<br />81--ti~tt~333
<br />Corrective
<br />910R7'(:AC>£ (Tb correct legal description)
<br />-- -ail;TCACI: toAN t!ro. Ia 23.923
<br />Kta07n Att. ME^7 tSY TNFSE PRfsEtdls: 7~ut Richard L. Carperter and Cam1e E. Carpenter. each in
<br />his and her own right and as spouse of each other. W«t~ot, wiuet#er om or,oae, in t~lrrt~oa of ~e arced
<br />mhirtQt 't•lnt,>cartc3 ~ t±io[,J,OQ '-- -
<br />kraed ~ said tttanyt6[tr by 'iris katuitshk aed tare Aapciet8oo of Ctmd Itlmd, fiebtsdta, , tylma 300 tiaresof sYadcd
<br />raid ASSOC[A71tNt, Ce+tifsate Na_ L 23, 923 . [~ hereby tit, !~~9' nd ~ the *~ `~ dte ~~~
<br />desrrioed rest ertau, titmted ea Itstl capruy. Nebcadta:
<br />Lot Thirty-four (34) in Hidden IabcP~ Subdivision
<br />Nianber Four (9), Hall Ccamty, D~braska.
<br />tosYhn wnh atl tote tcaearersts, Ixeradnamtmis amt aplnpu•••,••~±~ uurcnnw LxktrtRtns;, !ttdodirgt attadid) Itoae oaseretea, a9 seirdose enema,
<br />saiedov +dsadcs, hlxtdr. xiram wxtdoaa, sscrtit>Ftt. f[eata~t. sn [xsmtrtwxtrttg, asni pfumtiitta and .cater egtrgmterst sad ausaapsies thetsto, peeapt, teases,
<br />refrt6eraf[xs, sod other tixtaret std r[pnpatant !u!w [x txmatitn atta[Ixd u, cx used m nxtttecti[m tcrth aatd real estate.
<br />And arbcrws the satd taxxttfyoe has sttrecd std [fors hercbt atxee trot rlu stw:rtgs(ttx shalt sad writ fay aU taw std taetsments Ivied a
<br />ame:rad utrtm sand prcmtss sad u{son slur tnartypgte axd thr t+cgwt scrurcd thrrcby tteisxr :tu tame shall txmatre rletirgtteeY, to farnuh ttpptn-red
<br />stsmetaatr apart the baddu~t rnt steal tacrmaca satpstcd art the srtm <sf S 3 (7, fl027.4fl faYahk to xatd A5Sa(('IATIQN and to delisv to raid
<br />ASritXiAYtt~s the !xd!eter tiu and ipwratxr; and not t=~ cuatnnt w tseraat ear .sate .rn:w aiscreat trod {+teraeses:
<br />la case sN defatd[ m the trcrf<a+xwrc ~ any s>f tix trrtro sett [xxwh{wwtt c,t iha ttaxttt>ae ,x ttx kKxW xeured hereby, the shall,
<br />oa dettsae[t. be ratstkd to ntaaedta-e fisrssem[xt .d tftr :ncvt{ygfcd ~tcmers and t3~ nxxtra~n hctrhv aratAnc.:aansfen sad aetst~i~a the
<br />snort sv the era!=. =exasias sad c!xrlms t.! t.e de!!ved f[r.m the ttu[teaer, .: txxrtssscx dot as: xuch t~tm as the t:xxt~ur etsdebtedeess sfnlf remain
<br />uaped. and rM awus~gpX shall fir: Che fa~'er t.~ appant say scat .x apnis ,t naay i.nac ics the pwpwa ed teyaau~ >Ld Pry and rewiols
<br />t#a same and cssflutttyt rite rents. rttietasses sad r.~a[sttae, sad a mey pay .tart crt raw! attxrtttr ail cxpeases of reptwrtf(( said pecmkea aid tteoesory
<br />estretmsuttm sad ettpemes mearred sn seatxsr :ad tttarugrttt thr same and +.i ctriiactxgt Tennis thereE'rtmt: the baianaa rema~, if sty, to be
<br />daf «nrard the d,w.itsrgc .tf and trortt~e rnssetstedrtes-. there tttftttt ai the ~nxtpgsee :Lary he caacttas! at arty tiara dtttitgt the exuterem ~ retch
<br />ad{. xreapectne cd aaY tempcrtarY wets.. art the raatre
<br />llsere IRexats. h[mcrs, arc open +3u t'axsdrteat, t'ttat rt ehe sawl Manttataa s!aff ecpw tad kna <m or before she tmttariy of said .hates by
<br />paympe{; pay mtwttttiy to sad Aa5t.7t~tA T}CYPI .!1 rise wm rpectfrd to the #ttxsst u.'wrrteef fuethy xs ust:rext grad pYnAtgl m Tad Iwn, on ar bafare
<br />tier Tszntanh day [tt racb sad .very nwxtth,,aatr3 m~ leas o ttt8y turd: pay aft Uxn sad svesvtrrnts levied a>fausst sad premises and tm this Mortaaee
