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� .,� = <br /> : _. -.�. �.: - _ ti �- <br /> _ _ _ � �,�I �#;, a . .-__. _. _ � ��__ <br /> _ _ ' � , ` , � ` _. _ <br /> Y" __" -� � .. - ' . _ � . . . ' c � � � . . � , . <br /> - . _ .; . _ . _ ; . � . � = � ��._ � � � �2- 1U�494'7. .- <br /> � �oc�vvmi�������►a�««xea���cy.`�a���u.,��. <br /> �a�ao�«n�ane������y. �w�s ana aaam��u��ro�a ey uu:secw�cy <br /> r,t�auma� a!1 of the foieao;ng is zefecrea w in tltis sa�usiry rngtiument as the°Ptopc+cy." • <br /> • ` BORE�OWFR(30VENAN75 that Bo�t�owa is lawfuUy seised of the est�te hcneby conveyed and hu the right w grant <br /> aid coavey tbe Pmpaty aod thu die Pmpercy_is unencum�ered.except for ertcurtzb�of record. Botmv►er wa�rtaats and - <br /> -- w�i defead geoeralty the t�le to tdt Ptnpe�ty agau�st all claims and.dem�nds.s�bjecl to�ny encombrarYCes of raco�d. <br /> — -- �T1�S SECIJRTf Y INSTRU1t+ID�Pf combin�s w�ifam covenants far national usc and nun-unifcxm cavrnujts with .: <br /> � limifed r�riatians 6y juris�ictian to coasiiNt�a unifam seca[ety iasirqment�avering teat praperty. --- - --- -- - <br /> iJNtFORM CpVp�TA[�FI'S.,$ootower and Lender coveaant and a�te,c as foilows: <br /> . `L P�9ae�t aY Fri�ai�t Wer�PnelwYseot sod i,�te Cl�rsrs Boirower st�all P�P�Y PaY whea due thc ,�: <br /> � pcincipal of artd inteccst oa tl�e debt evideacM by the Nae aad anY Pr'eQaYmeM�nd late charges due under t6e Note , <br /> i .bL�isfa�7uesawd I�ua� Subjat to applicable law qr to a written wuver by Lender,$an[owec sh�ll pay to ,., <br /> -= I.ender on the daY'monthiy payma�ts are c�ue w�der ti�Nae.�nlil the Nate is paid in fuli,a sucn("I�nds'�for.(a)Y�Y�;. <br /> -__ t�es�pd a���ts wt�ich may auain priaity over this Sawity Insuument as a lien on the Property:{b)yeazly teasehold � <br /> -= payrtiatp�or growd nrnts on the Pnnperty, if anY:(�)-Y�Y 1�aN a g�aperty insur�nce p�c�emitaas; (dl�y�1y ftood';' <br /> - - itts�r�e•.penuums,if aql,.(e2 Y�9�8� ��e g�emiums,if any:and(�any suau payabte by.Botmwev to,: -- <br /> •_ - L�.ip�ac�CUrda�x�e with the pmvisioas of-pa�g�h S.ia tce�of the payment of mort�ge insurance pcemiwns. These� <br /> • etai��W�called"Eserow Items." 1.endei may,at�a�,tuae,rnAece and lald Funds iR an amnsmt nat tn excee�ihe maximum r., <br /> - : �aaiot�i tender fa a federaUy ntateA�moegage_ioan may requice for BaRUwer's,esciow account under the.feder�i Real�i <br /> Estat�SeWement Procedures Act of 19%4 as ait�ed from time to titne.l2 U,S.�.§2601 u seq.t"RFSPA"l.ualess a�wther� <br /> � [aw tltret ap�pties ui the Fvnds sets a lesser amount If so,Lender any[ia�colle�et and iald Funds in an amaunt r�at tn�; <br /> exce�d�tAe lesser aina�u�� Lendcr may cstifiate the unamt of Funds due�an tt�e b,�sis of curtientdare and c�asonabl�:: <br />: estim�Ges o�eapendituresof futute�SCrow.Items or athenvise in accordance wi[�applicable law. <br /> . " , T6e Cvods shall 6e held in an instisutioa,w�wse deposiu are insured by a federal agency.insuumentatity.or eiuii}r_; _ <br />-:,�� _ � (including I.ender,if Lender is such an instittiit�)"or in any Federal Hoaie.