t31-- iit~?3~0
<br />MOATGraCH LOAN ATO. L 23432
<br />1@K)N ALL M0i ~' n~ PYts: nut Jatttes D. Gotx~arin and Col le~l M. Goodwin, each in his arui
<br />her ~ right and as spouse of ea3Ch ether, Mort~or, vrhether one tw tuttrr, is c~deertion of Use wm at'
<br />LLrltZ4
<br />irawf to aid trtnrtpror by 1'he Fgttitsbk Ba1d~ era! t.ant Aattcbtion of Grand tdud, Nebraalta, MmtBadee, upon 200 alum of Aoel[-of
<br />aid ASSOCIAnt)N, Catltrata No. L23932 . do hereby grrrtt, t>anvaY a[d mortgage tmeo the s~.AS80C{ATFON the fot{owiag
<br />o:acsdred ttal extra, ~tttrted in tldi Cuutrty, I@ebraaka:
<br />LdT Q~ gggq-,IWp { 152) IAt 9tJII~,VISTA
<br />ttt~ettxt with di the te[tetoenxs, hersditsnrats and apptuecnatan thcrcuatn heksnxmtt. racttdtrtg attuned flaot coveriagr.-ail wudaw acrearo,
<br />wit~w Judea, blitda. storm wrttdtrrvr, awnrrgtt„ hertt~, atr cnttdttranztyt, and ptvmbutR attd water rgtupmaa[ and a¢eenories thereto, ptuapa, stover,
<br />- rdki}eartrara,aw! other fiz[tues acrd aqutprrrrnt rtaw as hemfter attacimd to .yr *neti w urrsnecttan wrth vtd real cslate.
<br />Atni whew the read rwTxgagor hu atlerd and dsus !tcrctsy asdee ,hat the :tn,npaKor slut! and wttl pry ail tact anti apeaftoeIIti.levia! or
<br />tuaesaed open :std premares and open thn mwtgrgGc artd thr tsornl secuteil uxrrn: •~rts~rc ,he aatite :furl 6eatne deiinnuent: to fiuntsh approved
<br />iasturnce ttpttn the htult#ittgt ,m yard prcnrnea situated to tht sum <,r S 20 r 000.00 ;ati abk to ud ASSUCIATtON and to detrr~r to aid
<br />A.rBUClATION the poi:ci» trn std utturutce, and rurt [sr .amaui ut pertmt any wash ..gin .x atassut salt prrmraes:
<br />in erase of ddauit m the prrlurraanac of any r,f +hr terms uni craulltwtts «t for nrxtea€c s,t the twmi refuted hereby, the taartga~ee shall.
<br />txt dertoad, kx rts[itbd to unmed:ste pasoeworz ~•£ ±[se ttwxtgaged prrmttct and the +rnutsaqu,r hereby asctgna, tranafeta and sets Duet to the
<br />tpwtgttgee aii rife scats, raslatter trot irtenrne :a try dettsed from the mott{~ i ~tcnusea uorrc+g such ante at rite tttwt6ye tndtb[edtteu :Plait re[tnt[t
<br />ttapaiti; and the ttstartgatlee streii hare the pov.`et ra app;ratt fay agent r~ ~rtta :t may lent± t._*r the pe[poea uC' repsirhtg ad pmmtaes and rentit[g
<br />the fame stud ~tl{rett[[d etw rents, tevenuaa sad taurtsse, and tt rrat+ pay +.mt <:f yard mcotrtr asl rtpettxa of reprising Said premieres std ructarcy
<br />zxmwwtnma and rspettrea trx:arred m eeattrrg and rnanryJnr t-`ta :rare arul :,t calkcttng trntaia theretratn: the baLaca rematnitrg, it any, [o bt
<br />at toward the dischugyt 3t uud:nuxt~gpr mdebtedtm>r: rhrsr rtgAtz of rite rnurtgs(tec may be exarciaed at any tune dwing t~ exiattnm of such
<br />auiC. amspectisc of ray temixsxary rouser .» the xarne.
