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$1--~.~~U219fa <br />(l j month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />wltb fvttds ttt pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Doveloptnent pursuant to the <br />Nations! Housing Act, as atrtended: and applicable Regtat}ons thereunder, or <br />(fi) If sad str long as said note of even date and this instrntrxrat are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urbtut Devett>pment, a ttwnthly charge /i+tlieu oja rrttartgage i+mtrerrrr premium/ which sitali be in an <br />attttottnt equal to one-twel#tit {t tl ~) aF true-hat€ {}i`~~ ptr erntum o€ the average oufstutding balani:e <br />due on the note computed tvithout taking into account delirx}ttertcies or prepsyrtsenis; <br />(b} A-stmt aqua} to She grtxtrtd rents, if any, [text due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payabl>= on <br />ptrlieies of Etta and other hazard insurance covering the. mortgaged pcaperty, plus taxes and assessments next due. <br />on the mvrtga~ed property /al! as estimarerl by the ~fortgrtgeel tens alt sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />auntlxr of months to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, farces and <br />asseastnents wit: bestutte detingttent, such sums to be held by h4ortgagee m trust to pay sold ground rents, pre- <br />taitttns. taxes atui special asseasrrxau: attd <br />(ej Ali payments rrtentfirned in the two preceding sttbsrettons tt2 chic garagrapF seed all psytrtenfs to be rttade under <br />the note secured hereby s}talt be added togrtlier, and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month in a single psytrtenx to be applied by the Mortgagee to the fallowing items in the order set Earth: <br />{ij premium charges under the rantract of insurar[ee wath the Sec.?terry- !N }fetr<irg and Urkran Ileveloptttent, <br />or monthly charge !in Bete ,rt rnx}rtg~r rrdsterOrtce nrerttiumj- as the case mar be; <br />fl}j ground rrnts, taxes assessr;.ents. ilea and UEher ttazazd ittsutance pterruums; <br />tlllj interest un the rzotc ~utri lxrehv-:;,nd <br />(lVl amorttrarton +rt the prtnstpal o) sail nuts. <br />Arty de#ictency ut the arno+tnt :;# any itch aggregate rrtantitly partr[ent short. uttlrss mace good by file Mort- <br />gaged prttir to dte due date r.f the text ,uch tzav rntr,t....;stt[utr an event ..I Setautt under this mortgage. The <br />Mtttrga~e tnati rotltact a "tats sfiargr" r[~t to exccea i~rur ;eats tart tier each Sotlar # t i) t,f each oaytnent more <br />thou fi#trutt (t {3 days m areas to ruv~r estrs exr~ns~. ;nva,lvre? to oat[dling <teiinyuent ltayrnrrts. <br />That if the total c+f tha paynseee~ made F,y the= LlrrrtEar;or urtser :' : of paragraph '? preceding .halt trxcead <br />the atarntt[t of pattnett4 actually made try tlt+~ 12rrrt~a[;ee far :mrund rent-. taxes and a~~e4amant,~ ur in;urance pre- <br />mium+;, u.~ the ra;e msv ttr. -+acis e:rr€:+;, tf the to+nt t. current. ,+t [he optton of the 4ttrrtgagur, sttatt ire credi€r~d }r+ <br />tlsa lkartga;;ea reel wbr,egvent pattttant- to #r+• made by the 4Mrtga¢or, ar refunded to the Llortgagot. If, hnaev~ar, the <br />,+regrthiti pati'meent4 ttradc 4n the MrxtRa}tur wt+fe~r - ~ ; .sf paritYriph . prccetling .h.-+lt rtot he tiufficicnt to p.