�,�ank. Lender st�atl apply tht Funds ta Pa}rY . _ <br /> .. _ tbe Ese[ow ltems. Lender may noE charge:�ot�?�ec for taldin8 and appt�rt�the Fuads.atutaapy aualy�irlg the ese�:'v __- <br /> : accoun�or verifying the Escrow hems.un4;�.i:i�der Pays Borrower int�t on the Funds and appliea6le law pesmits:. �-°=__— <br /> - - . ..l�av3uf"w make such a charge. Ftawever,I.e�.��snay requi�Borrower ta pay=a one-tiare cUarge for an indepemfertt teal�i �f�------ <br /> ! `-`, �pct�Trporti�g service wsed tsy'Lender in c�anncctiort with[his loart.anless applicable i,�w-provides ahecwise Unl,�.0 r, . ;` � -- <br /> -.,�i r ; �t is made or applicable law requ"�nes inte�est to be paid,l.cnder sha1�rwt be r�quired to pay Brnrower any int�ani � <br /> `-'-� -� �,�gs on tt�e Funds. Sorrower and I.ender may agree in.writing,howeve¢.tt�t interest shall be paid on ihe Funds.Lecsdcrt •::. :,_--.. <br /> �.�` <br /> �i.t_=_-=-- <br /> - _ •�sir�.'gjvt to Bomawer.without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds.sPvwing credits and debits to the Funds ancl tlte�c „_r_.-:::...__ <br /> _ . `:�_.g�pss;far which each debit to the Fvnds was made. The Funds are pledged as addidon�it 4ecurity for all sums secured i�y,s �•�%�`e�_ <br /> � � � this Secnrity Instcumen� . .. . ; �-:�``-`-- <br /> "t�: [y°�he(�pnds hehl by Lend�r;�.eeed the amouna perm�tted to be.held by applic.a�ly:law. Lender shall account ta:� -_---_ <br /> Barower for the eacess Funds in�ordance with the requirements of applicable law. i��ie amount of the Funds held b��; �,�..,._,�.. <br /> . � Lendet at any time is not sufficienE to pay the Escrow ite�ns when dne.Lender may sv natify Borcawer in writing,and.i4�, _.-�=-�--°- <br /> a�:- <br /> . .. such case Baa+nwer shall pay to Lender tHe amount necessary to make up tbe deficiency. Borrawer shall make up thdr -�-�__��F <br /> deficiency in no more than twelve monthly Lendef�sole discretion. �'�:, �; <br /> � E;pon payment in full of secured by this Secuti�}`tnstrumen�Lender shali promptly refund to Borrower an�� •��•-...��.""�:� <br /> .��� ,.,�. � -.. <br /> ,.:�i�;� Funds held by Lender. If,under p�~agrapb 21.Lettder�hall a:q}�ire or sell the Psoperty.Lender,prior to the acquisition or;� 4��_ <br /> '�' � ? '�""�- ' � saJe of ihe Property.shall apply�.*ry Funds held by Lender at the time ot acquisition or sate as a ccedit against the sums, ' � <br /> �"�� securedby this Security Insdvmer�. . ..�i.• <br /> ��'f'`'" ' 3 Applkatioo of Paytxtnls. Unless applicable law provides athecu�i�+�;,all payments received by Lender undet� <br /> 4"� <br /> ;i- . '� paragrrphs 1 and 2 shall be app?i� any prepayment charges dac u��f��e amounts payabte under•� - ;t,.. <br /> �y-�=� paragraph 2:third to interest pcincipal due:and last,ro any late charges dr�und�er the Note. ,;: <br /> 4. CAarges; Lieas. Borinxer shaU pay alt taxes,assessments.charges. fis�es ar.