<br />UHtr:t>tat Covetv,it+rs. Borrower and I~rtdcr cavtnam and agrcc as followx:
<br />f. Prytatetrt of lrrtat;pfd arA [stereo, &urowtr shall promptly pay when due tht principal of and interest cos ttte
<br />mdehtednt:sa tvidtnttd by iht Nate, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />oft art Future Advances stcurtd by this Decd of 'Tntst.
<br />2. Frolic frr'lrtiaas aM lltimstnte. Subject to applicable law nr to a writtr:n waiver by Lxtrder, Borrower shall pity
<br />to Lander on the day montMy inslaHments of principal and interest are payaaic under the Note. ttatil the Note is paid in full,
<br />a slim therein "Fufcds") egos! to one-twriftfi of thr yearly taxes tnd assessttunts which may attain priority over this
<br />Deed of Trost, and grated rents on flit Property. if any. plus one-cwt{flh of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />ptets sae-1welNfi•of.yeuly premium-instalments for mortgagt insurance, it any. ail as reasonably estimated.ittitiaAy and-from
<br />time in time by Leader on tht basis of sssesatntnts and hilts and rtasanabte estimates tfiercef.
<br />'the Fttrds shall be herd in an irnlitutittn rite deposits or accounts of which art insurtd'or guarantttd by a Fcsierat or
<br />stato agency titrcfttdinp [.etxfer if Leader is such an institutenrt{. i~c:nder shalt apply the Funds to pay said taxai, assessments.
<br />tnsurame premiums and ground rents. fender may not charge for sea holding and appid'rag the Fuads, afsstlyxlttft-said-acrnitnt
<br />nr verifying and compiling said assessments and hills, unles< Ltnder pays Burrower mtarest on the Fuads and applicable !aw
<br />pet'mits f.en~r to make such a charge. Borrower and Lrndtr nray agrcc in writing at the time tsf exectuion~uf this
<br />Deed of Trvu that interest on flit Funds shall he paid to Borrower, and unless etch agreerttent is matte tic atipficable taw
<br />requires larch interest en be paid, Lendrr shat! mrt rte reyaired to pay &,rrowrr an ~ interest nr carnin$s nn the Funds. Lender
<br />slwlt give to Borrower. withtwt eharga an annual accotmting of the F-mds Jtowtng credits and debris to the Funds and the
<br />pgt'{~e for which each tfibit to the Fords was trade. The Funds arc pledged as addiiiona) security for the satin s~trted
<br />by tbu lked of Trust.
<br />Lf ttte amount ar ,rye Funds field ay t_etder, together with the tuhue monthly installments of Funds paYahie prior to
<br />the due d:des of razes, ant~sunents, :nsurancc premiums and ground rents, short ezcccd tfic amount regturtd to pay said razes.
<br />assesstsients, irnitrance prtmiums and ground mots ar the}' tall dec. such curls .halt hc. ~u Borrower's opttan, either
<br />prrtmptly repaid to Hormwtr au credited to Hrrrrnwrr on mnmhk mstaltments of sFnnds. If the nmmmt ttf the Fuads
<br />held try [.ender shalt not be sui5cieat to pay taxes_ assessments, inwrantt premiums and ground rents as tfity fall din.
<br />Borrower shall pay 6o L_etttier any amount necessary' to make trp flit dx-fitiencv w:thm ;0 days from the dale notice es mailed
<br />try Lender to firortmarrr rt~uestittg payrtrcrit thereof.
<br />Upon payment itr full of alt sums secured h} this Deed of Trusr. Ltnder shat! promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />htid by Lender. 1f under paragraph 18 aamaf the Property ;s sold or the Prnptrty n otherwise acquirrd by fender, i.ender
<br />shalt appfy, tw later than imoudtalety poor to the sale of tae Property or its acquisition by t_ertder, any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the time of tcatioa as a credit against the sums strayed try Phis Deed of Trust.
<br />3. AA11ra1Mst ~lesyttaeen. Unttss applicable taw prawitks othcra•tse, all payments received by fender wader the
<br />Nate and partt;eaphs t and 2 hereof shall be appplied by Lender first :a paymtm of amounts payable to Ltnder hp Borrower
<br />updH puafrapit 2 hereof, thrn tit interest payable on the Nate, thin ro the principal of the NMe, and thin to interest and
<br />principal an any Futtrte Advattrtx.
<br />fs ' LIaM. Btmrower skatl pay art taxes, asstssatents anal ,they charge, fists and impositixsns attributable to
<br />the Property which rosy atttdn a priority over this Deal of Trtut, and leasehold paytttents or ground rents, if any, in the
<br />rrttmaer proved tinder para;npfi 2 hereof err, if trot past in stash mantttr. hY Harrower making paytrtent, when dttt, directly
<br />to ttfe Qpssyee thereof. Yotrowct shall promptly furnish to Lender a!1 ntxices of amounts dtrc under this paragraph, attd in the
<br />event Borrattver shelf tnsirs payment tfirertiy, Harrower shat! ptstmptiy tttrntsh to i_endtr rtcapts rnakncrng such payments.
