<br />81--~~(~?260
<br />UtvmoRw Covistvmtvrs. Harrower and harder covttnant and agree as follows:
<br />Y, ;~ ~ Ysl~CYYrY toad iagerep. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and imtere~ on the
<br />indtdrta~ra evidenced by the Nate, prepayment and late charges as provfded in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />at air} Pttdture Advtmces stseuted by this bit>rtgage.
<br />2, pytrit tar lttnu wti Iarvaare. Subject to applicable taw or to a written waiver by Leader, Botrostrer shalt pay
<br />to ireaidq aRt fix day monthly iastailtaents of principal and fttttrest arC payable utsr~r the Note, until the Nwe is paid in fuB,
<br />a ~ ( `gyp-ttt~s'~ Cqual to attrtwCtfth of the yearly taxes and assessitents wFsieh tray attain- Priority oarer this
<br />Mme, tend grotmd reau on the Property, if any, plus one-twelhh of Yearly premium instalitnants for hazard ittatraace,
<br />phas oao-ttrelfth a[ yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any. all as reaumabip txtittuted initially and. frmtr+
<br />time to tmtx by Lender wt the base of assesamCncs and bifls and reasonable esdmatq tlterwf_ a Federal of
<br />The Fends start! be in an itsstittttiwt rise depoaib ar accounts of which are inaumf or gwrarneat by
<br />t agetuy liacittding I.endes if Lender is such art itatittttianf. [-CndCrshaft apply the Ftwds to psY saidtaxas; asaasmtnta.
<br />itsltlaaoe-~ and ground rtmts. lxs~ef tray nest charge for sa holding and appiping the Funds, analyzing said ttecouM.
<br />ar aretrilying and compiling said aasesattsena and bii3s, ualtxs Lender pays Borrower inttxest art the Futter and applitxbte Law
<br />pemtip lender to mate arch a charge. Harrower and Linder may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />IlRortgaga that ittta'aRt ws tbt Funds shat) bt paid to Borrower, and unless atuh agterntent is made or applirtblC law
<br />tegafrsa sow intm'at to be pfd, gender shalt not tie required to pay Borrower any imetest ar comings on the Funds. l.en~r
<br />s~A give to Harrower, withaat chsrge, an annum atxountirtg of the Funds showing credits and ddtits to the Funds and rho
<br />prtrpoae for which t tit ro iht Ftrrtds was madt. 7tte Funds an pledged as additional security far the sums stsptred
<br />bft this Mortgage.
<br />if tln amount taf tlse Ftmdtt Reid by Leader, togettteY with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the rfue datsx of rain, asatLetfCaa, inaurancc premiums and ground rents. shall Cxceed the atttotmt requited to pay said taxes,
<br />»mgtu. irattranee premiums and grou+td reacts as they fall due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />prnsoptly rtpaed to BarroYrtr ce credrred to Bortvwtr an [monthly mstaHmeats of Funds. If the amount of the Furttls
<br />isetd by t.eoder s.'tail rtes be sufficient to pay resits, assessments, titsurattce premiums acrd ground rrnts as they Ealt due,
<br />titarro+rcr shaft pay to Lender any amount necessary to tmake up the deficiency within 30 days from the 'wee notice is mailed
<br />try leader to Bartnwer ratttest[ng payment thereat.
<br />Uptxi paymenu to full esf all sttrms sa~itt+ed by thix Mart{tagt, t-eerier shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by lrasder. 1I trrtder paragraph I S hereof the Proptrt> rs sol6 or the Prapeny tx otherwise acqutted by Ltrtder. I.enrler
<br />s4siI apply, rto fates ttsaa imaxdiattly priar to tM =ate cat the Properly nr is acqusartion by Ixndtr. any Ftmds hCld by
<br />(.tinder at the emu of appficauott as a cmfr[ against ttte sums .oared t*y this Mortgage.
<br />3. A;*ie~las d Payaldrw. Units appticabit taw pmvtdes c3ttxtwise. art payments received by L.rnder under the
<br />Matt and paragraphs 1 and 2 tractor shat( tie xppired by tender frrxt in payment of amcwnts payable to tinder by Borrower
<br />ttndtr paragraph 2 faeteat, rhea to tar¢xest payable can the 'vats. then to thr prmc[pa1 of the 'vote, and then to imere;l and
<br />pflnCr~,HI oa arty Future AdYaacar.
