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i <br />~n~x~ r$av~taxa <br />8I-)Ci?194 <br />Dl6b'P'•7E WA(PRAfi'f6 AxD CCLr~tApl'I'S; (t) That eKeept for t1K atinirttY laterf+t ;ranted henbY SHbtor t0. or t0 4ha aztaat ttpt Wb <br />tint tlr Coi)ett~ to to W aelatrad attar tea data nand. wtH bw t}y oweer d tnl po}taxerl3 tea n~ say Neana urn--sK. <br />e;rUy }at4esa~ dr eem+~b!7tttn; mC ttitt DeMar waft dotard t~~Caftsterel edetaKt tl! e-tatais S'lst d~8ai6a--t~-aM 9ars»~~ aSY t~-ni <br />tfla atna- Etr my tateresa tRerefn. (1) Tluft rte tlaeacitr; aratasacn; c-0+ertb; tlq Eaoiistsrai or say Dreeeadt -tlterest V olr tIN fn aey pNtis-st~or- <br />Ned that as the reQaeat of tlaeured party. Debtor v1U )oia wltn 8etursd Party }a e;aeaua; ens or man flasatlll; atatatetab-PUrwst to tats <br />xeEntlta Lrattartnl Cmnaterttal Cade ta tgren MtY(utory to Lscured PsrtY aed- wiU ply -!6e teat- of [IItA; ouch eaaaatar atafamaat. tYli dsai7tt! <br />grseaaa'a't-aatf Lay twufnuatton or ttemsnatiaa atsteeaeat. !n ai! public-t,ttKln wfxesser riUu; b deemed by tiecured-Party ~ }ia ^eunlsry or <br />dadsabie; sad tt tM Collaxeral to attatfead to real estate prior to tM peetaeUpa d tJN teeuttty latest ;natM !t*rlnY oe If tM iaaiiaMn{- <br />1/1Mtidq- crops ar oft. ;ta CM mloerab W M eatraeted ~ Umber to tx ettt, DsbtOy will, on- demand of 8acnrsd'- Duty, fnre4n BaCitt'ed Patgr <br />with e- diaetaiteeer m dfaela;aeen ar tetbardinattoa a;raemea[ af;nM tYy Ill Mt'tms Rests; m laterest to tsa-real carats. dhalalmtti~ ot!-.lab. <br />erefaa/iui say intrrpt is the Caflaleral :htcn b prier tb ttw taterNt td t#aavr4d Party. itl xis to ad[, trfsster os dLpsN d tea Cbilatarai. <br />Apr tttt! [fir ume or Kttmpt to take the setae cram tin enrmtF wMn kepi N adore stslad, tatthoat the prtar tMttm teWettt e[ the [seared <br />7Lc•~• fet Ta pay aU tatpea sad aaatbmente at ayery nstnre whfeR may ha {esltd cr atieaaed a;Uaat the Cotiaterat. tb) xat to parmti or •UOw <br />sag ady raa }}ta, satitrttY interN4 or ~teumbrmta rtrataoe+er upm tRa CoPaienl, and ttot to 1Mrmft the Wna to Fq attlel!ed or rlplaetfiCd. <br />4p Y9tt[ the CntWen} is in ;ttad taaditlom, and that lie trfil at hb otrA npeaaa, keep the serer to itaad condittMt sad trove Lima to ttme. <br />tertitwltp, rrrpiare sad repair alt such parts eH the CMtateni to may be DroMA. worn out or dsmatted witneatt aUOwfn; any Ilan to be uaatad <br />iipaa tns Collttetal os ateounr M acre-reptaaearat or repatn. as6•that the Sseund PsrtF mar eaamfse asd.laapect tba Ceitaeent at.atcy rinse.. <br />wee»rar locarad. t;) S}tst he wUl ai hta owo espaaee keep tbs