<br />81 ~~1~r~31~2
<br />9. CaedertaaNar. The proceeds of any award or r mm for damag^_s, direct or concequential, in connection with any
<br />confientaation or other taking of the Property, or pan thereof, or (or ~ronveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />acrd shatl fx paid to Lender.
<br />in the event of a total taking of the Property, the aroceeds shalt be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />with she exrxes. if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unites Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shalt he applied to she sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is eri~ to that proporteon which the amnun[ of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />lttkfatl bean to the fair market vatue of ehc Property imrttediatctp prior to the date of taking, with the balnrrce of the proceeds
<br />paid to Horrottrer.
<br />If tree Property is abandotred by Harrower. or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor rafters to make
<br />an award ar setae a datm far damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Ixnckr >; authorized to coped and apply the proceeds. at 1_ettder's option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property ar to t!x genres secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Links Lender acrd 8orrowee otherwise agree in writing. any such appiiranon of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or tptrfa¢ the dtx date of the monthly irestaltmdtts referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof ar change the amour[ of
<br />srw7! cicala}ItttCnt4.
<br />It: ~aerower Nat Referred. P.xtension of the time for payment nr moritficmion of amorization of the sums secured
<br />by thfs Deed of Trust granted by Lender to gay successor rn interest of Borrower shall not operate [n reease, in any manner.
<br />the liability of the origrnat Borrower and Borrower's successor in interest. i-ender shall rat be required to commence
<br />pmaedio6s agaitsai such successor or rofuse Ic extend acne 'or paymrnt or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by thin Ddxt of Trust by reason of any demand made tip ihr ortgmat otrnwer and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />II, FssTberaaet by [.ead2r Nm a Waiver. Any Corbtarance by l,etuler in exercising any right ur remedy hereunder, . r
<br />otberawise afforded by applicable taw, shag rat f>e a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The proetmmeai of insurance or the payment of (axes rte other (tens or charges by Lender shall not tx a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to acxtierate the matterity of the r~debtednecs secured by this Dixd of Trust
<br />IZ. Rtteedir's Camaletire. All remedies prnvrded in this Gerd of "fntst are distinct and cumulative to any other right
<br />or rcaftdy utukr this Deed of Trout or afforded M iaw or ryurty, and may !~ rxttcrsed concurrently, independently or
<br />strtxmivelqy.~
<br />ly, 9aeesaeors triad Asdgae Soaad; Zebu gad Several LiabilNy; {'aptioas. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contained shall hind, and the rights hereunster shall inure to. <.he respec:;vr successors and assigns r,t Lender and Borrower.
<br />subject. to the proviorrs of paragraph }7 herrot 111 Covenants .end agreements of Horrewcr shall he joint and several.
<br />The captions aad headings of the paragraphs n+. rho thud of Lrust are for com"ensenre Holy gad arc not to Fee used to
<br />interpret ar rfdt># the provrsiom hereof
<br />Il. '.Boller. Except for any notice requared ureter sppi+cah{e „w ;:~ tx green ~n unothe: ntanncr. fa) an} notice to
<br />Horrtswtt provrdtzl for rn this Deed of Trust shad ire even hp rnasLng such n:xrce by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Atldrt~t sx at afeelt other address as 6nrrcrw•er may designate by nonce to Lender as provided herein, grid
<br />(bl any twure to Lender sbatt lee given by cen,fted tract, return receipt requested. to Lender`s address stated herein or to
<br />such txher address as [.order may designate fn' natrce to Borrower as pmvrded hcrcrn. Any notice pravidtd for in this
<br />Decd of Trtxt shall kx decreed{ to have :teen given to H;rrnrwcr err Lcndcr r+fien green +n the manrrct designated heretn-
<br />t3. Udons peed ~'i`rrwft Gosersieg law; SraeeabWts. ihts foem of deed cif trust .umbtnes tmefnrm c<svenants for
<br />natiranat use acrd race-uniform covenants with Lmrtrd sarrauotn by ;unsdictinn to consutme a uniterm security ,nstrumem
<br />covering eta! property. Thta Deed of Truer shall tK gavcrnrd h; the iaw rrt rlu tunsdtcit+ar. ~n •..htch the prnpern, is located.
