____ M®~iT~sl4GE 8 ~ -- a i~ ~ 2 ~? ~
<br />~ ~y a£ _._ ___.-____AQril .___~ . Is 81__, by .tae be~eea
<br />rx~s rr+tr>~alv~= ®faa t~•---__29t...__ ____ _.
<br />James- 0: P~cCf~sb and Bette J._ Ctb3_ husta~nd _as-d -v_ife __
<br />C - and Flame federal 5avin~ asd I.ofn Astocfatian of 6rtad island, ^ cutGatittott
<br />~ Ffa 1J 1 CesafY, ~hr't+ta• as*ao<tfa~ office alai Wnu of 6uaitiess +t Qitand [slattd, i'kbr~s: a
<br />~ esirtfnfl under the iawt of the irttitee duet a£ America with its principal
<br />~~,~: .~ said nxxt~alta _.~_,__-.. Cor an€ is cottsietratian of the sum ot_
<br />-~r Th: tcn~A Nin tv-t~r~e doliar~ and_3~L].QO °_ , =,
<br />ttrae presents m«twee and wKragal imttrafhl-{~ '~•
<br />the receipt afvlftkh is IrerebY ~~, do __.._~_.__..._ M _ - -
<br />Mall -----
<br />fmswer, aH t6r fdbwii~ dncribed real estats. snuatsd i» i he County oP __ _~_.---
<br />afd Stan a€ Afetcseta, tawrt:
<br />Lot forty (d0}, Block One (1}, pale Roush Second Subdivision to Nall County, Nebraska.
<br />7•agtthtt' with ell tas^stPR• etc rtmdattutamit. lnfhtiba;. aad pluirhrstf rcfuiprnent nau!tast trrr~.:~fudrnX -rsnn_s, aw»tntGt, -•tarsn windnwn anti
<br />ds ttrs a!d wutdn* sbadea Gs 6ir~. +~ ra em :n ranm_ -~[ n ,nrth +ard trt^i"'t' ! ~ '•~t s err t?tr .amr are c+c:w lratrd ru: e+aul ProP~y ar tw3~aefter
<br />ptatxd t.isissaae. .
<br />TU I1AV k: AffU'fY3 HL1L'.' TtfE tiAb4F:. tagettier wrtG aft grid ~inftuiar ->>e trnerreeats, t+eredltarrrv"'+ and appurtenances thereuma i+t`
<br />nar~a,~ r5-. hrretxy covEttnnt .with Said
<br />tnrtfliaaR. or an ens:*iae appertauimll. ~'"£eT. a,mf warrant the trtM to the .erne. 4aai
<br />ttv }r. r'sr~ at tisr riairvwrv rrreat- chr tasrtat o=wner 5- :.1 the prem~ atxrie ronteyed sxui ciea~crsihesl.
<br />ated ....._ are ae,ud trf a KKr>arf and usraafafsrtxk elate .:f :nia stance ttretatr,. izre and z'frrr e,l nt. ~-ncumhranrxxr. arnf that _-_t~-a!~. will
<br />warrutt ucd de#aad i}a title ttanatr+ forevw a,tatnst tine clams snd .xr.•unds .,i alt f>ass.,r,;. xfe.=rssar~-r
<br />F71t)YI f3Et3 ALt4' AY!+. and tltta trsatrarmsist cs exse- s -{ ,;:n: a€3rYar~£ t+3 ~+-'tier i!-a WY nt r.! thx xum *~ p~~ . ,~ ~ _ _ _. _~. i.
<br />~it,~ht Thousand NinetY-Lhree dollars and 331100 fhaifrrr,+A
<br />vaitA 1. '+"-~'t~ rrth sVCk shat'Kra snd advancra n.* nssv t~ ciu~r ana xwYabk: to uut .^a=rtgaffr* undcv the, tarmw nsf canditwna
<br />d thB pmimiaaary "°~ of arsn data aanewnh arut eacurnf beret=s, s•sMVtt } !rv .axed rnruSKaftar 5... to ~atJ mnztyayfeie. raYa6k ua expreasni
<br />in aaie faits. are to aarnre 1.1e Vie of ali :hn t. tats cad eargViaftats r sninsncd ttsMtesn. The Carlos at sad ante are F:eaetsY rncarpanted
<br />Fiarwn h4' the rdaeanea_
<br />It u tAr mteriuon aid at0 nt tt- i>~~ ~`= coat tIIU mortzaRs shall tJrw secure' astY Euture adtaneea made to card mariPJltr>r -5_.
