gl- uc~2191
<br />Lawtez's written apteemettt or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />ms>s~erprmhskd under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />+~P amoutsta disbursed by Leader pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />of Botmtver secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrtnver and Lender agree to ther terms of payment, lords
<br />! sh+dt ba pays~e upon notice from Leader to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall hest ittterae ft+ranr the
<br />.o# dtrsrsrteat u the tats payabk from time to lima on outstaodimg Prineapat ttn~r the Ntxe smMss payment of
<br />ie~eatatatti~ ram ttrtRtld bs eoatrary to applicable law. in wfiich event stick amotsMS shall hear itstsrest at. the him rue
<br />settler sppfirabk law. Nothing cotttaitied in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to issue afi' experwe or take
<br />say action fterestndar.
<br />>!„ ~eeliA. i,ender may make or cater to be mt~e reasortabk entries upon and issspediotn of the P'topeNy. provided
<br />dts3'4etfMr tthall give Borrower noti+x ptiar to any each inspection specifying reasonabk carne therefor related to Lsndm'a
<br />iatsr>~E in the Pra~pa2y.
<br />9. CaainettaMaat. The proeaeds of any award or shim for damages, ditxxt or ctrnsegttential, in' eonttecUon with arty
<br />snation ar other taking of the Property, or part thetrwf. ar for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby atrigeed
<br />seat shell be paid to Calder.
<br />In-the agent of a fetal taking of the Properly, the procse~ shall rte applied to the snms secured by this Mtn
<br />with the eatxas, if arty, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial caking of the Property. unless Borrower and tetrder
<br />*+ilterwise agree in writing. thane shall bt applied to the sums sec-trred by then Mortgage: such proportion of the pt'eceeda
<br />as-is egsasl to that proportion which the amtrunt of rite sums ucvreu by tfiis Mortgage itnmediatdy prior to eke date of
<br />tadtitas bears to flit fair marks vs{!ta caf the Property immediatety prior io the date of taking, with tfis balance of rho ptaeeds
<br />piid to Barraws>r.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by 8errower, ?r if. after twtitt tw Lender to Borrower tiaat the t:onek®rtor oHera to make
<br />an award or settle a claim fur damages. Borctawer tails to respond m Lander within 30 days after tfit date such nodes is
<br />mailed, Linder is atttlwriaed to colkact std appfy the proceeds. at Lender's option, tither to restoration or mpair of the
<br />Property or to the avtits secured by this Mortgage
<br />Unltxs lxetder and Borrower aherwist agm in writing. any such application of prtacteds to principal shall not e'<tend
<br />or pottpotte the due date of the monthh' instattments referred to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the atswetnt o[
<br />ssxh installtnems.
<br />ifl. Borrower Not Rtlewtd. Irxtcnsion «f the time fur payment «~ modification of attrortizaiion of the sums sxnred
<br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any staccessr!r in interest of Borrower shall not operate tv rekax, in any manntt.
<br />the liability of the vriginai Borrower :+rtd &xmwer's sticccsx>rs in interest. Tender shall not tae rt4uircd to comtnsnce
<br />prarxsdm$s agaitnt such stacccssar nr rtfuae tc extend time for payment or «therwise modify antoniration «f the stmn
<br />secured by this Martpsge by reason of any demand made by the vrigtnal Bor«awer and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />I1. Forbpafaee 1ty i.eslier Not f Walt•et. Any fvrlxarance by Lender in exercising any right nr retttedV hereunder, or
<br />trthstseiae afforded by appiicahlc law. shalt not he a waiver o{ c>r preclude the exercise of any Bitch right or retttody.
<br />The procuretrntnt of imurarict nr the payment of taxes or other Liens «r charges by Esnder shalt not he a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accetenta the maturity «f the mdehtedness secured by this Atvrtgagt.
<br />l2. Rtetrttas Ctoaashtlve. Ali rcmedits pr«v+dcd in this Mnrtga¢e art >!istinct and cumulative to any othtt right or
<br />retttedy utrder this Mvrtgage nt atinrded by law «r e4uin. and may tat estrcisrd camcurrrently. independently or svccessivety.
<br />l3, 9sttwaers and AwiRses Bovril: lout sad fievertd I,labBity; t'apt#oma. The covenants atui agttttttenn herein
<br />wntatised shall hind, and the rights htrtundrr shalt mutt tn, the respective saxcessaan and assigns of Linder and Borrower.
<br />setbjett to lire provisions of paragraph t? taeten{. AI} cnvtnants and ag*etmtnts of Bnrrawer sfiatl bt joint and several.
<br />The captiotn and hefdings of the pa°agraptis of this Mnngage are for ;onvanitnce «nit and are not to ha used [o
<br />interpret or define the provisions herttaf.
<br />fJ. Netkt, Bttcgit fear any notice tequirtd under applicable law u~ tae gluts in another manner, la) any ntxice to
<br />Borrtriret' prtvided form 'his Mortgage shalC tar given by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to Banowet .._
<br />ttu Ptvptny Address nr at such <nher address as Bsarr«wtr may desacaate by noti_t to fznder as provided herein. and
<br />(ta} any ttatice to Lender sfiefl rte itvtn by ctrufied mail, return receipt rrqutste?,..{_s,ti~*~~."~~`, _ stated herein nr to
<br />sttc#s outer atdress as Ltrtder may drsignatt lac tttstice to Bnrr«wrr as provided tseresw. lRmy^' in this
<br />Matt{ase shaft be deettwed tv ";dY`e been gavtn to Borrower er 1 tttder whin given=in tht'ttsannaP dita~ttat ins
<br />i5. Z=~yrm thy; (,orerw~ L+sw; 9aYer~kv, This fs?rm of mongagecoaa4i+tea.sutifotifi~_~Q_i__, ,~ na[ianal
<br />ut~ and non-uniform tvvtnants witfi timitni variauvns by iuraxdactaon to constitute a uniform security inatrarrttitt'covering
<br />real proptrty, iftis Martgagt shalt he g«vcrnt$ by the law :,i the lunsdtevcn in which the Property is faceted. In the
<br />troatt that any provisitm er clause of this Mnrgsge [>r the Nntc cuntlicis with applicable Saw. Such eanftict shalt not affect
<br />ortYtt praviaiais taf this Mongagt tar the `.tort whack pan bt given rtTtn witlaotat the cnnRirting provision. and to this
<br />sort the provisiom of the Atongagt eau! the tints are lire#ared to tae stvtrahie.
