<br />~1--~422"7~
<br />d. For better security of the indebtedaeas hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its successors
<br />or easigtxs. mortgagor skrall caseate and deliver a supptanrntak mortgage or mortgages covering any additions,
<br />itagatt9remettts, or betterrrurtts rz~e to the property hereittabove destxibed and akl property acquired by it after
<br />the tilts hereof {a8 in form satisfactary to rrrortgagee). Futbermare, should mortgagor fail to cure any default
<br />in the payrnettf of a prime or inferior eaeumbrantx on tau property describcyt by this instrument. mortgagor here-
<br />by eggs m pet.nit ~ to urn sttclt default, Intl mortgagee is not atzligatcd to der so; and such advances
<br />Shall 6ecotne part of the irtdCbtet>~atess secured bytkis irtstrtrt~ent, sub}ect to the same terms and crrttdtEiorts.-
<br />e. 3fte r~kta created b!+ this conveyartre shah remain in full fora and effect during any postportetnmt or
<br />t of the tune of the-payment of the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory nou err tzotes; or arty-
<br />par4 thereof seeutvd hereby
<br />f. To continuously maintain hazard ituurantx, of sash type or types aced is such amounia as the mortgagee
<br />taay fran lilac to lime require on the improvements now err herrnfter on sad property, and will pay Promptly
<br />wfics- due any premiums therefor. All ittauranee shall be carried in companies acceptable to mortgage and the
<br />policies a~ retteMah thereof shad be hem by mortgagee and have attached thereto loss payable clauses in favor
<br />of and in form acceptable to the mortgagee. In event of Iris, mortgagor will gave immediate notitx in writing
<br />to mortgagee. and marefoegee may make proof of lass if not made promptky by mortgagor, attd each insurance
<br />MmpittY co~rtud is hereby auttroriud and diret~tal to matte payment for such lou d;rertty to mortgagee
<br />instead of to mortgagor a~ mortgagee jointly, and thr insurance protxeds, err any t~ thereof. may be applied
<br />by martgaga at its option tither to the redaction of the iadei:_:dness hereby secured err to the restoration or
<br />repair of flee property $atnaged or destroyed. In went of fortt~osurc of this mortgage. or other transfer of sills
<br />to said property ifs pctinguishmrnt of the indebtedtuss xecured hereby, all right, title, and interest of the
<br />trrort~gtzr in a~ to arty ittsrrrarttx policies then is faro shall pass to the purchaser or mortgagee err, at the
<br />option of the mortgagee, may be surrendtred far & rrfund-
<br />g. To leap alt buihtst[gs and other improvements on said property in goad retpair acrd condition: to
<br />permit, c:vsrsait, or suffer no wactc, impairmzatt, daerioration rrf said property err aay part thereof; in the event
<br />rrf faihrrc of the mortgatt©r to kcrp the buildings on said premises and thaw erected an said premises, or
<br />improvements therefa, in good repair, the mcmgagse may make such repairs as in its discretion it may deem
<br />accessary far the proper prccervation thereof; and the full amount of rash and rvery such payment shakt be
<br />ittarttedirtfety dire aced payable: and shill br secrtred l,y the loin of this rtzottgage.
<br />h. Fo not votuatarity crcatr err ptrmit to be created against thr property ,ub}et-t to this tnarigage nay lien
<br />or liens irtfertor to the lira of this mortpyaEC wtthaus wrtetra caasent .°.f the mortgagor: artd father. that mori-
<br />gstgar will keep and rtaiatain the sarttr trrc from thr claim of all prrsans supp#ying labor err trtaterials for ean-
<br />strttrtton a! any and all butkdirgfs err ~mpravetrtettts now [xtagt erected err to tae cursed on said premises.
<br />i. Ter not rent «r assi~ any part vt the rent of satd mortfiaged property nr demolish. or remove, err
<br />aatrstanttalty a8er any batGttnt: wttftaut the srrezten consent trf thr trtortgager.
