtion of thn C,overnautat upaa any default- by <br />and u described u follows: <br />.i nrrdol Rate L>rse Date of Firad <br />I;Vt¢ o~Lrtttnsn[ent f41nr7ral Amcsunt n Lateretr Installment <br />~* 6, 198E $38,Q00.00 5.008 May 6, 20©1. <br />! 6r 1981 $32,000.00 13.358 May 6. 2001. <br />±if ehe interest Kau is feaa than _ _ __......_'~ {ar tarm awarrship or ,rirratutt; foaats; ~rcund L+v thu inmument. Shen the <br />Tat€ may be ehangt'd xs pxovidtd in the Hatt.: <br />And the nuts rr~idetters a laan [, St~rrawtT, and thr f,oYrrnm¢nt. at aay time, «rav aasic;ty tht Here and insnrr thr pay <br />meat thtaeof pu)suaat ttr th¢ t'onsulidattd Perm and Rural i'ltvclapmtnt Rs;. ~=t Title W of €hr I~tausingAat of }449 or any <br />a[1tcr:tatou adminuttrrd i,v thr Farmers t•iomr Rdministntton: <br />Aad a is thx purpose and itrtea2 tzf this iastntmrnt that. amot)g .,thrt zh)r.~s, at all zimcs whin tSr note is held by the <br />(;avnrnntrnt, <.xr in ;he evert the Cavrrnment ;+.riruid sss~n tiffs ix2snturntnt wttlauut u)mrartcc of the nat°, this instrument <br />sisal} st<`))rr l«apmrnr .af rho 2tctr; .tut ~6ott the €sute sr srai tv an irsurrc2 !-roidcr.:l[is itstrumzct shall not stttirc payment <br />of tttt twtt c+r attxh to the ,Sr'trt cr-itirnced sherrh~r . !>ut as n., cite «,szte aa)? .:zckr riche shall rrnseitute ar, indemnity mortgage <br />ro s¢t=sre tht i+xrvcrnment aF#umt I<ns tinder tts inturaaie cettrruz by ;eaxun r.' arv eiauit >v l;arre5wcr: <br />Atul this iastrumeat aisa secures tht mcs t:arr sri any i. trust .zrdiz o[ ser}ssids whtcit scar- F.c ~rnntrd tv tht Berrctwrr by <br />rht (aavcrnmeat guTwutt m d2 ti.S,C. ~ 14$~a. <br />NCriY, "t~f~(iEF€7AE, in cattsiderathrn rrt tht laaRFs? and as at ail banes whm tht mote is t9e f;avttnmtuc, ar in <br />dta rvrat tort Cxavtrttmeat thc»std this inaerwnrnt without :nsuranr)° rt[ [?sc gaymcnt c+i tF«c note, so secure ittarngt <br />~ayrtieat off" xfie-Hate znsi any r¢new~s Kati ratena)t)ns thrrcaz arsal any aittvemcnxa cnntawecl thcrsrin. includin}t any pravisit)n <br />ttx t#te gayattat ~t su uuuraacc w citasgr, ;bt. at all [i)ne5 vrl)rn the :r.xr to held vi' an insureii holdc[, tt, stcurt gcr- <br />formaru:s at $otravrat i apJe[ttsrat herex) tc trdsa)at#y aad uvr ;i~rtrtless t}rr t,uvetntnent agttntt {ass under it2 insurance <br />coau+u:t by raaaon of ,say ltfault by 6orrawct. aad 'rF tin aas~ eves[ a~# at a!1 titnea to secure dte gtvmpt payment of siI <br />N6:tan:eS .Wit-C3getdtt)tttt+C9 maitC by ibC (.i:,vcrnmen [, with inttrr}r, ai hrr{'tttattrr dfibCr)tGtti; anti illy g[2iOtraan Ce Gi rYCTy <br />coveaaat and ay¢cEtatnt ~rf SorttsrYtr ;:axstaiaed i'arehr. tzs in any sugplrmearary s{gotment, BorrtrnrtT vacs htrtiry gram, <br />ba:Rain, sell, t:iaasvey and satngtt. with garreral wartasty, tantsr site C~vrsn2t+cat the faitawit)g propacy situated in the Starr G4 <br />t~tebraska, Cawtty;~i€a} of __..._........---- . <br />Tea- `~Iip"t {'~.3f3} Esf tEe $Ott {~attter (~} of StncGicxt <br />~te~s"6~, ~~}.• ~ ~.t+elvla f121 e ~ Ele~7atf t11) r Wit <br />- ~.~. e <br />~T 2ti3 a 32Z f~1R9r G~ P3YIDet~B ~@ 18tLatlOtt, <br />thit'ix+li Stafii~d Dom, o€ Agriottitttre, ]Xi ti]e ~*+t',.__~ ' ate <br />83.x, 500.00, flied for t+epp~$ CtLt June 4, 1979 <br />_ 9'19~347ft, aad sFt4~A~Q~IFR-ev.5•t5-79) <br />9t 'DD a >~ in fawn of Fm's H®e Ps3ninistratit~tt . <br /> <br /> <br />