<br />3. C.'4as+jas: [itras, Borrower shat! pay all taxes, .sssesymcnts a»d ,+thtr rhargts. (trees and tmpc~ihons attributable to
<br />23te PropCrtY which may attain a prnarny ~+Yer thrs 'vlortgttgt, aril ltastb-rid paytmtnts or grmtttd rents. iE any, in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph '_ tteteof ix. ,f nor paid to such mantrtr. ray Hs+rruwu making payment, what dtu, directly to the
<br />papee tlurtaf. 13otrawet vhati promptly furnish to ixndtr aft naticrx r+t amounts due utxlet th!s paragraph, ens: is the tYtat
<br />l~t'owtr shay( mate payttmat skrea'tty,. Hats<twer shall pra:snptty tutntsh to is»der receipts evtdeticing such payments.
<br />Borrower stroll prsampt}Y diac6argt any tart[ vehn:h hu l.vtt,rrty r=ver st!ts Msxtgage. provided. [hat Borrawtr shat) eat be
<br />requuod to dtttchargt any sttrlt itet+. as levees as lkarraaurr stimtl agru .n uttttng to the payttunt of the abligatian secured by
<br />such itrn to m mattoer ar~pulsk ra t.eadtr, c*s :half in gocd loath .~nnrtxi such 1:en by_ err cft{tnd etttarctmtat of etch Lien in,
<br />legal proecedittgs which tiperatc to prevrM the entwctmt[at of the .=en .+r farieiture alt the Prt=ixrty or any part thereof.
<br />g, YYy~~ Yi~see. Borrawtr wh°i. keep the emprrsvtrruxets na~~ raistang ~+r tweafter crc::ttd on the Property insured
<br />agaittN foss b'F >4ce. hazards tarltrded within the terms '.stetadt+f ~:tacrage... grid aucFt ottrer hazards as f-ender may require
<br />and m rax:h aataLiata a»d far weir pttioda as t.rr>:kr ma reyurrt; F~rvv[+ltt. shat f.e::nc.+tr •,.haif rmt rtquirc chat the amount i~f
<br />such 4-nvera~ eaceod that ar+avrsat cif co!crttgt rrquutd io pa} sin ,ems ~esured bg this MortgagC. rovidrxf.
<br />'Litt ittwttnce cattxr pravidirrg the iasuraruc shall fat cho.en by Flarruwrr subirxi to approval hY Lender; p
<br />that such apprtwat shaft not bC ;trtreawnabty wtthheM. All pretmrurm on imuransr. pals;ics shat( be paid to the manner
<br />ptxwadGd uitdtr paragraph Z htrenf or, d riot pmad an sash tmsnrter. h} Barnawer making paytxunt, when dot. dirtctty to the
<br />i>t>ruraste curie:.
<br />4t1 irtwratxc palram anal reahvids thtr~t stwft tx in term ecarptmfvk to tender and shaft inctudt a staisrlarit mortgage
<br />clause in favor of and in forest acs~tatt}s =o f.tttder. f.enr~r +hatf have .ht t[g:st to hold the paficits amf rrritwais thtrtaf.
<br />adl Jorrower staff promptly trrrntsit to l,ttn4er nit renewal nutrcrs and art t>ra:cipts cf paid premiums- In [ht event of foss.
<br />Bortcwrer shall give pratnpt ratf~t to cress rnsuro;n.~t earner and Lander. Leader assay make ptcxtt of toss if nsvf made promptly
<br />by BCHtaawet.