<br />if. Bassowat's Grp. Borrower staatl tae furoashtd a cnnhtrmcd copy r4 the Nnte and of this Mortgage at ttx time
<br />o{ eaecvtion nr ahu recordation htrtof.
<br />;7. ?etnrder M f!a reoMt4r; Ali- It all «r env part of the Prcapeny car as tmtrest therein is sold or tramferred
<br />by Borcowtr without Letdtt's prior wTiaen ~«-nsent. excluding tat the cnatian vi a lien ar encumbnri+:e subordinate to
<br />this Mortgage, flat z,>ie creattvn :aE a purchase money stcuraty rncertst far household appliamxs. (ct a transfer by dtviae,
<br />destavtt nr icy operation of lax- upon ttte death o{ a joint tenant er
<br />.M+prfaitaso. Lender mat. at Lendti s option. dtctart at7 the sums secured by this Mortgage to be
<br />imessediatety dsre and payable. I.etader sha1F have waived =uch option to aece}erate if, prior to the sale or transfer. Leader
<br />soil flee persntt m ssfitast the Proptrly is to $e sold ur trans{erred reach agrecmem in wrevng that the credit of such person
<br />is tuesisfttctory to L.ttttier attd that tfu interns[ parable nn the snms srcurtd hy, this ttongagt shall tat at such rata as Lendtt
<br />shag eequat. If l~atder has waived the opttnn in ac~terate provided in ihts paragraph 17. and if Borrower's sttccestuar in
<br />irtttSast fin etpectttedi a written awttmption agretmeM accepted to writing by t_endtr. i Winder <hall release Borrower from alt
<br />okihpgiaen ttvder this Mottyagr and the Note.
<br />if Lender exisciaes stteh epttnn a? atceltrate, i.tndtr strait matt Burrower naive of :x;.:elerat}ern m accordance with
<br />paragraglt }a} tacrtaf, Strut rantice shad provide a period «f rent less that, 3(t da}'s from the dau the petite is mailed within
<br />u.4r+sls Brteeo+-'er tray pay the stems dectartd due. !f 9orrewer faits to pay such sums prior t« the txpirattan «f such period,
<br />Landarmay, without fitrthtr nati~ nr dtmattd vn Harrower. ;nvnke any remedies pctmustd by paragraph iR hereof.
<br />paiot~t.jtyttt~lttd ~ovt!tuate re. Barrororer and Ltndrr turthtr c«venant and attree as init«ws:
<br />iR ASniwtMietet Reevetiaa. P-aKN as ~ Nr4rNh 17 hereof, tips Borrower's breaett of aor eorsrwu a
<br />a:ei in 4iia , tfarfodltrL tltt coretivvb to pay `wttea doe, aaY sasosse~ee~oyra~d by trill AferlgaRa.
<br />E,ta4trPtivr ~ aeEaMa~aita rlait vnB •attet b BOAawer Y pteYtdtd In parttraph li 1ttReE s~sa°Il~ ell t~6 brNl'h;
<br />(.~ 1~a ssdast.rpttMat !a c'aso spelt iteasir, t3T a Rasa apt tray ibas 30 days from Ifie date fha ttMire fa trolled to Bersower.
<br />key artists itre>it kmatdt rfttset M cereA: tut t4- that tai6ve w carte svci brtf+ia ua w bsfare tAe dot spsc#ftsd is tlet ttgtlce
<br />oral' ferrvit is annfrraadae ei tMs war resoled err thM Maret~t. toraelow+e br iadlrLd psoeeediv[ oral ores o< He Prapalq.
<br />'i'lea •sMiba trial ilsestsrf iatieaew Btrterasittr M ~ r~:ts w :-' -_ stteietatiate •_ttd fht tselt to aaatart N tbt toresiairere
<br />saaeatriirl rtes wre~M[aer f! a +hxtafN et tiay t dafrsrf of Borrewtt io accaieratltas trod ttttsriasstee. !t fir 6roaaM
<br />M tM asnaf ass w krtere relit dtra tgrtiret 5 rite twlict, C.evder u l.tndmr's opsioa may. ttetWe ant td the stews ttrrtwei by
<br />Stti AtltttiBlBit iR M iwirrnYafidy ~ ~ ttarallM avt111arN tverher dewtait lord fear tttracirate br pivctre~• l..eetdar
<br />tMtlf leer tasliNet to toRfas! iw tttsdJt ~ stB t:ptrtrer M trtrtreirware, inst. bw cot lktdaeti to. cases M daetrtaersaw!'
<br />ttttitttws, awriNasla alt ttMr eaPela.
<br />1!R Nfr'resraPr M1MiK !v Rdtaiade. '"xwittsstatutioq i..atttkr's a,~tttatxsn of the httmn atcured by this Msxtgtge.
<br />Barrverfr shall have iht tom! tzs have arty }ar~twiin{}€ hagun by tender to enf+srtr this Mongagc .ksiottttnttrd at any terns
<br />