�tmpositions aaributable to tlli�� 'i, <br />- -- � Property which may attain priority over this Security Iratrument.and tcaschotd paymenis r.�around rents.if any. Borrawer� ;'•; ' <br /> ;.:,,�.,�'�;`: shall pay lhese obligaiions ir�ehe manper provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Barrowec Hhal)pay them onr� �:. <br /> .�.���,.-- time directly to the person owed paymenG BoRawer shall prompily i'umirh to Lender all nodces of amoants ta be paid under.� i ,; <br /> `��,�==;�-y this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly,Bortower shali promptly fuini�h ta I.ender receip�s evidencing; •' <br /> � ,. + ;:.� <br /> �'�`'._; thePaSimcnts. . � : <br /> +� ''�'��� � Boaower shaU promply discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unlesti Bonower:(a)agrees . ;':; <br /> in writing to the payment of the obligation secur�d by the lien in a manner acceptabie to Lender.ib)cantests in good faaE�tha� ' <br /> lien by.or defends against enfacemcnt of the lien in.lcgs�l proceedings whistc i:►the Lender's opinion vperat�to prevent thta� _ �. <br /> cnfarcement of the li�-r.m(c)secure9 frum the hoider oi the lien an agrear�ert�atisfactary ta Lender subatdinating the tien�, ; • .. <br /> '� ���'�� to this Security Insva:sr.r,t Tf Len�er detcrmines that any part ui the Propertj�is subject to a lien which may anain priority; � ; . <br /> � ,�-��_�, over thisSecurity!ns'tretr.r.r:�.,�.t�.�r may give Borrowcr a notice idcntifyi»g thc lien. Borrawer shall satisfy fhe ilcrt or ta(c�� • <br /> _'� " on�or more of the actio=.s�faeth above within 10 days of�he giving oP nutice; ' � f <br /> ';-,.�-.�; ,, 5. Ha�rd or Prcdpa�[y Insurance. Borrowcr shAll kcep the improvcmen�s now existing or hetcafter erected on tha� � :. <br /> . _ ___ _ _ .___ Propeity�insured�a;n<_t t'ass by fire,hazards included within thc tcrm"eatended coveragc"and any other hazards,including �. ; . <br /> t�oods ot flooding.fa:�ahich Lender reyuires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in�he umounts and far thu� �±. i� <br /> i+��;L.• � r� •' <br />. . Y�;i.�y , _ . . . , <br /> . . . fbrm i018 9190 I/+agr 1 of�l�A'�'.°S�.) �I <br /> � <br /> �: . <br /> �y .. � �i • ' . <br /> ' ,.�...� . .. . . . .. , , i� ;. <br /> r . ' , <br /> :� <br /> ' � '... -:r.. . . , . . .. . . . . .-�— '__'_'__ <br /> , . ....."�'" """" ' .,: <br /> . ' 1' _ . . . ..'7.� . . , ' , - . � ' . ., . , . <br /> � . _� ' . . � , � . . , . <br /> .... _ . ..- � . � . . . . • F <br /> i. ' . <br /> ._.. _ . ..-- `___.—....... .... .. � _. ._._ ..'.-.. .. �. ' •' . � . <br /> ..._. _ ._._ . .. . . . . ._ .:. . . _: <br /> _... . ... . _. . . . . .... . . ... . ..�'. <br /> � . . � . � ..,.. . • . ' . <br /> , _ ' '_ __ 'L. _.- _ . . � . , . . ' . . ... . � - " - _ -... _ '__"_ '' _---_ .___ <br /> r'. . . ' : . : • . . . ' : � '- ', ,j <br /> -- — . ,._._ _ . .-, — —� _ -.,-: — — _ -- �'- _ - { ---- <br />