Cotlatral tnrotiral to a crtmway eatLtastor}- to 8stnred Party a~a}aKt Ipp; ap- <br />apbraPrtW. by tRIR, colt{naA. Uro sad tneeded tavcrtl;e_ wltn-fora psychic to 3ecisrtd Party u !ts interest stay appMr. and wg}tsf deemed" <br />det}xtr raid pMfeses a( ltuunar4 or ftuAleR praat of such iatuesaee to Secured ParCY ter At iu aptioe AteareA Patty mq• Prexiara scree tapir-- <br />astt. dAKehat:ut[ taael. ibaa or seenrltX tntetNta rrr atRer etuambraacei at arty time 3erisd ar placed on tM l`pllattrsl sad relay Pay for tM repair <br />M say datsa;a or fa}yrr to ar Cor the pteaar*attae and maintsitaaaa a( the Col4tan4 DeMOr l=tea eo retmbarw eeeu/sd Party oa drayad <br />tar aatY payrasa! Etr tlpeaae faturrld try Srtitred PlrtY Pursnant to the fare;afu; authartatefan- i)btil wch refmhur'•uaanr. the-atspent of say <br />Neeh 1laYtttaai, w]Ur taetraat at th+e me !rf 9!6 par aaaum trom data a( PayID4At anti; reimburutneat. aRall W added- to IRS ibdabterdaete owed <br />iy Debtor am0 absU be tetuted 6q tbb a;reenuat. (lt Thai Re writ{ net tix ttn Coltateni la rfolatloa at racy tppikateN statute, re;ulatton or <br />pe'dlnaELte sad tf mF at ern Caltattral is motor vNtirtee tRe same silt nm ht crated. useC to rents{ aerrlce star is ray apeW} to ertduraaee C®a- <br />teat. ;fal Debtor w1U lliay Secured Party mY and nit coati and rspraaes recurred in recovetin; poptnalaA at Cho CDUatersl sad feturred la- <br />estlttvps Lh4 larurlty 4;reamMt, and iRe liras anal{ YQ sesY:Rd r+Y Sts se 4TItY 31;rtCmaaf. <br />L:"fTiL DitT'/tL*Li tleMOr aeay calve paaaw4an ut t3sr Ca#inetrat sad :rx it :c any lawful raapner n~1 ineana4tent rich this a;reemeat <br />and rmt tncca:taltnt ,itch am porscF o7 :raaranrt triertmi- and upon detauit Srcurnd Pa,-tt• :hall raxt tRn immediate ri;Rt to tRe paeaaealon <br />et Llv ,^, WiaEtnl <br />tkEBT'Cla BRAI,L SIC Y\ RBPA t'LT ~sndtr this a;rtamtnt upon the t:apixntns ~•t any ;.• ±he to{lnwtttK rvtata M canditlons: fll detaait <br />iK the PiYmtat ut ptrfnrrnaarr :.t an;~ r=bti;a;lon ..+>r!rant -•r iiiaiilti' <aautn<4 :•r ,rft trrd to r+• ..n . t ., any note erldmttb; the aamf: {gi <br />fay' warraatr, Mprele9ttatlAA .._ xtatemrat ntadt ..r felrnre RC+t tr. }t+rnre4 Party Dy t.r . n k,tnaii ~K rI7ebux •I+rorea tc here hpan taieG to air ma- <br />teriel rmpttt tr!}tA ntw4 . t stnrd. %l aoi' ~ rat rrzt:rn rttu}trz :n Lh i c -e -Y nalurtty of t:x !AdttritdAels rzt Dtbfor to atheta <br />imdter ntir tadenkurt. aKrtttatat -,. s,nd. taktn;: ~.a, ?l.•xa- iRttt dattutat- J scrur.l«r. .au• r r c.rmRran.e x~ _r of anp of ihs L:ottatent, or fht <br />siaatq; .