<br />j, AU awards at damages in usatr>eztion with any camftrarratiaa for putrlic use of car injury to any of tl~
<br />property wbjeet to tktis mtmgage are lxreby azsignr:~i and shall be ~ to morigalzcc, who may apply the same to
<br />paymet4t of the izosatlmarzts Itu due under card neat, aattt mortgagee is hcrelsy authorized, in the acme of the
<br />mortgagtx, to ezecvse and tktiver vallit acctuittaaces tact€tcrf atut to appeal frtnn any such avrard.
<br />k. 'flat mrrrtgagec shall have the right w tttspttct tau tttongtsged prcrosus at ally reasonable time.
<br />1, 1"o s"amtrtY ~"~ tom' tisians of at€y le~c i#` than :vltrrtg~e ss an a leischohi, tf this Mortgage is an a
<br />trot in a rondotatnium err a ±^'atttxd unit devetopt~rrt: &xrttwrr shall perform alt of pturosva's obligaUitxrs
<br />trn6sr the arsnioa or covaneats u,eating err gvvetmitrg the candctteiaium m pfd unit da++etotrmctu.ttu
<br />t~Iarrtt and ~ of the. os p}aaeeed wait d~ aced co~situme doetrsnents.
<br />2. pefitth in any of the eove~ntzms or €osstditirnrs of this irxstrutrtent or of the Holt or ioaa ageemem secured hert:by
<br />s~ ~xrttirmte the t~rtptgor`s r to ~, use, aced enjoyment of for property. err the opttao of the
<br />tttortgagee or asadgm (it being agrmt tttart the ttxutgagar shall have suet right until detaulti. Upon any such
<br />detfaah, the matgaaia shag betxamie she owner of all of the rerun artd proftis accuring after defauh as security for
<br />the tadebtu:ddtirac secured hereby, with talc ~ to enter upon said property for the ptupase of rotlatiag such
<br />rtmts ate tom, Thy itt~ruztxa+t shall operate ~ as asstgnrnent of any renrals on slid property to that cxacnt-
<br />}. 3€ late r~ dManlta, and faik to malts aaY payttunu when! dtx or to conform tt+ and comply with any of
<br />late itr ~ ronteined in tlriis rtwrtgage err the rrotn which ii soetrres; them the entire Pritrapsi
<br />and attatrod #tttetat skin at once beeorne titre sett paYable• aced draw * - per cam (1Zg.'€.) interest
<br />l~ tata~ paid at ihe+alectioa od the ~ attd this mar.~ytc may tttereupvn be forectoeed ittunediatelY
<br />tsarihr whale of for fedaet<s btxdry scparrd, irtdsrdirtg the cost of etrreadi~ the abstract of title from the
<br />tlltie of thtttttsedtga/p to tau tt>~ae err' n3 such salt. "9esrentesn Percent
<br />4~ lss-the ewalt of i fmaelpara ~ dolt era: pr~&ded hesdn, tier tnortysyee shalt al onrx be rntitidi to the poor
<br />seM#ott: sraett, u~ et~tnt of fhc estate afnrrutid arffil to ales rem, isratgt. roYaities, acrd pr#s thereof,
<br />ftarea.tttt-~ ~` rigkta ttrtd ~ iht pentiedcy of foradosnre t~ and such po*saatsiuas. etc..
<br />:ttE a~ee file ~ ld rbe ~ upon caq-tcst+ -upon faihtrc.suc~ drtiwxy of'sttclt ttton may be
<br />~' ' ~ teal ~+ inchtdir~ a recover far ales property,
<br />f#. ~lk-~# ~ at1]! salve of prrrXxxty- tat ~ with tart paecaditrg parst$raptts attalt be applied first to
<br />ales eadt~ o€ sairf st~st, the ~ ~-by the ~ for the purfurfe of prcuetxtng os
<br />~#+tta~ ~d qty, ~: to €~Y t#e ~ ~': and- tttirdtY, to fray any sutfrltatc cx
<br />eta w tfla or i> y ~ ittar.
<br />