<br />Lltstrottsa Cotanaertrs. Borrower and f.ander covaaant tress agree as tolbws:
<br />4. h)rtot of Prlas'lltA stew IinlreaN. Borrorer ehd! promptly pay when date the psdnclpal of tftd iatareu oa Wes
<br />isftdebreiew tvidaaesd by the Note, prspapnmmtt and late charges a provided in the Nrita, and tlfe principal tsf and inglraet
<br />on any Puhsrc Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />8. lYnttrt Iles Tittam aM leetwtceee Subject to applicable law or to a writkn waiver by Lender. Borrower shad pay
<br />to Letedar oa the day moefhly iugaBitaeatts of principal sad interest arc psyabk ttafta the Ntxe, umtl the Noes is paid in full.
<br />s stab fiiaatht Pufff#'ry egtai m orio-twplftlf of the yearly totes and assefasriafts whlcli mry athlin priority ova thb
<br />, haul gaouad teas oa the Fteparty. it arty. phis tww-taseltfh d yearly premitrta irtscsdteenb f~ Aatard itntua>in,
<br />phss o>te-trtt of yeaHy prattiitmf iastallmeats for irtsitranae, it arty, alt u tpsnttdtly t~iatrpd ie&iaHy tftd feota
<br />time to time by Leader oo the huh o[ asaeniaus std Idlh aed reastutabk attitnatp thateot.
<br />The Ftin~ shall be held in an itutituoiat the dtposits or accounts of which arc iawtred or guanoteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency tiacludi®g Latdca if I is wch an iastitutiaut). Gender shall ably theFUods to ~y said'taxes. asr~eatetseb~
<br />itt praminnfs std ground rests. Lznda may not charge far sa holding and applying the Ffmds, anelyaiag said afxouat,
<br />s verifying and compiling said ataessraafts and lath, oaks Leader pays Borrower intetrrt oa the Ftttfdt and applfcabie hfw
<br />petmiu Leader to make sttrJt a charge. Borrower std Ixoder tttay agree in writing at the time of rptartrtiotf of thh
<br />Mtsrt~e drat ittpxat on the FuaQs shall be paid to Bosxawer, sad unless such agreettfeat is made or applk+ebk Vw
<br />ttttlttiret sffch iatarat so be paid, tender shall not be required to pay Borrower any inetrcst or earnings on the Ftauth. Calder
<br />shall give to Botrorver, without charge, an annual accouming of tht Funds showing credits and debits to the Fwfih sad the
<br />puryox for which cards dt~i to the Funds waz made. '[lest Funds are pltdged as additionat security for the soma secured
<br />by this Martgag.
<br />If the ammrm of tbt Futsds held by I.endtr, together with the futt:rc monthly installimats of Fonda payable prior to
<br />the dues dates of rasa, assattmmta, irwuance prcmiutns and grottrd rents, shall exceed the amount required to pry said top,
<br />insurance praaiwra and ground rents as they fall due, ;iiclt excess shall be, at Htttrosver's option. either
<br />prampdy repaid to Borrower of credited to Borrower on trtonthly instatlfnents ~ Ftm~. tf the amostnt of the Futds
<br />hrld by Lander shell trot be suRicieat to pay taxes. asastae:ita, insurance premiums sad ground rears w they fall due,
<br />Bormtear nhW psi to leader say amours r<smsary to make up t)fe deficiency within 30 days from the dax notice is msitad
<br />hY Leader to Borrower requiting payment thereof.
<br />[Fpaf paytaeat in full of all umfs sfxured bl' [hu Mangage, t.cader shall promptly refund to Borrower salt Feuds
<br />bald by Leader. If uadar paragraph t8 txreof the Property ~s sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Larder, L.eadar
<br />dull may, ao later than imrnetf3atety pros to the sale of the Property or its acgtusftion by Lender. any Funds bald by
<br />Lander d the [tm¢ of apiplicatiaa es a Crefht agamu the sums secured by thfs Mortgsgt.
