<br />8i-- ti1G229~
<br />This mortgage made arrd entered into this ~_._ 27th day of . April ,
<br />14 81 , by and between C6dC investments
<br />[hereinafter referred ro as mortgagor) and Commercia) National Bank and Trust Company
<br />(hereinafter referred ter as
<br />mortgagtt), who maintains an office and pla,°e of business at 424 W. Third street in Grated 131ena1,
<br />Hatt County, Nebraska. _
<br />Wtrn~sS>rrrt, that for the cottsideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknow)sdged, the tnatgagor
<br />dog hereby mortgage, sei), grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagte, its successors and assigns, all of the fo)-
<br />lowtng descritxd propem situated and being in the County of Hall
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Lat Two (?.) in C. W. C. Subdivision, i.n the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska
<br />tagtzhtr wnh all the renrments and afrpttrtrrtan€c~ tflctetes .'rrlin~ine,..til rhr trots, asvurs arrd profits thereof, and aH
<br />easrnunts, rights, rm+a}ties, mitttrai, at} sod- vas rigfus and profits, :cater, water ri>;hts, and water stock, and including
<br />all heating, p)umhing, rrfrrtrtration, iiuhtin(s, ec):nprnrnt and all rixture'; c>+ r~r[y .}esc:riptian belonging [o the
<br />mortgagor anN i,r hrrtaftrr attathrd thereto or nsrd rn , rrnne:•:icrn .+rth tree permt+c~s herein described and in addition
<br />thttrta rhr foiiowut des.rr)rrd protxrtu^s dyitrch ate and ghat) hr deemed t:, 'see tixturrs arrd a part cf the reahy, ..nd
<br />are a pcxtion of the cerurrty for rhr irrdrtxc,:nrss hereto ,rased. tit Water, state "rtanr"1 None
<br />Ta have and to hold the .amt unto the -~iortgagre, ;zs hrrrrn rro+rded:
<br />'Cite tttottgagnr is )awfully scrtrd and ~»r_±srd €:f :i.^,d t:ae, t)rt rrght rv :e)} and ~anvey said pr+vperty: thaF rhr
<br />same is f:ee from a}S rncumbraners except as trtre;nahayc reritet}; anc# t}tat \4art);agar Covenants to warrant and
<br />defend rhr tit}e <tfaresard therrtir arrd eve:; ,,art thrrrc,t against the ttairn rtl art persons whomsoever.
<br />ril 7. a9t31
<br />ittstrutnent rs gtvtn to secure rhr payanrrtt at a ptamivsorv ante dated ,__--~v_.---_, __.~__----__..--_ _
<br />in rhr principal sum t?f 5,4,4ia~~~~C__ ____.-__ ---__ .._.__ .... <.ignrd by William R_ Campbeil~Bob vlheeler,
<br />in t;chaif of ..__.._. t- In~st~~nts... _ - - -. _._.______and_James L~Cannon
<br />a}sa, as such Warr ar Worts may ?ram =.tmr ;:. tr:rtt tx modified, rt;trwed ar extended to wriring.
<br />)n the e+rettt the title to said eta} estate is transferred, ar .zratra:trd to he transferred, Tram the unQersignrd far any
<br />mason or by arty method w•hatsoeyer, the entire prtncrpa} -unt and acerued rnterest shat} at once become due and
<br />pnyab~ as the tiectian of the holder hereof. Fai}urr to cxrrcrsr this opuon txcausc of transfer of tit)e as above statcrJ
<br />in ant instatn~e shall Cwt canstitutr a waiver of rhr right to exercise the carter in the everts of any subsryuent trans!'ec,
<br />). Ch$ ruort~tgar cove[rants and attrers as tailaW s:
<br />a. Ta prompt)y #~g rhr it=xtrtnr~lnrs+ ryrdene~) by sand promissory Harr at rhr times arrd in rhr rnannrr
<br />therein )Srtrsidcd.
<br />is `I'o paq ~) taxra, astassmrrtty, hater rates, and nttttr tovrrrunentat rx tnurticipat ~ttargris. flocs. .rr
<br />imtit fcx uhitift prf,xisaon bras oat t,etrt made hurlnbrfarr, xnd eilt prtrrttfstiy efc-}iYrr tflr otficia) rtie,ptc
<br />t)trrr#nt to the ;cad mortgagee,
<br />~. 7=v t ,uEh rxrs±>,cs ancf fa +t`s .rmy )3r rrt,:rerreGl ir: rhr prrvfeettatt anc} rttattrtrnatr,:r a=f ssztit prery+erty.
<br />trK.)adet~ rhr' fq~y of nary ;ttt+7rt~y ernt+}}.rkrd t?y tfl« rnartr tcx rhr i€j)t~yi:rrt ,,f .trey at ail v1 rhr indchtrdrrcx+
<br />isrrrb* •.,c:urr+S_ :.r 4fra~y~i{xcuPe t»~ tcrc3rr~cr'- ~;r}e, +~+ .-+r~r~.r €"<n~str~rtu-..+r .,y s;r+ .=she i~w~atrsnr ,~+ sn>t;~tre=€
<br />sf f.YCZxR~ u~,xat s e~=, e'Eth
<br />