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<br /> <br />fi. If he fails to pay any sum yr keep flay covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at <br />fta 6lstFOn, may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal float <br />owing on the shave note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided <br />far in the principal indebtedtte%s. <br />i. Iipon request of the °~fortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes <br />fo;r the sr+a-* sums advanced by Mortgagee fvr the alteration, modernisation, or improvement trade at <br />the Mortgagor's request: or for tnaintetzatz[:e of said premises, or for taxes or assessments against the <br />sattae, and for any other purpose elsewhet`e authorized hereunder. Said note or notes shall be secured. <br />herelty on a parity with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were itscluded in the note first <br />described alcove. ziarid suppletnental note or notes steal} bear interest at the rate provide-rl far in the pria- <br />cipal indebtedness .nztd shall be payable in apptxzximately equal monthly payments for such period as may <br />be agree[t upon by the Mortgagee and ?liortgagvr. failing tv agree on the maturity, the tivhole of the sum <br />or yams so advanced shalt be duP and payable thirty (34) days after demand by the 143ortgagee. In no <br />event shaft the maturity extend beyvnd the ultimate maturity of the ante first described above. <br />S. lle hereby assigns. transfers and sacs over to the Mortgagee, tv lee applied toward the payment of <br />the: note and a[} notes s[~uzxd her~:by incase of a default in the performance of :try [;f the terms and z.•andi- <br />tioxt.~ of this mortgage or cite said note, alt the rents, revenues and income to be [lerived from the mort- <br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness she}1 remain unpaid; and the Mortgagee <br />shalt have you°er to appc:,tint any agent or agents it ma3• ztesire for the purpf~se of renting the same and cvl- <br />tex.tinq the rents, rev[:nues and ittevme, and, it may pay flat of said incomes act necessary commissions and <br />expsrnsea incurrz>tl in renting and managing she same ar.[l of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance <br />remaining, ff atzy, to foe applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness. <br />9. He u`itl ecuttznuously maintain hazard insurance. z>f such type or types and amounts as Mortgagee <br />may from time t.o time ;°eet-rice, vtt the improvements nox or hereafter on said premiss azzd exz:ept when <br />payzrtetat for all such premiums Ittaa theretofore lice=n tnac,io under (o) of paragraph ~ hereof. ts•ill paY <br />promptly' t;~hc•n daze any- prr~ntitzms thz«refor. Upon d fault thereof, Rlvrtgageet may pay the Name. All <br />insurance she}f tx• rarrir-d Sn companies approved by the :1lortga~e and the poliairs and renet~.•als thereof <br />shall i>e ]z+>td hy` th«: ilnz'ty,a~t^e an[i hate attached thereto trans payable clauses in fa«,=«zr of and in form <br />:u-cr~ptablr tzi the-• <~iurtgagem^. Lt c:-rmt c;f loss 1~lurtgagor ~ iIt gz;°e immcYiiate- notice t,y msil to thN 3iort- <br />gag[~, ~r•ht, may make proof ai' cuss if not made prarrtpt}y t,y^ :Ilortgag[,r, and each insurance company cvn- <br />c-rrn~[I i+ tiereb}• autlsor iratsl atul .tirt~.ir_Nt to make lve}^meztt for such iersr ,iiree•ti,~ ut the ilartgagee instead <br />=:f to the 1lorzgagor trait the Mortgagee jointly', and the insurance lrrMrred4. +,r :my lz~-t thereof. <br />sea>• tin, aptihc*[I by the ~iua-tgag[~a at its [Fption .:!thee il; ttze induction of the tr3+ie ftze'ttne~,9 hereby secured <br />;.r tc, the rr=:«tot~titUt sr s <+Ieair [,f the prolx=rty <tatnagest. fn erazat .,t" Careeinstrre n thii mortgage, or ether <br />transfer :>f t-itie tv the nsr'ritCrt~d pt~uperty in «-xtinytuisltmcnt +,! tit}• ind<•ht{~dn~-,,c s[~nrcYl hereby, all <br />nssht, titlt' and inurawt itf ti°~ ~Ivrtgagor in anti t.u any tnaurattce: puticies ;hc-r. =n i=-~,•f•«• shalt pass to the <br />;rttrehaser or graatk'e. <br />ttt. As;etit¢e,ofa~znc;c-<atla2vrulsc~rurttyt~r!lt,~;;a}~metrt+•Iihe•::nt~+Iz~==:s:a+-ci,.nt:tzslt.,!rmstot,ecorrv <br />dtte under thts me+rtgagr, thf hiuttgagctr he°rz•by a3stgns t«3 thr• llortgagc~• :til t~~a*;r• iurnuu•s, profits. reve- <br />nu:Mz, tY,yatties, t•igttfs, ntt,i eftltrr tzs•rfi-:tt;-r ac[rt=ing tc, he 3Sortf.