<br />tmd tAe nasal uav[W thnet». tsetcxe debmtpertcy. furrash .ptxmwd tasuruux up[xs ttu botWsoEa thetecwt m ttte tttm atC 3 3Q, flflfl. fl0 paya'ok
<br />to raid AfiKCXlATICk%-. =epaY to sad h55t?C7A1%tH septwt demand a# tnwrry try ,[ patd Itx w[3t axes. saeemaeau sad imaaasta wnh mteroat ai
<br />the irautaraear teat rY.e t#¢ratn tmm dam crt payment aD tti whadt tdortx hereby apes to tray: patrat :t[s waste [m ssal premises: keep and comply
<br />•^tth aN ttte speen+atta sad cxsrs3ttss av _.: the fkrtwt Icx $ ~Q r sfl(}(,). ()4 iftu dry gtvea by ttte sawk !,laxi~ar to saw! ASS{lC1AT1(X+1. and cumpty
<br />ttstt# lY tM tettanomctres t>a the CassstnWSwa aM nY ~tan~ tsf and ,.5.'S(JC'tAT1{Nt~, than tixar preamn shatf beouma nttn and vtti0, othetMise they
<br />rind teteuaa rt fart fwcc std xay tx torechnad a the ttptwxt csf the and A.SSt)CtAT'tOK attar tsiVpre ttx three months fo ttukr atry of said
<br />(taytttsnis [x tae attar taesattss m xtxna m ttoktspt teal monthty WYraeata, ~~ hr keep sad :arntply with tt~ agreerttents sad txtadititmt of raid Bond;
<br />sad Mat®yur ngmrs to rase s tea-.err attptrietr~t f[xih:rrt# to saC# fnteeirnpre pttxredutAs-
<br />!f t#tse a say .bases. o owanrlttp of the reef essste aaxtpaed herein, hY sale ar oticrwire, tttea the entire remantittl; udebtedraa hmaby
<br />t , as the trptwea sd Tha fsftttlabtt' Bttddattt sad t.[»s Asaaaetitas c t i.ratd is£asd. S+iebrdts, bacaaac iaasedisidy due sad payable withoat
<br />ftrrthn txxice, sad the aaauttas reptaatagt dts: trader sad #road. sad atry otteet tnsrd for aai' sd3ititsoal ttdraaees made therctader, shad, from (.lee
<br />dais [rf etttacae ttf and nptiaa, teat inte:rea at the msaarwua kqi rate. atrt Chit rsxtttgtrse way thm ba famdvaed to ss4vfy the atnotmt rltse oa sad
<br />bend,ard rmr other trard itrt sddnatnai ads+tecrs, tctperher watts a~ taattas paid by sad Tlta Fataittsbke Sam tad t.om Aametstton of ftaad la6od,
<br />NNtaaka fax arpasxoe. toes asd asttsttstatau, sad abaracipts eateesrtn c3tsrt~ with iatpra tbnasta, from date of peyavmt at the atatmswm
<br />~~
<br />As pxsecdast m tree &rerd secvral heerbt, wbdc rftst mcwttttt~ rrarams m affeet the tau i~gee may tureafaer adra~e additiueal stmn to the
<br />makers trf mid &twd. ibex sasses cx rasc-.xwra ,n snterrst . wtsr3! rotas shelf trc wphwr rite aa'-txaY cu this taurl{gtpe the satoe as the (tads urigistaity
<br />stsxaad thereby, !be tats( amaant :~i ptncgtsi deist .xrs tc, esceed at sn7 +tmr tlu cxttpmt sasttunt of this awtrtRase.
<br />(]lead ehs 6ttt ,-. day of .may A. n., lY 81
<br />r~Y"'r~
<br />~a. ~a~ctter ~°
<br />SiA7fE (~' f'~~lRA6611. (~ tan the 6th day ~ 413y 19 $ i . bcfrsra tar,
<br />t'~.ttPi"Y t)ik tt[tt.t. 3f
<br />zbe aedet>iptect. a NatarY ist~bc of and tot said ('starry pattsoraBy tame
<br />L. Csrp~ster 3tad t:act7le E. C:ar-ycrrter, c~ch in his and her own right aftc~ ai;
<br />wtlra ~t~ - ptssattaBy krs{aare to
<br />ref x~tch ocher,
<br />ale art hat ttst damara3 petsna ~ where craws zrff afCtsad to (tae stsoae mafsapmasrtas,;ttwtNWr S sad Y Y
<br />WRY tlrs fiid ~ to ht t.r 's'c~Y as sad dealt` - rt ~ .
<br />t~ ttty t!md sad t~itat)axpd 9eud the dtae afwems0- "~~ ~,tr' ~.;}
<br />tdY is aar~n a;~'f ~~' ,~a r~7' ,
<br />etsaa.Na at ~! . -
<br />~~~
<br />