`tt a8y ;est-. aelxvre or attubFntat ttstr ~ r~r the•re.±n; c5! +ttat R. Aias,[utsur: <.rrn naitra of rx#Mttirt. tr!aaisyrity, LtLinraA latlArt, R-- <br />ptrin#etrat "-' a revttver at a v trait :xi the pr:sperty <t. aaxi;nmtnt f;;r •ht i»t.efit _•.. re.tatcrx is r t6? zvxianrnetnmt <d any ptac-eedt ~ under <br />slat pMOlLrttpttr Or 1lbiatrrary ,a+o-e tsY r,r a;aeast ~tbtar nr .~ aurraRtc±r +=r cut p tryr l.f.nirrrs <br />L'PStY z3L'C{t 1),E.[rA£?LT xnd st atu temt cntrtatt<r nr it rt dt+Ems ;tarif ;rseni=fi dtri:rtn farts mss dee{ara elf fibii;stoves sttured <br />~ham~y~~' {alrtte$tattty out a9d pay 4tr!e and aha4i hart the itmMlal of a ~tetured :kif'ty :Endtrf '. T.: _'vtbrytlka i.`attarrtt Cpmmereiai Cade. Becnred <br />+-*<Y rna,Y rtyatrE 16ttILOr LL+ iaita.bit :ht L'+dtitrgai sad dNtkwr sxr lies ke 3 .tea:'srcti#t '~: rra .trM txartr at a piece to trr deai;natrvl RY Secured <br />Party wRteR Fa reasaneblY <nnveartn! tr, t»th parttel I'nltet tht :'oliaitroi :a ;,snans',sr .:: !ptraLrae !o ~.rrtine aptttl!iy le va#ua or to rst n type <br />~.'Cdlr=i3` r5i1 r a nraai-tack mark L -bts ,rid tart, vii: tti- ~tanr aarr.FPse - -c .t •r. itr' d ptase ??f any puRttc Cafe tRereof or <br />at ttie titer attic aicR .va? rrtra£e >aa#- ae.- .,t:ltr recces++il 9 a;~tti~.n enerv~f .. ,na,it "t.e rty.t: rernama „t reaaonsRl•, notict sM)t bn <br />task it ~ttn aA2:C+S la loalltvt puultaKr i,rrt'~el:t. ". r, .it 4ddYe-sy .~f :Ft$tai 4};rcn at ! x fpr;FnRfug :.i iRta agrttni?nf nE itaaL flit data bfERrt Ltit <br />iFina ai ttta tent air -dsapasLtton <br />t'la mtiYM Ry 3xtur:3 ia#t'r5 :S set attavk; seas{ nperaie as a : t %•t an}' uthtt dttautt !:t r.C tttr same +{ttautt oa a lutwt rtrailari. <br />The -ot tatK-aetx!rt#} a6rxamt!Et aaait ltM voAxt ar fmruir any alAtr 9aatAraY aid 9a+urtd Partr may itarw ar htraattnr uQUlre (or tRa <br />tiatTaattt of iRt sborr, fndabea~datsa, nor rn,ui ins crate; nt aa8' av^.h s<i dtitaa*at aacurttY wait't ,sr Impair !RL xecur!Er s#trermeet: but said <br />>teKated PasYF tlsb` rHart xa say aacuritT at racy !cast !z r,nt eider it stay dttm prayer. nod aatwftRSiandfa; say tnitafenl security, tbcazed <br />fia'ty atttW rstaib its rfaetr of sstaK aratnst Debtor. <br />A13 rif3iM ti( Sesrtra+d Parry ]s4reiiad4r akaef tears ssl trw titne(U aP its stttr.•esaan wed asstatu and alt Irramkset u4 duUVe rri Debtor <br />tittU DIa6 Rb ksdrs, •aaEtttort tt sdmiairtratera nt 3U3 M tfa aucttnar8 of aari;a.. If thus nt ewer! tRan set I'lebiar. Lba(r lfibaitlN IiKo- <br />uadat- lba1D twx ~0'St tad eera!nl, <br />Yhn a;resa»at xhal! bse9laa ef(artrve .rrtw ~.t :a aiyntd try 7~etltar. <br /> <br />~- <br />