SNORY ~OFtM 46734 - Ol -lfi
<br />PROIR£RTY IMPROV6MilNT town Numtrer______---------~~_-,-
<br />E•onw No. 2tt tRav. ta!!sa S1 ~ {~f)~~~~
<br />~Le~~ ~7 1~~~e ~J~~~~Ed
<br />~~ Calvia-E. Smith and Jeanette L. Smith, husband and wife, 2ointiy
<br />. ........................_...........8tn1"E8'C31'.'tIi°'t$'t'tT'•Otin•.'t'YgFtt...............»......_...,......
<br />Five Thousand sad 00/100
<br />is~inetter called Mortgagors, rA consideration of the sum of..-.._..___- .............................--.._._...-•---..._....._.....
<br />{S ;000.00 } ~jgr the receipt of-which is heretrpp ac~wvledged, do het+eby MOItTGAGI3
<br />and CONVEY an absolute title, including all the rights of I~meatead and inheritatrce, unto FIR$T
<br />Mortgagee, its successors and assigns. the following described real estate, situated ia.. ~ii_......_...-._.......,.
<br />Gatruty, State of NEBRASKA, to-wit:
<br />?,ai %? _a Hlock 1'Y, ir: ?~cker end 3^rr`s ~3dition to the
<br />amity of Grand Island. lj~: :'o•~z:i;~ ?:ebrask~.
<br />TO HAVE AATD TO HOLD the real estate above described, with all appurtenaa.cea thereunto
<br />belonging unto the said Mortgagee, forever, pprovided always, and this mortgage is upon the ezpress rnn-
<br />dition that if the aforesaid '.titort,gagons. Their tseira, ezecutors, administrators or assigns shaII pay or cause
<br />to 6e d to the said Mortgagee, its wcrc~saors or a~gns, the principal sum hereinabove set forth, all
<br />acexsrr~g to the tenor and effect of a certain imtallment note of said tiartgaRors bearing even date with
<br />this nmrtga$e, and shall pay fazes .utd asseasmeats isvieci u n said real estate, and all other lazes, levies
<br />Arid aaeessusertts lcwied upon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to secure, before the
<br />sense or env iratalitrscna thereof becomes delin4uent, then this mortgage to be void, otherwise to remain
<br />in full force.
<br />IT IS FLI2'I'h"13R At~ItEED f 1 } That if the said Mortgagor shall fail to ay such taxes, the
<br />Mo ~a may pay the came and the sum so advanced with interest shall be paid by said Mortgagors,
<br />and~thfs~mortatage shall stand as securit}- for the same. (21 That ~rtortgagars covenant with the Mortgagee
<br />that They are .awfully wtize~i of said real relate and covenant to warrant and defend the said real estate
<br />against the lawful cfaima of all persons whomsoever. (3} That in case of a foreclosure of this mortgage,
<br />tiro plaintiff us such psnceedintps shall be entitle<f to take poee~s=on of the premises, Protect the same and
<br />collect the rents, issues and rtmfits thereof. (4} That a ztiIf ctre trs pay a_ny of s$id monery or arry install-
<br />ment thereof when the same icecximtm due, nr a #ailure to comply with ary of the foregoing agreemer;a
<br />shall cause the whale suns of looney herein secured to become due and collectible at once at the optioa of
<br />the Mortgagee,
<br />TRANSFL~R OF'I`tIE PROPERTY; ASSUMPTION. If all or any part of the Property or an
<br />interaei therein is solo or transferred by Mortgagor without Mortgagee s Prior wattea r•onsent, escludirtg
<br />ta} the creation of a lien or erx.•umbrsrtce subordinate to this Mortgage, (b} the creation of a purefraee
<br />money senuity interest for hosts+ehotd appliances, ccl a transfer by devise, descent or by operatioa of !aw
<br />upon the death of a joint tenant or td} the grant of any leasehals{ interest of three years or lase rmt cort-
<br />tainireg an option to purclsase, Mortgagors may, at Mortgagee`s option, declare sit the sums sactraed by this
<br />to be immediately due and payable.
<br />If Mortgagee e>r h option to acx.elerats, Mortgagee shall mail Mortgagor notice of
<br />a~crlerrtion sad s~ notice shalt provide a period of nvt leas than 30 days from the date the notice k
<br />maiisd within whicls Mortgagor maq pwy the sutn$ declared due. if Mortgag©r fails w pay such soma prior
<br />to the aspiration of such; peariod, ~iostgagee may, without further notice or demand on Mortgagor, invoke
<br />t#re pwwsr of oak Brut any atlrer tstrnedias pesmittetl by applicable law.
<br />~^ ji
<br />Signed thts...~e..:>t.._ day ef.. _,..r?-.. ---f .......-----°-°---• ~• --- - ..... , 18.- ~;
<br />-..
<br />~9 - ... .
<br />~- awe&Ex--L.•.~tly;.__ ............................_..__._.._._...
<br />s'f'kT€ ~" f&SBRBAiGA
<br />Liss s!M ......1 =£~ ... dop d -_;..,~a.__._._. 19.:''. bHa~ mr. ebe uvdetsi{red, a NaOaeY >'~ie. Iv sal feu
<br />Crlvin S, 5taith and Jeanette L. Sseith, husband and w ifs,
<br />r fsaerm to rot to bu t6s Fdeaetkai Pescara wtsssee crease ass ssllssd w fir stews and tecsgoicrs irsstrsmowt, s
<br />amd erasl9r ~ add ia~rat to 6s ~ c.r leer wlaatary ee; aad deed.
<br />reels a[y Lwd mad +~slmxitiet serf at__-_.,__.._il'.`#t?ci__i&1,~rs*la.w?~1~7'pSic=,
<br />Sias dwfns trs! +ebsws, ~tlrter. .-__.-_._,_.-. _.-...._., -._....__._~.,....
<br />iilOi-11`41at-/aided M~rinws.~ -. ~• - nlsta~r )*atelia ..,....-
<br />._
<br />alt ~ ~ ,. _ .. ..~-.~-- . -
<br />i,r„ , rM Ceps. Nee. KAa-, iF. ~i11r i
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