<br />In the event that arc ~ovuion or cleuttt of then tteetf ..,t Trust rr the Note coed+cts w,th ap}s1r.-able taw- stx.h conflict shall
<br />ntti aHdx other of ibis [ked of Trust or the Notc which c.an Ls- gtFrn cNrct without :rte r;~nNr.ti-eg provecton,
<br />atr6 to r$fs cad tfse ~ttttmt of the Died of 7~ru5t ;,rrJ the tiatc :+;t Jrdarcd t.r !*r :evershlr
<br />!i. iartowrc's ~a~'. Borrawet shall ire turnrshed a conformed r.~oy tat the tote and vt this tkrd r•t T: use at the time
<br />pt eactvtian xtr xfaer neeo!Ed~.o.tt.o~ee.t rhpeof
<br />f7. Tearrfrr al tie "T"': ,~tawPflsa. if ail ..r .cry pan of the Prnpcris err an interest eturein is xrid s•r transferred
<br />try Tlarrawer withaui lttsder s prior wnltrn innunl. Cxciuding ~ x F the r`rrritir>n ~~f a leer i.r rni i.mtrranCt sr/Mrdtnalt tit
<br />toes Decd of Trost, tb} Site creation of a parchase rnrxeev sccutrty :txtrrrst for hnusrfta#d apphancrs ~:: i a rrarester h}' dtvrx.
<br />des€reat OP h'i openteme of taw Upon the dutb of a .,tint tenant ca i d } ttte grant c,f ens rraschoid mtcrnt of three }ears or less
<br />not eantainm an option tit pwcbasc, 1 etedcr may..rt t ernfe%..}pta?o, declare ail thr sums arcured M- the. eked of Trust to Fx
<br />trnmtditxtdy and payat~. fsader strati have w_ivecl stub uptson in acr:eferasr .t. pour to ~hr Sale or tramtirr, t,rnder
<br />and the person to wbctm the Pmper[y is to be saW or transferred res•_h agreement .n wrung that tree crcctu of such perxrn
<br />is satis(adtuy til i..ender amt that tree rMUest payahfr on the sums scsurert by this Iktd of l"rust shalt M at ux h rate as
<br />t..eftdsr shaft ttgttcst. Tf under hss wrir'ed the optinet to acwtrrate prcevtded +n then paragraph 3'.. and if Hnrnrwer s sturr~,sor
<br />to iarp'eat bas esecui:ed a wnstrn arumptrero at{roentem a.:crptrd m wrsung hr IxruSrr, Lender shaft release Hntrnwer from
<br />~ t~t~rtemkr the Iletd of Trttsr and the tiote
<br />Tf exrrri~s such optwn in ac. -create f ender shalt :nail Ekrrrowcr notice of ace eltratron :n accordan r with
<br />pars~raph lb trwr:af- 5ts:b rvbtett shall pt•srvrde ~ peruxi :,t rx+t !ess titan 345 days from she date the roller .s madeG within
<br />wb~h Hatrowtr may ixY the saner dectareaf due. tf Hartc:~tt fails fo pay rests surer peter tc the rxp:nnan of suers rxrtcxl.
<br />Lsarder mry. wrtttafa funkier sun>~ nr dernutd r,n Harrnrvcr.:nsr+i,c xn} temedees permtttcti ny pawagraph t S tterraf.
<br />lskrH_t;,arrorttK {'nvetvsrtrs. Barrcnver ern! I ender further c:rvenant an.! agree us ful}trws:
<br />li. Ar•^drsatiaw Rsartifes. Erctpt w proridtd is pata{rapb 17 hereof, afters 6orrewer'r bresrb o/ gay caveara oe
<br />aRresrta'set of Mtr~sart la ttii I)ud d Ted, iarlydiaR tbs corewtroh to pry wiea deer asy steers stctsrel 6r thfs Drat
<br />ai Trap. teeter prior to ~ aiaN faaB satire to Rsetawrr w preceded is pargtraph f4 hereof specify6ss (tl tbt
<br />6rearit fZl br aeNaw egabed to cars arch Mrach: Ul a date. gat leas dun 36 crate [tow the tfrpr tfae aefhro b golfed !o
<br />tlatsaarer, if wgd~ei sash frreeci etrat bur crvad: gad ttl rba faifra: to rare mc- irrach os « iefon else dirk speeiRed
<br />i. tie rnlbx stn rtaiak ~ atcaieAtiarr of the sawn secured iY tbiri [lead of trap aal oak of tie Property. 7'ie aetke
<br />~:Irpgmr btfbew 8aa'ra-„ar of tier right to r miter arreieratitn asd the ritEl# to briaR a mart artlon to area
<br />tIM s tti a drfsait or gay truer tkfeese of H•orrawrr to srreiesaffoa gad sfek. If fir 6eaar6 a act roved
<br />pre tx iefars Aar date N is Ere atrrce, t~wla d trader's optiiaa may derhre aft of the rttas tKrutsd fit this pied
<br />oi'fttep fa its iarmerWoelr doe gad paraik withsr ftaArer detwaad Lard rag} iavettc the power of safe ttd gay other rreiedks
<br />Few, L.taler sMaN De edhrd to caflrat aY rttrtoaahfe casts gad eaprtrer iorrrred is paesaia(; the
<br />reaslp~*lble paaRrapit IR, flt• Est err Weisd to. rtseorrhfe apssasy`s free.