<br />~, as+$ tantttta~fa. red any rail all urdaAtad>ts+c sn sdd:ts~r u* eNe artw>unt atxe~c stasad wfcrch aaa3 manfCaXnn. or any of them, may own to
<br />srid ~~ fanwews rrdmtrd. wtsathar i3Y mtr. !xrak arccrurt or .+tMvwastl. This atarti€aR£ shell rrrtrrm m fall tartx arai r€£ect between
<br />t!a P~~ tln`ata sad ihW than. t repteaea+tstat'es. ~ueresarara and assifare. u»ti9 alt snwursts ,a+vnd fiartt-rtaf~. includinlL future
<br />aevaarra. era f>vd srr fi~ rith e»tsrest. v and
<br />The maae(iIt'~ -..5~._ irsaby a'Oip' - --- to srd atartl2+S~ ~} resits and ammaa arsarnFt ~ »ng end akf unsra teem wail PtYrpert:
<br />m ements
<br />Itaetrl+t' sot9aeriaa cad tttrrtgatCa+ cs its aq{est. at *.ta aptvan, upm aiefas~t~~ ci ~aof . ~Pfi>~°~a~ ~ rer'ta ~iroeamr
<br />~. yy~yy the ems tm tae paY~t ai imrreac. pntee+W p ~ m the noee hetetzY t~crtred• Th+a
<br />~ , er ter otbar 4hat~ .rr prYtarata ptsrvtded for faasraa
<br />. •aafaaarg t4 Jafa~rtsud peopfr4Y ~ .The tafcuaft of IroaseaatO41 ftercutder 5iut0 in nn manesr
<br />teat[ s ¢~ r~taitfe rt [wca until the unprar ttalance of salad ra>Ie is tuti,Y prd
<br />pre~ant ur reeasd sae{ maatgtagss *a the rayllec,-ta>fl ai said sums kw fatK~naure ar +"~-
<br />taasa.:a$ar rt aay ttnm shall txK fee r•atsatrtiae °a a waiver eE its riteht to assays thw
<br />..-. ' €i~ifi>! r~ cite Stat9Rf1{as to aatilat any of ice N cis+ans ~ aaa{ rrtts ntd ni this tnart£aF:r-
<br />a~ameat sfaY krMt tamp.aad W znaaet a?PQn ead enfaroe ssrtrt rutnptae>~ +`"=th all t?u terms and 1~' ,
<br />srxdt eattaa to !re txaa{ to sand martra7ta~' she eatue atwau+t dus n teeietetadrr_ acct under the trrtn anrf prm'i"wns
<br />if aced - S #uwte adcanrns, sad aay estensiejne ur rarewala tlrtrrsf fn aecantatlCa wah the creme and [n+rvtsaxaa
<br />~ } ttds hae~y - t then tMre peeasnUs sttatf he .old:
<br />f.IfMau4. sae !# acid S-_.-- sWY tag w-ab af3 the psa+riawnr sf sad natal and of e9ia teaxt,tC+aAe~ end [rug, at acs tptaun.
<br />a~ilelrtff.te e~rl9 tst-lal~ loess wd4i'Atlt. and laid tmtt>{ali~ s~f tse emitieti to the peaanna'° ai a31 ssf anal pnopestY.
<br />tx tmmss!livrly due sad payable, aid rwas fw.rlasa thu nanrtasftr
<br />eaedara trtr srYelrtd faidymes feed a~ *~°° `-~ t°
<br />rctiar to peftwA its-rtltAt. Apps wurrd.
<br />m #~'ffp a4rrr 4sVl xu~ceapturs and raatfta® .d the
<br />`flrht ahdl trc badiflt upon aai ahfu en++ir to the 6eeief4 d the haara. axsxwta's. sdmruatnt4ra.
<br />tsni~Paaa"'° kaiw.o. '
<br />YE . i„rrauntst xt L_,~rQrr I,r„d~, dry and .tire: a[wara
<br />Iris wmfl wctl~~, acid btrrUnttrarS- . h` l.~f~,~..y lI. /~~~~~.~. _
<br />