~tv gtrxtnd <br />rent. ttueF ;tad a»~rr,~ettvtt- ur inxvranr~a prt~tntuat~. a, the + a:,t~ mad irt~- aht~rt tttF -ame ~hatt Fiereme• r#ue and pay- <br />abie. then the Lit+rtlEagn[ rakEall pat tz+ tha 4}onttagaa anp :tmtutnt ntv~r--an to make up fire deficiency, on er he fore <br />ihr date wletve pay[ttettt of wteh ttmuml rtttt-. txxa:. err-a~~rn,~rtz. eK :n~uranrt~ pn•miamK -hall }re due, If at :tnv <br />titer Ehe NatRtytor -.}tali t.rrtdt+r ter tMa §irtty~at't«e, tn -sc.ardanrt• with the tsm+i•,run~ a,f the rote -PCVretl hcrehv. <br />full ttay-®eRttt of €he entire indehde~ra~ repr'e-!anted titt'trity, the Liat•tgagre -hall. rn cnnrputinn the amount ref such <br />intielrtes, t7edia to the acctrunt of t}te kit+rtgagor ;d3 }rai°~.r[tv maelc =anurer titr prf,ctr:uuti =>f r,:?+t{ puagraph <br />hereof which the ~' tta= nt+€ het-tr-ae rsbligatt:d Cu pat [rr tha "e•rretar} erf liour~ing attd t`rban thveluptttent <br />and ant hslttaer rewaining in tlse fund- :tcrumvlxt4•el under the prntrton- of : ~ : e,f paraers;,h ~ trrrer+F. If thrra <br />,shill lac a default under ant erf tha pmsr••rntt, of th,- murtxattr rr.~u#ttnt <n a public -at+^ .rf the pr•mr-e. envercd <br />hereby, str i# fire lfiartgattaa ac~tin+t; the uropr-rtv a,tht're+[,:• .sfts=r clt-fuu#z. ih+• lk,nW;zrt~v -hall app[+, at the time u( <br />the comtne>fretrmettt ut' -uch p~>cty-ding=. ur ut tht• lima ths• pnrp.-rts ,- r.ttterv,r-,~ :,r,{vueS, fir+' tralancr then remain- <br />ing in the fvrtdz. aecvaruiatrd [mtier ; `.- ,>f paragraph ~ prs•+rvtrng..r- + rra•+fit ::gain~i the ;+mnunt of principal then <br />ntinaining uttpsrd under ward nutr•, and halt lsmprrte adlu~t :m+ pasatrytt; +vhr+•h =haf{ have tret•[t made ttndar'ai <br />of par-~rsph :. <br />S ~i-it:+t the Lt+xtttag~u ~-eit z,-; srrz~zt+r *~nt, ;_~€, . -~-_„^~nt,. }... - .c,- ,:r+cl :+tkxr rc>+erntnr€tta'::,r rnunrespat <br />-harpe,, hnc>- .+r arrrp.•,+sH+n,, f,rr •~h+rh pr ,s,aan h~„ mar r+rrn rna+ie herrmt+ef,a:e.:enc, to ~rfautt thrreE,f the 4furts'a¢er may <br />cwt the samr~. arts [hat [hr Linregagc+r sett ,rernp[ty Jots-er the .atfict.+i r.°cee~t, thrrrfrrr t.; tit? Ll attgager - , <br />S i?te L•lsrrt„r ~rtt ,:xt :;tl [rrs "htch ,:v+s M ir:rrc .;.+>n tar 3f nrzg:+grr ~ rntrrr,t [n ,asd rear estate :and imprnvr <br />tttents. azad w~hrrh mere t.r 4vxa uKv+u thts tar+rtgagr ~+r the ,4eht ,r.urcJ #:rrrh~. !hut ,>ntv to the rrreat that ;uch h nut prohibit- <br />ed f+y lacy arpt+rn#:' :., !hr cxtrm that +urh ~.-t4# rrist ruvi,.r th<t« i.,,,n u.ur:,,+r+r, but cactudrng :,nv mr+rmr r3i. ti[ate +.u Erdcrat. <br />irapcrsed .,n'<9-rtga~r.:;nd w-tit Yrle the .,~erat rr~etpt ,tx~ rag •urh {+.w mint a nh the Linrtgaltce. f.~pan ,ic,tannn of this utxltr- <br />taktng. Oar if ittc ~fcxtEsag+x is pnrhiMtcit ht- :+^s' ;~~ n<w err hereof tr; e~tstmg fnem gavtn}t [hr choir nr ;;ng pc,rtion serf the afore- <br />said taxer, r~ upon the renclertng+af am ccz4rt Srcree prcahtbtur~ the ; as rnent hs the v#+xtesga:t a=r any - urh taxe^:- ,x tf ,uch taa <br />ardccree ptoviics chat ant ;[mount ,., star:! ht rise Lf+utgt+gar ~nai! t+r _rcJrtrS ~>n the rai,ttg:+ge Seta. the 'tturtaaa;ez,hall h_+cr <br />the rigbt to glut ninety Jay. wnttf-n nrxicr r; [he r,q~nrx :,f the eaortkagcd tr+7uirtng the payment a;f the mortgage <br />sieM. if .ue§ aotere he even. Ilse +aia det,t sha:' hr~++mr +tue. r-ap:ehtr and to€lcctabk ~; the eaptratxm r,f .ard nrnett~ dots <br />h. That shtrtrdd he fait to p8S' any ,vm x3 4:rrp ant ecv~rnart t!iavtttea tar rn chi, Slottttaxe. then the ~tuagagee. Kt ut cp- <br />tinrr, rrraa pay ex prrftrrm €he same, and all rettendttures so rn:sae ,h:att hr addrd to the prtnctt+a3 ,vm awing nn the :,have pate. <br /><~€8e securtd htveDq. and shoal bear interest at the rate xt forth m the sa+d ntrtc. unp# pant. <br />`t'#'ast he lterthv asti~rs, iran~fen asui ,etc aver t:+ the if~t¢agrre. se+ he ,ppirea too-3rd the pat ntrnt cat for Halo atxl ati <br />cams c.