8I -ti} ( .l 01 U AS51GN!~NT OF MpRTCAGE - Corvorati~n `-" ~ ~~ U ~ ~
<br />KNOW ALL ~SE9 BY TEiESE PRESE`1TS, ?hat Saperior MortPage, Inc. s corporation, the
<br />party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Thirty six thousand eight hundred
<br />fifty a~ NoL140-------- Hollers lawful maaey of the United States of Asrerlca, to it is
<br />hand paid 6y tall A4ortgage Compar~ys Inc. ?Du07 'Jevoaahtre Cix~2e~ eta 22§s Omahas NB 68tt}~,
<br />a Carpozatioa. the party of the second part, at ar before the enaealing and deliwexq cf these
<br />presents, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted. bargained. sold, assigned,,
<br />transferred, and sat over, sad, by these presents doss great, bargain, sell, assign, transfer,.-
<br />and set over unto the said parry of the second part, its succeasora sad assigns, a c~etCaisr-
<br />IND£~1TURE OF 1'~RTGAGE, bearing date 2(th of February lg 81 , Rscorded is
<br />as Doc. pto,.~7Ai's $1-U4~g9,7o€ the?(ortgage Records of xiall County, Nabraaks,
<br />and made bq Raymond L. and aaacy Kay Gearhart, husband and wife
<br />to Snperiar MortgageD Inc, and all its right, title and interest to the premises therein
<br />described, ae follows, to-wit:
<br />Lot Five (5 ), Piper's Glen Subdivision, being a subdivision of Lots Bight (8)
<br />and Nins3 i9), Warren Subdivision, in the city of Grand Island, Adll County, Nebraska
<br />T'agethez with the note therein described, and the mosey due or to becom¢ due thereunder,
<br />including interest thereon, TO HAVE AND TO HOI1? the same unto the said party of the second
<br />part, iLa succeasora and asaig.:s fo_zever, subfecL only to the provisos of said ZHDENTUF%w OF
<br />l1tBi2C therein eoneaiasd.
<br />And the party of the first part does hereby mak@. constitute and appoint the said
<br />pasty of thg aecoad ;art, its t nee and lawful attorney, irrevocably, in it name, ar otherwise,
<br />bat at their own proper eosta and charges, to have, use, and take aiZ lawful wrye and mesas
<br />for the rscav¢ry of the said money sad iatezeat, end, in case of payment, to discharge the
<br />seas as the party of the first part might, or could do, if these presents were not made.
<br />WZTI4ESS 6tLEREOF, ``superior Mortgage, Lae. a corporation of the state of Nebraska
<br />has c+tused thin Asai t of ?iaztgage to be executed by its Vice °resident, and attested
<br />by its Yice px'esi ¢ , sad its Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed the 25th day
<br />of February in the pear lg 81
<br />'~)
<br />By k~ ~ c: ~-C4-~4
<br />~ r---.., - P dent
<br />Attest: iLl~7~~~'1~`~1_ j/
<br />STAI$ OF Iisbraaka }
<br />)ss.
<br />(~ QY ~~ }
<br />Yice President
<br />#ks that 25th day of February , lg 8i , before me, a Lotary Public, duly
<br />eoasdssioned and"qualified ice and for said County and State, personally came the above
<br />stead 6t. S, lanaartrr 9ice President, and .tames D. Roth
<br />Vise President of the Snperiar lk,rtgage, Lne. who are personally knovn'to me to be
<br />the idaat#ca1 pezaona whose nacres are affized to the above assignment of !SOrtgage as the
<br />Y4Ce iresidaets of said Corparatioa, and they acknowledged tht
<br />SOStEts~nt to bs their valuncszy act sad deed, and the voiuntarf act and deed of the said
<br />Cr~zpazat! on,
<br />WI~~S ay head sad official seal, in Grarxi Island in Braid County, the, date
<br />a£asasaia. --
<br />~ ~I~ Notary Pdblic~
<br />~ ,
<br />tAl' i~fNlt1SSY(~ l.XPIRbS:
<br />R8T1~1! T0: 8~¢riar t~ortga~z3e, Ttfc.
<br />P SS ttox l6B
<br />tlraasd Is Land, NE 8Bap1
<br />B-21/y9-1
<br />