*agvr undrrr rtny acct act +„I and gas leases <br />nom, e,r during the ttie ei this mortgage. >=xectri.«ri3 +,n sail r;eemirex. ~s eth thc~ rit;ftt to rz-cri>•c and rrtt+eipt <br />fir thr_ 5.~7Pte= :~n.I app, t. «-zzt tt, ..~i ;ndr ht[-,#ncs,:, ar; :r. ;t ;. f,=rc• .ss r:fi.=t• ;i[~atrit in the c,rn[s~itions of this <br />mortga~, and ttte ?ios•tgaga^e rnsy +ternand, szso :'t,r and .^ecover any sareFi E;,Qym~ztts ;Then +tue and paY- <br />ahtc. out aha}] not. lac reduir,.~i ~ to de_ 'Chin ignment i:fr to tcrmireat[: anal tx~ orn~= mutt and void upon <br />release ezf this mrsrtt,*age. <br />3t_ Hz' shall ttskt cr,mmz± ,.r ~r7nit waste; nnd shall aaintain ihfl ptsrf~rty in as gzx_+d cs,nditisn sa at <br />jaresettt, reaaon~6le ~c[+ar ztn«i t[~ar «•?ccrpted. f.'pun act}• failure to so maintain, ~torigaget?, at its option, <br />may r.`ausr rra~,nai,i+: mainic^ztanee work to tee perfortzxzd K the cyst of Flvrigagor. Any :zmounts paid <br />therefor b~ Mirt'iga#f.:+: shaft ?arse interest nt the rate providcct fvr in the }trrncipai ;ndebtcdness, shalt <br />thes•[:upon txc~ome a ttaz't of the indebxr=dnesa s[~ured by this inatrttmt:zrt, ratably and on a ;verity' with all <br />rather tndrbt+sdnrss seeurecl here6t~, aril shell tin pay°able thirty t301 days after demand. <br />I`.3. if the ,remise+, or any part there[,f, tx~ condemned under the power rf eminent +lomain, yr <br />az~uired for a public us[~, thi3 damages awarri[-t3. the prvicecrts for the takint; of. fr the c-rnasi<3erativn fur <br />such ae@uiaitivn, to the Fxtezsk Fr€ the full amount of Lhe remai:..:,g unpaid tndxt;tedrzess :~rrured by this <br />tn[ct4gage, nr hereh~~ assigne«I to the ~1[,rtgagee. and shall tae paid forth[+-ith to -:ti[3 :Hoz-tgagee*, to tae? <br />appiieel on ac[.Ytunt of the cast maturing installments of such indebG~[lness. <br />i;?. If Lice Idortgagur faits to makr• any paE-mints xi~hen due; err fa rz>nfnrm tv and c~csmply H•itlt any <br />of ttte cvttditions [,r agreements contaizted in this ntvrtgage, or Che natex :ehich it secures, then the <br />attire prlnsipai stem attd arr.rued inter[~t sits}i at oztce laecsattte due and paF°abtF-, at the :election of the <br />~learttw; land tlzi; ttts,rig maY thereupon t>k fvrewtvsed immediate}y for the u'lt[tti~ of the indetited- <br />n~t hermisy st~~tt'+,?{I, iuctuding the cwt of e=xtrztdittg the abstract of title- front the date of this mort- <br />gageice tketttttew of cvmmetscing stteh suit, a reasonabto ativrney's fee.. and arty- sums pa"eel by th«? 1'rterans <br />,Adtttiniatration ~«n aec,,tunt elf the guatranty c«r itcstzrance of the indztittcdn,~,+ta s,~cure~[t ltc:rek,>°, all of which <br />shacg ittc}aI itt ttte time of for~hveut-e. <br />}`A. If tl~ aa~tlit~s stK«ttred hereby be gaarant~~[t r=r inxztr.~d ender 't`itle ~*3. T~nlted States C'rxle. <br />~ 'f'tt~ atad I#ations issued tlr: rarutsdr~r sttd in evert on tt7e ctat>s hr+rrcrf xttai{ govt tut the rtghta, duties <br />tlEkts:crr[ thv~ rt•~t hte~tt>, and any` pmvixione of this [.r ;tt}ter instrutrw:zti<~ rsc~utrd in cvnnrction <br />stitatitts~ '+dttt acre tt~.«tte!1at tt*Itlt `lit}e or }iegutatlatt;; rttYS 3tereby atkc tided tta <br />t~tifttrtrt tller$t+o. <br />ent~rtaittfz he~ttt i shall ~itul, a~ ttto trextefita attd stdtiantage~; steal# intan tr+, th[: <br />