~~tued bertha iti cant ,-erf a ere#auh in titre prrf+rrmance ++f :,nv „l the term, :end k:<zndrbiv[s ui this Lfortgege a,r the ,;rid <br />rmte. ah the ran€x. revrnttec attd inr~+me to k+r :lrtrrra from the rntyrtgax+i pre?t3se, aurtng ,ugh urnr a, the rnc,ttgagr indebtrd- <br />t~a arrtttaia unttaid: stall the ~fortr ,bat[ trayr ixrtsrr to apparnt ant agent .+r ,grata st may dcsirc far the purpose of <br />ra{?nirittg sand ~ and of rentitttt the same :.era rollectrng tht rent, rr+rnues artd :aroma. arts a [nay pay cwt'of ,aid in- <br />ctuttes rXpeases a+f rttraitirg soot premeres arts ttrces~dry ccrmmestrons and rvpenxs rrtc~trrrd rn rennteg atwt matiaffing the <br />same aia~i tt# cadet` tentats these#rvm: t!x tnafance retnatrtirrg, rt arty- to lx appltcd toward the discharge c+f ,aui mortgage <br />tndtfaaeirtese- <br />fF. 77mt pe ttid fsa+etr tt~ imprttvemeata rttr+r extstrng rx hmat€er created nn the mtxtaa}cra property, instued as may t+e <br />rcgteirtd ft'ctm titer to time by the idcsrtgagee apatnst f.rts hp tier grad ether harerds. 4atw#ur:and c;±rnnrtgcncirs in such <br />atttt~d f+ar sunk pcreads acs afar #rc t+d icy the Nongr+gee arts weir pay promptly. ,Then dtze. my premiums nn +uch <br />raaunur.[3t~ ~ ft# .R3YRtCrK ~'~ w;t5elt 1~ €xu twett raFadt: heretnbeft+rr- .~l! inturanrr shalt hr corned in companies ap- <br />pruved ter tht hl+tttBapec amd tht pnticits aw3 rrat~sais thereof chap tx held by the Ntertgagee and have attached thrretr, kiss <br />y thsuxet, to fsvttr td sad in ftxtrt sectfrta€rle ttr arse hits. In avast t+t lav< 4irrngagar wtlt p*iye rmmedtatr notx a hr <br />soli} sa tt~ ~. slut treaty tnid[c erf of hssx i# ntst rrtade prtrntptiy by ~fottgagtu. ;+nd r:trhsnvuranre comn:+rv ccrrt- <br />a,Yteud is lttssrfbr ~# and drcetteci tot ttrt+kc ~ymrnt for such #ust€ direetfy to the ttit»Y <br />sad tare ~ prgnttyy. arMt tits insaratMS ttt:ecds, to arty tic insfitad-arf to thc'~inrttZ~tttr <br />pr part thertttf, may K apphcd by the Ltartace at its r'<pttt+n rrifter <br />~ ~ G!# LIMB ~ditesa tip >td.t+t to the se+tttmatie+tt of tepsrr ctF tht propetty damaged- }n event of fctrerkr- <br />+t€~ ni_ t>~tmattt~ ~ a,tA~srart~2e ctE titiatts th+r prr~+rrty to rsn~tuixhntertr s~f the irmeb€e+inssc srcurcd hsrrf?c . <br />atir+~t~ ihlr r€i~ ittrterect td ifs -# its $tx{ to xn; tnFVranct ptsiicKes [hers tnforc, afloat 7.sss ti: € he purchaser ate granrrr <br />$ T~ xa ttaaaf and eatffateral s~ttrlty #rn the pa}-meat n# the nswe riezr.trt°!ew..,rui alt sums to l[ttwsr due unrirr this <br />!~nrttiapAe-, tee Mtrrttx ttrret+g^ ~~gts-to tAc ~€ sit prnfat;. reveanes. r.>yaiiits, riaftts arm <br />F+eitiffjs acrtu t,+ the <br />!bfnrtr trpder sat a~ tr."'- cold ICSSCS ,ra€ said #rretnixca: tyith the rifdtt to , to ctrr _#nd recrtpt {tw tlt~ .error ;+»d apply <br />th+rttt Orr 4aii ~:s+t as +at# t+ttare as attcr defettli to the rtmrtitinax nt tteix mrrrt€ . a,nf ifte ~6tste mat stemand. +ur <br />far'r ants#rxa::ttver cry larvnacnts wircnthre ar+Ft payatde, itut allot} n<tt hr rr+ttrtrrrt ,,;, t,a .tor lltiz aarrtgtmtrnt r>; tar tern+znvte <br />t€cc~te ~!mtt sold ~+ 3sPssn rrilastsr a=i thh tr.< <br />+rttit~+712$tti ttt°-D't+t <br />