<br />$1- UG2274 - -
<br />"" REAL H STATE MOR7'C;At~F. -Nebraska Husband axed- wife
<br />K1Qt3W ALL MEN l3Y THFSE PRF.SEI3T5: That Michael L ;,ieck and Itogwitha P. 4tieck~Teinafter
<br />t~lleti mortgatmx•. of hall ~ _-_ _____ ) and State of Nebraska, in cottsideratioei-
<br />of the stmt ofSix thousand Pine hundred, seven -t~(,~, in hand paid. do hereby grant,,batgain;,
<br />;rlawunt 1•'innarrcl- - - -
<br />eell, and caxtvey unto I?tal F'inancc {;umpany of _ ti 1 -~ -_ hereinafter calltgl mortgtt~e
<br />af' ~_ !tall _ __ `__. v~ _~rw.-_ _ ('ounty, State of Nebraska the following described resit estate gitttated
<br />llal l t.'uunt~, <cnd State af:~'eF-raska: w-+ust: A tract of laxxd #n the- South traYf -
<br />in -.._.____
<br />of the ~outhvsast ;<htarter (~-••S,'=w'1 of ."ettion TwQnty-ont? C21), Taw•ttship Eleven C11)
<br />Nortls, itange `Pen (lt3) `;est of the c~th ?'.l<3., and taore particu~larlY descz#bed as
<br />--
<br />€ollowsc t:,otraaencietg at the -aut;iwest t:orner of .>aid "ectiar. Z?z and-running thence
<br />east slang snc3 ,span the. "~raut:ts Iir.e a€ ::.sic; :ectian ?t far ~a distatace;af idine hundred:
<br />`art;- eight fce.t(9:ar °) to tt;., ,dint of '~e~innin~,; rut;::ing thence North and paral3eA.
<br />to the :est lira of .stet =ectia^ ~", a iistlnr_4 of `fwd }tundrec! £cet (20C1r); running
<br />ttze>r^e w3at *n,i nar€tlici^.o •;:c -;atxt?: Iin~ of sai.~ '3cction 2I for a distance o£
<br />are ':ttn^zcd _`t•:-{i.•r r?c;. C1.. r'); t.'.:encr riarnin~, :;ov Lh znci gaxxiie.l to thelrLe~s~+t[~
<br />l~af. jectia~i ' ~ st~snCC a~ ~r, iiun~lr~ et ~2 t~(Y!'~~,~k~_ ~t~i~st,tltteg~- tittBClr
<br />rortt~i ~ thetenemenC>i; hwn~ditamen ati~ a ttrGenances fo 1'~Se ~+ e a a
<br />' dower. right of homestead. claim. arnd demands whatraerer of the .aid Mortgagor, in ar to said premises ox any part
<br />tttprevtf. and ~iartgst;ar doers hemby r'rtuennnt that s•~sid tilartgaltar is lawfully seized of said pretniges; that said - - _
<br />p>t,Cmtse~ am free fmm alt hen.K .rnd c•neumbrnn€'es except as othet•wti;e noted herein. and that hlortgagi)r will
<br />warrant and defetxl the• ttt(e to said prerntr~ :aKainst the claims and demands of all persons whomsoevor.
<br />T£) tiA4 E AA"l ?'t) li<ILD untn thr paid murtgagee_ prouidrri sttways, and these presents-are upon the-exprefSS
<br />taon tit tf the ~,d martgarfor Fha tl pay 7n fu!! ie5 satd rwrtgagc~e r7 pmtnissarY note dated amt 1?~.- ,
<br />i9'-_._._ far..
<br />a ~~'a~~''_~_ ~.-. __ - payable to :n~;intment~ .iccYardina to the terms thereof, ttxe fine! instalment of
<br />whuit is due an .. `t ~_...._-- _.._._._ -. __- _ ____ 19 . t... _ ia~it:ch inctud€w in~~i at the rate af? ~ per month an
<br />that part rrf the unpaid pririctpai ha tang not r n ex~~, c>#` $1,t.Ki<i. t : = per m€mth an that part of the pi•intipal batance
<br />in exer7is of ~l,ilil[l and cwt in excess cat a S,cx}tr, ;end i' :_= lxr month :3~ any retnatnder raf such unpaid princapa!-
<br />}wlatxcc, .txul shall pay a!! ttax€~ and :r:•~•u;ments ievaezi ulxxt va,d revt estarte. }wfare the same bearxnes delinquent,
<br />tften tFtexe pr~ntx t€t he r»id. =-_>thee~*t.~e ar be €uta rem;~rn lei tiafi frtrc-€~.
