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81-00230'1 <br />LORTGAGE <br />MORTC;AGELOA:~INO...,ji 23f9'~7 T <br />Lwow ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That IAake s. Cox and Rtpberta J. Cox, each in his and her <br />aan right and as spouse of each other, <br />Mortgagat, whether one or znorc, in contddentltm of the sum of <br />$eL~.'ntY_~l4tt£tafid Ebtar Htuidred dnCl IdO/1011 lX1LLARS <br />lowed to said mortgttgw by The Equiubk BuiMirtg and Loan Astuciatian of ('.rand [slttnd, Nebraska, Mortpgee, upon 704 shares of tttotdc of <br />nid ASSOCikTTON, Ceraifiam No. L 23, 931 , do hereby gent, s~nvey and tnortgttge unto the said ASSOCIATION the foBosriog <br />dettaibed cwt edam, situated in Hall County, Neboslca~ <br />Tint Seventeen (17}, ist Blot:tc 'IWO (2) ist Brent'~ood Seoortd Subdivision in tl~e City of Grand <br />Tsland, Nebraska <br />ira~iher with all the tsrxmetau, frcreduamems and appurtrnancrs thnruntr: hetnnttutp, tndudtrtg attaciud iToor covertrtgs, all window screens, <br />wutdt+w shades, trhrhfs, statm R~ndows. awnatRc, i+eat+r~, au ,uod:t+unutg, and plumbrng srtd water rgwpment amt acce:rrorrcs thereto, pumps, stoles, <br />refr~eratms. and other futures and rqutpaart: +s+rvr- .n [xzraf:m atta<hrS to ar used nr eurtnrce:on vrth lard era! ,state. <br />And wherru the said rttanga~sr has agreed sn6 daislxerrh}~ agree that rhr ::+uttnaga:a il:ail and wsil pay all rases and amssments levfed or <br />aatessed upon sod prcatnses atd upon th:a trwrrttt.^~e and the b.?nd u.uteS ihrrh, hetrrrc ,^r same shall tucame delinquent; to furnish app:~~ved <br />insurance upcm tM burldutgs na sasd premrxs vtuamd tr, the sum t?t $ 7Q, ¢QQ,QQ pas ably to sad .~+.5S0(:'tATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the paltctes fur sad muuanoe. and nut to .xrmmn a:r prrmxt ank waste ..n vt atn:ut lard ptrtnises. <br />In arse a>t dsfaWl an the petfo.-atance at any of tlae trtnra and corsdituxts tit thss nwrgagc or ttte hued sntvrtd hereby, the trtottgsgee shalt, <br />an dsmarsd. rte rnntkak to tmrnedtttt pasrestan :+! rhs rrtsrxtragtd prsmtses and ihs rtrjri~gin furrtr}' s.stgns, transfers and sets over !o t!u <br />mortgagee atl the rsnts, tevetrstrs and utcx>trse to he dermd !loin .ttr ttwngaged pter,.+ses Suring su::h ztrne u the mortgage indebtedtrcsa shall rennin <br />smpaid; and the tnvrigagee shall have the prwtn as appatett any agent nr agetass tt Wray atrsue for the purpose of zepairiz~ said premises and renting <br />ttk ssaae arxf ealkcirr the rots, rrw-s:;srs oral tnzrr. and st r:u}~ pa}' :sot a f sas3 ;r .:mr ; ! rxpsnses tit rapaitittg said premises zad neteasary <br />comnuattxu atd eapeases tncutred to rrntutg am! nnmprtf, the sxtar and <>E wikrKtttg rentals thers[ram, tfu batana remaining, if any, to be <br />towed the distharge of said rtvs:tgage xtadcbttdruu: thex nghts ctf rlts cruvtgagse nuy i?s sxertxsed at any time dazing the ewstence of such <br />de salt, uttspective of say teatpwm wuvtr of the same <br />these Presenu, hvweser, acs upon the Cnndrtarn, TFst tf the sanf Mxiragagur sitaU repay std ;oar. tin ur belare the matanty of said shares by <br />paytrtent; pay martthty to saaf ASSOC[ATTON .,f the sure spsctfird ixi the Etcrcrit tst,~trrd hereby as interest and prvrgpai