<br />Uttiew l.etsder mnd Bortuwtr athersvrse. ag#Ct to ;~ritirrg, ;asurarw:t ixoctcds attati t+C appfid to restoration or repair of
<br />the Y daataged, provided sascft restoration cx repair ix ec-uriornxalty ttasiWe and ttu security of this MortgagC rs
<br />tsar thert6y imparred fi stxh rCStorattcut of tepax is tkx ecr+rMamrcaiiy EtasebLt ar t1 ttte atcur:ty of [his lfartgagt would
<br />Ire iaspaired, the tttsuranet proceeds stroll tx mppliut [o the starts atz=cared by [hrs Mortgage. well tttt excess. it any. paid
<br />tit Hart@dwer. if rite PTOperty is abartdixsat b} fkxrower.:ar ii Borrawtr testis to respond to L.endtr within 3fl days from the
<br />date aw.ice ~ ttaaikd by t~adar to Borrower tisat the rttsurarue comer [offers to relate a claim for tnstuame tseaefits, under
<br />n atsthoriaad m cedlat^t and apply ttte ittetttattct pramds ar I.ericter s optxin tuber to restorattan ar repair of the Property
<br />sx tit title woes soured by that MartgsgC.
<br />Ll>~ess L.ersder ate Horta+irer atiterwise agree in wrtttng, am. stash appitcatxm of proceeds to princtpat shaft not exttnd
<br />~ pnatpaae the duty data zit tits rrxartthty iaitUltttttttts referred tc in puagnphs 1 and 2 hereof ar change the amount o!
<br />ttwch anst:llments- Tf tut'usr ptuagrap6 !ti hCreaf the Property !s acquired bt l.tnekr, elf rrght, tttk and mternt of Borrower
<br />it aad era any imw'amx palicaes atirf is and to the pax:eCds [tsereot resulting Pram damage to the Properly prior to [he safe
<br />air ~ shalt poses m Lttadtr to the extens at the sums severed by this Mortgage rmrrtediattty prior fo such saM or
<br />f,. iesrsdaratlas .art Mafaia..te aL P-e1ttM?t [.eaaeirtdst (.oadesaittisr~ P'Mnaad tftsk lxYaopaa^u. fforrawtt
<br />t~aU ictep the RSegtaty is good repair xtad spit nest cxxnmit waste ar permir impairment cx deterioration of tits Property
<br />-ahatY txxnply w-ad! the provistotu qt nay raise !f tTt» Mortgage is oa a iease2told. If ihts MortRagt is an a unit in a
<br />ar a pltraaed tout devefapnxat. Batravser ,hat: perform at! of Borrower's [dittgatirats siitiftr the clcctaration
<br />or copeea~- cxtatmg ~ grfytrtusg tTte catadamtnitrm ar planned unit devtiopment, ttu key-laws and regidatians of the
<br />or Pad ema devs~atrent, mtt:i .rxtsriturnt ~curaxnts_ !f x Gonatominit~ or ptmrttied unit afcvrtripment
<br />rtttet ss b!' ~ and rttcar>3af tragcttser wash tftts Rit~tgage. the covtaants and agreemtms rte such ndtr
<br />efdt cuvttwuits amf taffire+cmesus of thrs Mortgage as tE the rider
<br />lit: ifaatssad ito3o and shteB atstesd roll sew
<br />a.para isrdaa4f..
<br />p~ ~ YwniarY 9a~• It t3artvvver fails to perform t~ eavttnants arid agrtrnttnts crxttattttt# in thin
<br />#, ter if }' actapa t+t protaeedttt~g n :ttsnmoaxd wTtich tttateriatly af&xta Lttxkr`s irtttt~tst in the Property,
<br />iear,I~ag<; trot-litacited is, cratnratt damaxs. snsotveruy, cads tmfrarrs:tnent, or mrrstrgementa or proceedings involving a
<br />ttailtrapr tad d&t. tiara L.e+adar a lsrs aptirm. upon aotivx to BorrxaavCr, !may mafit such appearar+scs, dtatnrtst sua;h
<br />attrttp cad tale tttr~ atason ~ a necessary to pretreat lx.asdCr's rnttrs;~t. =atluditayt, but axx timitiM.fo. draburstnrtrit of
<br />ms's (ages and errrry 'rpoa the Prciparty to inakt ttpaars. If (..ender rettuirtsS risrrtgage insrxatase ms a
<br />at tnat~g tl[a toms secared fay this 'Sfattg+tt;z. Baareo+etr chaff pay the premiums [~gtarod i<a maintana satth
<br />fiasuttsince ides i6lts+t tattxd sttcb trtratt as the raquutenxnt Ertl welt ittsunttu iarrmitaatts in mscatskanr:c watt Borasrwa's and
<br />