<br />IT IS F12N7'!!ER .1{;HF:F:1) tit:at ;a facture to lure' ;rny ui .:esd rrsxrne~, erthta` prmctpa! rrr infect?st, when'_he same
<br />}>ocerme due. +N° a failur trt aximply wath an ~ r,f the tcx•e~€rsr:Ei a;tr€~ment.~. „halt caazi;e the whale sum of nwneY herein
<br />aerttred to }retatne due srnd e:iilett.}rie :ra c:ntt• :rt the srptx;n +rf the :nurt~ts{tr?€a
<br />!YQ1'[CI»; ?til (.'t)NSi?~tER: t, lkr not raiyi`n this paper hefnre you react it. 'L. You are eutitled to a copy of
<br />this paper. :3. You tn:1v prepay the unpe~id balance at tutu time udthaut penatt~+ and may t-e entitled to
<br />recei~ a refutad rrf unearxted rzhaegeac in 7tcnxdance a-ith law-
<br />7ngned this '~ _____ _ +1a}' # ~ = ` '. - ,1}ti ,:~ ,
<br />~'TA"l'£ r)F' ~inirra~isa L1~~~~" ; `_" st~.~'t
<br />_ _...af~~-:;-~-' .. -.--. !.'<,€:nt4~ •_-''.J?~ F,._.'t.,.t-l'111.- ~-L'i.Aa.At:.._,...lS~tis..Sr.'Ir'...
<br />. ,. _ _._.
<br />t-ht slats ~ ~- --_ ;rz :>i i + ,
<br />.,.~1. %~1._ ~ •) ;') , . _ . rK=t«rr nw. ttx unrterzatrned, a \ru~rY
<br />l~ablic, dutt° c~rranx.+asa.srtrzi avid r#uaE:t r>Ft t sr :cnxi r.~szian=, -n -~s=d c.,tinte °.~rs+rtaattt erarrn r`~.•~~t/,,;~ti.~r ri.~1~
<br />,>~'~s.L Ft- ?ne icntll\n ; a irt. ~i € ixxntrui~ 4-=rtiln <~rhreu• ri:rn:e -..._ - :ttlixt+3 t<) Lhe G~ae~aing
<br />ttf&iritrnent :i;: n,artgaear'. _ ._ _-.._ -- - - - c i .r2 it t A-t€ra$c _} i}:t- .-'1t _.. _. __.._._ _- tiAlllSi-
<br />lat-r- ati atxi dx~€! a1~Mfts~tlet-~~~~
<br />~tiixaer~= my h;.:aad nand '~,.tar7,a( `~~ris the ~S;rx .a;r; ve:sr '.€=t ,aCiiti~r a+~rrtF€,, ~>~.t14CC ltiu,
<br />43y i'ammis>raun €-sptr~:.:lae _... ` '- ,.-3:€. rrorru~t(tyy~.t~{
<br />w ~n t~stx~
<br />
<br />
<br />F.xttered m tiumertcal index :atxi ti}rd i>7r rr~rz,rcf sn the eattfire +ti the Fdeuister r=f tk~edv of ::std r-rtuntr, the
<br />------ --_ day af_ r._.- - __ __- 14 __. __ ..zt -- --_ -- ---- 'fcirrck scut .-----------
<br />attttut~r ._ _.,__. ~ .._ .. _ ._.. ~4-, and du3u rt=rc7r€ied ar l3+~,k . _--- _ -- . --_--- ______ ,7f _ _ __,._- ----__..._,_.,__..
<br />g~ lam' . ,._.._v__ - .__ .- ._._... ._~_ __.__.__ .
<br />to t-te art..
<br />F.ea:eurr c+C L4r>Q
<br />iJ~pvLLy
<br />
<br />1...~
<br />