<br />Borrower shall promptly discharge arty lien which has prwnt} over tats heed of Trust: provtdtd, chat Harrower shall oat fst
<br />regttirt:d to discharge any such lien so Long as l3rnmwcr shall agree :n unti:rg tc the payment of the nbitgattun secured by
<br />such nett is a marraer acceptable to t.enskr, ut shalt en gttasd taus ec}meet setea ften ay, or ekfead cntnrcetrunt of such lien in.
<br />te(Cai pmc which operate to prevterst ,.itt solo^cemertt ut the Irrn a>r .rc,rictwre s,f the L'raptrty or any' part thereof.
<br />3. )~1tt~tttertt. fiort+a,srer t.`tatt keep lac rmprovcrtitnts ns;.r, rx,.r,ng .,: hzrraf[ri trcrted .:n the Property insured
<br />agains4 loss by Ate, Hoards irtcitded witbm the term "esterrdaf .avrr+ge'~ and ;uc!h t>ttttr aazards as i.endtr may require
<br />sad m tgtch titttatitga std for such per+c~rls as txrw'et may reµuoz: ttrnsael~sf, chat t tnit€ ,halt rczt rtgtt:re that the asrnwnt of
<br />such t»srrrage eaceed that ~ -haunt of .artrate rcyurrcd rc pa? the ~::rns sr.u€rd ht 'ors f?tcil of Trt~t.
<br />T!qe itruratttx carrru prariditts the tnwranae shall tx aftatstre by Fiaure,v.cr s,ebteet to approsat a}' t ender. pntveded.
<br />16at NCL"! approval sbsB rites trs; tutreasonabiy withfteld Afl premiums on ,€nuranct poftciee shall tx pard in the maatser
<br />provided trotter para~ 2 hsieof or. tf clot paid to stua rrtant~r. by Borrowu r+,taktng pa}me[u, whin dtit. dirtectly to iltt
<br />sgattrttACt6 Cart7Cr.
<br />A#l ttissrance pedities asd rertesvai ttxcrettt wail Ise rn form a.Ge{,tabfe ;+~ l.enckr and snarl eticttsdt a slattdard mortgage
<br />dattae itt fatrar of and is form at:ctptabit to Lender. Lendrr shaft f{asc the seghi re fiord the policies and rtrtewaht thereof.
<br />sad 0sxrastct sfiaB promptty turn~h to Lenxkr af! remxsat .;utters and !t rcccepts rte peed p€cmwms- fn tae event of loss.
<br />Bort+nw'er absfi pve prompt aottcs to iht ttuurance carrrtr .rod Ltnder. l.cnakr may make pr~t>f of loss ;f not made promptly
<br />fry i~rrower.
<br />Unfeta [.tte$er sad Borrawu xxberwrce agree m..srtftng, tnsurancr praaceds ,soli tx applied tr* re:ioration ur repair of
<br />the Property dammed, prcr••itkd such resu+rattarr or rcpau_+. c.x+netmr..ttty :rasth+e .:txi the stcrtruy trf this Drcd of Trust n
<br />tort it}erdty intpautd. I! such rtstoraturt cx rtpatr rs ttet tca,ru,trtrcatt} Erax+h e nr :tat ste:ttity of this I1eed ut "trust wittrid
<br />bt inipaitltf the ttuurartce prtxeeds shall be ap¢itcd to rite soon secured a} the f..~td r,t trust. wrtF. tat a:ctss~ ti any. pail
<br />to Borrower. H the f?roptrty rs abatxia:ntd by ffarrttwtr. t,r tf Bs+rtuxer lairs to respond to E.cnder within 30 days from the
<br />daft ttaXi;e h aiaikif by t_tstskr to Borsawer !hat !at ensuranct ,~srrrrr offer to +tuk a claim for insurance htntfits, l.emkr
<br />rc autfiortted to cv[[f&xt sad appfy the msuratue pttxeeds at f.cndtr's uptton rtthtr to restoration or repair elf the Praptrty
<br />ar to the sttai! secured by this Decd of 7'nrst.
<br />Vtsfen l.eat~r snit rtor'er tttherwrst agree in writing, :rrt} such appittanan of prtxtes{s to principal Baal! clot extend
<br />Or pastpoae t11C due daft of ills muttihiy imtatirMtrts referred to in paragraphs i sod `hereof ur thaage the amount at
<br />such iastattmeata. if tsgdtr paragraph E x hertvt tat Property ,+ acµu,ttzi.at Lt:ndct, ai! right, title and imerrxt of Bitrratwer
<br />in tttd to arty iasuratice pniitits anndd en anu to the {trsateafs thereat rtsult~tte from damage to the Property prior to the sate
<br />or atatpsisitiott sfwii pass to l,stidt; to t;st estent .+[ the sums xcuecd ray et::s Deed of Trust rmntediately prior to such sate or
<br />aC9urlrthMt.