<br />~. A~Yratlttar nt Pa®aeaM. tierces appticabk taw provides otherwise, all payments reserved by Letdar tttada the
<br />Note std paragraphs f sad 2 hexed shall be applifd br Lender fins fn pavtltetft of aalounts paytihk to t.endec by linrrnwer
<br />tsaftar paragraph Z hftsenf, them to unereat payable on Ule Niue. tlrai to the principal of the Note, awl then to irnettaH.aad
<br />principal oo any Ftttfsre Advacas.
<br />4. ~ here Borrower shall pay all taxes, assesments axed wecer chargess. Rees std irnparitians attrib4:abk eo
<br />the Property whidt ttfay ateagt a ptteaity ovex this Martgagc, and leasehold paymenu or ground rents, if say, is the ttunoer
<br />provided tmtSer paragraph Z hereof or, if eat pafd fn such manner. by Borrower raaftiag payment, whoa dues, directly to the
<br />pttyaa theawf. Harowet shall promptly forested to lendtr aR tmutxs of asnrn,nts due under this paragtagrit, sad in the crest
<br />Borrower shat make pay»ttun ffirutly, Borrower shall promptly fumed to ls:nder rtxeipu cvtdencurg such paymafts.
<br />Borrower shall ptaoptly ducifaryc any lien which has pnorrty over thu Mortgage: provfdtd. that Borrower shall nor be
<br />tegtuted to diachar+e any wch Tian so Wng as Harrower shall agree in weinag to the payment of the oblfguion secured by
<br />~ Gat in s ntarferx sfacepsahie to Linder, or shall m good Earth ~ntest such lien by, or defad en(otceraent of such lien in.
<br />legal procaedin6s which optraie to prerem the enforcement of the flee ar fwfeiturc ut the Property or say pan thereof.
<br />3. Borrawet sprit katp the fmpraremetns now existing or hereafter ertcted on the Property iasfrrtd
<br />agaiaet loos by Ala. hazards irwcltsdad wtdun the term °extet/ded coverage", and such other hazards as Leader may require
<br />std is erred atfeouau and Ice faicfi perrods` L.eatftr may require; providW, thu t..ender shfN eat rapture that tree tfsatwnt of
<br />stadf cnvaage esaosd tttn amamt at carttagt reymred to pay she sut:ts ueurcd by the Mortgage.
<br />Tbr imurarcr rarrias providing the ifssuraticx shall 6e chosen by Harrower subject to approval by [tfukr, provided,
<br />that such appmval shag not br uatrisortably withheld. All premiutmt on insuratwu pdit:ia dldi be paid fn the maroer
<br />ptavided tradat paragraph 2 ltfueof or, d toot plod in such tnanaer, fey Barrows tnaltiag payment, what dtse, directly to the
<br />imutaaoe carrier.
<br />~ iasuraau pfrlicies aril rarawah =hercaf shah bt in farm aruptabk W lsntkr and shat! iextt# a standard mortgage
<br />ctatYe in favor at sad ra ftxm atxgftabk to tetdar, Lctx6er shaft have efie right to haW rho polxies and rcntwsls sheaeot.
<br />sad Ynrrower shall protaptfy furmtlr m trader all renewal twtaces a~ all receipts of paid premiums, !n the event of loss,
<br />Boatuwer slstl give prompt testier to tht ituurartce carrier std Lowder. Lender may make proof of ices it not ttfafk prorttptty
<br />hY ~'+.
