SHORT FORM Loan Number---46735--- .f1L--__3b
<br />PRO~Rtr l~lPROVeM~fvT .•.~»
<br />FoRae Na. 2i 1 tRav. f 2180)
<br />~Lt~.~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~r
<br />xNOw ALL 11$EPI >~ T~sE I~ES>srrrs
<br />"1'HA1'ltxnnl.d_.J..._.Elacice..~ad._Daut...7....ElaclceT~-uaband.-s~aid_.rai.fa,._~o~.sad......._ ..................
<br />each in their ovn nght
<br />h~~-einafter called Mortgagor& in considaratian of the sum ofSe~n..Thousand...__and_AQ~lAQ......._____...
<br />(~ ;pp0.t)~ ) DOL?~.~, the receipt of which is hereby aclmowtedged, do hereby A~IOR,PGAGE
<br />and CONVEY as absolute title, including all the rights of homestead and inherttance, onto FIR82'
<br />Mortgagee, its sezccesaozs and assigns, the following described rest estate, situated in._}~}}...._.__......._......
<br />County, State of NEBRASKA, to-wit:
<br />ucT ~o.:r ~} :~iiey'>ew ""i;ird :;u'adin.son,
<br />ir'~nQ __~an~~, __3:.< ~ct.2Z: u~ .`8Gr5Si<3.
<br />'1'O HAVE AND T'O HOLD the real estate above described. with all appurtenances thereunto
<br />trelongirtg unto the said Mortgagee, forever. provided always, and this )mortgage is upon ttre ezpre~ con-
<br />dition that if the a#oreeaid 1ortgagors. their hews, executors. adrrrinistrators ar assigns shall pay or cause
<br />to be paid to the said 'Mortgagee, its Ruoreasors ar assigns, the principal Sum heteinabove set forth, art
<br />according to the tenor and t*ffect of a certain irrstaIlment note of ai<i Mortgagors bearing even date with
<br />thin mortgage, rind stroll pay tries and aasessmetrt$ tevitxl utxrn paid rest estato, and art other rases, levies
<br />and asseastnents ie~ned upon this mortgage or the note which This mortgage is given to Recurs, before the
<br />same or arty instalIrnent thereof hecamas delinquent, then this mortgage to he void. otherwise to rpma;r,
<br />in foil force.
<br />I'C I9 F!`RTIi£R AC;REED r t) That 'f the said Mongagor shall laic to y such lases, the
<br />1$ort may pay the same and the sum ~ schanre<i with interest shall be paid by said Mortgagor&
<br />and t.~mortgage shall stand as purity for the same. 421 'I`hat Mortgagors rnvenant with the itilortgagee
<br />that they are lawfully Reia~3 a# Said mad estate and covetiairt to war-ant and defend the said zeal estate
<br />agaimt the 3awfui claims of all persona whoniaoever_ 33) 'Chat in rase of a forettosure of this mortgage,
<br />the ptaintift in such prae€edir?rt~* snail l9e entitled In take n of rWs,e premises, gsotect the Rams and
<br />roltec^t the rents, issues and profits thereof. t 4 , 'T'hat a o pav any of said money or any instal-
<br />ment tlreteof when the same ?xcoinea due. ar s failure w rompty with any of the iorcgoing agreements,
<br />shall carte the whole scum of money hereia _~_ured to berroare due and collectible at once at the option of
<br />i t~ Mortgagee.
<br />TRANSFER OF 'CHE PROI'Et~°TY : ASSt; \,tP'ITON. If alt or any part of the Property or an
<br />interest ttreatin i. sold of transferred by ~$ortgagor a-ittrout _liortgagee's Irrior written consent, exdudmg
<br />(a`) the cYeatun of a litut or encunxbra~ subordinate to this Mortgage. ibi the c-mation of a purchase
<br />mornry security interest for houaeltotd apgliancee, ic) a transfer by devise, dearnrat or by operation of law
<br />upoa tt:e deems of a joint tenurt or td) the grant of env leeselx~t~ interact of three years or ire not cat-
<br />tairtiag an optio;f to purchases, Mortgagee may, at Mortgagee's option. de^lare all the soma secured by this
<br />4$oxgage w be immediately due and payable.
<br />If Mortgagee ezenases such option to -;Y~elerate,.Mortgagee :,troll nisil Aortgagor notice of
<br />at-ret~aE~r oral suck imtice +tsall provide a peri€xi of trot ie~ tt)art :i0 days from ttre date the notice is
<br />)sailed within which Moztgagor mqg pay ttce sums der-fared due. If \Qortgagor fails to pay such sums prior
<br />to the ezpiratioa of such period, '.4tarrgagee may, witlwut further notice or demand an Mort~gor, invoke
<br />the pmwssr of rra~ asd say otter reraadies permitted by applicable law.
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<br />STAr`t'tt of ALA&!LA t IJara asks
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<br />t7n ~ , "y~...__._. dept d ._._... c -tea. _! t9~?''_. batore me, the uada~®ied. a NdfrY Fu6iit art and tar
<br />!wd C'~f1~tY, PAY `°-~=~m.,idT_.,~.a.._~1..y.-ka ~tnd ,Mara f__..g.Yi~SJ~.... iinytl:and ~nri v3f ,ate .. _._.__._._.._.
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<br />~. nsd rretr at~or.tcdaad said iat~aannt Es he hit err her aotrmrntq ad and deed.
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