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~~.-~QU~~53 <br />~, cKEr~oRA~n~ of 1.A~tn SALE c~xTxACT <br />THES M£bfORANY3t31kf of LAMB SALE CoNTRAGT made and entered- inter <br />this ~ day of !hR y , 1481, by and between WILLIAM ~. <br />EE:RSAM and MARIAAt E. ~iRSAM, husband and wife, Sellers, and D. L. <br />RUBER2SON, Buyer. <br />WIT2~SSETIi <br />WfiEREAS, Sellers are the cxmers of <br />A Tract of Land Cozrtprising the ~lesteriy Sixty- <br />t3ine Feet (W64') of Lots one il) and Three {3), <br />Block Twenty-Three (2.3), College Addition to <br />West Lawn, Grand Ts land, Nebraska, <br />which property and its apgurtenances Sailers are willing to sell <br />under certain installment safes contract; and <br />WHEREAS, Buyer has agreed to purchase the property, both real <br />and personal, under Land Sale Contract made and entered into on <br />(t7py / 1481, and <br />WFIEREAS, the Land Sale Contract made an~T entered into of even <br />date herewith provz.ded that the parties hereto would execute <br />ozandum of Land Sala Contract contemporaneously with the execu- <br />tion of the Land Sale Contract for the purposes of recording, <br />'JOW, THEREFORE, in consideration oi` the ^~utual promises of <br />each of the patties hereto, the following are sumsaariaed provisions <br />of the Land Sale Contract crf even date herewith included Ear re- <br />aording puzzaosea: <br />1. Sellers. agree to :ell and cor=ve~;~ to the Buyer and Buyer <br />agrees to purchase from Seller the ioilr~wing described real estate <br />and its appurtenances thereto. <br />A Tzac~ of Land Carnprising the 4sTesterly Sixty- <br />riiine #eet (Wfi4') o£ its C}ne il} and Three (3) <br />in Block Twent:~-Three (23), Call~:ge <'tddition to <br />West Lawn, Grand Fsiand, Bail County, Nebraska. <br />.. Buyer agrees to ;gay to Sailers far the abave described <br />property the sum of TWEtiTY T~tOtSSAivI1 i3oLLfsFS (S2p,00~.0{}} as pro- <br />vided in the Land Saie Contract- <br />3. That Buyer is purchasing a12 right, title and interest <br />o€ Gary Ethertan ttr a previously made Contract on the real estate <br />dated March i, i4?4, <br />4. Buyer is to pay the real estate taxes and the insurance <br />promiuees on the property. <br />5. Tisae is of the essence of the Contract. Sayer further agrees <br />that if he fails to pay xny taxes or assessments levied err assessed <br />again&t the sale property or fails to pay the premiums of insurance, <br />5e3lers may pay the taxes, assessaaents or premiums and the amount <br />so paid shall becosae due ansi payable forthwith by Buyer to Sellers <br />ttithtsut notice of demand and shall become a part of the princial <br />balance of the Contract. <br />fa. if Sayer fa.1s to pay any azm3unt due under the terms of <br />Ltss Ct~ntzaet, or if Buyer fair to perform any-of the other termer-, <br />aa+d+~snathtts err a~reeseents of the Contract, or if Buyez shall. abaxstion <br />t~ ~ ozty, t whole of the- indebtedness due under. the <br />t~'~t, toettr with any adwences made by Sellers as herein <br />prasri.d~, shall. be~CO~ae and be immediately due. and payable at the <br />~ti o the fillers without notice c~z des~~zs3, the s being ex- <br />