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-b- <br />81-~~ t1~t23~~ <br />liability is not reasonably as-scared to it; (c) Trustee may consult <br />with eaunsel of his awn choosing and the advice of such counsel <br />shall be full-and complete authorization and protection in the re- <br />sped of any action taken or suffered by it hereunder in good faith <br />and reliance thereon; (d) Trustee shall. not be liable-for any <br />action taken by him in good faith and zeasonably believe by him to <br />be authorized or withfn the discretion or rights of powers con- <br />ferred upon it by this Trust. <br />lb. Additional Securit Instruments. Trustor, at its expense, <br />will execute an diver to the rustee, promptly upon .demand, such <br />r security instruments as may be required by Trustee, in form and <br />substance satisfactory to Trustee, covering any of the Propertyy <br />conveyed by this Trust Deed, which security instruments shall be <br />additional security for Trustor's fait.fui performance of all of <br />the terms, covenants and conditions of this Trust Deed, the prom- <br />issory notes secured hereby, and any other security instruments <br />executed in connection with this transaction. Such instruments <br />-shad be recorded or filed, and re-recorded and refiled, at <br />Trustor's expens@, <br />17. Misceiianeous. <br />{a) In the event any ens or more of the provisions con- <br />tained in this Trust Deed, or the promissory note ox <br />any other security instrument given in connection <br />with this transactian shah for any reason be held <br />to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any re- <br />spect, such invalidity, iile$ality, or unenforce- <br />ability shah , at the op[ion of Beneficiary, net <br />affect any other grovision of this :rust Deed, but <br />this Trust Deed she h ~ construed as if such in- <br />vaiid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never <br />been contained herein or therein. <br />(b) This Trust Deed shall be construed according to the <br />laws of the State of ~tebraska. <br />(c} This Trust heed shall inure to anti hind the heirs, <br />legatees, devise,~s, aciministratars, personal <br />representatives, successors end assigns of the <br />panties hereto. <br />(d) Trustor shall gay all taxes levied upon this Trust <br />ile€~d ez the debt secured hereby, together with any <br />othaz texas or assessments which easy be levied <br />against the Trustee or Beneficiary or the legal <br />holdez of said promissory note on account of the <br />indebtedness evidence hereby. <br />~e~ FPnenevez used herein, the singular number shall <br />include the plural, the plural, the singular, the <br />use of gender shall be appliable to all genders, <br />and the term "Beneficiary'" shall °nclude any payee <br />of the indebtedness hereby secured or any transfer <br />~ thereof, whether by operation of law or otherwise. <br />i8• Successor Trustee. Beneficiary may from time to time substi- <br />t~t~ a successor or successors to any Trustee named herein or act- <br />- ix~ hereunder to execute this Trust Deed. upon such appointment <br />a~ wi;ths~u€ conveyance to the successor Trustee, the latter shall <br />vested zt ail title, powers, and duties conferred upon-any <br />Tzustece hsirein naoaed or acting hereunder. Each such- appointment <br />ems. ssraabscitution shall be made by written instrument by Beneficiary, <br />.ots~t~sic~£r-g t'eferance to this Trust Deed and. its pleas of record, <br />r~arcarcied is the- office of the laegistez of Deeds of the <br />