<br />Il ibt pater d-trie le iis-aiet, Trmlee sfrY rcetad : reNee oI tfefadl is trcM correct is wteich the PraptMy or trove
<br />thereat 3s iarNrd read aflaaY auB rapks of rrsrr! aottrr is ~s waawer prrarribsd by 1p41icaYr taw la Harrower read !o the
<br />a~Alw ~~ f h ~. Alter tfu [epee of swh cline w grey ter rewired M Hew, Teepee f~alt
<br />prlHlis roeKor d gale a rile pr's gad is lie taawret pxsrriied 1+7 appHraite bees. Trtrfes, wiAwtA thteaewt rss
<br />~, xieY t~tM Cdr t'~l' r paYir eaxAsa to ebr tdtyrep hillier w the tbae ofd plme gad ender rftt feeds drdi
<br />~ ~t aneistr at-oak is gat ec te.re acrd is reel order axe Traxee arary tterestabre. Trdete may paNpsae tale d aM
<br />e- art ; ~ ~- ~*' b ~ t>~trmast .e ebe :bas gad pyre a( gay prcricwaty seledtitd exit. :.rile. ar
<br />ttatlr'r aarg: pveieas lie trs~rrty r gag irk.
<br />ter patt"assM of tie ~s ill. Traeace mall ddttrter ea lhr pvrlraer Trmpere's decd coaceybtg llrt Peoperty
<br />srdt6~~ M lleti TraWasl duet tdridl be prbrr feck rviriteaa d tie track of cis ~ made tlrreia. Ttvrfee
<br />das'i~ lia~ +r€ :die sate is Ace Calkc+rbeg order: tat is pit reseeaaile near rrt rxpeartr ~ cis Batt, i'te>v, bat
<br />twi tie. "s fps! of taN tstttte fine ~ it _ .. 'ar of Ass Rroae ede piker rcretatsailt atreraey'a Ira rd rttrb of
<br />tlgearlietser; ~ ~ etfl area siposed Ag Ada of Trtrslt ttel fel ttbt ratrar, ~ gar, bt eke perrerr ~ ptrrnar leplily eaAtled
<br />ittMaifs, -
<br />t'14 iseswew'e far Ri4iaraet. Nrawirbualtditxg trader's aixrzleration of thus sru3re sa-urcd by thee Deed of i'nnt.
<br />Bolts sigdi ltava ehe• find to have gay prlareedings he7Raurt by t.ettder to rafarr$ this Decd of 77test discrmtintted rt
<br />Ftgr [late t iwthe reciter-ttx vt~c~#r if Li) if+t fiftte tSaY trefare the salt M rtes Pr:=party p~ittsnant to ttx power of irk comattt~!
<br />iM IhMrirhMetf of # ortiif sgtrg+of a p errftxtartg-thee I)erd of Treat if: fa) Bcarowtt pays E errdet aA sterns which watrhl
<br />L+ktlera tmdrtr tkp fAt~ ~ Tttsst. t~NOr srttd gates rrrrrrZ future Advfrtrcts~ of any, had no acv`tkratiat urcirrrcaf.
<br />t'LN -~atertwrr e'aras eiT fshr: of ariy xellxet cnrcnrMs -nr agrfxareetets of Hannover cantairted in this Dead of 1"rust:
<br />fit ifwrrm.cr tmta all restonattls etpeattr~ inetrrml t'y Lt:nder geed Trlrstec in enforrtng the covenams ami attrtw'menis of
<br />iLia~araarrx caeca-veal irY-.tkie I7etrl [+# Tana grad in ettfstr+ccbrt I.ertdar's gad Trraarte's rarraadies as ttrovtddl in prryttaplt t g
<br />fttal'~I. l'rA:tuiiEpg.. Qet taut.timid w. tttfaetMty's ft*rs: aced {d3 Bessx~frrr takes sw:fs action rs Lender may era•~snahiy
<br />tlt~ilaM tl* 3uiarir klta~i tkc tin t+f the [lead of TrlrsF. t-sttdtr'x :Mrrxecr tit the Property and Hartnwc~•'; obiigai.iwr to pus
<br />