<br />Unbew t.aader std Borrawzr otherwise agra in wining, itfswatxx proceals shalt 6a appliod to restceation or repair of
<br />the Prtapaty eiamtyed. provided sir:h tessaratsarf ar rtpur fs ecarforaicafly feaatbk and the security of this Mortgage u
<br />nm thesshy ia~rrtitod, if sued realotstian a: repair fs oat econotntcslty teasibk a ft the security at this Mortgage would
<br />be iotprirad, the ituurtmct proceeds shall ba spplied to the semis secured by this Mortgage. with the excrsa. if any. Paid
<br />m locrowmr, )F the Prapsnp a rbandmled by ~xroww, ar fl Bonowo Earls to ripad to Leader within 30 daps from the
<br />dNa notion is mailed by L,tndst to Barro+rer that the inwraufx carrier otTas to setefe a claim fat insurance ttenefits, tender
<br />b st+fllwrized m collect end apply rife insrtratace profxeds at Ltstder's option either to restoration or repair of the Property
<br />or m ills worse secured by this MstVfe.
<br />Ustieas Leader sad Btxtrowmt athsswise agree in wrnnaj. arty such appticstitnt o[ proceeds to principal shall ern uttuid
<br />w poelpoaa the der dace frf tlwe ntomtdy installmems referred to in paragrrpln t sad Z Hereof or change the amount of
<br />such iesafHmeais. tf ands patstgraptt !8 heraef the Property a acquired by [.entkr, ail right, title arat interest of Borrower
<br />im and m any ituuraafx pellets and is and to the proctxdt thereof resftltiag from damage to the Property prior to the ssk
<br />oe ataquiritiea shall ptm to L.eada to the aarent of the sums setaual by this Mortgage itttmediattiy prior to sircli sale or
<br />d. 1Pews+fatltra and ~ d Prapesty; LsaeaYelrs; Caeioat Raaaad UtW Iperairps:asas. Borrows
<br />s -die PrapmtY~ gaud. rnpsir and trot tamrait waste or peraut tmprirttfeat of deterioration of the Froparty
<br />ptovisioae of aey kesr if this Mixtgtrge is os a lrasehold_ tf this Mortgages is an a unit in a
<br />or a plagued wait tfevelopsnarH, Harrower shat perform all of Bortawtr's obligatiosn ut+der the dtciaratian
<br />Qi COaO~yla Orerttl~ Or gttvarnupl the Candantlai4rn of piaantd unH dtrelapmettt, tilt by-tawf Aid rtg4latials of the
<br />` tN pifmmd 4OY dsvebpmeay and conssttuent dosutrlents. If a cwldotrtiaittm or pftmtvsd unit developtnettt
<br />tiller k aaaprtad try Bat:sffsae sad raceaded togtuho with this Mort;age, the tmvmenta arfd agttaralents of sfwctf rider
<br />siaB htt;acaspatttaad taro sad sirff aaeead and supplaraeat the cwveaaaa and sgsmmenq of this Mow°tgege as if the rider
<br />trees. a peas-h.artt~f,
<br />7. itbrirtetMw tM lrtrleit4f >saawl~. (f Barrofrer ta;af to perftxm tMr cowwaaa sad agtraafalta cnntaiaad in this
<br />a ig sagt aura oa procar~ag is aomenanrxd which tatsteriattp aRacts L.easkz's inbr+eat in the Property,
<br />ittt#i~itie~t, hffa atic Iiaeiard to, eaeuraal dttttaria. insdvafey, code enforcement, ar arreagatstrms or protaadings involviaX a
<br />htitt#rupt as 4amatftmas. rhea Laatdar at L.eader4 option, tspaa tspia to leortoarcr, may makes stscfl appeararsca~ ttisbttrta sexed
<br />settlal sal! tait+ >~ warns as is t>awaerry to prouect Loader's auorest, isludie~, i>ut not iimidld tor, d~ of
<br />Nrraatlaitlil ataoaq'A tsar sad attHry the Property m treks rtrpairs, If Lander regtfited mortgaBa itwarartce as a
<br />ctiasttii~ter of i 4b lases seesatsd hT this ~ Botsowrr sltrB ply the ptaaitaas required to maintain such
<br />laeuraaee fa efllat ttrNB salrlt Yrse # the tx~amtaat tea sack iasiaiaacx ~rttioatee in ~ with Borttwar': sad
<br />