<br />Thane ptcaartta. howeve*., arc upon nc~ Cendittan, Titst tt ttw saN Huttgagrx etratl repay Tnxi !aaa an >r before the mattuity of stud xhares 4y
<br />paya,ertt; pay monthly to nod .aSS(K:I,tiITC}N ..f :hc sum specified to thr F1.rad er 3xai hereby ax tntereat astd pruttaprt an aid toga, on or baftm
<br />the TweMiath day of eseh and rrmy tnunth, uatd usd kun a Fully prsd; pay ill race and anesunrnta levtedaptuttt aid ptermsea and ..n this Mor[gttp
<br />~ the Band aecuead titcssby, Mfwe dettocitaatt~y; fuiataft apprmcd newrarur trpun the btukdtngs thereon m the stun of S 20, 000.00 payable
<br />tv rod q$3aC1ATitNV; ropily to [asd Ab'tiOClA!'!aN spun demutd a3! erwney by =t pad for sub[ rotas. asaeasrrrents and inaucr[ux with mtereu at
<br />tine ttastnarm ltyd-rate t}a:rean tram date of paryment ati of wt[tch Mor[~r hereby ,greys w pap, pestnit tto waste oft aid prexniaea; keep and comply
<br />vatlt aB the a~eertrrnta std aandttxam vt ttw Mond tat S 20, 000.00 thsa day 3ivru Fy tiso ud Mort{rgur to srxl ASSgt:iATION, and aamply
<br />-with sit "ve regti[emerttsa! t#taturuuturmet and 8y-iaws nt Yard ASSt}CtATiC)f7: than these peesextta xkuii betxYr[ta null and void, othenvtae that
<br />~tB te~a[t to tai! #tYx:,e antE ttvay be toterSsised n the aptrun ai the s~atai AS'Stlt.'tATION after failure tar three trtamths to irnl;e any of said
<br />p~mmats or ~ thro:• staauta ut arrests us :rnksstg tuonthty paymaats, .tr to leap std wrnptY with the agteetnatus and condi2iona of tad Band;
<br />sad IMort~yor reset to 1[sase a ttxaivet appwntri fv .',witty to srre!! farukettre pssxaedtttgs.
<br />tf tEpa e[ Say cfityupt m awtwxthtp ut the rarl esuse rnxty~ed huem, by sale or other+vise, than the entire r~aioing ittdebtedrteaa haroby
<br />rttetttad tdail. at thr opiioa at Tic Equitable i aed Lora Atasrcaixr[t of t,rasd tdand, Nebradca, heooane i[trttcdiately dire and ptyabla without
<br />Purshar [rstinr, attd the amtrutt rcr due under tsd hoed, a[d say utlttr botsd t"ar eery additional adnrwea made thanwsdet, shrp, from the
<br />data at eutrise of trod trsu if[tasex at the raaaantun irpi rue. std this rnuttgaSe rmy titan ha torardoaad to atid'y the amount dire on aid
<br />bandmd sny uthe[ fox atfdiswtul adgncea, txge[[ter wdtt sll Hato pmt by sad The Egtatrbk Buiktsrsg and Loan Afaor~tion of Grand taivtd,
<br />h(a~dtr ftx ituurast~, tttaea and Ott, tad atueraeete~ extonvan charges, ssrs.4 mtareat thereaa, tram Sate of payrnettt at the t[rstmum
<br />~~,
<br />Ar m she Btrod tecmtd beeeby, v.hrk ttm rtwsrtgye [erttasas m eftcet the tttortpgca msY hereafter ath!mtoe addetional soma to the
<br />ad[tas `,~ yaicL Band, titan assip~ err su[trao[s to inesrest, what}: sums snail ba wtthm •he a-:~r~[y of t!>tr mortp~a Ctr xaete a t!r fmde nri~iiy
<br />-i1welEry, the ttNai rseatat ssf principd debt not to tasaeai at say tens [lte aripnal armtmt of this mortgtt6r,
<br />prgd[~p S ^tdrY of May ~. ~.. iv S1
<br />~ ~~ ~._
<br />t
<br />£`~tli~t F4. `
<br />9TA ~Eik. ~ w. tht thu 5th dry of ~1ay 1981 , beftrn [or,
<br />G#lita"~S9f E3l< t1At=i.
<br />the tr[adursyrxd, s Noway pttbllc ~ for a~ Ccruniy, prnot[rBy 5ytnsa
<br />.T~l6A1i+B t3: ~.ra ~ ~rllmen :!, ~-~acs~tcinx ~sc:i in his and hei awn rlq~it and as gfi to
<br />ate, dl:'@ pub'
<br />. ttrR [a Eft tlr liinsGeai ptttroag tvbaer tame s at'fiatad to the rbove itsstrturtant a trtar~ynx s sad they +eaa-4'
<br />the raid trea+nustx err ins their YvhmtrY acs and dax9. _
<br />tray and lttritiittd Sort the deer rfoxaaad. ~ ~~
<br />~~
<br />_'~
<br />wrrfes r
<br />