on said taan, an or before <br />the Trentitth day trf each atd every mtxtth, untd sand Loan a fully pad, pay a!i €axss :nd assrssaxnts levied agatrut sod prsmtses and on this Mortgage <br />atd tits Bond sesvred thetetw, before dNtnqusercy: fuzuasfs appreved msurants upar: the buddmgs the:eoa m tha sum of S 70, 400.00 payable <br />in salt! ASSOCIATION; repay to atd ASSOCiATt(SN upon dead ail nscanry by ;t patd for such taxes, armssrrtents and inntrar~e with uttereu at <br />€he maximum iept rate thsrsan from dots of paytrsrnt alt ui whu:h Muugaput fasrrbv agrees to pay: permit no wawa on s~:d pnmisea;kap turd wmply <br />wifh ap tbt agrternents and condtttmu of the Band frn S 7 ¢ Q this Say gtsen by flu sad Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />-with aN tbt r+sgtsitaasants ai the Cans[autsan and By-Laws tri'AS.SIICL4Ti_} ,; tttsn tftcus presaats shalt becatm null and wd. athezwiae they <br />shad rettuia in fr' fore and rrny be turtxloaed at the opta+m of'tix sad ASSOCLATION after failure fur truce rtsonths to rtaake ray of said <br />psymtatts ur °aa three mnattn et arrears to rtaitir~ said mteathq~ gayrtsents_ of to kelp aad comply with the agreettsrnts aad condition of said Bond: <br />Gard tgttgar ayrena to bars a traiver appointed tozrhwtth to such furertcxsists gaauccdirtgs. <br />If [Met is any c!r>nga m arrneraisep of the real ratite mattgaged hsrem, by oak or atttitwtse, then the eMirc retttatttmg iedebtedtxa hereby <br />racutest tsbaB, as iM opeitat of The Fquitabte Bsnldtrg aad Lose Asstt4tisaton crf Grand Ialattd. Nebeaaka, 6erpme iwaedntety due and pagabk without <br />ftuther natics, aad tits aaaautrt rettraitttag due tmdes sad bond. aad any athtr band for arty additional adtranaa made dht+reunder, Mail, from the <br />dam of eserent of said opidoa, bee utterest a t!x risaxtmum legal rate, and this mortga~ may then ix forcctoaad to sandy tM atawurtt due an aid <br />botal,tttsd nay otiser baed fix adduioaa! adratstra, together with ail straw pod by lard Trie I:gstiaabk Bttitding aid Loan Aatstdation of Grard !stand. <br />Nsbrmka for inrn~tx, tattas and saaes~sea[s, and abstexluy exteanaa charges, with inurest thereon, from dam of payment at the ftuaumum <br />~ ~- . <br />As gerrrided is tM Bssad suatesd hereby, wick thn trwtgagc remains at cffeci the tnoct;ogee ttsay h¢rwfter advutce additiortat stains to ahe <br />talkers of lord Bend. t#taa aatipn ar stscaeaars in mtarsu. wltith Bunn shall bs w€tfun the seswity of this ntortpgs the srtoe u ahe ftttada origutaitY <br />seatued tlteraby> the tatsd aaaovat of printainl dtbt tsar to exceed a any time ttx urtgani arrwaat of thrs moregye. <br />.~,~ tti ~ elgyyof !33y A. D., tv $1 ` <br />r (f,. <br />t <br />~ ,7. <br />a ~7Ai'±~fifr-pt4~r11A. j *. Cxt ahls 4tlt day of May t+1 81 . befcm tna. <br />Cwt fX? RAi.t <br />tM ~, a Notary Ptrbiic in and fin stsid Cauaty, paramnity cams <br />S. tXsmt a»tfl iCta 3. Cost, e®etI in his and hrsr win right and at;t~ of fly°to <br />sfa-fd ~r ties iidnatiaB l ~ wttaraa natese g ~, affixed tit teas about tnrertttnastd as tnartgagorg and tltiiryr seraratty <br />fiat aYd iaaraateaar ea ba their raiatafasy a¢t aad dead. --,~ <br />~~ ~ brad astd Sim! the data aforesaid. ~' ~ -~ <br />`fwM , tom' <br />i~-awaa to ~~'~, <br />