<br />fs Ptaaatstsiars eri AtsYHusoce ut hts~trty: i,rtsrAeM<~ t'oetiessiwiitmsi Pfanaed t7tsit Dersiopwtetsts, ffnrrawtr
<br />xfiaft keep t~ Propeny rn fsux~xf rtparr arni shall sat sremnrt wa -r {+en~att inipmnnent or ;Irte:riaratic+n ut tt~ Froperty
<br />and stroll cimrpty wish the provts3uts of any ltax d this llee,f a,f T rust is on a teasehnid. It tats Ihed of Trust is cm a ant in a
<br />cotgfntaixtium or a piaattaf watt devektpnttrr" tfarrowx~r sfisif {serJaum art ut Borrower's ohitgatiuns under the declaration
<br />or tier€rtarttx txtatasg at gavtnung lac ~attdomrnium ex {:fanned unit ells-eiopmtnt, the t;y-taws and regulatiatns rrt tat
<br />ur piantud ant[ dtveiopatem, and cottstituertt dax.utncnts !f a candatminium ar pianntd emit aiewthtpmcnt
<br />ter is tattuted Las Borrower and totrrded tagtthet wua tiro [lead of 1 rust, tfut a avenants era! agrreittents of such rrdtr
<br />sbaf! 6e iacarporated imst and shaft atatrai and suppitmem the :,~,enants and agrtemcnis at tats i7etal r:f TTwst as if tat rider
<br />sttexe a pazt fa~aof.
<br />7. 1Rt~eNeut d i.ewdn's yretwfty. ff Borrower farts to ptrfnrm the covenants ant agreements ca,ntatnrd in this
<br />fSbtsd of Ttatx, ar if say auinn or prrxtrding is ca,ntmtnced which ntatrr,aity aiietts ftttders ntterrst in thr ftroptny,
<br />iaC'lixf3ngr frus trot itmittrd ta, tmsnratt don;airt, itixirrtic}, crate ctttc=riement. ni arranf;e'rrttntx a?r prixetxting+ in•t,tving ~t
<br />it{°bptttr detirt, ttrat-Lxndta:at f,tuder's><ptp3a; ttpnn nnrrer tx, Bctrrowtr, may make sash appearamts, di.htrrsc streh
<br />?.utMr and take su.,is actrctn as rs nte,~ssary ta, pr€utct t,rncf,:r`s interest. itu:Indir:t<. httt nr,t limited ts,, diehurenient ==t
<br />rta~rtabk tultoratY'rt fem. and tntrv upon tt~ Esraperty to m:rkr repairs tt Lendrr r-.luocd mnrtgagt rrst;rantr. as .,
<br />rtattditiozs of rnatirtg the Itran st~tucd hs thin [lr~t i7f T"rust, fta3rr.?wrt sh~sii p.ty the prcntenms msluirtd to ntaitN:arn suzh
<br />trtswg-telt.- iA tt~sct urptl such tittle as tltt reyurrentem ic:r each .=tsurattct ttrttvnates in accnrdans:r with tfarrc?w-rr's a=,J
<br />f,ar'sxrritatrs agrtctotrti ar appficair#r law. 0c*;r~.set ihttf >a4 !her anxutu t,f ai! rasa:€igage =nsuran~e f=rrrn,ums to ;ae
<br />%rtsttaer prarfdaid uridet paragraph '_ fitrerif.
<br />Ads t t4isburxd fry f.endtr purse«ns tc, then paragraph '7. ,sith rntett,i thereutn. stroll '+tt:onx= i.S t,rna3
<br />inxkaist~ ttf -pnrr'itw+tr sc,-urrd ay this Lhtaf cs{ ~~r;tst. t °nks. li+~rrower and f .tndtr a4rtt to tHttct rerrns c>f pavnscr•- ,uca
<br />atrate>ffissktaff itt ,nayakira upc>:t nrni<e f€rxm Lttixitr to f&<rrowcr reyucsitng trayntertt tataeatf, acrd shall lilac nttrrtst trr,r„ thr
<br />date erl irasrsrrsrit ai the rate pavahit ttcnn time t,r tsmt un ,=sttsranaittg prin:ipa{ outlet rte ~a3tt +rnirss paYtntnt c'+1 iattrrsr
<br />at > r wenhi Ea txaeltra~ ra sta#tie f3a'. vas waech wvcnt =t.a aarxunts ,3s,ei1 ftt.ar -+irrest ~t the hrghea ratr
<br />~+tt~titidttt-AQ¢ilRs^a~hfr taw 4iothiet{f t.•s,ntatttvt ,n ririe paragraph ? ~f'iai! srq;tira: Lt-txfer to :near auy taper,sc nr rake
<br />atet~pta f+arrostr~r.
<br />hf~ItttMrrb f.ter may make e+r ~ stoat to i+t rttadt rx=astnatsfst enir,ca.+Eparn and inrpr~narttx c:t the Pn,prtty. pr.,, [dead
<br />f3aiti f: d+rrlf time firortuxvet rear=..- ,>s sa,r k3 :tit-; stSS,-h ,r,a{,s:--i+crs spct~:trtnt# tetrsa,+sa'~t,~ ,: atssc itsera#arr ret,uraf ;n t st„icy ,
<br />rtittrtrai in ttse t?"tise:rs'!v.
<br />